/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ #pragma once //============================================================================== class SVGPathDataComponent : public Component, public FileDragAndDropTarget { public: SVGPathDataComponent() { desc.setJustificationType (Justification::centred); addAndMakeVisible (desc); userText.setFont (getAppSettings().appearance.getCodeFont().withHeight (13.0f)); userText.setMultiLine (true, true); userText.setReturnKeyStartsNewLine (true); addAndMakeVisible (userText); userText.onTextChange = [this] { update(); }; userText.onEscapeKey = [this] { getTopLevelComponent()->exitModalState (0); }; resultText.setFont (getAppSettings().appearance.getCodeFont().withHeight (13.0f)); resultText.setMultiLine (true, true); resultText.setReadOnly (true); resultText.setSelectAllWhenFocused (true); addAndMakeVisible (resultText); userText.setText (getLastText()); addAndMakeVisible (copyButton); copyButton.onClick = [this] { SystemClipboard::copyTextToClipboard (resultText.getText()); }; addAndMakeVisible (closeSubPathButton); closeSubPathButton.onClick = [this] { update(); }; closeSubPathButton.setToggleState (true, NotificationType::dontSendNotification); addAndMakeVisible (fillPathButton); fillPathButton.onClick = [this] { update(); }; fillPathButton.setToggleState (true, NotificationType::dontSendNotification); } void update() { getLastText() = userText.getText(); auto text = getLastText().trim().unquoted().trim(); path = Drawable::parseSVGPath (text); if (path.isEmpty()) path = pathFromPoints (text); String result = "No path generated.. Not a valid SVG path string?"; if (! path.isEmpty()) { MemoryOutputStream data; path.writePathToStream (data); MemoryOutputStream out; out << "static const unsigned char pathData[] = "; build_tools::writeDataAsCppLiteral (data.getMemoryBlock(), out, false, true); out << newLine << newLine << "Path path;" << newLine << "path.loadPathFromData (pathData, sizeof (pathData));" << newLine; result = out.toString(); } resultText.setText (result, false); repaint (previewPathArea); } void resized() override { auto r = getLocalBounds().reduced (8); auto bottomSection = r.removeFromBottom (30); copyButton.setBounds (bottomSection.removeFromLeft (50)); bottomSection.removeFromLeft (25); fillPathButton.setBounds (bottomSection.removeFromLeft (bottomSection.getWidth() / 2)); closeSubPathButton.setBounds (bottomSection); r.removeFromBottom (5); desc.setBounds (r.removeFromTop (44)); r.removeFromTop (8); userText.setBounds (r.removeFromTop (r.getHeight() / 2)); r.removeFromTop (8); previewPathArea = r.removeFromRight (r.getHeight()); resultText.setBounds (r); } void paint (Graphics& g) override { if (dragOver) { g.setColour (findColour (secondaryBackgroundColourId).brighter()); g.fillAll(); } g.setColour (findColour (defaultTextColourId)); path.applyTransform (path.getTransformToScaleToFit (previewPathArea.reduced (4).toFloat(), true)); if (fillPathButton.getToggleState()) g.fillPath (path); else g.strokePath (path, PathStrokeType (2.0f)); } void lookAndFeelChanged() override { userText.applyFontToAllText (userText.getFont()); resultText.applyFontToAllText (resultText.getFont()); } bool isInterestedInFileDrag (const StringArray& files) override { return files.size() == 1 && File (files[0]).hasFileExtension ("svg"); } void fileDragEnter (const StringArray&, int, int) override { dragOver = true; repaint(); } void fileDragExit (const StringArray&) override { dragOver = false; repaint(); } void filesDropped (const StringArray& files, int, int) override { dragOver = false; repaint(); if (auto element = parseXML (File (files[0]))) { if (auto* ePath = element->getChildByName ("path")) userText.setText (ePath->getStringAttribute ("d"), true); else if (auto* ePolygon = element->getChildByName ("polygon")) userText.setText (ePolygon->getStringAttribute ("points"), true); } } Path pathFromPoints (String pointsText) { auto points = StringArray::fromTokens (pointsText, " ,", ""); points.removeEmptyStrings(); jassert (points.size() % 2 == 0); Path p; for (int i = 0; i < points.size() / 2; i++) { auto x = points[i * 2].getFloatValue(); auto y = points[i * 2 + 1].getFloatValue(); if (i == 0) p.startNewSubPath ({ x, y }); else p.lineTo ({ x, y }); } if (closeSubPathButton.getToggleState()) p.closeSubPath(); return p; } private: Label desc { {}, "Paste an SVG path string into the top box, and it'll be converted to some C++ " "code that will load it as a Path object.." }; TextButton copyButton { "Copy" }; TextEditor userText, resultText; ToggleButton closeSubPathButton { "Close sub-path" }; ToggleButton fillPathButton { "Fill path" }; Rectangle previewPathArea; Path path; bool dragOver = false; String& getLastText() { static String t; return t; } };