/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE examples. Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited The code included in this file is provided under the terms of the ISC license http://www.isc.org/downloads/software-support-policy/isc-license. Permission To use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ /******************************************************************************* The block below describes the properties of this PIP. A PIP is a short snippet of code that can be read by the Projucer and used to generate a JUCE project. BEGIN_JUCE_PIP_METADATA name: VideoDemo version: 1.0.0 vendor: JUCE website: http://juce.com description: Plays video files. dependencies: juce_core, juce_data_structures, juce_events, juce_graphics, juce_gui_basics, juce_gui_extra, juce_video exporters: xcode_mac, vs2019, androidstudio, xcode_iphone moduleFlags: JUCE_STRICT_REFCOUNTEDPOINTER=1 type: Component mainClass: VideoDemo useLocalCopy: 1 END_JUCE_PIP_METADATA *******************************************************************************/ #pragma once #include "../Assets/DemoUtilities.h" #if JUCE_MAC || JUCE_WINDOWS //============================================================================== // so that we can easily have two video windows each with a file browser, wrap this up as a class.. class MovieComponentWithFileBrowser : public Component, public DragAndDropTarget, private FilenameComponentListener { public: MovieComponentWithFileBrowser() : videoComp (true) { addAndMakeVisible (videoComp); addAndMakeVisible (fileChooser); fileChooser.addListener (this); fileChooser.setBrowseButtonText ("browse"); } void setFile (const File& file) { fileChooser.setCurrentFile (file, true); } void paintOverChildren (Graphics& g) override { if (isDragOver) { g.setColour (Colours::red); g.drawRect (fileChooser.getBounds(), 2); } } void resized() override { videoComp.setBounds (getLocalBounds().reduced (10)); } bool isInterestedInDragSource (const SourceDetails&) override { return true; } void itemDragEnter (const SourceDetails&) override { isDragOver = true; repaint(); } void itemDragExit (const SourceDetails&) override { isDragOver = false; repaint(); } void itemDropped (const SourceDetails& dragSourceDetails) override { setFile (dragSourceDetails.description.toString()); isDragOver = false; repaint(); } private: VideoComponent videoComp; bool isDragOver = false; FilenameComponent fileChooser { "movie", {}, true, false, false, "*", {}, "(choose a video file to play)"}; void filenameComponentChanged (FilenameComponent*) override { auto url = URL (fileChooser.getCurrentFile()); // this is called when the user changes the filename in the file chooser box auto result = videoComp.load (url); videoLoadingFinished (url, result); } void videoLoadingFinished (const URL& url, Result result) { ignoreUnused (url); if (result.wasOk()) { // loaded the file ok, so let's start it playing.. videoComp.play(); resized(); // update to reflect the video's aspect ratio } else { AlertWindow::showMessageBoxAsync (MessageBoxIconType::WarningIcon, "Couldn't load the file!", result.getErrorMessage()); } } JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (MovieComponentWithFileBrowser) }; //============================================================================== class VideoDemo : public Component, public DragAndDropContainer, private FileBrowserListener { public: VideoDemo() { setOpaque (true); movieList.setDirectory (File::getSpecialLocation (File::userMoviesDirectory), true, true); directoryThread.startThread (1); fileTree.setTitle ("Files"); fileTree.addListener (this); fileTree.setColour (FileTreeComponent::backgroundColourId, Colours::lightgrey.withAlpha (0.6f)); addAndMakeVisible (fileTree); addAndMakeVisible (resizerBar); loadLeftButton .onClick = [this] { movieCompLeft .setFile (fileTree.getSelectedFile (0)); }; loadRightButton.onClick = [this] { movieCompRight.setFile (fileTree.getSelectedFile (0)); }; addAndMakeVisible (loadLeftButton); addAndMakeVisible (loadRightButton); addAndMakeVisible (movieCompLeft); addAndMakeVisible (movieCompRight); // we have to set up our StretchableLayoutManager so it know the limits and preferred sizes of it's contents stretchableManager.setItemLayout (0, // for the fileTree -0.1, -0.9, // must be between 50 pixels and 90% of the available space -0.3); // and its preferred size is 30% of the total available space stretchableManager.setItemLayout (1, // for the resize bar 5, 5, 5); // hard limit to 5 pixels stretchableManager.setItemLayout (2, // for the movie components -0.1, -0.9, // size must be between 50 pixels and 90% of the available space -0.7); // and its preferred size is 70% of the total available space setSize (500, 500); } ~VideoDemo() override { fileTree.removeListener (this); } void paint (Graphics& g) override { g.fillAll (getUIColourIfAvailable (LookAndFeel_V4::ColourScheme::UIColour::windowBackground)); } void resized() override { // make a list of two of our child components that we want to reposition Component* comps[] = { &fileTree, &resizerBar, nullptr }; // this will position the 3 components, one above the other, to fit // vertically into the rectangle provided. stretchableManager.layOutComponents (comps, 3, 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), true, true); // now position out two video components in the space that's left auto area = getLocalBounds().removeFromBottom (getHeight() - resizerBar.getBottom()); { auto buttonArea = area.removeFromTop (30); loadLeftButton .setBounds (buttonArea.removeFromLeft (buttonArea.getWidth() / 2).reduced (5)); loadRightButton.setBounds (buttonArea.reduced (5)); } movieCompLeft .setBounds (area.removeFromLeft (area.getWidth() / 2).reduced (5)); movieCompRight.setBounds (area.reduced (5)); } private: std::unique_ptr fileChooser; WildcardFileFilter moviesWildcardFilter { "*", "*", "Movies File Filter" }; TimeSliceThread directoryThread { "Movie File Scanner Thread" }; DirectoryContentsList movieList { &moviesWildcardFilter, directoryThread }; FileTreeComponent fileTree { movieList }; StretchableLayoutManager stretchableManager; StretchableLayoutResizerBar resizerBar { &stretchableManager, 1, false }; TextButton loadLeftButton { "Load Left" }, loadRightButton { "Load Right" }; MovieComponentWithFileBrowser movieCompLeft, movieCompRight; void selectionChanged() override { // we're just going to update the drag description of out tree so that rows can be dragged onto the file players fileTree.setDragAndDropDescription (fileTree.getSelectedFile().getFullPathName()); } void fileClicked (const File&, const MouseEvent&) override {} void fileDoubleClicked (const File&) override {} void browserRootChanged (const File&) override {} void selectVideoFile() { fileChooser.reset (new FileChooser ("Choose a file to open...", File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory(), "*", false)); fileChooser->launchAsync (FileBrowserComponent::openMode | FileBrowserComponent::canSelectFiles, [this] (const FileChooser& chooser) { String chosen; auto results = chooser.getURLResults(); // TODO: support non local files too if (results.size() > 0) movieCompLeft.setFile (results[0].getLocalFile()); }); } JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (VideoDemo) }; #elif JUCE_IOS || JUCE_ANDROID //============================================================================== class VideoDemo : public Component, private Timer { public: VideoDemo() : videoCompWithNativeControls (true), videoCompNoNativeControls (false) { loadLocalButton .onClick = [this] { selectVideoFile(); }; loadUrlButton .onClick = [this] { showVideoUrlPrompt(); }; seekToStartButton.onClick = [this] { seekVideoToStart(); }; playButton .onClick = [this] { playVideo(); }; pauseButton .onClick = [this] { pauseVideo(); }; unloadButton .onClick = [this] { unloadVideoFile(); }; volumeLabel .setColour (Label::textColourId, Colours::white); currentPositionLabel.setColour (Label::textColourId, Colours::white); volumeLabel .setJustificationType (Justification::right); currentPositionLabel.setJustificationType (Justification::right); volumeSlider .setRange (0.0, 1.0); positionSlider.setRange (0.0, 1.0); volumeSlider .setSliderSnapsToMousePosition (false); positionSlider.setSliderSnapsToMousePosition (false); volumeSlider.setSkewFactor (1.5); volumeSlider.setValue (1.0, dontSendNotification); #if JUCE_SYNC_VIDEO_VOLUME_WITH_OS_MEDIA_VOLUME curVideoComp->onGlobalMediaVolumeChanged = [this]() { volumeSlider.setValue (curVideoComp->getAudioVolume(), dontSendNotification); }; #endif volumeSlider .onValueChange = [this]() { curVideoComp->setAudioVolume ((float) volumeSlider.getValue()); }; positionSlider.onValueChange = [this]() { seekVideoToNormalisedPosition (positionSlider.getValue()); }; positionSlider.onDragStart = [this]() { positionSliderDragging = true; wasPlayingBeforeDragStart = curVideoComp->isPlaying(); if (wasPlayingBeforeDragStart) curVideoComp->stop(); }; positionSlider.onDragEnd = [this]() { if (wasPlayingBeforeDragStart) curVideoComp->play(); wasPlayingBeforeDragStart = false; // Ensure the slider does not temporarily jump back on consecutive timer callback. Timer::callAfterDelay (500, [this]() { positionSliderDragging = false; }); }; playSpeedComboBox.addItem ("25%", 25); playSpeedComboBox.addItem ("50%", 50); playSpeedComboBox.addItem ("100%", 100); playSpeedComboBox.addItem ("200%", 200); playSpeedComboBox.addItem ("400%", 400); playSpeedComboBox.setSelectedId (100, dontSendNotification); playSpeedComboBox.onChange = [this]() { curVideoComp->setPlaySpeed (playSpeedComboBox.getSelectedId() / 100.0); }; setTransportControlsEnabled (false); addAndMakeVisible (loadLocalButton); addAndMakeVisible (loadUrlButton); addAndMakeVisible (volumeLabel); addAndMakeVisible (volumeSlider); addChildComponent (videoCompWithNativeControls); addChildComponent (videoCompNoNativeControls); addAndMakeVisible (positionSlider); addAndMakeVisible (currentPositionLabel); addAndMakeVisible (playSpeedComboBox); addAndMakeVisible (seekToStartButton); addAndMakeVisible (playButton); addAndMakeVisible (unloadButton); addChildComponent (pauseButton); setSize (500, 500); RuntimePermissions::request (RuntimePermissions::readExternalStorage, [] (bool granted) { if (! granted) { AlertWindow::showMessageBoxAsync (MessageBoxIconType::WarningIcon, "Permissions warning", "External storage access permission not granted, some files" " may be inaccessible."); } }); setPortraitOrientationEnabled (true); } ~VideoDemo() override { curVideoComp->onPlaybackStarted = nullptr; curVideoComp->onPlaybackStopped = nullptr; curVideoComp->onErrorOccurred = nullptr; curVideoComp->onGlobalMediaVolumeChanged = nullptr; setPortraitOrientationEnabled (false); } void paint (Graphics& g) override { g.fillAll (getUIColourIfAvailable (LookAndFeel_V4::ColourScheme::UIColour::windowBackground)); } void resized() override { auto area = getLocalBounds(); int marginSize = 5; int buttonHeight = 20; area.reduce (0, marginSize); auto topArea = area.removeFromTop (buttonHeight); loadLocalButton.setBounds (topArea.removeFromLeft (topArea.getWidth() / 6)); loadUrlButton.setBounds (topArea.removeFromLeft (loadLocalButton.getWidth())); volumeLabel.setBounds (topArea.removeFromLeft (loadLocalButton.getWidth())); volumeSlider.setBounds (topArea.reduced (10, 0)); auto transportArea = area.removeFromBottom (buttonHeight); auto positionArea = area.removeFromBottom (buttonHeight).reduced (marginSize, 0); playSpeedComboBox.setBounds (transportArea.removeFromLeft (jmax (50, transportArea.getWidth() / 5))); auto controlWidth = transportArea.getWidth() / 3; currentPositionLabel.setBounds (positionArea.removeFromRight (jmax (150, controlWidth))); positionSlider.setBounds (positionArea); seekToStartButton.setBounds (transportArea.removeFromLeft (controlWidth)); playButton .setBounds (transportArea.removeFromLeft (controlWidth)); unloadButton .setBounds (transportArea.removeFromLeft (controlWidth)); pauseButton.setBounds (playButton.getBounds()); area.removeFromTop (marginSize); area.removeFromBottom (marginSize); videoCompWithNativeControls.setBounds (area); videoCompNoNativeControls.setBounds (area); if (positionSlider.getWidth() > 0) positionSlider.setMouseDragSensitivity (positionSlider.getWidth()); } private: TextButton loadLocalButton { "Load Local" }; TextButton loadUrlButton { "Load URL" }; Label volumeLabel { "volumeLabel", "Vol:" }; Slider volumeSlider { Slider::LinearHorizontal, Slider::NoTextBox }; VideoComponent videoCompWithNativeControls; VideoComponent videoCompNoNativeControls; #if JUCE_IOS || JUCE_MAC VideoComponent* curVideoComp = &videoCompWithNativeControls; #else VideoComponent* curVideoComp = &videoCompNoNativeControls; #endif bool isFirstSetup = true; Slider positionSlider { Slider::LinearHorizontal, Slider::NoTextBox }; bool positionSliderDragging = false; bool wasPlayingBeforeDragStart = false; Label currentPositionLabel { "currentPositionLabel", "-:- / -:-" }; ComboBox playSpeedComboBox { "playSpeedComboBox" }; TextButton seekToStartButton { "|<" }; TextButton playButton { "Play" }; TextButton pauseButton { "Pause" }; TextButton unloadButton { "Unload" }; std::unique_ptr fileChooser; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (VideoDemo) JUCE_DECLARE_WEAK_REFERENCEABLE (VideoDemo) //============================================================================== void setPortraitOrientationEnabled (bool shouldBeEnabled) { auto allowedOrientations = Desktop::getInstance().getOrientationsEnabled(); if (shouldBeEnabled) allowedOrientations |= Desktop::upright; else allowedOrientations &= ~Desktop::upright; Desktop::getInstance().setOrientationsEnabled (allowedOrientations); } void setTransportControlsEnabled (bool shouldBeEnabled) { positionSlider .setEnabled (shouldBeEnabled); playSpeedComboBox.setEnabled (shouldBeEnabled); seekToStartButton.setEnabled (shouldBeEnabled); playButton .setEnabled (shouldBeEnabled); unloadButton .setEnabled (shouldBeEnabled); pauseButton .setEnabled (shouldBeEnabled); } void selectVideoFile() { fileChooser.reset (new FileChooser ("Choose a video file to open...", File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory(), "*", true)); fileChooser->launchAsync (FileBrowserComponent::openMode | FileBrowserComponent::canSelectFiles, [this] (const FileChooser& chooser) { auto results = chooser.getURLResults(); if (results.size() > 0) loadVideo (results[0]); }); } void loadVideo (const URL& url) { unloadVideoFile(); #if JUCE_IOS || JUCE_MAC askIfUseNativeControls (url); #else loadUrl (url); setupVideoComp (false); #endif } void askIfUseNativeControls (const URL& url) { auto* aw = new AlertWindow ("Choose viewer type", {}, MessageBoxIconType::NoIcon); aw->addButton ("Yes", 1, KeyPress (KeyPress::returnKey)); aw->addButton ("No", 0, KeyPress (KeyPress::escapeKey)); aw->addTextBlock ("Do you want to use the viewer with native controls?"); auto callback = ModalCallbackFunction::forComponent (videoViewerTypeChosen, this, url); aw->enterModalState (true, callback, true); } static void videoViewerTypeChosen (int result, VideoDemo* owner, URL url) { if (owner != nullptr) { owner->setupVideoComp (result != 0); owner->loadUrl (url); } } void setupVideoComp (bool useNativeViewerWithNativeControls) { auto* oldVideoComp = curVideoComp; if (useNativeViewerWithNativeControls) curVideoComp = &videoCompWithNativeControls; else curVideoComp = &videoCompNoNativeControls; if (isFirstSetup || oldVideoComp != curVideoComp) { oldVideoComp->onPlaybackStarted = nullptr; oldVideoComp->onPlaybackStopped = nullptr; oldVideoComp->onErrorOccurred = nullptr; oldVideoComp->setVisible (false); curVideoComp->onPlaybackStarted = [this]() { processPlaybackStarted(); }; curVideoComp->onPlaybackStopped = [this]() { processPlaybackPaused(); }; curVideoComp->onErrorOccurred = [this](const String& errorMessage) { errorOccurred (errorMessage); }; curVideoComp->setVisible (true); #if JUCE_SYNC_VIDEO_VOLUME_WITH_OS_MEDIA_VOLUME oldVideoComp->onGlobalMediaVolumeChanged = nullptr; curVideoComp->onGlobalMediaVolumeChanged = [this]() { volumeSlider.setValue (curVideoComp->getAudioVolume(), dontSendNotification); }; #endif } isFirstSetup = false; } void loadUrl (const URL& url) { curVideoComp->loadAsync (url, [this] (const URL& u, Result r) { videoLoadingFinished (u, r); }); } void showVideoUrlPrompt() { auto* aw = new AlertWindow ("Enter URL for video to load", {}, MessageBoxIconType::NoIcon); aw->addButton ("OK", 1, KeyPress (KeyPress::returnKey)); aw->addButton ("Cancel", 0, KeyPress (KeyPress::escapeKey)); aw->addTextEditor ("videoUrlTextEditor", "https://www.rmp-streaming.com/media/bbb-360p.mp4"); auto callback = ModalCallbackFunction::forComponent (videoUrlPromptClosed, this, Component::SafePointer (aw)); aw->enterModalState (true, callback, true); } static void videoUrlPromptClosed (int result, VideoDemo* owner, Component::SafePointer aw) { if (result != 0 && owner != nullptr && aw != nullptr) { auto url = aw->getTextEditorContents ("videoUrlTextEditor"); if (url.isNotEmpty()) owner->loadVideo (url); } } void videoLoadingFinished (const URL& url, Result result) { ignoreUnused (url); if (result.wasOk()) { resized(); // update to reflect the video's aspect ratio setTransportControlsEnabled (true); currentPositionLabel.setText (getPositionString (0.0, curVideoComp->getVideoDuration()), sendNotification); positionSlider.setValue (0.0, dontSendNotification); playSpeedComboBox.setSelectedId (100, dontSendNotification); } else { AlertWindow::showMessageBoxAsync (MessageBoxIconType::WarningIcon, "Couldn't load the file!", result.getErrorMessage()); } } static String getPositionString (double playPositionSeconds, double durationSeconds) { auto positionMs = static_cast (1000 * playPositionSeconds); int posMinutes = positionMs / 60000; int posSeconds = (positionMs % 60000) / 1000; int posMillis = positionMs % 1000; auto totalMs = static_cast (1000 * durationSeconds); int totMinutes = totalMs / 60000; int totSeconds = (totalMs % 60000) / 1000; int totMillis = totalMs % 1000; return String::formatted ("%02d:%02d:%03d / %02d:%02d:%03d", posMinutes, posSeconds, posMillis, totMinutes, totSeconds, totMillis); } void updatePositionSliderAndLabel() { auto position = curVideoComp->getPlayPosition(); auto duration = curVideoComp->getVideoDuration(); currentPositionLabel.setText (getPositionString (position, duration), sendNotification); if (! positionSliderDragging) positionSlider.setValue (duration != 0 ? (position / duration) : 0.0, dontSendNotification); } void seekVideoToStart() { seekVideoToNormalisedPosition (0.0); } void seekVideoToNormalisedPosition (double normalisedPos) { normalisedPos = jlimit (0.0, 1.0, normalisedPos); auto duration = curVideoComp->getVideoDuration(); auto newPos = jlimit (0.0, duration, duration * normalisedPos); curVideoComp->setPlayPosition (newPos); currentPositionLabel.setText (getPositionString (newPos, curVideoComp->getVideoDuration()), sendNotification); positionSlider.setValue (normalisedPos, dontSendNotification); } void playVideo() { curVideoComp->play(); } void processPlaybackStarted() { playButton.setVisible (false); pauseButton.setVisible (true); startTimer (20); } void pauseVideo() { curVideoComp->stop(); } void processPlaybackPaused() { // On seeking to a new pos, the playback may be temporarily paused. if (positionSliderDragging) return; pauseButton.setVisible (false); playButton.setVisible (true); } void errorOccurred (const String& errorMessage) { AlertWindow::showMessageBoxAsync (MessageBoxIconType::InfoIcon, "An error has occurred", errorMessage + ", video will be unloaded."); unloadVideoFile(); } void unloadVideoFile() { curVideoComp->closeVideo(); setTransportControlsEnabled (false); stopTimer(); pauseButton.setVisible (false); playButton.setVisible (true); currentPositionLabel.setText ("-:- / -:-", sendNotification); positionSlider.setValue (0.0, dontSendNotification); } void timerCallback() override { updatePositionSliderAndLabel(); } }; #elif JUCE_LINUX || JUCE_BSD #error "This demo is not supported on Linux!" #endif