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# wrapper around "docker build" that creates a temporary directory and copies files into it first so that arbitrary host directories can be copied into containers without bind mounts, but accepts a Dockerfile on stdin
# usage: ./ some-host-directory some-new-image:some-tag <<EOD
# FROM ...
# COPY dir/... /.../
# ie: ./ .../hylang-hello-world librarytest/hylang <<EOD
# FROM hylang
# COPY dir/container.hy /dir/
# CMD ["hy", "/dir/container.hy"]
dir="$1"; shift
[ -d "$dir" ]
imageTag="$1"; shift
tmp="$(mktemp -t -d docker-library-test-build-XXXXXXXXXX)"
trap "rm -rf '$tmp'" EXIT
cat > "$tmp/Dockerfile"
from="$(awk -F '[ \t]+' 'toupper($1) == "FROM" { print $2; exit }' "$tmp/Dockerfile")"
onbuilds="$(docker inspect -f '{{len .Config.OnBuild}}' "$from")"
if [ "$onbuilds" -gt 0 ]; then
# crap, the image we want to build has some ONBUILD instructions
# those are kind of going to ruin our day
# let's do some hacks to strip those bad boys out in a new fake layer
"$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$BASH_SOURCE")")/" "$from" "$imageTag"
awk -F '[ \t]+' 'toupper($1) == "FROM" { $2 = "'"$imageTag"'" } { print }' "$tmp/Dockerfile" > "$tmp/"
mv "$tmp/" "$tmp/Dockerfile"
cp -RL "$dir" "$tmp/dir"
docker build -t "$imageTag" "$tmp" > /dev/null