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This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited
JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License
Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020).
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Privacy Policy:
Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see
namespace juce
/** A window that displays a message and has buttons for the user to react to it.
For simple dialog boxes with just a couple of buttons on them, there are
some static methods for running these.
For more complex dialogs, an AlertWindow can be created, then it can have some
buttons and components added to it, and its runModalLoop() method is then used to
show it. The value returned by runModalLoop() shows which button the
user pressed to dismiss the box.
@see ThreadWithProgressWindow
class JUCE_API AlertWindow : public TopLevelWindow
/** Creates an AlertWindow.
@param title the headline to show at the top of the dialog box
@param message a longer, more descriptive message to show underneath the
@param iconType the type of icon to display
@param associatedComponent if this is non-null, it specifies the component that the
alert window should be associated with. Depending on the look
and feel, this might be used for positioning of the alert window.
AlertWindow (const String& title,
const String& message,
MessageBoxIconType iconType,
Component* associatedComponent = nullptr);
/** Destroys the AlertWindow */
~AlertWindow() override;
/** Returns the type of alert icon that was specified when the window
was created. */
MessageBoxIconType getAlertType() const noexcept { return alertIconType; }
/** Changes the dialog box's message.
This will also resize the window to fit the new message if required.
void setMessage (const String& message);
/** Adds a button to the window.
@param name the text to show on the button
@param returnValue the value that should be returned from runModalLoop()
if this is the button that the user presses.
@param shortcutKey1 an optional key that can be pressed to trigger this button
@param shortcutKey2 a second optional key that can be pressed to trigger this button
void addButton (const String& name,
int returnValue,
const KeyPress& shortcutKey1 = KeyPress(),
const KeyPress& shortcutKey2 = KeyPress());
/** Returns the number of buttons that the window currently has. */
int getNumButtons() const;
/** Invokes a click of one of the buttons. */
void triggerButtonClick (const String& buttonName);
/** If set to true and the window contains no buttons, then pressing the escape key will make
the alert cancel its modal state.
By default this setting is true - turn it off if you don't want the box to respond to
the escape key. Note that it is ignored if you have any buttons, and in that case you
should give the buttons appropriate keypresses to trigger cancelling if you want to.
void setEscapeKeyCancels (bool shouldEscapeKeyCancel);
/** Adds a textbox to the window for entering strings.
@param name an internal name for the text-box. This is the name to pass to
the getTextEditorContents() method to find out what the
user typed-in.
@param initialContents a string to show in the text box when it's first shown
@param onScreenLabel if this is non-empty, it will be displayed next to the
text-box to label it.
@param isPasswordBox if true, the text editor will display asterisks instead of
the actual text
@see getTextEditorContents
void addTextEditor (const String& name,
const String& initialContents,
const String& onScreenLabel = String(),
bool isPasswordBox = false);
/** Returns the contents of a named textbox.
After showing an AlertWindow that contains a text editor, this can be
used to find out what the user has typed into it.
@param nameOfTextEditor the name of the text box that you're interested in
@see addTextEditor
String getTextEditorContents (const String& nameOfTextEditor) const;
/** Returns a pointer to a textbox that was added with addTextEditor(). */
TextEditor* getTextEditor (const String& nameOfTextEditor) const;
/** Adds a drop-down list of choices to the box.
After the box has been shown, the getComboBoxComponent() method can
be used to find out which item the user picked.
@param name the label to use for the drop-down list
@param items the list of items to show in it
@param onScreenLabel if this is non-empty, it will be displayed next to the
combo-box to label it.
@see getComboBoxComponent
void addComboBox (const String& name,
const StringArray& items,
const String& onScreenLabel = String());
/** Returns a drop-down list that was added to the AlertWindow.
@param nameOfList the name that was passed into the addComboBox() method
when creating the drop-down
@returns the ComboBox component, or nullptr if none was found for the given name.
ComboBox* getComboBoxComponent (const String& nameOfList) const;
/** Adds a block of text.
This is handy for adding a multi-line note next to a textbox or combo-box,
to provide more details about what's going on.
void addTextBlock (const String& text);
/** Adds a progress-bar to the window.
@param progressValue a variable that will be repeatedly checked while the
dialog box is visible, to see how far the process has
got. The value should be in the range 0 to 1.0
void addProgressBarComponent (double& progressValue);
/** Adds a user-defined component to the dialog box.
@param component the component to add - its size should be set up correctly
before it is passed in. The caller is responsible for deleting
the component later on - the AlertWindow won't delete it.
void addCustomComponent (Component* component);
/** Returns the number of custom components in the dialog box.
@see getCustomComponent, addCustomComponent
int getNumCustomComponents() const;
/** Returns one of the custom components in the dialog box.
@param index a value 0 to (getNumCustomComponents() - 1).
Out-of-range indexes will return nullptr
@see getNumCustomComponents, addCustomComponent
Component* getCustomComponent (int index) const;
/** Removes one of the custom components in the dialog box.
Note that this won't delete it, it just removes the component from the window
@param index a value 0 to (getNumCustomComponents() - 1).
Out-of-range indexes will return nullptr
@returns the component that was removed (or null)
@see getNumCustomComponents, addCustomComponent
Component* removeCustomComponent (int index);
/** Returns true if the window contains any components other than just buttons.*/
bool containsAnyExtraComponents() const;
/** Shows a dialog box that just has a message and a single button to get rid of it.
The box is shown modally, and the method will block until the user has clicked the
button (or pressed the escape or return keys).
@param iconType the type of icon to show
@param title the headline to show at the top of the box
@param message a longer, more descriptive message to show underneath the
@param buttonText the text to show in the button - if this string is empty, the
default string "OK" (or a localised version) will be used.
@param associatedComponent if this is non-null, it specifies the component that the
alert window should be associated with. Depending on the look
and feel, this might be used for positioning of the alert window.
static void JUCE_CALLTYPE showMessageBox (MessageBoxIconType iconType,
const String& title,
const String& message,
const String& buttonText = String(),
Component* associatedComponent = nullptr);
/** Shows a dialog box using the specified options.
The box is shown modally, and the method will block until the user dismisses it.
@param options the options to use when creating the dialog.
@returns the index of the button that was clicked.
@see MessageBoxOptions
static int JUCE_CALLTYPE show (const MessageBoxOptions& options);
/** Shows a dialog box using the specified options.
The box will be displayed and placed into a modal state, but this method will return
immediately, and the callback will be invoked later when the user dismisses the box.
@param options the options to use when creating the dialog.
@param callback if this is non-null, the callback will receive a call to its
modalStateFinished() when the box is dismissed with the index of the
button that was clicked as its argument.
The callback object will be owned and deleted by the system, so make sure
that it works safely and doesn't keep any references to objects that might
be deleted before it gets called.
@see MessageBoxOptions
static void JUCE_CALLTYPE showAsync (const MessageBoxOptions& options,
ModalComponentManager::Callback* callback);
/** Shows a dialog box using the specified options.
The box will be displayed and placed into a modal state, but this method will return
immediately, and the callback will be invoked later when the user dismisses the box.
@param options the options to use when creating the dialog.
@param callback if this is non-null, the callback will be called when the box is
dismissed with the index of the button that was clicked as its argument.
@see MessageBoxOptions
static void JUCE_CALLTYPE showAsync (const MessageBoxOptions& options,
std::function<void (int)> callback);
/** Shows a dialog box that just has a message and a single button to get rid of it.
The box will be displayed and placed into a modal state, but this method will
return immediately, and if a callback was supplied, it will be invoked later
when the user dismisses the box.
@param iconType the type of icon to show
@param title the headline to show at the top of the box
@param message a longer, more descriptive message to show underneath the
@param buttonText the text to show in the button - if this string is empty, the
default string "OK" (or a localised version) will be used.
@param associatedComponent if this is non-null, it specifies the component that the
alert window should be associated with. Depending on the look
and feel, this might be used for positioning of the alert window.
@param callback if this is non-null, the callback will receive a call to its
modalStateFinished() when the box is dismissed. The callback object
will be owned and deleted by the system, so make sure that it works
safely and doesn't keep any references to objects that might be deleted
before it gets called.
static void JUCE_CALLTYPE showMessageBoxAsync (MessageBoxIconType iconType,
const String& title,
const String& message,
const String& buttonText = String(),
Component* associatedComponent = nullptr,
ModalComponentManager::Callback* callback = nullptr);
/** Shows a dialog box with two buttons.
Ideal for ok/cancel or yes/no choices. The return key can also be used
to trigger the first button, and the escape key for the second button.
If the callback parameter is null, the box is shown modally, and the method will
block until the user has clicked the button (or pressed the escape or return keys).
If the callback parameter is non-null, the box will be displayed and placed into a
modal state, but this method will return immediately, and the callback will be invoked
later when the user dismisses the box.
@param iconType the type of icon to show
@param title the headline to show at the top of the box
@param message a longer, more descriptive message to show underneath the
@param button1Text the text to show in the first button - if this string is
empty, the default string "OK" (or a localised version of it)
will be used.
@param button2Text the text to show in the second button - if this string is
empty, the default string "cancel" (or a localised version of it)
will be used.
@param associatedComponent if this is non-null, it specifies the component that the
alert window should be associated with. Depending on the look
and feel, this might be used for positioning of the alert window.
@param callback if this is non-null, the menu will be launched asynchronously,
returning immediately, and the callback will receive a call to its
modalStateFinished() when the box is dismissed, with its parameter
being 1 if the ok button was pressed, or 0 for cancel. The callback object
will be owned and deleted by the system, so make sure that it works
safely and doesn't keep any references to objects that might be deleted
before it gets called.
@returns true if button 1 was clicked, false if it was button 2. If the callback parameter
is not null, the method always returns false, and the user's choice is delivered
later by the callback.
static bool JUCE_CALLTYPE showOkCancelBox (MessageBoxIconType iconType,
const String& title,
const String& message,
const String& button1Text = String(),
const String& button2Text = String(),
Component* associatedComponent = nullptr,
ModalComponentManager::Callback* callback = nullptr);
const String& button1Text,
const String& button2Text,
Component* associatedComponent,
ModalComponentManager::Callback* callback);
/** Shows a dialog box with three buttons.
Ideal for yes/no/cancel boxes.
The escape key can be used to trigger the third button.
If the callback parameter is null, the box is shown modally, and the method will
block until the user has clicked the button (or pressed the escape or return keys).
If the callback parameter is non-null, the box will be displayed and placed into a
modal state, but this method will return immediately, and the callback will be invoked
later when the user dismisses the box.
@param iconType the type of icon to show
@param title the headline to show at the top of the box
@param message a longer, more descriptive message to show underneath the
@param button1Text the text to show in the first button - if an empty string, then
"yes" will be used (or a localised version of it)
@param button2Text the text to show in the first button - if an empty string, then
"no" will be used (or a localised version of it)
@param button3Text the text to show in the first button - if an empty string, then
"cancel" will be used (or a localised version of it)
@param associatedComponent if this is non-null, it specifies the component that the
alert window should be associated with. Depending on the look
and feel, this might be used for positioning of the alert window.
@param callback if this is non-null, the menu will be launched asynchronously,
returning immediately, and the callback will receive a call to its
modalStateFinished() when the box is dismissed, with its parameter
being 1 if the "yes" button was pressed, 2 for the "no" button, or 0
if it was cancelled. The callback object will be owned and deleted by the
system, so make sure that it works safely and doesn't keep any references
to objects that might be deleted before it gets called.
@returns If the callback parameter has been set, this returns 0. Otherwise, it
returns one of the following values:
- 0 if the third button was pressed (normally used for 'cancel')
- 1 if the first button was pressed (normally used for 'yes')
- 2 if the middle button was pressed (normally used for 'no')
static int JUCE_CALLTYPE showYesNoCancelBox (MessageBoxIconType iconType,
const String& title,
const String& message,
const String& button1Text = String(),
const String& button2Text = String(),
const String& button3Text = String(),
Component* associatedComponent = nullptr,
ModalComponentManager::Callback* callback = nullptr);
const String& button1Text,
const String& button2Text,
const String& button3Text,
Component* associatedComponent,
ModalComponentManager::Callback* callback);
/** Shows an operating-system native dialog box.
@param title the title to use at the top
@param bodyText the longer message to show
@param isOkCancel if true, this will show an ok/cancel box, if false,
it'll show a box with just an ok button
@returns true if the ok button was pressed, false if they pressed cancel.
[[deprecated ("Use the NativeMessageBox methods instead for more options")]]
static bool JUCE_CALLTYPE showNativeDialogBox (const String& title,
const String& bodyText,
bool isOkCancel);
/** A set of colour IDs to use to change the colour of various aspects of the alert box.
These constants can be used either via the Component::setColour(), or LookAndFeel::setColour()
@see Component::setColour, Component::findColour, LookAndFeel::setColour, LookAndFeel::findColour
enum ColourIds
backgroundColourId = 0x1001800, /**< The background colour for the window. */
textColourId = 0x1001810, /**< The colour for the text. */
outlineColourId = 0x1001820 /**< An optional colour to use to draw a border around the window. */
/** This abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide
alert-window drawing functionality.
struct JUCE_API LookAndFeelMethods
virtual ~LookAndFeelMethods() = default;
virtual AlertWindow* createAlertWindow (const String& title, const String& message,
const String& button1,
const String& button2,
const String& button3,
MessageBoxIconType iconType,
int numButtons,
Component* associatedComponent) = 0;
virtual void drawAlertBox (Graphics&, AlertWindow&, const Rectangle<int>& textArea, TextLayout&) = 0;
virtual int getAlertBoxWindowFlags() = 0;
virtual Array<int> getWidthsForTextButtons (AlertWindow&, const Array<TextButton*>&) = 0;
virtual int getAlertWindowButtonHeight() = 0;
virtual Font getAlertWindowTitleFont() = 0;
virtual Font getAlertWindowMessageFont() = 0;
virtual Font getAlertWindowFont() = 0;
using AlertIconType = MessageBoxIconType;
static constexpr auto NoIcon = MessageBoxIconType::NoIcon;
static constexpr auto QuestionIcon = MessageBoxIconType::QuestionIcon;
static constexpr auto WarningIcon = MessageBoxIconType::WarningIcon;
static constexpr auto InfoIcon = MessageBoxIconType::InfoIcon;
/** @internal */
void paint (Graphics&) override;
/** @internal */
void mouseDown (const MouseEvent&) override;
/** @internal */
void mouseDrag (const MouseEvent&) override;
/** @internal */
bool keyPressed (const KeyPress&) override;
/** @internal */
void lookAndFeelChanged() override;
/** @internal */
void userTriedToCloseWindow() override;
/** @internal */
int getDesktopWindowStyleFlags() const override;
/** @internal */
float getDesktopScaleFactor() const override { return desktopScale * Desktop::getInstance().getGlobalScaleFactor(); }
String text;
TextLayout textLayout;
Label accessibleMessageLabel;
MessageBoxIconType alertIconType;
ComponentBoundsConstrainer constrainer;
ComponentDragger dragger;
Rectangle<int> textArea;
OwnedArray<TextButton> buttons;
OwnedArray<TextEditor> textBoxes;
OwnedArray<ComboBox> comboBoxes;
OwnedArray<ProgressBar> progressBars;
Array<Component*> customComps;
OwnedArray<Component> textBlocks;
Array<Component*> allComps;
StringArray textboxNames, comboBoxNames;
Component* const associatedComponent;
bool escapeKeyCancels = true;
float desktopScale = 1.0f;
std::unique_ptr<AccessibilityHandler> createAccessibilityHandler() override;
void exitAlert (Button* button);
void updateLayout (bool onlyIncreaseSize);
} // namespace juce