Docker is moving fast and Debian / Ubuntu's long term support (LTS) policy doesn't keep up. To work around this we'll install a PPA that will get us the latest version of Docker. For Debian Jessie users, just install from jessie-backports.
Add the upstream Docker repository package signing key. The apt-key command uses elevated privileges via sudo, so a password prompt for the user's password may appear:
Add your user to the `docker` group to enable communication with the Docker daemon as a normal user, where `$USER` is your username. Exit and log in again for the new group to take effect:
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
After **re-logging in** verify the group membership using the id command. The expected response should include docker like the following example:
Once inside the container you'll see the `root@<container id>:/#` prompt signifying that the current shell is in a Docker container. To confirm that it's different from the host, check the version of Debian running in the container: