/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { ComponentBoundsConstrainer::ComponentBoundsConstrainer() noexcept {} ComponentBoundsConstrainer::~ComponentBoundsConstrainer() {} //============================================================================== void ComponentBoundsConstrainer::setMinimumWidth (int minimumWidth) noexcept { minW = minimumWidth; } void ComponentBoundsConstrainer::setMaximumWidth (int maximumWidth) noexcept { maxW = maximumWidth; } void ComponentBoundsConstrainer::setMinimumHeight (int minimumHeight) noexcept { minH = minimumHeight; } void ComponentBoundsConstrainer::setMaximumHeight (int maximumHeight) noexcept { maxH = maximumHeight; } void ComponentBoundsConstrainer::setMinimumSize (int minimumWidth, int minimumHeight) noexcept { jassert (maxW >= minimumWidth); jassert (maxH >= minimumHeight); jassert (minimumWidth > 0 && minimumHeight > 0); minW = minimumWidth; minH = minimumHeight; if (minW > maxW) maxW = minW; if (minH > maxH) maxH = minH; } void ComponentBoundsConstrainer::setMaximumSize (int maximumWidth, int maximumHeight) noexcept { jassert (maximumWidth >= minW); jassert (maximumHeight >= minH); jassert (maximumWidth > 0 && maximumHeight > 0); maxW = jmax (minW, maximumWidth); maxH = jmax (minH, maximumHeight); } void ComponentBoundsConstrainer::setSizeLimits (int minimumWidth, int minimumHeight, int maximumWidth, int maximumHeight) noexcept { jassert (maximumWidth >= minimumWidth); jassert (maximumHeight >= minimumHeight); jassert (maximumWidth > 0 && maximumHeight > 0); jassert (minimumWidth > 0 && minimumHeight > 0); minW = jmax (0, minimumWidth); minH = jmax (0, minimumHeight); maxW = jmax (minW, maximumWidth); maxH = jmax (minH, maximumHeight); } void ComponentBoundsConstrainer::setMinimumOnscreenAmounts (int minimumWhenOffTheTop, int minimumWhenOffTheLeft, int minimumWhenOffTheBottom, int minimumWhenOffTheRight) noexcept { minOffTop = minimumWhenOffTheTop; minOffLeft = minimumWhenOffTheLeft; minOffBottom = minimumWhenOffTheBottom; minOffRight = minimumWhenOffTheRight; } void ComponentBoundsConstrainer::setFixedAspectRatio (double widthOverHeight) noexcept { aspectRatio = jmax (0.0, widthOverHeight); } double ComponentBoundsConstrainer::getFixedAspectRatio() const noexcept { return aspectRatio; } void ComponentBoundsConstrainer::setBoundsForComponent (Component* component, Rectangle targetBounds, bool isStretchingTop, bool isStretchingLeft, bool isStretchingBottom, bool isStretchingRight) { jassert (component != nullptr); Rectangle limits, bounds (targetBounds); BorderSize border; if (auto* parent = component->getParentComponent()) { limits.setSize (parent->getWidth(), parent->getHeight()); } else { if (auto* peer = component->getPeer()) border = peer->getFrameSize(); auto screenBounds = Desktop::getInstance().getDisplays().getDisplayForPoint (targetBounds.getCentre())->userArea; limits = component->getLocalArea (nullptr, screenBounds) + component->getPosition(); } border.addTo (bounds); checkBounds (bounds, border.addedTo (component->getBounds()), limits, isStretchingTop, isStretchingLeft, isStretchingBottom, isStretchingRight); border.subtractFrom (bounds); applyBoundsToComponent (*component, bounds); } void ComponentBoundsConstrainer::checkComponentBounds (Component* component) { setBoundsForComponent (component, component->getBounds(), false, false, false, false); } void ComponentBoundsConstrainer::applyBoundsToComponent (Component& component, Rectangle bounds) { if (auto* positioner = component.getPositioner()) positioner->applyNewBounds (bounds); else component.setBounds (bounds); } //============================================================================== void ComponentBoundsConstrainer::resizeStart() { } void ComponentBoundsConstrainer::resizeEnd() { } //============================================================================== void ComponentBoundsConstrainer::checkBounds (Rectangle& bounds, const Rectangle& old, const Rectangle& limits, bool isStretchingTop, bool isStretchingLeft, bool isStretchingBottom, bool isStretchingRight) { if (isStretchingLeft) bounds.setLeft (jlimit (old.getRight() - maxW, old.getRight() - minW, bounds.getX())); else bounds.setWidth (jlimit (minW, maxW, bounds.getWidth())); if (isStretchingTop) bounds.setTop (jlimit (old.getBottom() - maxH, old.getBottom() - minH, bounds.getY())); else bounds.setHeight (jlimit (minH, maxH, bounds.getHeight())); if (bounds.isEmpty()) return; if (minOffTop > 0) { const int limit = limits.getY() + jmin (minOffTop - bounds.getHeight(), 0); if (bounds.getY() < limit) { if (isStretchingTop) bounds.setTop (limits.getY()); else bounds.setY (limit); } } if (minOffLeft > 0) { const int limit = limits.getX() + jmin (minOffLeft - bounds.getWidth(), 0); if (bounds.getX() < limit) { if (isStretchingLeft) bounds.setLeft (limits.getX()); else bounds.setX (limit); } } if (minOffBottom > 0) { const int limit = limits.getBottom() - jmin (minOffBottom, bounds.getHeight()); if (bounds.getY() > limit) { if (isStretchingBottom) bounds.setBottom (limits.getBottom()); else bounds.setY (limit); } } if (minOffRight > 0) { const int limit = limits.getRight() - jmin (minOffRight, bounds.getWidth()); if (bounds.getX() > limit) { if (isStretchingRight) bounds.setRight (limits.getRight()); else bounds.setX (limit); } } // constrain the aspect ratio if one has been specified.. if (aspectRatio > 0.0) { bool adjustWidth; if ((isStretchingTop || isStretchingBottom) && ! (isStretchingLeft || isStretchingRight)) { adjustWidth = true; } else if ((isStretchingLeft || isStretchingRight) && ! (isStretchingTop || isStretchingBottom)) { adjustWidth = false; } else { const double oldRatio = (old.getHeight() > 0) ? std::abs (old.getWidth() / (double) old.getHeight()) : 0.0; const double newRatio = std::abs (bounds.getWidth() / (double) bounds.getHeight()); adjustWidth = (oldRatio > newRatio); } if (adjustWidth) { bounds.setWidth (roundToInt (bounds.getHeight() * aspectRatio)); if (bounds.getWidth() > maxW || bounds.getWidth() < minW) { bounds.setWidth (jlimit (minW, maxW, bounds.getWidth())); bounds.setHeight (roundToInt (bounds.getWidth() / aspectRatio)); } } else { bounds.setHeight (roundToInt (bounds.getWidth() / aspectRatio)); if (bounds.getHeight() > maxH || bounds.getHeight() < minH) { bounds.setHeight (jlimit (minH, maxH, bounds.getHeight())); bounds.setWidth (roundToInt (bounds.getHeight() * aspectRatio)); } } if ((isStretchingTop || isStretchingBottom) && ! (isStretchingLeft || isStretchingRight)) { bounds.setX (old.getX() + (old.getWidth() - bounds.getWidth()) / 2); } else if ((isStretchingLeft || isStretchingRight) && ! (isStretchingTop || isStretchingBottom)) { bounds.setY (old.getY() + (old.getHeight() - bounds.getHeight()) / 2); } else { if (isStretchingLeft) bounds.setX (old.getRight() - bounds.getWidth()); if (isStretchingTop) bounds.setY (old.getBottom() - bounds.getHeight()); } } jassert (! bounds.isEmpty()); } } // namespace juce