/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { static String substring (const String& text, Range range) { return text.substring (range.getStart(), range.getEnd()); } TextLayout::Glyph::Glyph (int glyph, Point anch, float w) noexcept : glyphCode (glyph), anchor (anch), width (w) { } //============================================================================== TextLayout::Run::Run (Range range, int numGlyphsToPreallocate) : stringRange (range) { glyphs.ensureStorageAllocated (numGlyphsToPreallocate); } Range TextLayout::Run::getRunBoundsX() const noexcept { Range range; bool isFirst = true; for (auto& glyph : glyphs) { Range r (glyph.anchor.x, glyph.anchor.x + glyph.width); if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; range = r; } else { range = range.getUnionWith (r); } } return range; } //============================================================================== TextLayout::Line::Line (Range range, Point o, float asc, float desc, float lead, int numRunsToPreallocate) : stringRange (range), lineOrigin (o), ascent (asc), descent (desc), leading (lead) { runs.ensureStorageAllocated (numRunsToPreallocate); } TextLayout::Line::Line (const Line& other) : stringRange (other.stringRange), lineOrigin (other.lineOrigin), ascent (other.ascent), descent (other.descent), leading (other.leading) { runs.addCopiesOf (other.runs); } TextLayout::Line& TextLayout::Line::operator= (const Line& other) { auto copy = other; swap (copy); return *this; } Range TextLayout::Line::getLineBoundsX() const noexcept { Range range; bool isFirst = true; for (auto* run : runs) { auto runRange = run->getRunBoundsX(); if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; range = runRange; } else { range = range.getUnionWith (runRange); } } return range + lineOrigin.x; } Range TextLayout::Line::getLineBoundsY() const noexcept { return { lineOrigin.y - ascent, lineOrigin.y + descent }; } Rectangle TextLayout::Line::getLineBounds() const noexcept { auto x = getLineBoundsX(); auto y = getLineBoundsY(); return { x.getStart(), y.getStart(), x.getLength(), y.getLength() }; } void TextLayout::Line::swap (Line& other) noexcept { std::swap (other.runs, runs); std::swap (other.stringRange, stringRange); std::swap (other.lineOrigin, lineOrigin); std::swap (other.ascent, ascent); std::swap (other.descent, descent); std::swap (other.leading, leading); } //============================================================================== TextLayout::TextLayout() : width (0), height (0), justification (Justification::topLeft) { } TextLayout::TextLayout (const TextLayout& other) : width (other.width), height (other.height), justification (other.justification) { lines.addCopiesOf (other.lines); } TextLayout::TextLayout (TextLayout&& other) noexcept : lines (std::move (other.lines)), width (other.width), height (other.height), justification (other.justification) { } TextLayout& TextLayout::operator= (TextLayout&& other) noexcept { lines = std::move (other.lines); width = other.width; height = other.height; justification = other.justification; return *this; } TextLayout& TextLayout::operator= (const TextLayout& other) { width = other.width; height = other.height; justification = other.justification; lines.clear(); lines.addCopiesOf (other.lines); return *this; } TextLayout::~TextLayout() { } TextLayout::Line& TextLayout::getLine (int index) const noexcept { return *lines.getUnchecked (index); } void TextLayout::ensureStorageAllocated (int numLinesNeeded) { lines.ensureStorageAllocated (numLinesNeeded); } void TextLayout::addLine (std::unique_ptr line) { lines.add (line.release()); } void TextLayout::draw (Graphics& g, Rectangle area) const { auto origin = justification.appliedToRectangle (Rectangle (width, getHeight()), area).getPosition(); auto& context = g.getInternalContext(); context.saveState(); auto clip = context.getClipBounds(); auto clipTop = (float) clip.getY() - origin.y; auto clipBottom = (float) clip.getBottom() - origin.y; for (auto& line : *this) { auto lineRangeY = line.getLineBoundsY(); if (lineRangeY.getEnd() < clipTop) continue; if (lineRangeY.getStart() > clipBottom) break; auto lineOrigin = origin + line.lineOrigin; for (auto* run : line.runs) { context.setFont (run->font); context.setFill (run->colour); for (auto& glyph : run->glyphs) context.drawGlyph (glyph.glyphCode, AffineTransform::translation (lineOrigin.x + glyph.anchor.x, lineOrigin.y + glyph.anchor.y)); if (run->font.isUnderlined()) { auto runExtent = run->getRunBoundsX(); auto lineThickness = run->font.getDescent() * 0.3f; context.fillRect ({ runExtent.getStart() + lineOrigin.x, lineOrigin.y + lineThickness * 2.0f, runExtent.getLength(), lineThickness }); } } } context.restoreState(); } void TextLayout::createLayout (const AttributedString& text, float maxWidth) { createLayout (text, maxWidth, 1.0e7f); } void TextLayout::createLayout (const AttributedString& text, float maxWidth, float maxHeight) { lines.clear(); width = maxWidth; height = maxHeight; justification = text.getJustification(); if (! createNativeLayout (text)) createStandardLayout (text); recalculateSize(); } void TextLayout::createLayoutWithBalancedLineLengths (const AttributedString& text, float maxWidth) { createLayoutWithBalancedLineLengths (text, maxWidth, 1.0e7f); } void TextLayout::createLayoutWithBalancedLineLengths (const AttributedString& text, float maxWidth, float maxHeight) { auto minimumWidth = maxWidth / 2.0f; auto bestWidth = maxWidth; float bestLineProportion = 0.0f; while (maxWidth > minimumWidth) { createLayout (text, maxWidth, maxHeight); if (getNumLines() < 2) return; auto line1 = lines.getUnchecked (lines.size() - 1)->getLineBoundsX().getLength(); auto line2 = lines.getUnchecked (lines.size() - 2)->getLineBoundsX().getLength(); auto shortest = jmin (line1, line2); auto longest = jmax (line1, line2); auto prop = shortest > 0 ? longest / shortest : 1.0f; if (prop > 0.9f && prop < 1.1f) return; if (prop > bestLineProportion) { bestLineProportion = prop; bestWidth = maxWidth; } maxWidth -= 10.0f; } if (bestWidth != maxWidth) createLayout (text, bestWidth, maxHeight); } //============================================================================== namespace TextLayoutHelpers { struct Token { Token (const String& t, const Font& f, Colour c, bool whitespace) : text (t), font (f), colour (c), area (font.getStringWidthFloat (t), f.getHeight()), isWhitespace (whitespace), isNewLine (t.containsChar ('\n') || t.containsChar ('\r')) {} const String text; const Font font; const Colour colour; Rectangle area; int line; float lineHeight; const bool isWhitespace, isNewLine; Token& operator= (const Token&) = delete; }; struct TokenList { TokenList() noexcept {} void createLayout (const AttributedString& text, TextLayout& layout) { layout.ensureStorageAllocated (totalLines); addTextRuns (text); layoutRuns (layout.getWidth(), text.getLineSpacing(), text.getWordWrap()); int charPosition = 0; int lineStartPosition = 0; int runStartPosition = 0; std::unique_ptr currentLine; std::unique_ptr currentRun; bool needToSetLineOrigin = true; for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i) { auto& t = *tokens.getUnchecked (i); Array newGlyphs; Array xOffsets; t.font.getGlyphPositions (getTrimmedEndIfNotAllWhitespace (t.text), newGlyphs, xOffsets); if (currentRun == nullptr) currentRun = std::make_unique(); if (currentLine == nullptr) currentLine = std::make_unique(); const auto numGlyphs = newGlyphs.size(); charPosition += numGlyphs; if (numGlyphs > 0 && (! (t.isWhitespace || t.isNewLine) || needToSetLineOrigin)) { currentRun->glyphs.ensureStorageAllocated (currentRun->glyphs.size() + newGlyphs.size()); auto tokenOrigin = t.area.getPosition().translated (0, t.font.getAscent()); if (needToSetLineOrigin) { needToSetLineOrigin = false; currentLine->lineOrigin = tokenOrigin; } auto glyphOffset = tokenOrigin - currentLine->lineOrigin; for (int j = 0; j < newGlyphs.size(); ++j) { auto x = xOffsets.getUnchecked (j); currentRun->glyphs.add (TextLayout::Glyph (newGlyphs.getUnchecked (j), glyphOffset.translated (x, 0), xOffsets.getUnchecked (j + 1) - x)); } } if (auto* nextToken = tokens[i + 1]) { if (t.font != nextToken->font || t.colour != nextToken->colour) { addRun (*currentLine, currentRun.release(), t, runStartPosition, charPosition); runStartPosition = charPosition; } if (t.line != nextToken->line) { if (currentRun == nullptr) currentRun = std::make_unique(); addRun (*currentLine, currentRun.release(), t, runStartPosition, charPosition); currentLine->stringRange = { lineStartPosition, charPosition }; if (! needToSetLineOrigin) layout.addLine (std::move (currentLine)); runStartPosition = charPosition; lineStartPosition = charPosition; needToSetLineOrigin = true; } } else { addRun (*currentLine, currentRun.release(), t, runStartPosition, charPosition); currentLine->stringRange = { lineStartPosition, charPosition }; if (! needToSetLineOrigin) layout.addLine (std::move (currentLine)); needToSetLineOrigin = true; } } if ((text.getJustification().getFlags() & (Justification::right | Justification::horizontallyCentred)) != 0) { auto totalW = layout.getWidth(); bool isCentred = (text.getJustification().getFlags() & Justification::horizontallyCentred) != 0; for (auto& line : layout) { auto dx = totalW - line.getLineBoundsX().getLength(); if (isCentred) dx /= 2.0f; line.lineOrigin.x += dx; } } } private: static void addRun (TextLayout::Line& glyphLine, TextLayout::Run* glyphRun, const Token& t, int start, int end) { glyphRun->stringRange = { start, end }; glyphRun->font = t.font; glyphRun->colour = t.colour; glyphLine.ascent = jmax (glyphLine.ascent, t.font.getAscent()); glyphLine.descent = jmax (glyphLine.descent, t.font.getDescent()); glyphLine.runs.add (glyphRun); } static int getCharacterType (juce_wchar c) noexcept { if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') return 0; return CharacterFunctions::isWhitespace (c) ? 2 : 1; } void appendText (const String& stringText, const Font& font, Colour colour) { auto t = stringText.getCharPointer(); String currentString; int lastCharType = 0; for (;;) { auto c = t.getAndAdvance(); if (c == 0) break; auto charType = getCharacterType (c); if (charType == 0 || charType != lastCharType) { if (currentString.isNotEmpty()) tokens.add (new Token (currentString, font, colour, lastCharType == 2 || lastCharType == 0)); currentString = String::charToString (c); if (c == '\r' && *t == '\n') currentString += t.getAndAdvance(); } else { currentString += c; } lastCharType = charType; } if (currentString.isNotEmpty()) tokens.add (new Token (currentString, font, colour, lastCharType == 2)); } void layoutRuns (float maxWidth, float extraLineSpacing, AttributedString::WordWrap wordWrap) { float x = 0, y = 0, h = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i) { auto& t = *tokens.getUnchecked (i); t.area.setPosition (x, y); t.line = totalLines; x += t.area.getWidth(); h = jmax (h, t.area.getHeight() + extraLineSpacing); auto* nextTok = tokens[i + 1]; if (nextTok == nullptr) break; bool tokenTooLarge = (x + nextTok->area.getWidth() > maxWidth); if (t.isNewLine || ((! nextTok->isWhitespace) && (tokenTooLarge && wordWrap != AttributedString::none))) { setLastLineHeight (i + 1, h); x = 0; y += h; h = 0; ++totalLines; } } setLastLineHeight (jmin (i + 1, tokens.size()), h); ++totalLines; } void setLastLineHeight (int i, float height) noexcept { while (--i >= 0) { auto& tok = *tokens.getUnchecked (i); if (tok.line == totalLines) tok.lineHeight = height; else break; } } void addTextRuns (const AttributedString& text) { auto numAttributes = text.getNumAttributes(); tokens.ensureStorageAllocated (jmax (64, numAttributes)); for (int i = 0; i < numAttributes; ++i) { auto& attr = text.getAttribute (i); appendText (substring (text.getText(), attr.range), attr.font, attr.colour); } } static String getTrimmedEndIfNotAllWhitespace (const String& s) { auto trimmed = s.trimEnd(); if (trimmed.isEmpty() && s.isNotEmpty()) trimmed = s.replaceCharacters ("\r\n\t", " "); return trimmed; } OwnedArray tokens; int totalLines = 0; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (TokenList) }; } //============================================================================== void TextLayout::createStandardLayout (const AttributedString& text) { TextLayoutHelpers::TokenList l; l.createLayout (text, *this); } void TextLayout::recalculateSize() { if (! lines.isEmpty()) { auto bounds = lines.getFirst()->getLineBounds(); for (auto* line : lines) bounds = bounds.getUnion (line->getLineBounds()); for (auto* line : lines) line->lineOrigin.x -= bounds.getX(); width = bounds.getWidth(); height = bounds.getHeight(); } else { width = 0; height = 0; } } } // namespace juce