# Dumb Downloader (dudo) # What's it about? It's just a tool to make downloading binaries for different platforms easier. ## For example If you want to build a docker image, but you want to make it available on different platforms. But your tool needs other tools as dependencies, e.g. `helm`. To install helm on Alpine you need to use curl, wget, or something. You need to choose a version, an operating system, and an architecture. For me, it was obvious that you must be able to use `uname -m`... ```BASH uname -m aarch64 uname -m x86_64 uname -m arm64 ``` While release naming is also not very consecutive - release_example.amd-macos.zip - another-release-for-amd64-macos.zip - linux-aarch64-release.zip # How to install? ## Install ### Download Get executable from github releases Prebuilt binaries exist for **Linux x86_64** and **MacOS arm64** and **x86_64** Don't forget to add the binary to $PATH ``` $ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/allanger/clever-install/main/scripts/download_dudo.sh | bash $ dudo -h ``` ### Docker You can use the `latest` or a `tagged` docker image ``` $ docker pull ghcr.io/allanger/clever-install:latest $ docker run ghcr.io/allanger/clever-install:latest dudo -h ``` ### Build from source 1. Build binary ``` $ cargo build --release ``` 2. Run `gum help` # How to use? To be done