
306 lines
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPLv3-or-later WITH Appstore-exception
// Copyright (C) 2017 Xenakios
// Copyright (C) 2020 Jesse Chappell
2017-11-13 17:06:08 +02:00
#include "ps3_BufferingAudioSource.h"
MyBufferingAudioSource::MyBufferingAudioSource(PositionableAudioSource* s,
TimeSliceThread& thread,
bool deleteSourceWhenDeleted,
int bufferSizeSamples,
int numChannels,
2017-11-13 17:06:08 +02:00
bool prefillBufferOnPrepareToPlay)
: source (s, deleteSourceWhenDeleted),
backgroundThread (thread),
numberOfSamplesToBuffer (jmax (1024, bufferSizeSamples)),
numberOfChannels (numChannels),
prefillBuffer (prefillBufferOnPrepareToPlay)
jassert (source != nullptr);
jassert (numberOfSamplesToBuffer > 1024); // not much point using this class if you're
// not using a larger buffer..
void MyBufferingAudioSource::prepareToPlay (int samplesPerBlockExpected, double newSampleRate)
auto bufferSizeNeeded = jmax (samplesPerBlockExpected * 2, numberOfSamplesToBuffer);
2017-11-13 17:06:08 +02:00
if (newSampleRate != sampleRate
|| bufferSizeNeeded != buffer.getNumSamples()
|| ! isPrepared)
backgroundThread.removeTimeSliceClient (this);
isPrepared = true;
sampleRate = newSampleRate;
source->prepareToPlay (samplesPerBlockExpected, newSampleRate);
buffer.setSize (numberOfChannels, bufferSizeNeeded);
bufferValidStart = 0;
bufferValidEnd = 0;
backgroundThread.addTimeSliceClient (this);
backgroundThread.moveToFrontOfQueue (this);
Thread::sleep (5);
while (prefillBuffer
&& (bufferValidEnd - bufferValidStart < jmin (((int) newSampleRate) / 4, buffer.getNumSamples() / 2)));
void MyBufferingAudioSource::releaseResources()
isPrepared = false;
backgroundThread.removeTimeSliceClient (this);
buffer.setSize (numberOfChannels, 0);
// MSVC2015 seems to need this if statement to not generate a warning during linking.
// As source is set in the constructor, there is no way that source could
// ever equal this, but it seems to make MSVC2015 happy.
if (source != this)
void MyBufferingAudioSource::getNextAudioBlock (const AudioSourceChannelInfo& info)
const ScopedLock sl (bufferStartPosLock);
auto start = bufferValidStart.load();
auto end = bufferValidEnd.load();
auto pos = nextPlayPos.load();
auto validStart = (int) (jlimit (start, end, pos) - pos);
auto validEnd = (int) (jlimit (start, end, pos + info.numSamples) - pos);
2017-11-13 17:06:08 +02:00
if (validStart == validEnd)
// total cache miss
if (validStart > 0)
info.buffer->clear (info.startSample, validStart); // partial cache miss at start
if (validEnd < info.numSamples)
info.buffer->clear (info.startSample + validEnd,
info.numSamples - validEnd); // partial cache miss at end
if (validStart < validEnd)
for (int chan = jmin (numberOfChannels, info.buffer->getNumChannels()); --chan >= 0;)
jassert (buffer.getNumSamples() > 0);
auto startBufferIndex = (int) ((validStart + nextPlayPos) % buffer.getNumSamples());
auto endBufferIndex = (int) ((validEnd + nextPlayPos) % buffer.getNumSamples());
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if (startBufferIndex < endBufferIndex)
info.buffer->copyFrom (chan, info.startSample + validStart,
chan, startBufferIndex,
validEnd - validStart);
auto initialSize = buffer.getNumSamples() - startBufferIndex;
2017-11-13 17:06:08 +02:00
info.buffer->copyFrom (chan, info.startSample + validStart,
chan, startBufferIndex,
info.buffer->copyFrom (chan, info.startSample + validStart + initialSize,
chan, 0,
(validEnd - validStart) - initialSize);
nextPlayPos += info.numSamples;
bool MyBufferingAudioSource::waitForNextAudioBlockReady (const AudioSourceChannelInfo& info, uint32 timeout)
2017-11-13 17:06:08 +02:00
if (!source || source->getTotalLength() <= 0)
return false;
if (nextPlayPos + info.numSamples < 0)
return true;
if (! isLooping() && nextPlayPos > getTotalLength())
return true;
auto now = Time::getMillisecondCounter();
auto startTime = now;
2017-11-13 17:06:08 +02:00
auto elapsed = (now >= startTime ? now - startTime
: (std::numeric_limits<uint32>::max() - startTime) + now);
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while (elapsed <= timeout)
const ScopedLock sl (bufferStartPosLock);
auto start = bufferValidStart.load();
auto end = bufferValidEnd.load();
auto pos = nextPlayPos.load();
auto validStart = static_cast<int> (jlimit (start, end, pos) - pos);
auto validEnd = static_cast<int> (jlimit (start, end, pos + info.numSamples) - pos);
2017-11-13 17:06:08 +02:00
if (validStart <= 0 && validStart < validEnd && validEnd >= info.numSamples)
return true;
if (elapsed < timeout && (! bufferReadyEvent.wait (static_cast<int> (timeout - elapsed))))
return false;
now = Time::getMillisecondCounter();
elapsed = (now >= startTime ? now - startTime
: (std::numeric_limits<uint32>::max() - startTime) + now);
return false;
int64 MyBufferingAudioSource::getNextReadPosition() const
jassert (source->getTotalLength() > 0);
auto pos = nextPlayPos.load();
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return (source->isLooping() && nextPlayPos > 0)
? pos % source->getTotalLength()
: pos;
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void MyBufferingAudioSource::setNextReadPosition (int64 newPosition)
const ScopedLock sl (bufferStartPosLock);
nextPlayPos = newPosition;
backgroundThread.moveToFrontOfQueue (this);
bool MyBufferingAudioSource::readNextBufferChunk()
int64 newBVS, newBVE, sectionToReadStart, sectionToReadEnd;
const ScopedLock sl (bufferStartPosLock);
if (wasSourceLooping != isLooping())
wasSourceLooping = isLooping();
bufferValidStart = 0;
bufferValidEnd = 0;
newBVS = jmax ((int64) 0, nextPlayPos.load());
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newBVE = newBVS + buffer.getNumSamples() - 4;
sectionToReadStart = 0;
sectionToReadEnd = 0;
const int maxChunkSize = 2048;
if (newBVS < bufferValidStart || newBVS >= bufferValidEnd)
newBVE = jmin (newBVE, newBVS + maxChunkSize);
sectionToReadStart = newBVS;
sectionToReadEnd = newBVE;
bufferValidStart = 0;
bufferValidEnd = 0;
else if (std::abs ((int) (newBVS - bufferValidStart)) > 512
|| std::abs ((int) (newBVE - bufferValidEnd)) > 512)
newBVE = jmin (newBVE, bufferValidEnd + maxChunkSize);
sectionToReadStart = bufferValidEnd;
sectionToReadEnd = newBVE;
bufferValidStart = newBVS;
bufferValidEnd = jmin (bufferValidEnd.load(), newBVE);
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if (sectionToReadStart == sectionToReadEnd)
return false;
jassert (buffer.getNumSamples() > 0);
auto bufferIndexStart = (int) (sectionToReadStart % buffer.getNumSamples());
auto bufferIndexEnd = (int) (sectionToReadEnd % buffer.getNumSamples());
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if (bufferIndexStart < bufferIndexEnd)
readBufferSection (sectionToReadStart,
(int) (sectionToReadEnd - sectionToReadStart),
auto initialSize = buffer.getNumSamples() - bufferIndexStart;
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readBufferSection (sectionToReadStart,
readBufferSection (sectionToReadStart + initialSize,
(int) (sectionToReadEnd - sectionToReadStart) - initialSize,
const ScopedLock sl2 (bufferStartPosLock);
bufferValidStart = newBVS;
bufferValidEnd = newBVE;
return true;
void MyBufferingAudioSource::readBufferSection (int64 start, int length, int bufferOffset)
2017-11-13 17:06:08 +02:00
if (source->getNextReadPosition() != start)
source->setNextReadPosition (start);
AudioSourceChannelInfo info (&buffer, bufferOffset, length);
source->getNextAudioBlock (info);
int MyBufferingAudioSource::useTimeSlice()
return readNextBufferChunk() ? 1 : 100;
2018-10-15 19:21:11 +03:00
double MyBufferingAudioSource::getPercentReady() const
if (bufferValidEnd == bufferValidStart)
return 0.0;
if (numberOfSamplesToBuffer == 0)
return 0.0;
return 1.0 / numberOfSamplesToBuffer * (bufferValidEnd - bufferValidStart);
2017-11-13 17:06:08 +02:00