/* ============================================================================== This file was auto-generated! It contains the basic framework code for a JUCE plugin processor. ============================================================================== */ #include "PluginProcessor.h" #include "PluginEditor.h" #include #undef min #undef max std::set g_activeprocessors; template void callGUI(AudioProcessor* ap, F&& f, bool async) { auto ed = dynamic_cast(ap->getActiveEditor()); if (ed) { if (async == false) f(ed); else MessageManager::callAsync([ed,f]() { f(ed); }); } } int get_optimized_updown(int n, bool up) { int orig_n = n; while (true) { n = orig_n; while (!(n % 11)) n /= 11; while (!(n % 7)) n /= 7; while (!(n % 5)) n /= 5; while (!(n % 3)) n /= 3; while (!(n % 2)) n /= 2; if (n<2) break; if (up) orig_n++; else orig_n--; if (orig_n<4) return 4; }; return orig_n; }; int optimizebufsize(int n) { int n1 = get_optimized_updown(n, false); int n2 = get_optimized_updown(n, true); if ((n - n1)<(n2 - n)) return n1; else return n2; }; //============================================================================== PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor() : m_bufferingthread("pspluginprebufferthread") #ifndef JucePlugin_PreferredChannelConfigurations : AudioProcessor (BusesProperties() #if ! JucePlugin_IsMidiEffect #if ! JucePlugin_IsSynth .withInput ("Input", AudioChannelSet::stereo(), true) #endif .withOutput ("Output", AudioChannelSet::stereo(), true) #endif ) #endif { g_activeprocessors.insert(this); m_recbuffer.setSize(2, 44100); m_recbuffer.clear(); m_afm = std::make_unique(); m_afm->registerBasicFormats(); m_stretch_source = std::make_unique(2, m_afm.get()); setPreBufferAmount(2); m_ppar.pitch_shift.enabled = true; m_ppar.freq_shift.enabled = true; m_stretch_source->setOnsetDetection(0.0); m_stretch_source->setLoopingEnabled(true); addParameter(new AudioParameterFloat("mainvolume0", "Main volume", -24.0f, 12.0f, -3.0f)); // 0 addParameter(new AudioParameterFloat("stretchamount0", "Stretch amount", 0.1f, 128.0f, 1.0f)); // 1 addParameter(new AudioParameterFloat("fftsize0", "FFT size", 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.7f)); // 2 addParameter(new AudioParameterFloat("pitchshift0", "Pitch shift", -24.0f, 24.0f, 0.0f)); // 3 addParameter(new AudioParameterFloat("freqshift0", "Frequency shift", -1000.0f, 1000.0f, 0.0f)); // 4 addParameter(new AudioParameterFloat("playrange_start0", "Sound start", 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); // 5 addParameter(new AudioParameterFloat("playrange_end0", "Sound end", 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); // 6 addParameter(new AudioParameterBool("freeze0", "Freeze", false)); // 7 } PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::~PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor() { g_activeprocessors.erase(this); m_bufferingthread.stopThread(1000); } void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::setPreBufferAmount(int x) { int temp = jlimit(0, 5, x); if (temp != m_prebuffer_amount) { m_prebuffer_amount = temp; m_recreate_buffering_source = true; } } //============================================================================== const String PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::getName() const { return JucePlugin_Name; } bool PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::acceptsMidi() const { #if JucePlugin_WantsMidiInput return true; #else return false; #endif } bool PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::producesMidi() const { #if JucePlugin_ProducesMidiOutput return true; #else return false; #endif } bool PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::isMidiEffect() const { #if JucePlugin_IsMidiEffect return true; #else return false; #endif } double PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::getTailLengthSeconds() const { return 0.0; } int PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::getNumPrograms() { return 1; // NB: some hosts don't cope very well if you tell them there are 0 programs, // so this should be at least 1, even if you're not really implementing programs. } int PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::getCurrentProgram() { return 0; } void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::setCurrentProgram (int index) { } const String PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::getProgramName (int index) { return {}; } void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::changeProgramName (int index, const String& newName) { } void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::setFFTSize(double size) { if (m_prebuffer_amount == 5) m_fft_size_to_use = pow(2, 7.0 + size * 14.5); else m_fft_size_to_use = pow(2, 7.0 + size * 10.0); // chicken out from allowing huge FFT sizes if not enough prebuffering int optim = optimizebufsize(m_fft_size_to_use); m_fft_size_to_use = optim; m_stretch_source->setFFTSize(optim); //Logger::writeToLog(String(m_fft_size_to_use)); } void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::startplay(Range playrange, int numoutchans, String& err) { m_stretch_source->setPlayRange(playrange, m_stretch_source->isLoopingEnabled()); int bufamt = m_bufamounts[m_prebuffer_amount]; if (m_buffering_source != nullptr && numoutchans != m_buffering_source->getNumberOfChannels()) m_recreate_buffering_source = true; if (m_recreate_buffering_source == true) { m_buffering_source = std::make_unique(m_stretch_source.get(), m_bufferingthread, false, bufamt, numoutchans, false); m_recreate_buffering_source = false; } if (m_bufferingthread.isThreadRunning() == false) m_bufferingthread.startThread(); m_stretch_source->setNumOutChannels(numoutchans); m_stretch_source->setFFTSize(m_fft_size_to_use); m_stretch_source->setProcessParameters(&m_ppar); m_last_outpos_pos = 0.0; m_last_in_pos = playrange.getStart()*m_stretch_source->getInfileLengthSeconds(); m_buffering_source->prepareToPlay(1024, 44100.0); }; void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::prepareToPlay(double sampleRate, int samplesPerBlock) { if (getNumOutputChannels() != m_cur_num_out_chans) m_ready_to_play = false; if (m_using_memory_buffer == true) { int len = jlimit(100,m_recbuffer.getNumSamples(), m_rec_pos); m_stretch_source->setAudioBufferAsInputSource(&m_recbuffer, getSampleRate(), len); callGUI(this,[this,len](auto ed) { ed->setAudioBuffer(&m_recbuffer, getSampleRate(), len); },false); } if (m_ready_to_play == false) { setFFTSize(0.5); m_stretch_source->setProcessParameters(&m_ppar); String err; startplay({ *getFloatParameter(5),*getFloatParameter(6) }, 2, err); m_cur_num_out_chans = getNumOutputChannels(); m_ready_to_play = true; } } void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::releaseResources() { //m_control->stopplay(); //m_ready_to_play = false; } #ifndef JucePlugin_PreferredChannelConfigurations bool PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::isBusesLayoutSupported (const BusesLayout& layouts) const { #if JucePlugin_IsMidiEffect ignoreUnused (layouts); return true; #else // This is the place where you check if the layout is supported. // In this template code we only support mono or stereo. if (layouts.getMainOutputChannelSet() != AudioChannelSet::mono() && layouts.getMainOutputChannelSet() != AudioChannelSet::stereo()) return false; // This checks if the input layout matches the output layout #if ! JucePlugin_IsSynth if (layouts.getMainOutputChannelSet() != layouts.getMainInputChannelSet()) return false; #endif return true; #endif } #endif void copyAudioBufferWrappingPosition(const AudioBuffer& src, AudioBuffer& dest, int destbufpos, int maxdestpos) { for (int i = 0; i < dest.getNumChannels(); ++i) { int channel_to_copy = i % src.getNumChannels(); if (destbufpos + src.getNumSamples() > maxdestpos) { int wrappos = (destbufpos + src.getNumSamples()) % maxdestpos; int partial_len = src.getNumSamples() - wrappos; dest.copyFrom(channel_to_copy, destbufpos, src, channel_to_copy, 0, partial_len); dest.copyFrom(channel_to_copy, partial_len, src, channel_to_copy, 0, wrappos); } else { dest.copyFrom(channel_to_copy, destbufpos, src, channel_to_copy, 0, src.getNumSamples()); } } } void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::processBlock (AudioSampleBuffer& buffer, MidiBuffer& midiMessages) { std::lock_guard locker(m_mutex); ScopedNoDenormals noDenormals; const int totalNumInputChannels = getTotalNumInputChannels(); const int totalNumOutputChannels = getTotalNumOutputChannels(); for (int i = totalNumInputChannels; i < totalNumOutputChannels; ++i) buffer.clear (i, 0, buffer.getNumSamples()); if (m_ready_to_play == false) return; if (m_is_recording == true) { int recbuflenframes = m_max_reclen * getSampleRate(); copyAudioBufferWrappingPosition(buffer, m_recbuffer, m_rec_pos, recbuflenframes); callGUI(this,[this, &buffer](PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor*ed) { ed->addAudioBlock(buffer, getSampleRate(), m_rec_pos); }, false); m_rec_pos = (m_rec_pos + buffer.getNumSamples()) % recbuflenframes; return; } jassert(m_buffering_source != nullptr); jassert(m_bufferingthread.isThreadRunning()); m_stretch_source->val_MainVolume = (float)*getFloatParameter(0); m_stretch_source->setRate(*getFloatParameter(1)); m_stretch_source->val_XFadeLen = 0.1; setFFTSize(*getFloatParameter(2)); m_ppar.pitch_shift.cents = *getFloatParameter(3) * 100.0; m_ppar.freq_shift.Hz = *getFloatParameter(4); double t0 = *getFloatParameter(5); double t1 = *getFloatParameter(6); if (t0 > t1) std::swap(t0, t1); if (t1 - t0 < 0.001) t1 = t0 + 0.001; m_stretch_source->setPlayRange({ t0,t1 }, true); m_stretch_source->setFreezing(getParameter(7)); m_stretch_source->setProcessParameters(&m_ppar); AudioSourceChannelInfo aif(buffer); m_buffering_source->getNextAudioBlock(aif); } //============================================================================== bool PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::hasEditor() const { return true; // (change this to false if you choose to not supply an editor) } AudioProcessorEditor* PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::createEditor() { return new PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor (*this); } //============================================================================== void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::getStateInformation (MemoryBlock& destData) { ValueTree paramtree("paulstretch3pluginstate"); for (int i=0;iparamID, (double)*par, nullptr); } } if (m_current_file != File()) { paramtree.setProperty("importedfile", m_current_file.getFullPathName(), nullptr); } MemoryOutputStream stream(destData,true); paramtree.writeToStream(stream); } void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::setStateInformation (const void* data, int sizeInBytes) { ValueTree tree = ValueTree::readFromData(data, sizeInBytes); if (tree.isValid()) { for (int i = 0; iparamID, (double)*par); *par = parval; } } String fn = tree.getProperty("importedfile"); if (fn.isEmpty() == false) { m_using_memory_buffer = false; File f(fn); setAudioFile(f); } } } void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::setRecordingEnabled(bool b) { std::lock_guard locker(m_mutex); int lenbufframes = getSampleRate()*m_max_reclen; if (b == true) { m_using_memory_buffer = true; m_current_file = File(); m_recbuffer.setSize(2, m_max_reclen*getSampleRate()+4096); m_recbuffer.clear(); m_rec_pos = 0; callGUI(this,[this,lenbufframes](PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor* ed) { ed->beginAddingAudioBlocks(2, getSampleRate(), lenbufframes); },false); m_is_recording = true; } else { if (m_is_recording == true) { finishRecording(lenbufframes); } } } double PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::getRecordingPositionPercent() { if (m_is_recording==false) return 0.0; return 1.0 / m_recbuffer.getNumSamples()*m_rec_pos; } String PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::setAudioFile(File f) { std::lock_guard locker(m_mutex); auto ai = unique_from_raw(m_afm->createReaderFor(f)); if (ai != nullptr) { if (ai->numChannels > 32) { //MessageManager::callAsync([cb, file]() { cb("Too many channels in file " + file.getFullPathName()); }); return "Too many channels in file "+f.getFullPathName(); } if (ai->bitsPerSample>32) { //MessageManager::callAsync([cb, file]() { cb("Too high bit depth in file " + file.getFullPathName()); }); return "Too high bit depth in file " + f.getFullPathName(); } m_current_file = f; m_using_memory_buffer = false; m_stretch_source->setAudioFile(f); return String(); //MessageManager::callAsync([cb, file]() { cb(String()); }); } return "Could not open file " + f.getFullPathName(); } Range PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::getTimeSelection() { return { *getFloatParameter(5),*getFloatParameter(6) }; } double PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::getPreBufferingPercent() { if (m_buffering_source==nullptr) return 0.0; return m_buffering_source->getPercentReady(); } void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor::finishRecording(int lenrecording) { m_is_recording = false; m_stretch_source->setAudioBufferAsInputSource(&m_recbuffer, getSampleRate(), lenrecording); m_stretch_source->setPlayRange({ *getFloatParameter(5),*getFloatParameter(6) }, true); auto ed = dynamic_cast(getActiveEditor()); if (ed) { //ed->setAudioBuffer(&m_recbuffer, getSampleRate(), lenrecording); } } //============================================================================== // This creates new instances of the plugin.. AudioProcessor* JUCE_CALLTYPE createPluginFilter() { return new PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor(); }