#!/bin/bash set -e # NOT INTENDED TO BE USED AS A TEST "run.sh" DIRECTLY # SEE OTHER "run-*-in-container.sh" SCRIPTS FOR USAGE testDir="$1" shift image="$1" shift entrypoint="$1" shift # do some fancy footwork so that if testDir is /a/b/c, we mount /a/b and use c as the working directory (so relative symlinks work one level up) thisDir="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$BASH_SOURCE")")" testDir="$(readlink -f "$testDir")" testBase="$(basename "$testDir")" hostMount="$(dirname "$testDir")" containerMount="/tmp/test-dir" workdir="$containerMount/$testBase" # TODO should we be doing something fancy with $BASH_SOURCE instead so we can be arbitrarily deep and mount the top level always? newImage="$("$thisDir/image-name.sh" librarytest/run-in-container "$image--$testBase")" "$thisDir/docker-build.sh" "$hostMount" "$newImage" <