/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ #pragma once #include "../../Utility/UI/PropertyComponents/jucer_LabelPropertyComponent.h" //============================================================================== class GlobalPathsWindowComponent : public Component, private Timer, private Value::Listener, private ChangeListener { public: GlobalPathsWindowComponent() { addChildComponent (rescanJUCEPathButton); rescanJUCEPathButton.onClick = [this] { ProjucerApplication::getApp().rescanJUCEPathModules(); lastJUCEModulePath = getAppSettings().getStoredPath (Ids::defaultJuceModulePath, TargetOS::getThisOS()).get(); }; addChildComponent (rescanUserPathButton); rescanUserPathButton.onClick = [this] { ProjucerApplication::getApp().rescanUserPathModules(); lastUserModulePath = getAppSettings().getStoredPath (Ids::defaultUserModulePath, TargetOS::getThisOS()).get(); }; addChildComponent (warnAboutJUCEPathButton); warnAboutJUCEPathButton.setToggleState (ProjucerApplication::getApp().shouldPromptUserAboutIncorrectJUCEPath(), dontSendNotification); warnAboutJUCEPathButton.onClick = [this] { ProjucerApplication::getApp().setShouldPromptUserAboutIncorrectJUCEPath (warnAboutJUCEPathButton.getToggleState()); }; getGlobalProperties().addChangeListener (this); addAndMakeVisible (resetToDefaultsButton); resetToDefaultsButton.onClick = [this] { resetCurrentOSPathsToDefaults(); }; addAndMakeVisible (propertyViewport); propertyViewport.setViewedComponent (&propertyGroup, false); auto os = TargetOS::getThisOS(); if (os == TargetOS::osx) selectedOSValue = "osx"; else if (os == TargetOS::windows) selectedOSValue = "windows"; else if (os == TargetOS::linux) selectedOSValue = "linux"; selectedOSValue.addListener (this); buildProps(); lastJUCEModulePath = getAppSettings().getStoredPath (Ids::defaultJuceModulePath, TargetOS::getThisOS()).get(); lastUserModulePath = getAppSettings().getStoredPath (Ids::defaultUserModulePath, TargetOS::getThisOS()).get(); } ~GlobalPathsWindowComponent() override { getGlobalProperties().removeChangeListener (this); auto juceValue = getAppSettings().getStoredPath (Ids::defaultJuceModulePath, TargetOS::getThisOS()); auto userValue = getAppSettings().getStoredPath (Ids::defaultUserModulePath, TargetOS::getThisOS()); if (juceValue.get() != lastJUCEModulePath) ProjucerApplication::getApp().rescanJUCEPathModules(); if (userValue.get() != lastUserModulePath) ProjucerApplication::getApp().rescanUserPathModules(); } void paint (Graphics& g) override { g.fillAll (findColour (backgroundColourId)); } void paintOverChildren (Graphics& g) override { g.setColour (findColour (defaultHighlightColourId).withAlpha (flashAlpha)); g.fillRect (boundsToHighlight); } void resized() override { auto b = getLocalBounds().reduced (10); auto bottomBounds = b.removeFromBottom (80); auto buttonBounds = bottomBounds.removeFromBottom (50); rescanJUCEPathButton.setBounds (buttonBounds.removeFromLeft (150).reduced (5, 10)); rescanUserPathButton.setBounds (buttonBounds.removeFromLeft (150).reduced (5, 10)); resetToDefaultsButton.setBounds (buttonBounds.removeFromRight (150).reduced (5, 10)); warnAboutJUCEPathButton.setBounds (bottomBounds.reduced (0, 5)); warnAboutJUCEPathButton.changeWidthToFitText(); propertyGroup.updateSize (0, 0, getWidth() - 20 - propertyViewport.getScrollBarThickness()); propertyViewport.setBounds (b); } void highlightJUCEPath() { if (isTimerRunning() || ! isSelectedOSThisOS()) return; const auto findJucePathPropertyComponent = [this]() -> PropertyComponent* { for (const auto& prop : propertyGroup.getProperties()) if (prop->getName() == "Path to JUCE") return prop.get(); return nullptr; }; if (auto* propComponent = findJucePathPropertyComponent()) { boundsToHighlight = getLocalArea (nullptr, propComponent->getScreenBounds()); flashAlpha = 0.0f; hasFlashed = false; startTimer (25); } } private: //============================================================================== void timerCallback() override { flashAlpha += (hasFlashed ? -0.05f : 0.05f); if (flashAlpha > 0.75f) { hasFlashed = true; } else if (flashAlpha < 0.0f) { flashAlpha = 0.0f; boundsToHighlight = {}; stopTimer(); } repaint(); } void valueChanged (Value&) override { buildProps(); resized(); } void changeListenerCallback (ChangeBroadcaster*) override { warnAboutJUCEPathButton.setToggleState (ProjucerApplication::getApp().shouldPromptUserAboutIncorrectJUCEPath(), dontSendNotification); } //============================================================================== bool isSelectedOSThisOS() { return TargetOS::getThisOS() == getSelectedOS(); } TargetOS::OS getSelectedOS() const { auto val = selectedOSValue.getValue(); if (val == "osx") return TargetOS::osx; else if (val == "windows") return TargetOS::windows; else if (val == "linux") return TargetOS::linux; jassertfalse; return TargetOS::unknown; } //============================================================================== void buildProps() { updateValues(); PropertyListBuilder builder; auto isThisOS = isSelectedOSThisOS(); builder.add (new ChoicePropertyComponent (selectedOSValue, "OS", { "OSX", "Windows", "Linux" }, { "osx", "windows", "linux" }), "Use this dropdown to set the global paths for different OSes. " "\nN.B. These paths are stored locally and will only be used when " "saving a project on this machine. Other machines will have their own " "locally stored paths."); builder.add (new LabelPropertyComponent ("JUCE"), {}); builder.add (new FilePathPropertyComponent (jucePathValue, "Path to JUCE", true, isThisOS), "This should be the path to the top-level directory of your JUCE folder. " "This path will be used when searching for the JUCE examples and DemoRunner application."); builder.add (new FilePathPropertyComponent (juceModulePathValue, "JUCE Modules", true, isThisOS), String ("This should be the path to the folder containing the JUCE modules that you wish to use, typically the \"modules\" directory of your JUCE folder.") + (isThisOS ? " Use the button below to re-scan a new path." : "")); builder.add (new FilePathPropertyComponent (userModulePathValue, "User Modules", true, isThisOS), String ("A path to a folder containing any custom modules that you wish to use.") + (isThisOS ? " Use the button below to re-scan new paths." : "")); builder.add (new LabelPropertyComponent ("SDKs"), {}); builder.add (new FilePathPropertyComponent (vstPathValue, "VST (Legacy) SDK", true, isThisOS), "If you are building a legacy VST plug-in then this path should point to a VST2 SDK. " "The VST2 SDK can be obtained from the vstsdk3610_11_06_2018_build_37 (or older) VST3 SDK or JUCE version 5.3.2. " "You also need a VST2 license from Steinberg to distribute VST2 plug-ins."); if (getSelectedOS() != TargetOS::linux) { builder.add (new FilePathPropertyComponent (aaxPathValue, "AAX SDK", true, isThisOS), "If you are building AAX plug-ins, this should be the path to the AAX SDK folder."); builder.add (new FilePathPropertyComponent (rtasPathValue, "RTAS SDK (deprecated)", true, isThisOS), "If you are building RTAS plug-ins, this should be the path to the RTAS SDK folder."); } builder.add (new FilePathPropertyComponent (androidSDKPathValue, "Android SDK", true, isThisOS), "This path will be used when writing the local.properties file of an Android project and should point to the Android SDK folder."); if (isThisOS) { builder.add (new LabelPropertyComponent ("Other"), {}); #if JUCE_MAC String exeLabel ("app"); #elif JUCE_WINDOWS String exeLabel ("executable"); #else String exeLabel ("startup script"); #endif builder.add (new FilePathPropertyComponent (clionExePathValue, "CLion " + exeLabel, false, isThisOS), "This path will be used for the \"Save Project and Open in IDE...\" option of the CLion exporter."); builder.add (new FilePathPropertyComponent (androidStudioExePathValue, "Android Studio " + exeLabel, false, isThisOS), "This path will be used for the \"Save Project and Open in IDE...\" option of the Android Studio exporter."); } rescanJUCEPathButton.setVisible (isThisOS); rescanUserPathButton.setVisible (isThisOS); warnAboutJUCEPathButton.setVisible (isThisOS); propertyGroup.setProperties (builder); } void updateValues() { auto& settings = getAppSettings(); auto os = getSelectedOS(); jucePathValue = settings.getStoredPath (Ids::jucePath, os); juceModulePathValue = settings.getStoredPath (Ids::defaultJuceModulePath, os); userModulePathValue = settings.getStoredPath (Ids::defaultUserModulePath, os); vstPathValue = settings.getStoredPath (Ids::vstLegacyPath, os); rtasPathValue = settings.getStoredPath (Ids::rtasPath, os); aaxPathValue = settings.getStoredPath (Ids::aaxPath, os); androidSDKPathValue = settings.getStoredPath (Ids::androidSDKPath, os); clionExePathValue = settings.getStoredPath (Ids::clionExePath, os); androidStudioExePathValue = settings.getStoredPath (Ids::androidStudioExePath, os); } void resetCurrentOSPathsToDefaults() { jucePathValue .resetToDefault(); juceModulePathValue .resetToDefault(); userModulePathValue .resetToDefault(); vstPathValue .resetToDefault(); rtasPathValue .resetToDefault(); aaxPathValue .resetToDefault(); androidSDKPathValue .resetToDefault(); clionExePathValue .resetToDefault(); androidStudioExePathValue.resetToDefault(); repaint(); } //============================================================================== Value selectedOSValue; ValueWithDefault jucePathValue, juceModulePathValue, userModulePathValue, vstPathValue, rtasPathValue, aaxPathValue, androidSDKPathValue, clionExePathValue, androidStudioExePathValue; Viewport propertyViewport; PropertyGroupComponent propertyGroup { "Global Paths", { getIcons().openFolder, Colours::transparentBlack } }; ToggleButton warnAboutJUCEPathButton { "Warn about incorrect JUCE path" }; TextButton rescanJUCEPathButton { "Re-scan JUCE Modules" }, rescanUserPathButton { "Re-scan User Modules" }, resetToDefaultsButton { "Reset to Defaults" }; Rectangle boundsToHighlight; float flashAlpha = 0.0f; bool hasFlashed = false; var lastJUCEModulePath, lastUserModulePath; //============================================================================== JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (GlobalPathsWindowComponent) };