#pragma once %%include_juce%% //============================================================================== /* This component lives inside our window, and this is where you should put all your controls and content. */ class %%content_component_class%% : public juce::OpenGLAppComponent { public: //============================================================================== %%content_component_class%%() { // Make sure you set the size of the component after // you add any child components. setSize (800, 600); } ~%%content_component_class%%() override { // This shuts down the GL system and stops the rendering calls. shutdownOpenGL(); } //============================================================================== void initialise() override { // Initialise GL objects for rendering here. } void shutdown() override { // Free any GL objects created for rendering here. } void render() override { // This clears the context with a black background. juce::OpenGLHelpers::clear (Colours::black); // Add your rendering code here... } //============================================================================== void paint (juce::Graphics& g) override { // You can add your component specific drawing code here! // This will draw over the top of the openGL background. } void resized() override { // This is called when the MainContentComponent is resized. // If you add any child components, this is where you should // update their positions. } private: //============================================================================== // Your private member variables go here... JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (%%content_component_class%%) };