/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { Displays::Displays (Desktop& desktop) { init (desktop); } void Displays::init (Desktop& desktop) { findDisplays (desktop.getGlobalScaleFactor()); } const Displays::Display* Displays::getDisplayForRect (Rectangle rect, bool isPhysical) const noexcept { int maxArea = -1; const Display* foundDisplay = nullptr; for (auto& display : displays) { auto displayArea = display.totalArea; if (isPhysical) displayArea = (displayArea.withZeroOrigin() * display.scale) + display.topLeftPhysical; displayArea = displayArea.getIntersection (rect); auto area = displayArea.getWidth() * displayArea.getHeight(); if (area >= maxArea) { maxArea = area; foundDisplay = &display; } } return foundDisplay; } const Displays::Display* Displays::getDisplayForPoint (Point point, bool isPhysical) const noexcept { auto minDistance = std::numeric_limits::max(); const Display* foundDisplay = nullptr; for (auto& display : displays) { auto displayArea = display.totalArea; if (isPhysical) displayArea = (displayArea.withZeroOrigin() * display.scale) + display.topLeftPhysical; if (displayArea.contains (point)) return &display; auto distance = displayArea.getCentre().getDistanceFrom (point); if (distance <= minDistance) { minDistance = distance; foundDisplay = &display; } } return foundDisplay; } Rectangle Displays::physicalToLogical (Rectangle rect, const Display* useScaleFactorOfDisplay) const noexcept { return physicalToLogical (rect.toFloat(), useScaleFactorOfDisplay).toNearestInt(); } Rectangle Displays::physicalToLogical (Rectangle rect, const Display* useScaleFactorOfDisplay) const noexcept { const auto* display = useScaleFactorOfDisplay != nullptr ? useScaleFactorOfDisplay : getDisplayForRect (rect.toNearestInt(), true); if (display == nullptr) return rect; auto globalScale = Desktop::getInstance().getGlobalScaleFactor(); return ((rect - display->topLeftPhysical.toFloat()) / (display->scale / globalScale)) + (display->totalArea.getTopLeft().toFloat() * globalScale); } Rectangle Displays::logicalToPhysical (Rectangle rect, const Display* useScaleFactorOfDisplay) const noexcept { return logicalToPhysical (rect.toFloat(), useScaleFactorOfDisplay).toNearestInt(); } Rectangle Displays::logicalToPhysical (Rectangle rect, const Display* useScaleFactorOfDisplay) const noexcept { const auto* display = useScaleFactorOfDisplay != nullptr ? useScaleFactorOfDisplay : getDisplayForRect (rect.toNearestInt(), false); if (display == nullptr) return rect; auto globalScale = Desktop::getInstance().getGlobalScaleFactor(); return ((rect.toFloat() - (display->totalArea.getTopLeft().toFloat() * globalScale)) * (display->scale / globalScale)) + display->topLeftPhysical.toFloat(); } template Point Displays::physicalToLogical (Point point, const Display* useScaleFactorOfDisplay) const noexcept { const auto* display = useScaleFactorOfDisplay != nullptr ? useScaleFactorOfDisplay : getDisplayForPoint (point.roundToInt(), true); if (display == nullptr) return point; auto globalScale = Desktop::getInstance().getGlobalScaleFactor(); Point logicalTopLeft (static_cast (display->totalArea.getX()), static_cast (display->totalArea.getY())); Point physicalTopLeft (static_cast (display->topLeftPhysical.getX()), static_cast (display->topLeftPhysical.getY())); return ((point - physicalTopLeft) / (display->scale / globalScale)) + (logicalTopLeft * globalScale); } template Point Displays::logicalToPhysical (Point point, const Display* useScaleFactorOfDisplay) const noexcept { const auto* display = useScaleFactorOfDisplay != nullptr ? useScaleFactorOfDisplay : getDisplayForPoint (point.roundToInt(), false); if (display == nullptr) return point; auto globalScale = Desktop::getInstance().getGlobalScaleFactor(); Point logicalTopLeft (static_cast (display->totalArea.getX()), static_cast (display->totalArea.getY())); Point physicalTopLeft (static_cast (display->topLeftPhysical.getX()), static_cast (display->topLeftPhysical.getY())); return ((point - (logicalTopLeft * globalScale)) * (display->scale / globalScale)) + physicalTopLeft; } const Displays::Display* Displays::getPrimaryDisplay() const noexcept { JUCE_ASSERT_MESSAGE_MANAGER_IS_LOCKED for (auto& d : displays) if (d.isMain) return &d; return nullptr; } RectangleList Displays::getRectangleList (bool userAreasOnly) const { JUCE_ASSERT_MESSAGE_MANAGER_IS_LOCKED RectangleList rl; for (auto& d : displays) rl.addWithoutMerging (userAreasOnly ? d.userArea : d.totalArea); return rl; } Rectangle Displays::getTotalBounds (bool userAreasOnly) const { return getRectangleList (userAreasOnly).getBounds(); } void Displays::refresh() { Array oldDisplays; oldDisplays.swapWith (displays); init (Desktop::getInstance()); if (oldDisplays != displays) { for (auto i = ComponentPeer::getNumPeers(); --i >= 0;) if (auto* peer = ComponentPeer::getPeer (i)) peer->handleScreenSizeChange(); } } bool operator== (const Displays::Display& d1, const Displays::Display& d2) noexcept; bool operator== (const Displays::Display& d1, const Displays::Display& d2) noexcept { return d1.isMain == d2.isMain && d1.totalArea == d2.totalArea && d1.userArea == d2.userArea && d1.topLeftPhysical == d2.topLeftPhysical && d1.scale == d2.scale && d1.dpi == d2.dpi; } bool operator!= (const Displays::Display& d1, const Displays::Display& d2) noexcept; bool operator!= (const Displays::Display& d1, const Displays::Display& d2) noexcept { return ! (d1 == d2); } //============================================================================== // These methods are used for converting the totalArea and userArea Rectangles in Display from physical to logical // pixels. We do this by constructing a graph of connected displays where the root node has position (0, 0); this can be // safely converted to logical pixels using its scale factor and we can then traverse the graph and work out the logical pixels // for all the other connected displays. We need to do this as the logical bounds of a display depend not only on its scale // factor but also the scale factor of the displays connected to it. /** Represents a node in our graph of displays. */ struct DisplayNode { /** The Display object that this represents. */ Displays::Display* display; /** True if this represents the 'root' display with position (0, 0). */ bool isRoot = false; /** The parent node of this node in our display graph. This will have a correct logicalArea. */ DisplayNode* parent = nullptr; /** The logical area to be calculated. This will be valid after processDisplay() has been called on this node. */ Rectangle logicalArea; }; /** Recursive - will calculate and set the logicalArea member of current. */ static void processDisplay (DisplayNode* currentNode, Array& allNodes) { const auto physicalArea = currentNode->display->totalArea.toDouble(); const auto scale = currentNode->display->scale; if (! currentNode->isRoot) { const auto logicalWidth = physicalArea.getWidth() / scale; const auto logicalHeight = physicalArea.getHeight() / scale; const auto physicalParentArea = currentNode->parent->display->totalArea.toDouble(); const auto logicalParentArea = currentNode->parent->logicalArea; // logical area of parent has already been calculated const auto parentScale = currentNode->parent->display->scale; Rectangle logicalArea (0.0, 0.0, logicalWidth, logicalHeight); if (physicalArea.getRight() == physicalParentArea.getX()) logicalArea.setPosition ({ logicalParentArea.getX() - logicalWidth, physicalArea.getY() / parentScale }); // on left else if (physicalArea.getX() == physicalParentArea.getRight()) logicalArea.setPosition ({ logicalParentArea.getRight(), physicalArea.getY() / parentScale }); // on right else if (physicalArea.getBottom() == physicalParentArea.getY()) logicalArea.setPosition ({ physicalArea.getX() / parentScale, logicalParentArea.getY() - logicalHeight }); // on top else if (physicalArea.getY() == physicalParentArea.getBottom()) logicalArea.setPosition ({ physicalArea.getX() / parentScale, logicalParentArea.getBottom() }); // on bottom else jassertfalse; currentNode->logicalArea = logicalArea; } else { // If currentNode is the root (position (0, 0)) then we can just scale the physical area currentNode->logicalArea = physicalArea / scale; currentNode->parent = currentNode; } // Find child nodes Array children; for (auto& node : allNodes) { // Already calculated if (node.parent != nullptr) continue; const auto otherPhysicalArea = node.display->totalArea.toDouble(); // If the displays are touching on any side if (otherPhysicalArea.getX() == physicalArea.getRight() || otherPhysicalArea.getRight() == physicalArea.getX() || otherPhysicalArea.getY() == physicalArea.getBottom() || otherPhysicalArea.getBottom() == physicalArea.getY()) { node.parent = currentNode; children.add (&node); } } // Recursively process all child nodes for (auto child : children) processDisplay (child, allNodes); } /** This is called when the displays Array has been filled out with the info for all connected displays and the totalArea and userArea Rectangles need to be converted from physical to logical coordinates. */ void Displays::updateToLogical() { if (displays.size() == 1) { auto& display = displays.getReference (0); display.totalArea = (display.totalArea.toDouble() / display.scale).toNearestInt(); display.userArea = (display.userArea.toDouble() / display.scale).toNearestInt(); return; } Array displayNodes; for (auto& d : displays) { DisplayNode node; node.display = &d; if (d.totalArea.getTopLeft() == Point()) node.isRoot = true; displayNodes.add (node); } auto* root = [&displayNodes]() -> DisplayNode* { for (auto& node : displayNodes) if (node.isRoot) return &node; auto minDistance = std::numeric_limits::max(); DisplayNode* retVal = nullptr; for (auto& node : displayNodes) { auto distance = node.display->totalArea.getTopLeft().getDistanceFrom ({}); if (distance < minDistance) { minDistance = distance; retVal = &node; } } if (retVal != nullptr) retVal->isRoot = true; return retVal; }(); // Must have a root node! jassert (root != nullptr); // Recursively traverse the display graph from the root and work out logical bounds processDisplay (root, displayNodes); for (auto& node : displayNodes) { // All of the nodes should have a parent jassert (node.parent != nullptr); auto relativeUserArea = (node.display->userArea.toDouble() - node.display->totalArea.toDouble().getTopLeft()) / node.display->scale; // Now set Display::totalArea and ::userArea using the logical area that we have calculated node.display->topLeftPhysical = node.display->totalArea.getTopLeft(); node.display->totalArea = node.logicalArea.toNearestInt(); node.display->userArea = (relativeUserArea + node.logicalArea.getTopLeft()).toNearestInt(); } } #ifndef DOXYGEN // explicit template instantiations template Point Displays::physicalToLogical (Point, const Display*) const noexcept; template Point Displays::physicalToLogical (Point, const Display*) const noexcept; template Point Displays::logicalToPhysical (Point, const Display*) const noexcept; template Point Displays::logicalToPhysical (Point, const Display*) const noexcept; #endif //============================================================================== // Deprecated methods const Displays::Display& Displays::getDisplayContaining (Point position) const noexcept { JUCE_ASSERT_MESSAGE_MANAGER_IS_LOCKED const auto* best = &displays.getReference (0); auto bestDistance = std::numeric_limits::max(); for (auto& d : displays) { if (d.totalArea.contains (position)) { best = &d; break; } auto distance = d.totalArea.getCentre().getDistanceFrom (position); if (distance < bestDistance) { bestDistance = distance; best = &d; } } return *best; } const Displays::Display& Displays::findDisplayForRect (Rectangle rect, bool isPhysical) const noexcept { if (auto* display = getDisplayForRect (rect, isPhysical)) return *display; return emptyDisplay; } const Displays::Display& Displays::findDisplayForPoint (Point point, bool isPhysical) const noexcept { if (auto* display = getDisplayForPoint (point, isPhysical)) return *display; return emptyDisplay; } const Displays::Display& Displays::getMainDisplay() const noexcept { if (auto* display = getPrimaryDisplay()) return *display; return emptyDisplay; } } // namespace juce