/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE examples. Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited The code included in this file is provided under the terms of the ISC license http://www.isc.org/downloads/software-support-policy/isc-license. Permission To use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ /******************************************************************************* The block below describes the properties of this PIP. A PIP is a short snippet of code that can be read by the Projucer and used to generate a JUCE project. BEGIN_JUCE_PIP_METADATA name: AnimationDemo version: 1.0.0 vendor: JUCE website: http://juce.com description: Displays an animated draggable ball. dependencies: juce_core, juce_data_structures, juce_events, juce_graphics, juce_gui_basics exporters: xcode_mac, vs2019, linux_make, androidstudio, xcode_iphone moduleFlags: JUCE_STRICT_REFCOUNTEDPOINTER=1 type: Component mainClass: AnimationDemo useLocalCopy: 1 END_JUCE_PIP_METADATA *******************************************************************************/ #pragma once #include "../Assets/DemoUtilities.h" //============================================================================== /** This will be the source of our balls and can be dragged around. */ class BallGeneratorComponent : public Component { public: BallGeneratorComponent() {} void paint (Graphics& g) override { auto area = getLocalBounds().reduced (2); g.setColour (Colours::orange); g.drawRoundedRectangle (area.toFloat(), 10.0f, 2.0f); g.setColour (findColour (TextButton::textColourOffId)); g.drawFittedText ("Drag Me!", area, Justification::centred, 1); } void resized() override { // Just set the limits of our constrainer so that we don't drag ourselves off the screen constrainer.setMinimumOnscreenAmounts (getHeight(), getWidth(), getHeight(), getWidth()); } void mouseDown (const MouseEvent& e) override { // Prepares our dragger to drag this Component dragger.startDraggingComponent (this, e); } void mouseDrag (const MouseEvent& e) override { // Moves this Component according to the mouse drag event and applies our constraints to it dragger.dragComponent (this, e, &constrainer); } private: ComponentBoundsConstrainer constrainer; ComponentDragger dragger; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (BallGeneratorComponent) }; //============================================================================== struct BallComponent : public Component { BallComponent (Point pos) : position (pos), speed (Random::getSystemRandom().nextFloat() * 4.0f - 2.0f, Random::getSystemRandom().nextFloat() * -6.0f - 2.0f), colour (Colours::white) { setSize (20, 20); step(); } bool step() { position += speed; speed.y += 0.1f; setCentrePosition ((int) position.x, (int) position.y); if (auto* parent = getParentComponent()) return isPositiveAndBelow (position.x, (float) parent->getWidth()) && position.y < (float) parent->getHeight(); return position.y < 400.0f && position.x >= -10.0f; } void paint (Graphics& g) override { g.setColour (colour); g.fillEllipse (2.0f, 2.0f, (float) getWidth() - 4.0f, (float) getHeight() - 4.0f); g.setColour (Colours::darkgrey); g.drawEllipse (2.0f, 2.0f, (float) getWidth() - 4.0f, (float) getHeight() - 4.0f, 1.0f); } Point position, speed; Colour colour; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (BallComponent) }; //============================================================================== class AnimationDemo : public Component, private Timer { public: AnimationDemo() { setOpaque (true); for (auto i = 0; i < 11; ++i) { auto* b = createButton(); componentsToAnimate.add (b); addAndMakeVisible (b); b->onClick = [this] { triggerAnimation(); }; } addAndMakeVisible (ballGenerator); cycleCount = 2; startTimerHz (60); setSize (620, 620); } void paint (Graphics& g) override { g.fillAll (findColour (ResizableWindow::backgroundColourId)); } void resized() override { ballGenerator.centreWithSize (80, 50); triggerAnimation(); } private: OwnedArray componentsToAnimate; OwnedArray balls; BallGeneratorComponent ballGenerator; ComponentAnimator animator; int cycleCount; bool firstCallback = true; Button* createRandomButton() { DrawablePath normal, over; Path star1; star1.addStar ({}, 5, 20.0f, 50.0f, 0.2f); normal.setPath (star1); normal.setFill (Colours::red); Path star2; star2.addStar ({}, 7, 30.0f, 50.0f, 0.0f); over.setPath (star2); over.setFill (Colours::pink); over.setStrokeFill (Colours::black); over.setStrokeThickness (5.0f); auto juceIcon = getImageFromAssets ("juce_icon.png"); DrawableImage down; down.setImage (juceIcon); down.setOverlayColour (Colours::black.withAlpha (0.3f)); if (Random::getSystemRandom().nextInt (10) > 2) { auto type = Random::getSystemRandom().nextInt (3); auto* d = new DrawableButton ("Button", type == 0 ? DrawableButton::ImageOnButtonBackground : (type == 1 ? DrawableButton::ImageFitted : DrawableButton::ImageAboveTextLabel)); d->setImages (&normal, Random::getSystemRandom().nextBool() ? &over : nullptr, Random::getSystemRandom().nextBool() ? &down : nullptr); if (Random::getSystemRandom().nextBool()) { d->setColour (DrawableButton::backgroundColourId, getRandomBrightColour()); d->setColour (DrawableButton::backgroundOnColourId, getRandomBrightColour()); } d->setClickingTogglesState (Random::getSystemRandom().nextBool()); return d; } auto* b = new ImageButton ("ImageButton"); b->setImages (true, true, true, juceIcon, 0.7f, Colours::transparentBlack, juceIcon, 1.0f, getRandomDarkColour() .withAlpha (0.2f), juceIcon, 1.0f, getRandomBrightColour().withAlpha (0.8f), 0.5f); return b; } Button* createButton() { auto juceIcon = getImageFromAssets ("juce_icon.png").rescaled (128, 128); auto* b = new ImageButton ("ImageButton"); b->setImages (true, true, true, juceIcon, 1.0f, Colours::transparentBlack, juceIcon, 1.0f, Colours::white, juceIcon, 1.0f, Colours::white, 0.5f); return b; } void triggerAnimation() { auto width = getWidth(); auto height = getHeight(); bool useWidth = (height > width); for (auto* component : componentsToAnimate) { auto newIndex = (componentsToAnimate.indexOf (component) + 3 * cycleCount) % componentsToAnimate.size(); auto angle = (float) newIndex * MathConstants::twoPi / (float) componentsToAnimate.size(); auto radius = useWidth ? (float) width * 0.35f : (float) height * 0.35f; Rectangle r (getWidth() / 2 + (int) (radius * std::sin (angle)) - 50, getHeight() / 2 + (int) (radius * std::cos (angle)) - 50, 100, 100); animator.animateComponent (component, r.reduced (10), 1.0f, 900 + (int) (300 * std::sin (angle)), false, 0.0, 0.0); } ++cycleCount; } void timerCallback() override { if (firstCallback) { triggerAnimation(); firstCallback = false; } // Go through each of our balls and update their position for (int i = balls.size(); --i >= 0;) if (! balls.getUnchecked (i)->step()) balls.remove (i); // Randomly generate new balls if (Random::getSystemRandom().nextInt (100) < 4) addAndMakeVisible (balls.add (new BallComponent (ballGenerator.getBounds().getCentre().toFloat()))); } JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (AnimationDemo) };