/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { //============================================================================== /** A resizable window with a title bar and maximise, minimise and close buttons. This subclass of ResizableWindow creates a fairly standard type of window with a title bar and various buttons. The name of the component is shown in the title bar, and an icon can optionally be specified with setIcon(). All the methods available to a ResizableWindow are also available to this, so it can easily be made resizable, minimised, maximised, etc. It's not advisable to add child components directly to a DocumentWindow: put them inside your content component instead. And overriding methods like resized(), moved(), etc is also not recommended - instead override these methods for your content component. (If for some obscure reason you do need to override these methods, always remember to call the super-class's resized() method too, otherwise it'll fail to lay out the window decorations correctly). You can also automatically add a menu bar to the window, using the setMenuBar() method. @see ResizableWindow, DialogWindow @tags{GUI} */ class JUCE_API DocumentWindow : public ResizableWindow { public: //============================================================================== /** The set of available button-types that can be put on the title bar. @see setTitleBarButtonsRequired */ enum TitleBarButtons { minimiseButton = 1, maximiseButton = 2, closeButton = 4, /** A combination of all the buttons above. */ allButtons = 7 }; //============================================================================== /** Creates a DocumentWindow. @param name the name to give the component - this is also the title shown at the top of the window. To change this later, use setName() @param backgroundColour the colour to use for filling the window's background. @param requiredButtons specifies which of the buttons (close, minimise, maximise) should be shown on the title bar. This value is a bitwise combination of values from the TitleBarButtons enum. Note that it can be "allButtons" to get them all. You can change this later with the setTitleBarButtonsRequired() method, which can also specify where they are positioned. @param addToDesktop if true, the window will be automatically added to the desktop; if false, you can use it as a child component @see TitleBarButtons */ DocumentWindow (const String& name, Colour backgroundColour, int requiredButtons, bool addToDesktop = true); /** Destructor. If a content component has been set with setContentOwned(), it will be deleted. */ ~DocumentWindow() override; //============================================================================== /** Changes the component's name. (This is overridden from Component::setName() to cause a repaint, as the name is what gets drawn across the window's title bar). */ void setName (const String& newName) override; /** Sets an icon to show in the title bar, next to the title. A copy is made internally of the image, so the caller can delete the image after calling this. If an empty Image is passed-in, any existing icon will be removed. */ void setIcon (const Image& imageToUse); /** Changes the height of the title-bar. */ void setTitleBarHeight (int newHeight); /** Returns the current title bar height. */ int getTitleBarHeight() const; /** Changes the set of title-bar buttons being shown. @param requiredButtons specifies which of the buttons (close, minimise, maximise) should be shown on the title bar. This value is a bitwise combination of values from the TitleBarButtons enum. Note that it can be "allButtons" to get them all. @param positionTitleBarButtonsOnLeft if true, the buttons should go at the left side of the bar; if false, they'll be placed at the right */ void setTitleBarButtonsRequired (int requiredButtons, bool positionTitleBarButtonsOnLeft); /** Sets whether the title should be centred within the window. If true, the title text is shown in the middle of the title-bar; if false, it'll be shown at the left of the bar. */ void setTitleBarTextCentred (bool textShouldBeCentred); //============================================================================== /** Creates a menu inside this window. @param menuBarModel this specifies a MenuBarModel that should be used to generate the contents of a menu bar that will be placed just below the title bar, and just above any content component. If this value is a nullptr, any existing menu bar will be removed from the component; if it is not a nullptr, one will be added if it's required. @param menuBarHeight the height of the menu bar component, if one is needed. Pass a value of zero or less to use the look-and-feel's default size. */ void setMenuBar (MenuBarModel* menuBarModel, int menuBarHeight = 0); /** Returns the current menu bar component, or null if there isn't one. This is probably a MenuBarComponent, unless a custom one has been set using setMenuBarComponent(). */ Component* getMenuBarComponent() const noexcept; /** Replaces the current menu bar with a custom component. The component will be owned and deleted by the document window. */ void setMenuBarComponent (Component* newMenuBarComponent); //============================================================================== /** This method is called when the user tries to close the window. This is triggered by the user clicking the close button, or using some other OS-specific key shortcut or OS menu for getting rid of a window. If the window is just a pop-up, you should override this closeButtonPressed() method and make it delete the window in whatever way is appropriate for your app. E.g. you might just want to call "delete this". If your app is centred around this window such that the whole app should quit when the window is closed, then you will probably want to use this method as an opportunity to call JUCEApplicationBase::quit(), and leave the window to be deleted later by your JUCEApplicationBase::shutdown() method. (Doing it this way means that your window will still get cleaned-up if the app is quit by some other means (e.g. a cmd-Q on the mac or closing it via the taskbar icon on Windows). (Note that the DocumentWindow class overrides Component::userTriedToCloseWindow() and redirects it to call this method, so any methods of closing the window that are caught by userTriedToCloseWindow() will also end up here). */ virtual void closeButtonPressed(); /** Callback that is triggered when the minimise button is pressed. The default implementation of this calls ResizableWindow::setMinimised(), but you can override it to do more customised behaviour. */ virtual void minimiseButtonPressed(); /** Callback that is triggered when the maximise button is pressed, or when the title-bar is double-clicked. The default implementation of this calls ResizableWindow::setFullScreen(), but you can override it to do more customised behaviour. */ virtual void maximiseButtonPressed(); //============================================================================== /** Returns the close button, (or nullptr if there isn't one). */ Button* getCloseButton() const noexcept; /** Returns the minimise button, (or nullptr if there isn't one). */ Button* getMinimiseButton() const noexcept; /** Returns the maximise button, (or nullptr if there isn't one). */ Button* getMaximiseButton() const noexcept; //============================================================================== /** A set of colour IDs to use to change the colour of various aspects of the window. These constants can be used either via the Component::setColour(), or LookAndFeel::setColour() methods. @see Component::setColour, Component::findColour, LookAndFeel::setColour, LookAndFeel::findColour */ enum ColourIds { textColourId = 0x1005701, /**< The colour to draw any text with. It's up to the look and feel class how this is used. */ }; //============================================================================== /** This abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide window drawing functionality. */ struct JUCE_API LookAndFeelMethods { virtual ~LookAndFeelMethods() = default; virtual void drawDocumentWindowTitleBar (DocumentWindow&, Graphics&, int w, int h, int titleSpaceX, int titleSpaceW, const Image* icon, bool drawTitleTextOnLeft) = 0; virtual Button* createDocumentWindowButton (int buttonType) = 0; virtual void positionDocumentWindowButtons (DocumentWindow&, int titleBarX, int titleBarY, int titleBarW, int titleBarH, Button* minimiseButton, Button* maximiseButton, Button* closeButton, bool positionTitleBarButtonsOnLeft) = 0; }; //============================================================================== #ifndef DOXYGEN /** @internal */ void paint (Graphics&) override; /** @internal */ void resized() override; /** @internal */ void lookAndFeelChanged() override; /** @internal */ BorderSize getBorderThickness() override; /** @internal */ BorderSize getContentComponentBorder() override; /** @internal */ void mouseDoubleClick (const MouseEvent&) override; /** @internal */ void userTriedToCloseWindow() override; /** @internal */ void activeWindowStatusChanged() override; /** @internal */ int getDesktopWindowStyleFlags() const override; /** @internal */ void parentHierarchyChanged() override; /** @internal */ Rectangle getTitleBarArea(); #endif private: //============================================================================== int titleBarHeight = 26, menuBarHeight = 24, requiredButtons; bool positionTitleBarButtonsOnLeft, drawTitleTextCentred = true; std::unique_ptr