/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ #include "../../Application/jucer_Headers.h" #include "../../ProjectSaving/jucer_ProjectSaver.h" #include "../../ProjectSaving/jucer_ProjectExport_Xcode.h" #include "../../Application/jucer_Application.h" //============================================================================== LibraryModule::LibraryModule (const ModuleDescription& d) : moduleInfo (d) { } void LibraryModule::writeIncludes (ProjectSaver& projectSaver, OutputStream& out) { auto& project = projectSaver.getProject(); auto& modules = project.getEnabledModules(); auto moduleID = getID(); if (modules.shouldCopyModuleFilesLocally (moduleID)) { auto juceModuleFolder = moduleInfo.getFolder(); auto localModuleFolder = project.getLocalModuleFolder (moduleID); localModuleFolder.createDirectory(); projectSaver.copyFolder (juceModuleFolder, localModuleFolder); } out << "#include <" << moduleInfo.getModuleFolder().getFileName() << "/" << moduleInfo.getHeader().getFileName() << ">" << newLine; } void LibraryModule::addSearchPathsToExporter (ProjectExporter& exporter) const { auto moduleRelativePath = exporter.getModuleFolderRelativeToProject (getID()); exporter.addToExtraSearchPaths (moduleRelativePath.getParentDirectory()); const auto libDirPlatform = [&]() -> String { if (exporter.isLinux()) return "Linux"; if (exporter.isCodeBlocks() && exporter.isWindows()) return "MinGW"; return exporter.getTypeInfoForExporter (exporter.getExporterIdentifier()).targetFolder; }(); auto libSubdirPath = moduleRelativePath.toUnixStyle() + "/libs/" + libDirPlatform; auto moduleLibDir = exporter.getProject().resolveFilename (libSubdirPath); if (moduleLibDir.exists()) exporter.addToModuleLibPaths ({ libSubdirPath, moduleRelativePath.getRoot() }); auto extraInternalSearchPaths = moduleInfo.getExtraSearchPaths().trim(); if (extraInternalSearchPaths.isNotEmpty()) { auto paths = StringArray::fromTokens (extraInternalSearchPaths, true); for (auto& path : paths) exporter.addToExtraSearchPaths (moduleRelativePath.getChildFile (path.unquoted())); } } void LibraryModule::addDefinesToExporter (ProjectExporter& exporter) const { auto extraDefs = moduleInfo.getPreprocessorDefs().trim(); if (extraDefs.isNotEmpty()) exporter.getExporterPreprocessorDefsValue() = exporter.getExporterPreprocessorDefsString() + "\n" + extraDefs; } void LibraryModule::addCompileUnitsToExporter (ProjectExporter& exporter, ProjectSaver& projectSaver) const { auto& project = exporter.getProject(); auto& modules = project.getEnabledModules(); auto moduleID = getID(); auto localModuleFolder = modules.shouldCopyModuleFilesLocally (moduleID) ? project.getLocalModuleFolder (moduleID) : moduleInfo.getFolder(); Array compiled; findAndAddCompiledUnits (exporter, &projectSaver, compiled); if (modules.shouldShowAllModuleFilesInProject (moduleID)) addBrowseableCode (exporter, compiled, localModuleFolder); } void LibraryModule::addLibsToExporter (ProjectExporter& exporter) const { auto parseAndAddLibsToList = [] (StringArray& libList, const String& libs) { libList.addTokens (libs, ", ", {}); libList.trim(); libList.removeDuplicates (false); }; auto& project = exporter.getProject(); if (exporter.isXcode()) { auto& xcodeExporter = dynamic_cast (exporter); if (project.isAUPluginHost()) { xcodeExporter.xcodeFrameworks.add ("CoreAudioKit"); if (xcodeExporter.isOSX()) xcodeExporter.xcodeFrameworks.add ("AudioUnit"); } auto frameworks = moduleInfo.getModuleInfo() [xcodeExporter.isOSX() ? "OSXFrameworks" : "iOSFrameworks"].toString(); xcodeExporter.xcodeFrameworks.addTokens (frameworks, ", ", {}); parseAndAddLibsToList (xcodeExporter.xcodeLibs, moduleInfo.getModuleInfo() [exporter.isOSX() ? "OSXLibs" : "iOSLibs"].toString()); } else if (exporter.isLinux()) { parseAndAddLibsToList (exporter.linuxLibs, moduleInfo.getModuleInfo() ["linuxLibs"].toString()); parseAndAddLibsToList (exporter.linuxPackages, moduleInfo.getModuleInfo() ["linuxPackages"].toString()); } else if (exporter.isWindows()) { if (exporter.isCodeBlocks()) parseAndAddLibsToList (exporter.mingwLibs, moduleInfo.getModuleInfo() ["mingwLibs"].toString()); else parseAndAddLibsToList (exporter.windowsLibs, moduleInfo.getModuleInfo() ["windowsLibs"].toString()); } else if (exporter.isAndroid()) { parseAndAddLibsToList (exporter.androidLibs, moduleInfo.getModuleInfo() ["androidLibs"].toString()); } } void LibraryModule::addSettingsForModuleToExporter (ProjectExporter& exporter, ProjectSaver& projectSaver) const { addSearchPathsToExporter (exporter); addDefinesToExporter (exporter); addCompileUnitsToExporter (exporter, projectSaver); addLibsToExporter (exporter); } void LibraryModule::getConfigFlags (Project& project, OwnedArray& flags) const { auto header = moduleInfo.getHeader(); jassert (header.exists()); StringArray lines; header.readLines (lines); for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) { auto line = lines[i].trim(); if (line.startsWith ("/**") && line.containsIgnoreCase ("Config:")) { auto config = std::make_unique(); config->sourceModuleID = getID(); config->symbol = line.fromFirstOccurrenceOf (":", false, false).trim(); if (config->symbol.length() > 2) { ++i; while (! (lines[i].contains ("*/") || lines[i].contains ("@see"))) { if (lines[i].trim().isNotEmpty()) config->description = config->description.trim() + " " + lines[i].trim(); ++i; } config->description = config->description.upToFirstOccurrenceOf ("*/", false, false); config->value = project.getConfigFlag (config->symbol); i += 2; if (lines[i].contains ("#define " + config->symbol)) { auto value = lines[i].fromFirstOccurrenceOf ("#define " + config->symbol, false, true).trim(); config->value.setDefault (value == "0" ? false : true); } auto currentValue = config->value.get().toString(); if (currentValue == "enabled") config->value = true; else if (currentValue == "disabled") config->value = false; flags.add (std::move (config)); } } } } static void addFileWithGroups (Project::Item& group, const build_tools::RelativePath& file, const String& path) { auto slash = path.indexOfChar (File::getSeparatorChar()); if (slash >= 0) { auto topLevelGroup = path.substring (0, slash); auto remainingPath = path.substring (slash + 1); auto newGroup = group.getOrCreateSubGroup (topLevelGroup); addFileWithGroups (newGroup, file, remainingPath); } else { if (! group.containsChildForFile (file)) group.addRelativeFile (file, -1, false); } } struct FileSorter { static int compareElements (const File& f1, const File& f2) { return f1.getFileName().compareNatural (f2.getFileName()); } }; void LibraryModule::findBrowseableFiles (const File& folder, Array& filesFound) const { Array tempList; FileSorter sorter; for (const auto& iter : RangedDirectoryIterator (folder, true, "*", File::findFiles)) if (! iter.isHidden() && iter.getFile().hasFileExtension (browseableFileExtensions)) tempList.addSorted (sorter, iter.getFile()); filesFound.addArray (tempList); } bool LibraryModule::CompileUnit::isNeededForExporter (ProjectExporter& exporter) const { if ((hasSuffix (file, "_OSX") && ! exporter.isOSX()) || (hasSuffix (file, "_iOS") && ! exporter.isiOS()) || (hasSuffix (file, "_Windows") && ! exporter.isWindows()) || (hasSuffix (file, "_Linux") && ! exporter.isLinux()) || (hasSuffix (file, "_Android") && ! exporter.isAndroid())) return false; auto targetType = Project::getTargetTypeFromFilePath (file, false); if (targetType != build_tools::ProjectType::Target::unspecified && ! exporter.shouldBuildTargetType (targetType)) return false; return exporter.usesMMFiles() ? isCompiledForObjC : isCompiledForNonObjC; } String LibraryModule::CompileUnit::getFilenameForProxyFile() const { return "include_" + file.getFileName(); } bool LibraryModule::CompileUnit::hasSuffix (const File& f, const char* suffix) { auto fileWithoutSuffix = f.getFileNameWithoutExtension() + "."; return fileWithoutSuffix.containsIgnoreCase (suffix + String (".")) || fileWithoutSuffix.containsIgnoreCase (suffix + String ("_")); } Array LibraryModule::getAllCompileUnits (build_tools::ProjectType::Target::Type forTarget) const { auto files = getFolder().findChildFiles (File::findFiles, false); FileSorter sorter; files.sort (sorter); Array units; for (auto& file : files) { if (file.getFileName().startsWithIgnoreCase (getID()) && file.hasFileExtension (sourceFileExtensions)) { if (forTarget == build_tools::ProjectType::Target::unspecified || forTarget == Project::getTargetTypeFromFilePath (file, true)) { CompileUnit cu; cu.file = file; units.add (std::move (cu)); } } } for (auto& cu : units) { cu.isCompiledForObjC = true; cu.isCompiledForNonObjC = ! cu.file.hasFileExtension ("mm;m;metal"); if (cu.isCompiledForNonObjC) if (cu.file.withFileExtension ("mm").existsAsFile()) cu.isCompiledForObjC = false; jassert (cu.isCompiledForObjC || cu.isCompiledForNonObjC); } return units; } void LibraryModule::findAndAddCompiledUnits (ProjectExporter& exporter, ProjectSaver* projectSaver, Array& result, build_tools::ProjectType::Target::Type forTarget) const { for (auto& cu : getAllCompileUnits (forTarget)) { if (cu.isNeededForExporter (exporter)) { auto localFile = exporter.getProject().getGeneratedCodeFolder() .getChildFile (cu.getFilenameForProxyFile()); result.add (localFile); if (projectSaver != nullptr) projectSaver->addFileToGeneratedGroup (localFile); } } } void LibraryModule::addBrowseableCode (ProjectExporter& exporter, const Array& compiled, const File& localModuleFolder) const { if (sourceFiles.isEmpty()) findBrowseableFiles (localModuleFolder, sourceFiles); auto sourceGroup = Project::Item::createGroup (exporter.getProject(), getID(), "__mainsourcegroup" + getID(), false); auto moduleFromProject = exporter.getModuleFolderRelativeToProject (getID()); auto moduleHeader = moduleInfo.getHeader(); auto& project = exporter.getProject(); if (project.getEnabledModules().shouldCopyModuleFilesLocally (getID())) moduleHeader = project.getLocalModuleFolder (getID()).getChildFile (moduleHeader.getFileName()); auto isModuleHeader = [&] (const File& f) { return f.getFileName() == moduleHeader.getFileName(); }; for (auto& sourceFile : sourceFiles) { auto pathWithinModule = build_tools::getRelativePathFrom (sourceFile, localModuleFolder); // (Note: in exporters like MSVC we have to avoid adding the same file twice, even if one of those instances // is flagged as being excluded from the build, because this overrides the other and it fails to compile) if ((exporter.canCopeWithDuplicateFiles() || ! compiled.contains (sourceFile)) && ! isModuleHeader (sourceFile)) addFileWithGroups (sourceGroup, moduleFromProject.getChildFile (pathWithinModule), pathWithinModule); } sourceGroup.sortAlphabetically (true, true); sourceGroup.addFileAtIndex (moduleHeader, -1, false); exporter.getModulesGroup().state.appendChild (sourceGroup.state.createCopy(), nullptr); } //============================================================================== EnabledModulesList::EnabledModulesList (Project& p, const ValueTree& s) : project (p), state (s) { } StringArray EnabledModulesList::getAllModules() const { StringArray moduleIDs; for (int i = 0; i < getNumModules(); ++i) moduleIDs.add (getModuleID (i)); return moduleIDs; } void EnabledModulesList::createRequiredModules (OwnedArray& modules) { for (int i = 0; i < getNumModules(); ++i) modules.add (new LibraryModule (getModuleInfo (getModuleID (i)))); } void EnabledModulesList::sortAlphabetically() { struct ModuleTreeSorter { static int compareElements (const ValueTree& m1, const ValueTree& m2) { return m1[Ids::ID].toString().compareIgnoreCase (m2[Ids::ID]); } }; ModuleTreeSorter sorter; const ScopedLock sl (stateLock); state.sort (sorter, getUndoManager(), false); } File EnabledModulesList::getDefaultModulesFolder() const { File globalPath (getAppSettings().getStoredPath (Ids::defaultJuceModulePath, TargetOS::getThisOS()).get().toString()); if (globalPath.exists()) return globalPath; for (auto& exporterPathModule : project.getExporterPathsModulesList().getAllModules()) { auto f = exporterPathModule.second; if (f.isDirectory()) return f.getParentDirectory(); } return File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory(); } ModuleDescription EnabledModulesList::getModuleInfo (const String& moduleID) const { return ModuleDescription (project.getModuleWithID (moduleID).second); } bool EnabledModulesList::isModuleEnabled (const String& moduleID) const { const ScopedLock sl (stateLock); return state.getChildWithProperty (Ids::ID, moduleID).isValid(); } static void getDependencies (Project& project, const String& moduleID, StringArray& dependencies) { auto info = project.getEnabledModules().getModuleInfo (moduleID); for (auto uid : info.getDependencies()) { if (! dependencies.contains (uid, true)) { dependencies.add (uid); getDependencies (project, uid, dependencies); } } } StringArray EnabledModulesList::getExtraDependenciesNeeded (const String& moduleID) const { StringArray dependencies, extraDepsNeeded; getDependencies (project, moduleID, dependencies); for (auto dep : dependencies) if (dep != moduleID && ! isModuleEnabled (dep)) extraDepsNeeded.add (dep); return extraDepsNeeded; } bool EnabledModulesList::tryToFixMissingDependencies (const String& moduleID) { auto copyLocally = areMostModulesCopiedLocally(); auto useGlobalPath = areMostModulesUsingGlobalPath(); StringArray missing; for (auto missingModule : getExtraDependenciesNeeded (moduleID)) { auto mod = project.getModuleWithID (missingModule); if (mod.second != File()) addModule (mod.second, copyLocally, useGlobalPath); else missing.add (missingModule); } return (missing.size() == 0); } bool EnabledModulesList::doesModuleHaveHigherCppStandardThanProject (const String& moduleID) const { auto projectCppStandard = project.getCppStandardString(); if (projectCppStandard == Project::getCppStandardVars().getLast().toString()) return false; auto moduleCppStandard = getModuleInfo (moduleID).getMinimumCppStandard(); return (moduleCppStandard.getIntValue() > projectCppStandard.getIntValue()); } bool EnabledModulesList::shouldUseGlobalPath (const String& moduleID) const { const ScopedLock sl (stateLock); return (bool) shouldUseGlobalPathValue (moduleID).getValue(); } Value EnabledModulesList::shouldUseGlobalPathValue (const String& moduleID) const { const ScopedLock sl (stateLock); return state.getChildWithProperty (Ids::ID, moduleID) .getPropertyAsValue (Ids::useGlobalPath, getUndoManager()); } bool EnabledModulesList::shouldShowAllModuleFilesInProject (const String& moduleID) const { return (bool) shouldShowAllModuleFilesInProjectValue (moduleID).getValue(); } Value EnabledModulesList::shouldShowAllModuleFilesInProjectValue (const String& moduleID) const { const ScopedLock sl (stateLock); return state.getChildWithProperty (Ids::ID, moduleID) .getPropertyAsValue (Ids::showAllCode, getUndoManager()); } bool EnabledModulesList::shouldCopyModuleFilesLocally (const String& moduleID) const { return (bool) shouldCopyModuleFilesLocallyValue (moduleID).getValue(); } Value EnabledModulesList::shouldCopyModuleFilesLocallyValue (const String& moduleID) const { const ScopedLock sl (stateLock); return state.getChildWithProperty (Ids::ID, moduleID) .getPropertyAsValue (Ids::useLocalCopy, getUndoManager()); } bool EnabledModulesList::areMostModulesUsingGlobalPath() const { int numYes = 0, numNo = 0; for (auto i = getNumModules(); --i >= 0;) { if (shouldUseGlobalPath (getModuleID (i))) ++numYes; else ++numNo; } return numYes > numNo; } bool EnabledModulesList::areMostModulesCopiedLocally() const { int numYes = 0, numNo = 0; for (auto i = getNumModules(); --i >= 0;) { if (shouldCopyModuleFilesLocally (getModuleID (i))) ++numYes; else ++numNo; } return numYes > numNo; } StringArray EnabledModulesList::getModulesWithHigherCppStandardThanProject() const { StringArray list; for (auto& module : getAllModules()) if (doesModuleHaveHigherCppStandardThanProject (module)) list.add (module); return list; } StringArray EnabledModulesList::getModulesWithMissingDependencies() const { StringArray list; for (auto& module : getAllModules()) if (getExtraDependenciesNeeded (module).size() > 0) list.add (module); return list; } String EnabledModulesList::getHighestModuleCppStandard() const { auto highestCppStandard = Project::getCppStandardVars()[0].toString(); for (auto& mod : getAllModules()) { auto moduleCppStandard = getModuleInfo (mod).getMinimumCppStandard(); if (moduleCppStandard == "latest") return moduleCppStandard; if (moduleCppStandard.getIntValue() > highestCppStandard.getIntValue()) highestCppStandard = moduleCppStandard; } return highestCppStandard; } void EnabledModulesList::addModule (const File& moduleFolder, bool copyLocally, bool useGlobalPath) { ModuleDescription info (moduleFolder); if (info.isValid()) { auto moduleID = info.getID(); if (! isModuleEnabled (moduleID)) { ValueTree module (Ids::MODULE); module.setProperty (Ids::ID, moduleID, getUndoManager()); { const ScopedLock sl (stateLock); state.appendChild (module, getUndoManager()); } sortAlphabetically(); shouldShowAllModuleFilesInProjectValue (moduleID) = true; shouldCopyModuleFilesLocallyValue (moduleID) = copyLocally; shouldUseGlobalPathValue (moduleID) = useGlobalPath; build_tools::RelativePath path (moduleFolder.getParentDirectory(), project.getProjectFolder(), build_tools::RelativePath::projectFolder); for (Project::ExporterIterator exporter (project); exporter.next();) exporter->getPathForModuleValue (moduleID) = path.toUnixStyle(); if (! useGlobalPath) project.rescanExporterPathModules (false); } } } void EnabledModulesList::addModuleInteractive (const String& moduleID) { auto f = project.getModuleWithID (moduleID).second; if (f != File()) { addModule (f, areMostModulesCopiedLocally(), areMostModulesUsingGlobalPath()); return; } addModuleFromUserSelectedFile(); } void EnabledModulesList::addModuleFromUserSelectedFile() { chooser = std::make_unique ("Select a module to add...", getDefaultModulesFolder(), ""); auto flags = FileBrowserComponent::openMode | FileBrowserComponent::canSelectDirectories; chooser->launchAsync (flags, [this] (const FileChooser& fc) { if (fc.getResult() == File{}) return; addModuleOfferingToCopy (fc.getResult(), true); }); } void EnabledModulesList::addModuleOfferingToCopy (const File& f, bool isFromUserSpecifiedFolder) { ModuleDescription m (f); if (! m.isValid()) { AlertWindow::showMessageBoxAsync (MessageBoxIconType::InfoIcon, "Add Module", "This wasn't a valid module folder!"); return; } if (isModuleEnabled (m.getID())) { AlertWindow::showMessageBoxAsync (MessageBoxIconType::InfoIcon, "Add Module", "The project already contains this module!"); return; } addModule (m.getModuleFolder(), areMostModulesCopiedLocally(), isFromUserSpecifiedFolder ? false : areMostModulesUsingGlobalPath()); } void EnabledModulesList::removeModule (String moduleID) // must be pass-by-value, and not a const ref! { { const ScopedLock sl (stateLock); for (auto i = state.getNumChildren(); --i >= 0;) if (state.getChild(i) [Ids::ID] == moduleID) state.removeChild (i, getUndoManager()); } for (Project::ExporterIterator exporter (project); exporter.next();) exporter->removePathForModule (moduleID); }