/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { namespace ComponentBuilderHelpers { static String getStateId (const ValueTree& state) { return state [ComponentBuilder::idProperty].toString(); } static Component* removeComponentWithID (OwnedArray& components, const String& compId) { jassert (compId.isNotEmpty()); for (int i = components.size(); --i >= 0;) { Component* const c = components.getUnchecked (i); if (c->getComponentID() == compId) return components.removeAndReturn (i); } return nullptr; } static Component* findComponentWithID (Component& c, const String& compId) { jassert (compId.isNotEmpty()); if (c.getComponentID() == compId) return &c; for (auto* child : c.getChildren()) if (auto* found = findComponentWithID (*child, compId)) return found; return nullptr; } static Component* createNewComponent (ComponentBuilder::TypeHandler& type, const ValueTree& state, Component* parent) { Component* const c = type.addNewComponentFromState (state, parent); jassert (c != nullptr && c->getParentComponent() == parent); c->setComponentID (getStateId (state)); return c; } static void updateComponent (ComponentBuilder& builder, const ValueTree& state) { if (Component* topLevelComp = builder.getManagedComponent()) { ComponentBuilder::TypeHandler* const type = builder.getHandlerForState (state); const String uid (getStateId (state)); if (type == nullptr || uid.isEmpty()) { // ..handle the case where a child of the actual state node has changed. if (state.getParent().isValid()) updateComponent (builder, state.getParent()); } else { if (Component* const changedComp = findComponentWithID (*topLevelComp, uid)) type->updateComponentFromState (changedComp, state); } } } } //============================================================================== const Identifier ComponentBuilder::idProperty ("id"); ComponentBuilder::ComponentBuilder() : imageProvider (nullptr) { } ComponentBuilder::ComponentBuilder (const ValueTree& state_) : state (state_), imageProvider (nullptr) { state.addListener (this); } ComponentBuilder::~ComponentBuilder() { state.removeListener (this); #if JUCE_DEBUG // Don't delete the managed component!! The builder owns that component, and will delete // it automatically when it gets deleted. jassert (componentRef.get() == component.get()); #endif } Component* ComponentBuilder::getManagedComponent() { if (component == nullptr) { component.reset (createComponent()); #if JUCE_DEBUG componentRef = component.get(); #endif } return component.get(); } Component* ComponentBuilder::createComponent() { jassert (types.size() > 0); // You need to register all the necessary types before you can load a component! if (TypeHandler* const type = getHandlerForState (state)) return ComponentBuilderHelpers::createNewComponent (*type, state, nullptr); jassertfalse; // trying to create a component from an unknown type of ValueTree return nullptr; } void ComponentBuilder::registerTypeHandler (ComponentBuilder::TypeHandler* const type) { jassert (type != nullptr); // Don't try to move your types around! Once a type has been added to a builder, the // builder owns it, and you should leave it alone! jassert (type->builder == nullptr); types.add (type); type->builder = this; } ComponentBuilder::TypeHandler* ComponentBuilder::getHandlerForState (const ValueTree& s) const { const Identifier targetType (s.getType()); for (int i = 0; i < types.size(); ++i) { TypeHandler* const t = types.getUnchecked(i); if (t->type == targetType) return t; } return nullptr; } int ComponentBuilder::getNumHandlers() const noexcept { return types.size(); } ComponentBuilder::TypeHandler* ComponentBuilder::getHandler (const int index) const noexcept { return types [index]; } void ComponentBuilder::registerStandardComponentTypes() { } void ComponentBuilder::setImageProvider (ImageProvider* newImageProvider) noexcept { imageProvider = newImageProvider; } ComponentBuilder::ImageProvider* ComponentBuilder::getImageProvider() const noexcept { return imageProvider; } void ComponentBuilder::valueTreePropertyChanged (ValueTree& tree, const Identifier&) { ComponentBuilderHelpers::updateComponent (*this, tree); } void ComponentBuilder::valueTreeChildAdded (ValueTree& tree, ValueTree&) { ComponentBuilderHelpers::updateComponent (*this, tree); } void ComponentBuilder::valueTreeChildRemoved (ValueTree& tree, ValueTree&, int) { ComponentBuilderHelpers::updateComponent (*this, tree); } void ComponentBuilder::valueTreeChildOrderChanged (ValueTree& tree, int, int) { ComponentBuilderHelpers::updateComponent (*this, tree); } void ComponentBuilder::valueTreeParentChanged (ValueTree& tree) { ComponentBuilderHelpers::updateComponent (*this, tree); } //============================================================================== ComponentBuilder::TypeHandler::TypeHandler (const Identifier& valueTreeType) : type (valueTreeType), builder (nullptr) { } ComponentBuilder::TypeHandler::~TypeHandler() { } ComponentBuilder* ComponentBuilder::TypeHandler::getBuilder() const noexcept { // A type handler needs to be registered with a ComponentBuilder before using it! jassert (builder != nullptr); return builder; } void ComponentBuilder::updateChildComponents (Component& parent, const ValueTree& children) { using namespace ComponentBuilderHelpers; auto numExistingChildComps = parent.getNumChildComponents(); Array componentsInOrder; componentsInOrder.ensureStorageAllocated (numExistingChildComps); { OwnedArray existingComponents; existingComponents.ensureStorageAllocated (numExistingChildComps); for (int i = 0; i < numExistingChildComps; ++i) existingComponents.add (parent.getChildComponent (i)); auto newNumChildren = children.getNumChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < newNumChildren; ++i) { auto childState = children.getChild (i); auto* c = removeComponentWithID (existingComponents, getStateId (childState)); if (c == nullptr) { if (auto* type = getHandlerForState (childState)) c = ComponentBuilderHelpers::createNewComponent (*type, childState, &parent); else jassertfalse; } if (c != nullptr) componentsInOrder.add (c); } // (remaining unused items in existingComponents get deleted here as it goes out of scope) } // Make sure the z-order is correct.. if (componentsInOrder.size() > 0) { componentsInOrder.getLast()->toFront (false); for (int i = componentsInOrder.size() - 1; --i >= 0;) componentsInOrder.getUnchecked(i)->toBehind (componentsInOrder.getUnchecked (i + 1)); } } } // namespace juce