/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ #include "DemoContentComponent.h" #include "SettingsContent.h" #include "MainComponent.h" //============================================================================== struct DemoContent : public Component { DemoContent() noexcept {} void resized() override { if (comp != nullptr) comp->setBounds (getLocalBounds()); } void setComponent (Component* newComponent) { comp.reset (newComponent); if (comp != nullptr) { addAndMakeVisible (comp.get()); resized(); } } Component* getComponent() const noexcept { return comp.get(); } void showHomeScreen() { setComponent (createIntroDemo()); } private: std::unique_ptr comp; }; //============================================================================== #if ! (JUCE_ANDROID || JUCE_IOS) struct CodeContent : public Component { CodeContent() { addAndMakeVisible (codeEditor); codeEditor.setReadOnly (true); codeEditor.setScrollbarThickness (8); lookAndFeelChanged(); } void resized() override { codeEditor.setBounds (getLocalBounds()); } void setDefaultCodeContent() { document.replaceAllContent ("\n/*******************************************************************************\n" " Select one of the demos from the side panel on the left to see\n" " its code here and an instance running in the \"Demo\" tab!\n" "*******************************************************************************/\n"); } void lookAndFeelChanged() override { auto* v4 = dynamic_cast (&Desktop::getInstance().getDefaultLookAndFeel()); if (v4 != nullptr && (v4->getCurrentColourScheme() != LookAndFeel_V4::getLightColourScheme())) codeEditor.setColourScheme (getDarkColourScheme()); else codeEditor.setColourScheme (getLightColourScheme()); } CodeDocument document; CPlusPlusCodeTokeniser cppTokensier; CodeEditorComponent codeEditor { document, &cppTokensier }; }; #endif //============================================================================== DemoContentComponent::DemoContentComponent (Component& mainComponent, std::function callback) : TabbedComponent (TabbedButtonBar::Orientation::TabsAtTop), demoChangedCallback (std::move (callback)) { demoContent.reset (new DemoContent()); addTab ("Demo", Colours::transparentBlack, demoContent.get(), false); #if ! (JUCE_ANDROID || JUCE_IOS) codeContent.reset (new CodeContent()); addTab ("Code", Colours::transparentBlack, codeContent.get(), false); #endif addTab ("Settings", Colours::transparentBlack, new SettingsContent (dynamic_cast (mainComponent)), true); setTabBarDepth (40); lookAndFeelChanged(); } DemoContentComponent::~DemoContentComponent() { } void DemoContentComponent::resized() { TabbedComponent::resized(); if (tabBarIndent > 0) getTabbedButtonBar().setBounds (getTabbedButtonBar().getBounds().withTrimmedLeft (tabBarIndent)); } void DemoContentComponent::setDemo (const String& category, int selectedDemoIndex) { if ((currentDemoCategory == category) && (currentDemoIndex == selectedDemoIndex)) return; auto demo = JUCEDemos::getCategory (category).demos[(size_t) selectedDemoIndex]; #if ! (JUCE_ANDROID || JUCE_IOS) codeContent->document.replaceAllContent (trimPIP (demo.demoFile.loadFileAsString())); codeContent->codeEditor.scrollToLine (0); #endif auto* content = demo.callback(); demoContent->setComponent (content); demoChangedCallback (demo.isHeavyweight); ensureDemoIsShowing(); currentDemoCategory = category; currentDemoIndex = selectedDemoIndex; } bool DemoContentComponent::isShowingHomeScreen() const noexcept { return isComponentIntroDemo (demoContent->getComponent()) && getCurrentTabIndex() == 0; } void DemoContentComponent::showHomeScreen() { demoContent->showHomeScreen(); #if ! (JUCE_ANDROID || JUCE_IOS) codeContent->setDefaultCodeContent(); #endif demoChangedCallback (false); ensureDemoIsShowing(); resized(); currentDemoCategory = {}; currentDemoIndex = -1; } void DemoContentComponent::clearCurrentDemo() { demoContent->setComponent (nullptr); demoChangedCallback (false); } void DemoContentComponent::lookAndFeelChanged() { auto backgroundColour = findColour (ResizableWindow::backgroundColourId); for (int i = 0; i < getNumTabs(); ++i) setTabBackgroundColour (i, backgroundColour); } String DemoContentComponent::trimPIP (const String& fileContents) { auto lines = StringArray::fromLines (fileContents); auto metadataEndIndex = lines.indexOf (" END_JUCE_PIP_METADATA"); if (metadataEndIndex == -1) return fileContents; lines.removeRange (0, metadataEndIndex + 3); // account for newline and comment block end return lines.joinIntoString ("\n"); } void DemoContentComponent::ensureDemoIsShowing() { if (getCurrentTabIndex() == (getNumTabs() - 1)) setCurrentTabIndex (0); }