/* Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Nasca Octavian Paul Author: Nasca Octavian Paul This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License (version 2) for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License (version 2) along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #pragma once #include #include "../JuceLibraryCode/JuceHeader.h" //#include #include "InputS.h" inline double ramp(int64_t pos, int64_t totallen, int64_t rampinlen, int64_t rampoutlen) { if (totallen < rampinlen + rampoutlen) return 1.0; if (pos < rampinlen) return 1.0 / rampinlen*pos; if (pos >= totallen - rampoutlen) return 1.0 - 1.0 / rampoutlen*(pos - totallen + rampoutlen); return 1.0; } class AInputS final : public InputS { public: AInputS(AudioFormatManager* mana) : m_manager(mana) { m_readbuf.setSize(2, 65536*2); m_readbuf.clear(); m_crossfadebuf.setSize(2, 44100); m_crossfadebuf.clear(); PlayRangeEndCallback=[](AInputS*){}; } ~AInputS() {} bool openAudioFile(File file) override { m_silenceoutputted = 0; AudioFormatReader* reader = m_manager->createReaderFor(file); if (reader) { m_afreader = std::unique_ptr(reader); m_currentsample = 0; info.samplerate = (int)m_afreader->sampleRate; info.nchannels = m_afreader->numChannels; info.nsamples = m_afreader->lengthInSamples; if (m_readbuf.getNumChannels() < info.nchannels) { m_readbuf.setSize(info.nchannels, m_readbuf.getNumSamples()); m_crossfadebuf.setSize(info.nchannels, m_crossfadebuf.getNumSamples()); } m_readbuf.clear(); return true; } return false; } void close() override { m_afreader = nullptr; m_currentsample = 0; info.nchannels = 0; info.nsamples = 0; info.samplerate = 0; } int readNextBlock(AudioBuffer& abuf, int nsmps, int numchans) override { if (m_afreader == nullptr) return 0; int inchans = m_afreader->numChannels; int64_t subsect_t0 = (int64_t)(m_activerange.getStart()*info.nsamples); int64_t subsect_t1 = (int64_t)(m_activerange.getEnd()*info.nsamples); int64_t subsectlen = subsect_t1 - subsect_t0; int xfadelen = m_xfadelen; if (xfadelen >= subsectlen) xfadelen = int(subsectlen - 2); auto getSampleLambda=[this](int64_t pos, int ch) { if (m_cached_file_range.contains(pos)) return m_readbuf.getSample(ch, int(pos - m_cached_file_range.getStart())); else { Range activerange((int64_t)(m_activerange.getStart()*info.nsamples), (int64_t)(m_activerange.getEnd()*info.nsamples+1)); Range possiblerange(pos, pos + m_readbuf.getNumSamples() + 0); m_cached_file_range = activerange.getIntersectionWith(possiblerange); m_afreader->read(&m_readbuf, 0, (int)m_cached_file_range.getLength(), pos, true, true); return m_readbuf.getSample(ch, int(pos - m_cached_file_range.getStart())); } }; auto getCrossFadedSampleLambda=[this,&getSampleLambda](int64_t playpos, int chan, int64_t subt0, int64_t subt1, int xfadelen) { if (m_loop_enabled == false && playpos >= subt1) return 0.0f; if (playpos >= subt0 && playpos <= subt1 - xfadelen) return getSampleLambda(playpos, chan); if (playpos > (subt1 - xfadelen) && playpos=0 && playpos2<=xfadelen); float s1 = (float)(m_crossfadebuf.getSample(chan, (int)playpos2)*fadeingain); return s0 + s1; } ++m_silenceoutputted; return 0.0f; }; float** smps = abuf.getArrayOfWritePointers(); int readinc = 1; if (m_reverseplay) readinc = -1; for (int i = 0; i < nsmps; ++i) { if (m_afreader->numChannels == 1 && numchans > 0) { float sig = getCrossFadedSampleLambda(m_currentsample, 0, subsect_t0, subsect_t1, xfadelen); for (int j = 0; j < numchans; ++j) { smps[j][i] = sig; } } else if (m_afreader->numChannels > 1 && numchans > 1) { for (int j = 0; j < numchans; ++j) { int inchantouse = j % inchans; smps[j][i] = getCrossFadedSampleLambda(m_currentsample, inchantouse, subsect_t0, subsect_t1,xfadelen); } } m_currentsample += readinc; if (m_loop_enabled == true) { if (m_reverseplay == false && m_currentsample >= subsect_t1) { m_currentsample = subsect_t0+xfadelen; ++m_loopcount; } else if (m_reverseplay == true && m_currentsample < subsect_t0) { m_currentsample = subsect_t1 - 1; } } else { if (m_reverseplay == false && m_currentsample == subsect_t1) PlayRangeEndCallback(this); else if (m_reverseplay == true && m_currentsample == subsect_t0) PlayRangeEndCallback(this); } } return nsmps; } void seek(double pos) override //0=start,1.0=end { if (m_afreader==nullptr) return; m_loopcount = 0; m_silenceoutputted = 0; m_cache_misses = 0; m_currentsample = (int64_t)(pos*m_afreader->lengthInSamples); m_currentsample = jlimit(0, m_afreader->lengthInSamples, m_currentsample); //Logger::writeToLog("Seeking to " + String(m_currentsample)); //if (m_cached_file_range.contains(info.currentsample)==false) m_cached_file_range = Range(); updateXFadeCache(); //m_cached_crossfade_range = Range(); } std::pair,Range> getCachedRangesNormalized() { if (m_afreader == nullptr) return {}; return { { jmap((double)m_cached_file_range.getStart(),0,(double)info.nsamples,0.0,1.0), jmap((double)m_cached_file_range.getEnd(), 0, (double)info.nsamples, 0.0, 1.0) }, { jmap((double)m_cached_crossfade_range.getStart(),0,(double)info.nsamples,0.0,1.0), jmap((double)m_cached_crossfade_range.getEnd(), 0, (double)info.nsamples, 0.0, 1.0) } }; } int getNumCacheMisses() { return m_cache_misses; } void updateXFadeCache() { if (m_xfadelen>m_crossfadebuf.getNumSamples()) m_crossfadebuf.setSize(info.nchannels,m_xfadelen); m_afreader->read(&m_crossfadebuf, 0, m_xfadelen, (int64_t)(m_activerange.getStart()*info.nsamples), true, true); m_cached_crossfade_range = Range((int64_t)(m_activerange.getStart()*info.nsamples),(int64_t)(m_activerange.getStart()*info.nsamples+m_xfadelen)); } void setActiveRange(Range rng) override { if (rng.getEnd() < rng.getStart()) rng = { 0.0,1.0 }; if (rng.isEmpty()) rng = { 0.0,1.0 }; m_activerange = rng; m_loopcount = 0; updateXFadeCache(); } void setLoopEnabled(bool b) override { m_loop_enabled = b; m_loopcount = 0; updateXFadeCache(); } void setXFadeLenSeconds(double len) { if (info.samplerate==0) return; len = jlimit(0.0,1.0,len); int temp = (int)(len*info.samplerate); if (m_xfadelen!=temp) { m_xfadelen = temp; updateXFadeCache(); } } Range getActiveRangeFrames() { if (info.nsamples == 0) return Range(); return Range((int64_t)(m_activerange.getStart()*info.nsamples), (int64_t)(m_activerange.getEnd()*info.nsamples)); } void setReversePlay(bool b) { m_reverseplay = b; } bool isReversed() { return m_reverseplay; } int64_t getLoopCount() { return m_loopcount; } private: std::function PlayRangeEndCallback; std::unique_ptr m_afreader; AudioBuffer m_readbuf; AudioBuffer m_crossfadebuf; Range m_cached_file_range; Range m_cached_crossfade_range; int m_cache_misses = 0; int m_fade_in = 512; int m_fade_out = 512; int m_xfadelen = 0; bool m_reverseplay = false; int64_t m_loopcount = 0; AudioFormatManager* m_manager = nullptr; };