/* Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Nasca Octavian Paul Author: Nasca Octavian Paul Copyright (C) 2017 Xenakios This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License (version 2) for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License (version 2) along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "PluginProcessor.h" #include "PluginEditor.h" #include extern String g_plugintitle; //============================================================================== PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor::PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor(PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor& p) : AudioProcessorEditor(&p), m_wavecomponent(p.m_afm,p.m_thumb.get()), processor(p) { addAndMakeVisible(&m_import_button); m_import_button.setButtonText("Import file..."); m_import_button.onClick = [this]() { chooseFile(); }; addAndMakeVisible(&m_settings_button); m_settings_button.setButtonText("Settings..."); m_settings_button.onClick = [this]() { showSettingsMenu(); }; addAndMakeVisible(&m_info_label); m_info_label.setJustificationType(Justification::centredRight); m_wavecomponent.GetFileCallback = [this]() { return processor.getAudioFile(); }; addAndMakeVisible(&m_wavecomponent); const auto& pars = processor.getParameters(); for (int i=0;i(pars[i]); jassert(parid); bool notifyonlyonrelease = false; if (parid->paramID.startsWith("fftsize") || parid->paramID.startsWith("numoutchans")) notifyonlyonrelease = true; m_parcomps.push_back(std::make_shared(pars[i],notifyonlyonrelease)); addAndMakeVisible(m_parcomps.back().get()); } //addAndMakeVisible(&m_specvis); setSize (1000, 30+(pars.size()/2)*25+200); m_wavecomponent.TimeSelectionChangedCallback = [this](Range range, int which) { *processor.getFloatParameter(cpi_soundstart) = range.getStart(); *processor.getFloatParameter(cpi_soundend) = range.getEnd(); }; m_wavecomponent.CursorPosCallback = [this]() { return processor.getStretchSource()->getInfilePositionPercent(); }; m_wavecomponent.ShowFileCacheRange = true; m_spec_order_ed.setSource(processor.getStretchSource()); addAndMakeVisible(&m_spec_order_ed); startTimer(1, 100); startTimer(2, 1000); startTimer(3, 200); m_wavecomponent.startTimer(100); } PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor::~PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor() { } void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor::paint (Graphics& g) { g.fillAll(Colours::darkgrey); } void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor::resized() { m_import_button.setBounds(1, 1, 60, 24); m_import_button.changeWidthToFitText(); m_settings_button.setBounds(m_import_button.getRight() + 1, 1, 60, 24); m_settings_button.changeWidthToFitText(); m_info_label.setBounds(m_settings_button.getRight() + 1, m_settings_button.getY(), getWidth()-m_settings_button.getRight()-1, 24); int w = getWidth(); int xoffs = 1; int yoffs = 30; int div = w / 4; m_parcomps[cpi_capture_enabled]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div-1, 24); //xoffs += div; //m_parcomps[cpi_max_capture_len]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs += div; m_parcomps[cpi_passthrough]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs += div; m_parcomps[cpi_pause_enabled]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div-1, 24); xoffs += div; m_parcomps[cpi_freeze]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs = 1; yoffs += 25; div = w / 2; m_parcomps[cpi_main_volume]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div-1, 24); xoffs += div; m_parcomps[cpi_num_outchans]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div-1, 24); xoffs = 1; yoffs += 25; m_parcomps[cpi_fftsize]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs += div; m_parcomps[cpi_stretchamount]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs = 1; yoffs += 25; m_parcomps[cpi_pitchshift]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs += div; m_parcomps[cpi_frequencyshift]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs = 1; yoffs += 25; m_parcomps[cpi_octavesm2]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs += div; m_parcomps[cpi_octavesm1]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs = 1; yoffs += 25; m_parcomps[cpi_octaves0]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs += div; m_parcomps[cpi_octaves1]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs = 1; yoffs += 25; m_parcomps[cpi_octaves15]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs += div; m_parcomps[cpi_octaves2]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs = 1; yoffs += 25; m_parcomps[cpi_numharmonics]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs += div; m_parcomps[cpi_harmonicsfreq]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs = 1; yoffs += 25; m_parcomps[cpi_harmonicsbw]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs += div; m_parcomps[cpi_harmonicsgauss]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs = 1; yoffs += 25; m_parcomps[cpi_spreadamount]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs += div; m_parcomps[cpi_compress]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs = 1; yoffs += 25; m_parcomps[cpi_tonalvsnoisebw]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs += div; m_parcomps[cpi_tonalvsnoisepreserve]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs = 1; yoffs += 25; m_parcomps[cpi_soundstart]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs += div; m_parcomps[cpi_soundend]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs = 1; yoffs += 25; m_parcomps[cpi_filter_low]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs += div; m_parcomps[cpi_filter_high]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs = 1; yoffs += 25; m_parcomps[cpi_loopxfadelen]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); xoffs += div; m_parcomps[cpi_onsetdetection]->setBounds(xoffs, yoffs, div - 1, 24); yoffs += 25; int remain_h = getHeight() - 1 - yoffs; m_spec_order_ed.setBounds(1, yoffs, getWidth() - 2, remain_h / 5 * 1); m_wavecomponent.setBounds(1, m_spec_order_ed.getBottom()+1, getWidth()-2, remain_h/5*4); //m_specvis.setBounds(1, yoffs, getWidth() - 2, getHeight() - 1 - yoffs); } void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor::timerCallback(int id) { if (id == 1) { for (auto& e : m_parcomps) e->updateComponent(); if (processor.isRecordingEnabled()) { m_wavecomponent.setRecordingPosition(processor.getRecordingPositionPercent()); } else m_wavecomponent.setRecordingPosition(-1.0); String infotext = String(processor.getPreBufferingPercent()*100.0, 1) + "% buffered " + String(processor.getStretchSource()->m_param_change_count)+" param changes "+m_last_err+" FFT size "+ String(processor.getStretchSource()->getFFTSize()); if (processor.m_abnormal_output_samples > 0) infotext += " " + String(processor.m_abnormal_output_samples) + " invalid sample values"; if (processor.isNonRealtime()) infotext += " (offline rendering)"; if (processor.m_playposinfo.isPlaying) infotext += " "+String(processor.m_playposinfo.timeInSeconds,1); m_info_label.setText(infotext, dontSendNotification); } if (id == 2) { m_wavecomponent.setTimeSelection(processor.getTimeSelection()); if (processor.m_state_dirty) { m_spec_order_ed.setSource(processor.getStretchSource()); processor.m_state_dirty = false; } } if (id == 3) { //m_specvis.setState(processor.getStretchSource()->getProcessParameters(), processor.getStretchSource()->getFFTSize() / 2, // processor.getSampleRate()); } } bool PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor::isInterestedInFileDrag(const StringArray & files) { if (files.size() == 0) return false; File f(files[0]); String extension = f.getFileExtension().toLowerCase(); if (processor.m_afm->getWildcardForAllFormats().containsIgnoreCase(extension)) return true; return false; } void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor::filesDropped(const StringArray & files, int x, int y) { if (files.size() > 0) { File f(files[0]); processor.setAudioFile(f); toFront(true); } } void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor::chooseFile() { String initiallocfn = processor.m_propsfile->m_props_file->getValue("importfilefolder", File::getSpecialLocation(File::userHomeDirectory).getFullPathName()); File initialloc(initiallocfn); String filterstring = processor.m_afm->getWildcardForAllFormats(); FileChooser myChooser("Please select audio file...", initialloc, filterstring,true); if (myChooser.browseForFileToOpen()) { File resu = myChooser.getResult(); String pathname = resu.getFullPathName(); if (pathname.startsWith("/localhost")) { pathname = pathname.substring(10); resu = File(pathname); } processor.m_propsfile->m_props_file->setValue("importfilefolder", resu.getParentDirectory().getFullPathName()); m_last_err = processor.setAudioFile(resu); } } void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor::showSettingsMenu() { PopupMenu menu; menu.addItem(4, "Reset parameters", true, false); menu.addItem(5, "Load file with plugin state", true, processor.m_load_file_with_state); menu.addItem(1, "Play when host transport running", true, processor.m_play_when_host_plays); menu.addItem(2, "Capture when host transport running", true, processor.m_capture_when_host_plays); PopupMenu bufferingmenu; int curbufamount = processor.getPreBufferAmount(); bufferingmenu.addItem(100,"None",true,curbufamount == -1); bufferingmenu.addItem(101,"Small",true,curbufamount == 1); bufferingmenu.addItem(102,"Medium",true,curbufamount == 2); bufferingmenu.addItem(103,"Large",true,curbufamount == 3); bufferingmenu.addItem(104,"Very large",true,curbufamount == 4); bufferingmenu.addItem(105,"Huge",true,curbufamount == 5); menu.addSubMenu("Prebuffering", bufferingmenu); int capturelen = *processor.getFloatParameter(cpi_max_capture_len); PopupMenu capturelenmenu; std::vector capturelens{ 2,5,10,30,60,120 }; for (int i=0;i= 200 && r < 210) { int caplen = capturelens[r - 200]; *processor.getFloatParameter(cpi_max_capture_len) = (float)caplen; } if (r == 1) { processor.m_play_when_host_plays = !processor.m_play_when_host_plays; } if (r == 2) { processor.m_capture_when_host_plays = !processor.m_capture_when_host_plays; } if (r == 4) { processor.resetParameters(); } if (r == 5) { processor.m_load_file_with_state = !processor.m_load_file_with_state; } if (r == 3) { String fftlib = fftwf_version; String juceversiontxt = String("JUCE ") + String(JUCE_MAJOR_VERSION) + "." + String(JUCE_MINOR_VERSION); AlertWindow::showMessageBoxAsync(AlertWindow::InfoIcon, g_plugintitle, "Plugin for extreme time stretching and other sound processing\nBuilt on " + String(__DATE__) + " " + String(__TIME__) + "\n" "Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Nasca Octavian Paul, Tg. Mures, Romania\n" "(C) 2017-2018 Xenakios\n\n" "Using " + fftlib + " for FFT\n\n" + juceversiontxt + " (c) Roli. Used under the GPL license.\n\n" "GPL licensed source code for this plugin at : https://bitbucket.org/xenakios/paulstretchplugin/overview\n" , "OK", this); } if (r >= 100 && r < 200) { if (r == 100) processor.m_use_backgroundbuffering = false; if (r > 100) processor.setPreBufferAmount(r-100); } if (r == 6) { ValueTree tree = processor.getStateTree(true,true); MemoryBlock destData; MemoryOutputStream stream(destData, true); tree.writeToStream(stream); String txt = Base64::toBase64(destData.getData(), destData.getSize()); SystemClipboard::copyTextToClipboard(txt); } } WaveformComponent::WaveformComponent(AudioFormatManager* afm, AudioThumbnail* thumb) { TimeSelectionChangedCallback = [](Range, int) {}; if (m_use_opengl == true) m_ogl.attachTo(*this); m_thumbnail = thumb; m_thumbnail->addChangeListener(this); setOpaque(true); } WaveformComponent::~WaveformComponent() { if (m_use_opengl == true) m_ogl.detach(); m_thumbnail->removeChangeListener(this); } void WaveformComponent::changeListenerCallback(ChangeBroadcaster * /*cb*/) { m_waveimage = Image(); repaint(); } void WaveformComponent::paint(Graphics & g) { jassert(GetFileCallback); //Logger::writeToLog("Waveform component paint"); g.fillAll(Colours::black); g.setColour(Colours::darkgrey); g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), m_topmargin); if (m_thumbnail == nullptr || m_thumbnail->getTotalLength() < 0.01) { g.setColour(Colours::aqua.darker()); g.drawText("No file loaded", 2, m_topmargin + 2, getWidth(), 20, Justification::topLeft); return; } g.setColour(Colours::lightslategrey); double thumblen = m_thumbnail->getTotalLength(); double tick_interval = 1.0; if (thumblen > 60.0) tick_interval = 5.0; for (double secs = 0.0; secs < thumblen; secs += tick_interval) { float tickxcor = (float)jmap(secs, thumblen*m_view_range.getStart(), thumblen*m_view_range.getEnd(), 0.0f, (float)getWidth()); g.drawLine(tickxcor, 0.0, tickxcor, (float)m_topmargin, 1.0f); } bool m_use_cached_image = true; if (m_use_cached_image == true) { if (m_waveimage.isValid() == false || m_waveimage.getWidth() != getWidth() || m_waveimage.getHeight() != getHeight() - m_topmargin) { //Logger::writeToLog("updating cached waveform image"); m_waveimage = Image(Image::ARGB, getWidth(), getHeight() - m_topmargin, true); Graphics tempg(m_waveimage); tempg.fillAll(Colours::black); tempg.setColour(Colours::darkgrey); m_thumbnail->drawChannels(tempg, { 0,0,getWidth(),getHeight() - m_topmargin }, thumblen*m_view_range.getStart(), thumblen*m_view_range.getEnd(), 1.0f); } g.drawImage(m_waveimage, 0, m_topmargin, getWidth(), getHeight() - m_topmargin, 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight() - m_topmargin); } else { //g.fillAll(Colours::black); g.setColour(Colours::darkgrey); m_thumbnail->drawChannels(g, { 0,m_topmargin,getWidth(),getHeight() - m_topmargin }, thumblen*m_view_range.getStart(), thumblen*m_view_range.getEnd(), 1.0f); } //g.setColour(Colours::darkgrey); //m_thumb->drawChannels(g, { 0,m_topmargin,getWidth(),getHeight()-m_topmargin }, // 0.0, thumblen, 1.0f); g.setColour(Colours::white.withAlpha(0.5f)); double sel_len = m_time_sel_end - m_time_sel_start; //if (sel_len > 0.0 && sel_len < 1.0) { int xcorleft = (int)jmap(m_time_sel_start, m_view_range.getStart(), m_view_range.getEnd(), 0, getWidth()); int xcorright = (int)jmap(m_time_sel_end, m_view_range.getStart(), m_view_range.getEnd(), 0, getWidth()); g.fillRect(xcorleft, m_topmargin, xcorright - xcorleft, getHeight() - m_topmargin); } if (m_file_cached.first.getLength() > 0.0 && (bool)ShowFileCacheRange.getValue()) { g.setColour(Colours::red.withAlpha(0.2f)); int xcorleft = (int)jmap(m_file_cached.first.getStart(), m_view_range.getStart(), m_view_range.getEnd(), 0, getWidth()); int xcorright = (int)jmap(m_file_cached.first.getEnd(), m_view_range.getStart(), m_view_range.getEnd(), 0, getWidth()); g.fillRect(xcorleft, 0, xcorright - xcorleft, m_topmargin / 2); xcorleft = (int)jmap(m_file_cached.second.getStart(), m_view_range.getStart(), m_view_range.getEnd(), 0, getWidth()); xcorright = (int)jmap(m_file_cached.second.getEnd(), m_view_range.getStart(), m_view_range.getEnd(), 0, getWidth()); if (xcorright - xcorleft>0) { g.setColour(Colours::blue.withAlpha(0.2f)); g.fillRect(xcorleft, m_topmargin / 2, xcorright - xcorleft, m_topmargin / 2); } } g.setColour(Colours::white); if (CursorPosCallback) { double pos = jmap(CursorPosCallback(), m_view_range.getStart(), m_view_range.getEnd(), 0, getWidth()); g.fillRect((int)pos, m_topmargin, 1, getHeight() - m_topmargin); } if (m_rec_pos >= 0.0) { g.setColour(Colours::lightpink); double pos = jmap(m_rec_pos, m_view_range.getStart(), m_view_range.getEnd(), 0, getWidth()); g.fillRect((int)pos, m_topmargin, 1, getHeight() - m_topmargin); } g.setColour(Colours::aqua.darker()); g.drawText(GetFileCallback().getFileName(), 2, m_topmargin + 2, getWidth(), 20, Justification::topLeft); } void WaveformComponent::timerCallback() { repaint(); } void WaveformComponent::setFileCachedRange(std::pair, Range> rng) { m_file_cached = rng; //repaint(); } void WaveformComponent::setTimerEnabled(bool b) { if (b == true) startTimer(100); else stopTimer(); } void WaveformComponent::setViewRange(Range rng) { m_view_range = rng; m_waveimage = Image(); repaint(); } void WaveformComponent::mouseDown(const MouseEvent & e) { m_mousedown = true; m_lock_timesel_set = true; double pos = jmap(e.x, 0, getWidth(), m_view_range.getStart(), m_view_range.getEnd()); if (e.y < m_topmargin) { if (SeekCallback) SeekCallback(pos); m_didseek = true; } else { m_time_sel_drag_target = getTimeSelectionEdge(e.x, e.y); m_drag_time_start = pos; if (m_time_sel_drag_target == 0) { //m_time_sel_start = 0.0; //m_time_sel_end = 1.0; } } repaint(); } void WaveformComponent::mouseUp(const MouseEvent & /*e*/) { m_lock_timesel_set = false; m_mousedown = false; m_didseek = false; if (m_didchangetimeselection) { TimeSelectionChangedCallback(Range(m_time_sel_start, m_time_sel_end), 1); m_didchangetimeselection = false; } } void WaveformComponent::mouseDrag(const MouseEvent & e) { if (m_didseek == true) return; if (m_time_sel_drag_target == 0) { m_time_sel_start = m_drag_time_start; m_time_sel_end = jmap(e.x, 0, getWidth(), m_view_range.getStart(), m_view_range.getEnd()); } if (m_time_sel_drag_target == 1) { m_time_sel_start = jmap(e.x, 0, getWidth(), m_view_range.getStart(), m_view_range.getEnd()); } if (m_time_sel_drag_target == 2) { m_time_sel_end = jmap(e.x, 0, getWidth(), m_view_range.getStart(), m_view_range.getEnd()); } if (m_time_sel_start > m_time_sel_end) { std::swap(m_time_sel_start, m_time_sel_end); if (m_time_sel_drag_target == 1) m_time_sel_drag_target = 2; else if (m_time_sel_drag_target == 2) m_time_sel_drag_target = 1; } m_time_sel_start = jlimit(0.0, 1.0, m_time_sel_start); m_time_sel_end = jlimit(0.0, 1.0, m_time_sel_end); if (TimeSelectionChangedCallback) { if (m_time_sel_end>m_time_sel_start) TimeSelectionChangedCallback(Range(m_time_sel_start, m_time_sel_end), 0); else TimeSelectionChangedCallback(Range(0.0, 1.0), 0); } m_didchangetimeselection = true; repaint(); } void WaveformComponent::mouseMove(const MouseEvent & e) { m_time_sel_drag_target = getTimeSelectionEdge(e.x, e.y); if (m_time_sel_drag_target == 0) setMouseCursor(MouseCursor::NormalCursor); if (m_time_sel_drag_target == 1) setMouseCursor(MouseCursor::LeftRightResizeCursor); if (m_time_sel_drag_target == 2) setMouseCursor(MouseCursor::LeftRightResizeCursor); } void WaveformComponent::mouseDoubleClick(const MouseEvent & e) { m_time_sel_start = 0.0; m_time_sel_end = 1.0; TimeSelectionChangedCallback({ 0.0,1.0 }, 0); repaint(); } Range WaveformComponent::getTimeSelection() { if (m_time_sel_start >= 0.0 && m_time_sel_end>m_time_sel_start + 0.001) return { m_time_sel_start, m_time_sel_end }; return { 0.0, 1.0 }; } void WaveformComponent::setTimeSelection(Range rng) { if (m_lock_timesel_set == true) return; if (rng.isEmpty()) rng = { -1.0,1.0 }; m_time_sel_start = rng.getStart(); m_time_sel_end = rng.getEnd(); repaint(); } int WaveformComponent::getTimeSelectionEdge(int x, int y) { int xcorleft = (int)jmap(m_time_sel_start, m_view_range.getStart(), m_view_range.getEnd(), 0, getWidth()); int xcorright = (int)jmap(m_time_sel_end, m_view_range.getStart(), m_view_range.getEnd(), 0, getWidth()); if (juce::Rectangle(xcorleft - 5, m_topmargin, 10, getHeight() - m_topmargin).contains(x, y)) return 1; if (juce::Rectangle(xcorright - 5, m_topmargin, 10, getHeight() - m_topmargin).contains(x, y)) return 2; return 0; } SpectralVisualizer::SpectralVisualizer() { m_img = Image(Image::RGB, 500, 200, true); } void SpectralVisualizer::setState(const ProcessParameters & pars, int nfreqs, double samplerate) { double t0 = Time::getMillisecondCounterHiRes(); double hz = 440.0; int numharmonics = 40; double scaler = 1.0 / numharmonics; if (m_img.getWidth()!=getWidth() || m_img.getHeight()!=getHeight()) m_img = Image(Image::RGB, getWidth(), getHeight(), true); if (m_nfreqs == 0 || nfreqs != m_nfreqs) { m_nfreqs = nfreqs; m_insamples = std::vector(nfreqs * 2); m_freqs1 = std::vector(nfreqs); m_freqs2 = std::vector(nfreqs); m_freqs3 = std::vector(nfreqs); m_fft = std::make_unique(nfreqs*2); std::fill(m_insamples.begin(), m_insamples.end(), 0.0f); for (int i = 0; i < nfreqs; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < numharmonics; ++j) { double oscgain = 1.0 - (1.0 / numharmonics)*j; m_insamples[i] += scaler * oscgain * sin(2 * 3.141592653 / samplerate * i* (hz + hz * j)); } } } //std::fill(m_freqs1.begin(), m_freqs1.end(), 0.0f); //std::fill(m_freqs2.begin(), m_freqs2.end(), 0.0f); //std::fill(m_freqs3.begin(), m_freqs3.end(), 0.0f); //std::fill(m_fft->freq.begin(), m_fft->freq.end(), 0.0f); for (int i = 0; i < nfreqs; ++i) { m_fft->smp[i] = m_insamples[i]; } m_fft->applywindow(W_HAMMING); m_fft->smp2freq(); double ratio = pow(2.0f, pars.pitch_shift.cents / 1200.0f); spectrum_do_pitch_shift(pars, nfreqs, m_fft->freq.data(), m_freqs2.data(), ratio); spectrum_do_freq_shift(pars, nfreqs, samplerate, m_freqs2.data(), m_freqs1.data()); spectrum_do_compressor(pars, nfreqs, m_freqs1.data(), m_freqs2.data()); spectrum_spread(nfreqs, samplerate, m_freqs3, m_freqs2.data(), m_freqs1.data(), pars.spread.bandwidth); //if (pars.harmonics.enabled) // spectrum_do_harmonics(pars, m_freqs3, nfreqs, samplerate, m_freqs1.data(), m_freqs2.data()); //else spectrum_copy(nfreqs, m_freqs1.data(), m_freqs2.data()); Graphics g(m_img); g.fillAll(Colours::black); g.setColour(Colours::white); for (int i = 0; i < nfreqs; ++i) { double binfreq = (samplerate / 2 / nfreqs)*i; double xcor = jmap(binfreq, 0.0, samplerate / 2.0, 0.0, getWidth()); double ycor = getHeight()- jmap(m_freqs2[i], 0.0, nfreqs/128, 0.0, getHeight()); ycor = jlimit(0.0, getHeight(), ycor); g.drawLine(xcor, getHeight(), xcor, ycor, 1.0); } double t1 = Time::getMillisecondCounterHiRes(); m_elapsed = t1 - t0; repaint(); } void SpectralVisualizer::paint(Graphics & g) { g.drawImage(m_img, 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), 0, 0, m_img.getWidth(), m_img.getHeight()); g.setColour(Colours::yellow); g.drawText(String(m_elapsed, 1)+" ms", 1, 1, getWidth(), 30, Justification::topLeft); } void SpectralChainEditor::paint(Graphics & g) { g.fillAll(Colours::black); if (m_src == nullptr) return; int box_w = getWidth() / m_order.size(); int box_h = getHeight(); for (int i = 0; i < m_order.size(); ++i) { //if (i!=m_cur_index) drawBox(g, i, i*box_w, 0, box_w - 30, box_h); if (i(i*box_w + (box_w - 30), box_h / 2, i*box_w + box_w, box_h / 2), 2.0f, 15.0f, 15.0f); } if (m_drag_x>=0 && m_drag_x=0) drawBox(g, m_cur_index, m_drag_x, 0, box_w - 30, box_h); } void SpectralChainEditor::setSource(StretchAudioSource * src) { m_src = src; m_order = m_src->getSpectrumProcessOrder(); repaint(); } void SpectralChainEditor::mouseDown(const MouseEvent & ev) { m_did_drag = false; int box_w = getWidth() / m_order.size(); int box_h = getHeight(); m_cur_index = ev.x / box_w; if (m_cur_index >= 0) { juce::Rectangle r(box_w*m_cur_index, 1, 12, 12); if (r.contains(ev.x, ev.y)) { m_order[m_cur_index].m_enabled = !m_order[m_cur_index].m_enabled; m_src->setSpectrumProcessOrder(m_order); repaint(); return; } } m_drag_x = -1; repaint(); } void SpectralChainEditor::mouseDrag(const MouseEvent & ev) { if (m_cur_index >= 0 && m_cur_index < m_order.size()) { int box_w = getWidth() / m_order.size(); int box_h = getHeight(); int new_index = ev.x / box_w; if (new_index >= 0 && new_index < m_order.size() && new_index != m_cur_index) { std::swap(m_order[m_cur_index], m_order[new_index]); m_cur_index = new_index; m_did_drag = true; m_src->setSpectrumProcessOrder(m_order); } m_drag_x = ev.x; repaint(); } } void SpectralChainEditor::mouseUp(const MouseEvent & ev) { m_drag_x = -1; //m_cur_index = -1; repaint(); } void SpectralChainEditor::drawBox(Graphics & g, int index, int x, int y, int w, int h) { String txt; if (m_order[index].m_index == 0) txt = "Harmonics"; if (m_order[index].m_index == 1) txt = "Tonal vs Noise"; if (m_order[index].m_index == 2) txt = "Frequency shift"; if (m_order[index].m_index == 3) txt = "Pitch shift"; if (m_order[index].m_index == 4) txt = "Octaves"; if (m_order[index].m_index == 5) txt = "Spread"; if (m_order[index].m_index == 6) txt = "Filter"; if (m_order[index].m_index == 7) txt = "Compressor"; if (index == m_cur_index) { g.setColour(Colours::darkgrey); //g.fillRect(i*box_w, 0, box_w - 30, box_h - 1); g.fillRect(x, y, w, h); } g.setColour(Colours::white); g.drawRect(x, y, w, h); g.drawFittedText(txt, x,y,w,h, Justification::centred, 3); g.setColour(Colours::gold); g.drawRect(x + 2, y + 2, 12, 12); if (m_order[index].m_enabled == true) { g.drawLine(x+2, y+2, x+14, y+14); g.drawLine(x+2, y+14, x+14, y+2); } g.setColour(Colours::white); } ParameterComponent::ParameterComponent(AudioProcessorParameter * par, bool notifyOnlyOnRelease) : m_par(par) { addAndMakeVisible(&m_label); m_label.setText(par->getName(50), dontSendNotification); AudioParameterFloat* floatpar = dynamic_cast(par); if (floatpar) { m_slider = std::make_unique(&floatpar->range); m_notify_only_on_release = notifyOnlyOnRelease; m_slider->setRange(floatpar->range.start, floatpar->range.end, floatpar->range.interval); m_slider->setValue(*floatpar, dontSendNotification); m_slider->addListener(this); addAndMakeVisible(m_slider.get()); } AudioParameterInt* intpar = dynamic_cast(par); if (intpar) { m_slider = std::make_unique(); m_notify_only_on_release = notifyOnlyOnRelease; m_slider->setRange(intpar->getRange().getStart(), intpar->getRange().getEnd(), 1.0); m_slider->setValue(*intpar, dontSendNotification); m_slider->addListener(this); addAndMakeVisible(m_slider.get()); } AudioParameterChoice* choicepar = dynamic_cast(par); if (choicepar) { } AudioParameterBool* boolpar = dynamic_cast(par); if (boolpar) { m_togglebut = std::make_unique(); m_togglebut->setToggleState(*boolpar, dontSendNotification); m_togglebut->addListener(this); m_togglebut->setButtonText(par->getName(50)); addAndMakeVisible(m_togglebut.get()); } } void ParameterComponent::resized() { if (m_slider) { m_label.setBounds(0, 0, 200, 24); m_slider->setBounds(m_label.getRight() + 1, 0, getWidth() - 2 - m_label.getWidth(), 24); } if (m_togglebut) m_togglebut->setBounds(1, 0, getWidth() - 1, 24); } void ParameterComponent::sliderValueChanged(Slider * slid) { if (m_notify_only_on_release == true) return; AudioParameterFloat* floatpar = dynamic_cast(m_par); if (floatpar != nullptr) *floatpar = slid->getValue(); AudioParameterInt* intpar = dynamic_cast(m_par); if (intpar != nullptr) *intpar = slid->getValue(); } void ParameterComponent::sliderDragStarted(Slider * slid) { m_dragging = true; } void ParameterComponent::sliderDragEnded(Slider * slid) { m_dragging = false; if (m_notify_only_on_release == false) return; AudioParameterFloat* floatpar = dynamic_cast(m_par); if (floatpar != nullptr) *floatpar = slid->getValue(); AudioParameterInt* intpar = dynamic_cast(m_par); if (intpar != nullptr) *intpar = slid->getValue(); } void ParameterComponent::buttonClicked(Button * but) { AudioParameterBool* boolpar = dynamic_cast(m_par); if (m_togglebut != nullptr && m_togglebut->getToggleState() != *boolpar) { *boolpar = m_togglebut->getToggleState(); } } void ParameterComponent::updateComponent() { AudioParameterFloat* floatpar = dynamic_cast(m_par); if (floatpar != nullptr && m_slider != nullptr && m_dragging == false && (float)m_slider->getValue() != *floatpar) { m_slider->setValue(*floatpar, dontSendNotification); } AudioParameterInt* intpar = dynamic_cast(m_par); if (intpar != nullptr && m_slider != nullptr && m_dragging == false && (int)m_slider->getValue() != *intpar) { m_slider->setValue(*intpar, dontSendNotification); } AudioParameterBool* boolpar = dynamic_cast(m_par); if (m_togglebut != nullptr && m_togglebut->getToggleState() != *boolpar) { m_togglebut->setToggleState(*boolpar, dontSendNotification); } } MySlider::MySlider(NormalisableRange* range) : m_range(range) { } double MySlider::proportionOfLengthToValue(double x) { if (m_range) return m_range->convertFrom0to1(x); return Slider::proportionOfLengthToValue(x); } double MySlider::valueToProportionOfLength(double x) { if (m_range) return m_range->convertTo0to1(x); return Slider::valueToProportionOfLength(x); }