/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ #pragma once #include "../jucer_Project.h" class ProjectExporter; class ProjectSaver; //============================================================================== class LibraryModule { public: LibraryModule (const ModuleDescription&); bool isValid() const { return moduleInfo.isValid(); } String getID() const { return moduleInfo.getID(); } String getVendor() const { return moduleInfo.getVendor(); } String getVersion() const { return moduleInfo.getVersion(); } String getName() const { return moduleInfo.getName(); } String getDescription() const { return moduleInfo.getDescription(); } String getLicense() const { return moduleInfo.getLicense(); } String getMinimumCppStandard() const { return moduleInfo.getMinimumCppStandard(); } File getFolder() const { return moduleInfo.getFolder(); } void writeIncludes (ProjectSaver&, OutputStream&); void addSettingsForModuleToExporter (ProjectExporter&, ProjectSaver&) const; void getConfigFlags (Project&, OwnedArray& flags) const; void findBrowseableFiles (const File& localModuleFolder, Array& files) const; struct CompileUnit { File file; bool isCompiledForObjC = false, isCompiledForNonObjC = false; bool isNeededForExporter (ProjectExporter&) const; String getFilenameForProxyFile() const; static bool hasSuffix (const File&, const char*); }; Array getAllCompileUnits (build_tools::ProjectType::Target::Type forTarget = build_tools::ProjectType::Target::unspecified) const; void findAndAddCompiledUnits (ProjectExporter&, ProjectSaver*, Array& result, build_tools::ProjectType::Target::Type forTarget = build_tools::ProjectType::Target::unspecified) const; ModuleDescription moduleInfo; private: void addSearchPathsToExporter (ProjectExporter&) const; void addDefinesToExporter (ProjectExporter&) const; void addCompileUnitsToExporter (ProjectExporter&, ProjectSaver&) const; void addLibsToExporter (ProjectExporter&) const; void addBrowseableCode (ProjectExporter&, const Array& compiled, const File& localModuleFolder) const; mutable Array sourceFiles; OwnedArray configFlags; }; //============================================================================== class EnabledModulesList { public: EnabledModulesList (Project&, const ValueTree&); //============================================================================== ValueTree getState() const { return state; } StringArray getAllModules() const; void createRequiredModules (OwnedArray& modules); void sortAlphabetically(); File getDefaultModulesFolder() const; int getNumModules() const { return state.getNumChildren(); } String getModuleID (int index) const { return state.getChild (index) [Ids::ID].toString(); } ModuleDescription getModuleInfo (const String& moduleID) const; bool isModuleEnabled (const String& moduleID) const; StringArray getExtraDependenciesNeeded (const String& moduleID) const; bool tryToFixMissingDependencies (const String& moduleID); bool doesModuleHaveHigherCppStandardThanProject (const String& moduleID) const; bool shouldUseGlobalPath (const String& moduleID) const; Value shouldUseGlobalPathValue (const String& moduleID) const; bool shouldShowAllModuleFilesInProject (const String& moduleID) const; Value shouldShowAllModuleFilesInProjectValue (const String& moduleID) const; bool shouldCopyModuleFilesLocally (const String& moduleID) const; Value shouldCopyModuleFilesLocallyValue (const String& moduleID) const; bool areMostModulesUsingGlobalPath() const; bool areMostModulesCopiedLocally() const; StringArray getModulesWithHigherCppStandardThanProject() const; StringArray getModulesWithMissingDependencies() const; String getHighestModuleCppStandard() const; //============================================================================== void addModule (const File& moduleManifestFile, bool copyLocally, bool useGlobalPath); void addModuleInteractive (const String& moduleID); void addModuleFromUserSelectedFile(); void addModuleOfferingToCopy (const File&, bool isFromUserSpecifiedFolder); void removeModule (String moduleID); private: UndoManager* getUndoManager() const { return project.getUndoManagerFor (state); } Project& project; CriticalSection stateLock; ValueTree state; std::unique_ptr chooser; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (EnabledModulesList) };