/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { struct FlexBoxLayoutCalculation { using Coord = double; FlexBoxLayoutCalculation (FlexBox& fb, Coord w, Coord h) : owner (fb), parentWidth (w), parentHeight (h), numItems (owner.items.size()), isRowDirection (fb.flexDirection == FlexBox::Direction::row || fb.flexDirection == FlexBox::Direction::rowReverse), containerLineLength (isRowDirection ? parentWidth : parentHeight) { lineItems.calloc (numItems * numItems); lineInfo.calloc (numItems); } struct ItemWithState { ItemWithState (FlexItem& source) noexcept : item (&source) {} FlexItem* item; Coord lockedWidth = 0, lockedHeight = 0; Coord lockedMarginLeft = 0, lockedMarginRight = 0, lockedMarginTop = 0, lockedMarginBottom = 0; Coord preferredWidth = 0, preferredHeight = 0; bool locked = false; void resetItemLockedSize() noexcept { lockedWidth = preferredWidth; lockedHeight = preferredHeight; lockedMarginLeft = getValueOrZeroIfAuto (item->margin.left); lockedMarginRight = getValueOrZeroIfAuto (item->margin.right); lockedMarginTop = getValueOrZeroIfAuto (item->margin.top); lockedMarginBottom = getValueOrZeroIfAuto (item->margin.bottom); } void setWidthChecked (Coord newWidth) noexcept { if (isAssigned (item->maxWidth)) newWidth = jmin (newWidth, static_cast (item->maxWidth)); if (isAssigned (item->minWidth)) newWidth = jmax (newWidth, static_cast (item->minWidth)); lockedWidth = newWidth; } void setHeightChecked (Coord newHeight) noexcept { if (isAssigned (item->maxHeight)) newHeight = jmin (newHeight, (Coord) item->maxHeight); if (isAssigned (item->minHeight)) newHeight = jmax (newHeight, (Coord) item->minHeight); lockedHeight = newHeight; } }; struct RowInfo { int numItems; Coord crossSize, lineY, totalLength; }; FlexBox& owner; const Coord parentWidth, parentHeight; const int numItems; const bool isRowDirection; const Coord containerLineLength; int numberOfRows = 1; Coord containerCrossLength = 0; HeapBlock lineItems; HeapBlock lineInfo; Array itemStates; ItemWithState& getItem (int x, int y) const noexcept { return *lineItems[y * numItems + x]; } static bool isAuto (Coord value) noexcept { return value == FlexItem::autoValue; } static bool isAssigned (Coord value) noexcept { return value != FlexItem::notAssigned; } static Coord getValueOrZeroIfAuto (Coord value) noexcept { return isAuto (value) ? Coord() : value; } //============================================================================== void createStates() { itemStates.ensureStorageAllocated (numItems); for (auto& item : owner.items) itemStates.add (item); std::stable_sort (itemStates.begin(), itemStates.end(), [] (const ItemWithState& i1, const ItemWithState& i2) { return i1.item->order < i2.item->order; }); for (auto& item : itemStates) { item.preferredWidth = getPreferredWidth (item); item.preferredHeight = getPreferredHeight (item); } } void initialiseItems() noexcept { if (owner.flexWrap == FlexBox::Wrap::noWrap) // for single-line, all items go in line 1 { lineInfo[0].numItems = numItems; int i = 0; for (auto& item : itemStates) { item.resetItemLockedSize(); lineItems[i++] = &item; } } else // if multi-line, group the flexbox items into multiple lines { auto currentLength = containerLineLength; int column = 0, row = 0; bool firstRow = true; for (auto& item : itemStates) { item.resetItemLockedSize(); const auto flexitemLength = getItemLength (item); if (flexitemLength > currentLength) { if (! firstRow) row++; if (row >= numItems) break; column = 0; currentLength = containerLineLength; numberOfRows = jmax (numberOfRows, row + 1); } currentLength -= flexitemLength; lineItems[row * numItems + column] = &item; ++column; lineInfo[row].numItems = jmax (lineInfo[row].numItems, column); firstRow = false; } } } void resolveFlexibleLengths() noexcept { for (int row = 0; row < numberOfRows; ++row) { resetRowItems (row); for (int maxLoops = numItems; --maxLoops >= 0;) { resetUnlockedRowItems (row); if (layoutRowItems (row)) break; } } } void resolveAutoMarginsOnMainAxis() noexcept { for (int row = 0; row < numberOfRows; ++row) { Coord allFlexGrow = 0; const auto numColumns = lineInfo[row].numItems; const auto remainingLength = containerLineLength - lineInfo[row].totalLength; for (int column = 0; column < numColumns; ++column) { auto& item = getItem (column, row); if (isRowDirection) { if (isAuto (item.item->margin.left)) ++allFlexGrow; if (isAuto (item.item->margin.right)) ++allFlexGrow; } else { if (isAuto (item.item->margin.top)) ++allFlexGrow; if (isAuto (item.item->margin.bottom)) ++allFlexGrow; } } auto changeUnitWidth = remainingLength / allFlexGrow; if (changeUnitWidth > 0) { for (int column = 0; column < numColumns; ++column) { auto& item = getItem (column, row); if (isRowDirection) { if (isAuto (item.item->margin.left)) item.lockedMarginLeft = changeUnitWidth; if (isAuto (item.item->margin.right)) item.lockedMarginRight = changeUnitWidth; } else { if (isAuto (item.item->margin.top)) item.lockedMarginTop = changeUnitWidth; if (isAuto (item.item->margin.bottom)) item.lockedMarginBottom = changeUnitWidth; } } } } } void calculateCrossSizesByLine() noexcept { for (int row = 0; row < numberOfRows; ++row) { Coord maxSize = 0; const auto numColumns = lineInfo[row].numItems; for (int column = 0; column < numColumns; ++column) { auto& item = getItem (column, row); maxSize = jmax (maxSize, isRowDirection ? item.lockedHeight + item.lockedMarginTop + item.lockedMarginBottom : item.lockedWidth + item.lockedMarginLeft + item.lockedMarginRight); } lineInfo[row].crossSize = maxSize; } } void calculateCrossSizeOfAllItems() noexcept { for (int row = 0; row < numberOfRows; ++row) { const auto numColumns = lineInfo[row].numItems; for (int column = 0; column < numColumns; ++column) { auto& item = getItem (column, row); if (isAssigned (item.item->maxHeight) && item.lockedHeight > item.item->maxHeight) item.lockedHeight = item.item->maxHeight; if (isAssigned (item.item->maxWidth) && item.lockedWidth > item.item->maxWidth) item.lockedWidth = item.item->maxWidth; } } } void alignLinesPerAlignContent() noexcept { containerCrossLength = isRowDirection ? parentHeight : parentWidth; if (owner.alignContent == FlexBox::AlignContent::flexStart) { for (int row = 0; row < numberOfRows; ++row) for (int row2 = row; row2 < numberOfRows; ++row2) lineInfo[row].lineY = row == 0 ? 0 : lineInfo[row - 1].lineY + lineInfo[row - 1].crossSize; } else if (owner.alignContent == FlexBox::AlignContent::flexEnd) { for (int row = 0; row < numberOfRows; ++row) { Coord crossHeights = 0; for (int row2 = row; row2 < numberOfRows; ++row2) crossHeights += lineInfo[row2].crossSize; lineInfo[row].lineY = containerCrossLength - crossHeights; } } else { Coord totalHeight = 0; for (int row = 0; row < numberOfRows; ++row) totalHeight += lineInfo[row].crossSize; if (owner.alignContent == FlexBox::AlignContent::stretch) { const auto difference = jmax (Coord(), (containerCrossLength - totalHeight) / numberOfRows); for (int row = 0; row < numberOfRows; ++row) { lineInfo[row].crossSize += difference; lineInfo[row].lineY = row == 0 ? 0 : lineInfo[row - 1].lineY + lineInfo[row - 1].crossSize; } } else if (owner.alignContent == FlexBox::AlignContent::center) { const auto additionalength = (containerCrossLength - totalHeight) / 2; for (int row = 0; row < numberOfRows; ++row) lineInfo[row].lineY = row == 0 ? additionalength : lineInfo[row - 1].lineY + lineInfo[row - 1].crossSize; } else if (owner.alignContent == FlexBox::AlignContent::spaceBetween) { const auto additionalength = numberOfRows <= 1 ? Coord() : jmax (Coord(), (containerCrossLength - totalHeight) / static_cast (numberOfRows - 1)); lineInfo[0].lineY = 0; for (int row = 1; row < numberOfRows; ++row) lineInfo[row].lineY += additionalength + lineInfo[row - 1].lineY + lineInfo[row - 1].crossSize; } else if (owner.alignContent == FlexBox::AlignContent::spaceAround) { const auto additionalength = numberOfRows <= 1 ? Coord() : jmax (Coord(), (containerCrossLength - totalHeight) / static_cast (2 + (2 * (numberOfRows - 1)))); lineInfo[0].lineY = additionalength; for (int row = 1; row < numberOfRows; ++row) lineInfo[row].lineY += (2 * additionalength) + lineInfo[row - 1].lineY + lineInfo[row - 1].crossSize; } } } void resolveAutoMarginsOnCrossAxis() noexcept { for (int row = 0; row < numberOfRows; ++row) { const auto numColumns = lineInfo[row].numItems; const auto crossSizeForLine = lineInfo[row].crossSize; for (int column = 0; column < numColumns; ++column) { auto& item = getItem (column, row); if (isRowDirection) { if (isAuto (item.item->margin.top) && isAuto (item.item->margin.bottom)) item.lockedMarginTop = (crossSizeForLine - item.lockedHeight) / 2; else if (isAuto (item.item->margin.top)) item.lockedMarginTop = crossSizeForLine - item.lockedHeight - item.item->margin.bottom; } else if (isAuto (item.item->margin.left) && isAuto (item.item->margin.right)) { item.lockedMarginLeft = jmax (Coord(), (crossSizeForLine - item.lockedWidth) / 2); } else if (isAuto (item.item->margin.top)) { item.lockedMarginLeft = jmax (Coord(), crossSizeForLine - item.lockedHeight - item.item->margin.bottom); } } } } void alignItemsInCrossAxisInLinesPerAlignItems() noexcept { for (int row = 0; row < numberOfRows; ++row) { const auto numColumns = lineInfo[row].numItems; const auto lineSize = lineInfo[row].crossSize; for (int column = 0; column < numColumns; ++column) { auto& item = getItem (column, row); if (item.item->alignSelf == FlexItem::AlignSelf::autoAlign) { if (owner.alignItems == FlexBox::AlignItems::stretch) { item.lockedMarginTop = item.item->margin.top; if (isRowDirection) item.setHeightChecked (lineSize - item.item->margin.top - item.item->margin.bottom); else item.setWidthChecked (lineSize - item.item->margin.left - item.item->margin.right); } else if (owner.alignItems == FlexBox::AlignItems::flexStart) { item.lockedMarginTop = item.item->margin.top; } else if (owner.alignItems == FlexBox::AlignItems::flexEnd) { if (isRowDirection) item.lockedMarginTop = lineSize - item.lockedHeight - item.item->margin.bottom; else item.lockedMarginLeft = lineSize - item.lockedWidth - item.item->margin.right; } else if (owner.alignItems == FlexBox::AlignItems::center) { if (isRowDirection) item.lockedMarginTop = (lineSize - item.lockedHeight - item.item->margin.top - item.item->margin.bottom) / 2; else item.lockedMarginLeft = (lineSize - item.lockedWidth - item.item->margin.left - item.item->margin.right) / 2; } } } } } void alignLinesPerAlignSelf() noexcept { for (int row = 0; row < numberOfRows; ++row) { const auto numColumns = lineInfo[row].numItems; const auto lineSize = lineInfo[row].crossSize; for (int column = 0; column < numColumns; ++column) { auto& item = getItem (column, row); if (! isAuto (item.item->margin.top)) { if (item.item->alignSelf == FlexItem::AlignSelf::flexStart) { if (isRowDirection) item.lockedMarginTop = item.item->margin.top; else item.lockedMarginLeft = item.item->margin.left; } else if (item.item->alignSelf == FlexItem::AlignSelf::flexEnd) { if (isRowDirection) item.lockedMarginTop = lineSize - item.lockedHeight - item.item->margin.bottom; else item.lockedMarginLeft = lineSize - item.lockedWidth - item.item->margin.right; } else if (item.item->alignSelf == FlexItem::AlignSelf::center) { if (isRowDirection) item.lockedMarginTop = item.item->margin.top + (lineSize - item.lockedHeight - item.item->margin.top - item.item->margin.bottom) / 2; else item.lockedMarginLeft = item.item->margin.left + (lineSize - item.lockedWidth - item.item->margin.left - item.item->margin.right) / 2; } else if (item.item->alignSelf == FlexItem::AlignSelf::stretch) { item.lockedMarginTop = item.item->margin.top; item.lockedMarginLeft = item.item->margin.left; if (isRowDirection) item.setHeightChecked (isAssigned (item.item->height) ? getPreferredHeight (item) : lineSize - item.item->margin.top - item.item->margin.bottom); else item.setWidthChecked (isAssigned (item.item->width) ? getPreferredWidth (item) : lineSize - item.item->margin.left - item.item->margin.right); } } } } } void alignItemsByJustifyContent() noexcept { Coord additionalMarginRight = 0, additionalMarginLeft = 0; recalculateTotalItemLengthPerLineArray(); for (int row = 0; row < numberOfRows; ++row) { const auto numColumns = lineInfo[row].numItems; Coord x = 0; if (owner.justifyContent == FlexBox::JustifyContent::flexEnd) { x = containerLineLength - lineInfo[row].totalLength; } else if (owner.justifyContent == FlexBox::JustifyContent::center) { x = (containerLineLength - lineInfo[row].totalLength) / 2; } else if (owner.justifyContent == FlexBox::JustifyContent::spaceBetween) { additionalMarginRight = jmax (Coord(), (containerLineLength - lineInfo[row].totalLength) / jmax (1, numColumns - 1)); } else if (owner.justifyContent == FlexBox::JustifyContent::spaceAround) { additionalMarginLeft = additionalMarginRight = jmax (Coord(), (containerLineLength - lineInfo[row].totalLength) / jmax (1, 2 * numColumns)); } for (int column = 0; column < numColumns; ++column) { auto& item = getItem (column, row); if (isRowDirection) { item.lockedMarginLeft += additionalMarginLeft; item.lockedMarginRight += additionalMarginRight; item.item->currentBounds.setPosition ((float) (x + item.lockedMarginLeft), (float) item.lockedMarginTop); x += item.lockedWidth + item.lockedMarginLeft + item.lockedMarginRight; } else { item.lockedMarginTop += additionalMarginLeft; item.lockedMarginBottom += additionalMarginRight; item.item->currentBounds.setPosition ((float) item.lockedMarginLeft, (float) (x + item.lockedMarginTop)); x += item.lockedHeight + item.lockedMarginTop + item.lockedMarginBottom; } } } } void layoutAllItems() noexcept { for (int row = 0; row < numberOfRows; ++row) { const auto lineY = lineInfo[row].lineY; const auto numColumns = lineInfo[row].numItems; for (int column = 0; column < numColumns; ++column) { auto& item = getItem (column, row); if (isRowDirection) item.item->currentBounds.setY ((float) (lineY + item.lockedMarginTop)); else item.item->currentBounds.setX ((float) (lineY + item.lockedMarginLeft)); item.item->currentBounds.setSize ((float) item.lockedWidth, (float) item.lockedHeight); } } reverseLocations(); reverseWrap(); } private: void resetRowItems (const int row) noexcept { const auto numColumns = lineInfo[row].numItems; for (int column = 0; column < numColumns; ++column) resetItem (getItem (column, row)); } void resetUnlockedRowItems (const int row) noexcept { const auto numColumns = lineInfo[row].numItems; for (int column = 0; column < numColumns; ++column) { auto& item = getItem (column, row); if (! item.locked) resetItem (item); } } void resetItem (ItemWithState& item) noexcept { item.locked = false; item.lockedWidth = getPreferredWidth (item); item.lockedHeight = getPreferredHeight (item); } bool layoutRowItems (const int row) noexcept { const auto numColumns = lineInfo[row].numItems; auto flexContainerLength = containerLineLength; Coord totalItemsLength = 0, totalFlexGrow = 0, totalFlexShrink = 0; for (int column = 0; column < numColumns; ++column) { const auto& item = getItem (column, row); if (item.locked) { flexContainerLength -= getItemLength (item); } else { totalItemsLength += getItemLength (item); totalFlexGrow += item.item->flexGrow; totalFlexShrink += item.item->flexShrink; } } Coord changeUnit = 0; const auto difference = flexContainerLength - totalItemsLength; const bool positiveFlexibility = difference > 0; if (positiveFlexibility) { if (totalFlexGrow != 0.0) changeUnit = difference / totalFlexGrow; } else { if (totalFlexShrink != 0.0) changeUnit = difference / totalFlexShrink; } bool ok = true; for (int column = 0; column < numColumns; ++column) { auto& item = getItem (column, row); if (! item.locked) if (! addToItemLength (item, (positiveFlexibility ? item.item->flexGrow : item.item->flexShrink) * changeUnit, row)) ok = false; } return ok; } void recalculateTotalItemLengthPerLineArray() noexcept { for (int row = 0; row < numberOfRows; ++row) { lineInfo[row].totalLength = 0; const auto numColumns = lineInfo[row].numItems; for (int column = 0; column < numColumns; ++column) { const auto& item = getItem (column, row); lineInfo[row].totalLength += isRowDirection ? item.lockedWidth + item.lockedMarginLeft + item.lockedMarginRight : item.lockedHeight + item.lockedMarginTop + item.lockedMarginBottom; } } } void reverseLocations() noexcept { if (owner.flexDirection == FlexBox::Direction::rowReverse) { for (auto& item : owner.items) item.currentBounds.setX ((float) (containerLineLength - item.currentBounds.getRight())); } else if (owner.flexDirection == FlexBox::Direction::columnReverse) { for (auto& item : owner.items) item.currentBounds.setY ((float) (containerLineLength - item.currentBounds.getBottom())); } } void reverseWrap() noexcept { if (owner.flexWrap == FlexBox::Wrap::wrapReverse) { if (isRowDirection) { for (auto& item : owner.items) item.currentBounds.setY ((float) (containerCrossLength - item.currentBounds.getBottom())); } else { for (auto& item : owner.items) item.currentBounds.setX ((float) (containerCrossLength - item.currentBounds.getRight())); } } } Coord getItemLength (const ItemWithState& item) const noexcept { return isRowDirection ? item.lockedWidth + item.lockedMarginLeft + item.lockedMarginRight : item.lockedHeight + item.lockedMarginTop + item.lockedMarginBottom; } Coord getItemCrossSize (const ItemWithState& item) const noexcept { return isRowDirection ? item.lockedHeight + item.lockedMarginTop + item.lockedMarginBottom : item.lockedWidth + item.lockedMarginLeft + item.lockedMarginRight; } bool addToItemLength (ItemWithState& item, const Coord length, int row) const noexcept { bool ok = false; if (isRowDirection) { const auto prefWidth = getPreferredWidth (item); if (isAssigned (item.item->maxWidth) && item.item->maxWidth < prefWidth + length) { item.lockedWidth = item.item->maxWidth; item.locked = true; } else if (isAssigned (prefWidth) && item.item->minWidth > prefWidth + length) { item.lockedWidth = item.item->minWidth; item.locked = true; } else { ok = true; item.lockedWidth = prefWidth + length; } lineInfo[row].totalLength += item.lockedWidth + item.lockedMarginLeft + item.lockedMarginRight; } else { const auto prefHeight = getPreferredHeight (item); if (isAssigned (item.item->maxHeight) && item.item->maxHeight < prefHeight + length) { item.lockedHeight = item.item->maxHeight; item.locked = true; } else if (isAssigned (prefHeight) && item.item->minHeight > prefHeight + length) { item.lockedHeight = item.item->minHeight; item.locked = true; } else { ok = true; item.lockedHeight = prefHeight + length; } lineInfo[row].totalLength += item.lockedHeight + item.lockedMarginTop + item.lockedMarginBottom; } return ok; } Coord getPreferredWidth (const ItemWithState& itemWithState) const noexcept { const auto& item = *itemWithState.item; auto preferredWidth = (item.flexBasis > 0 && isRowDirection) ? item.flexBasis : (isAssigned (item.width) ? item.width : item.minWidth); if (isAssigned (item.minWidth) && preferredWidth < item.minWidth) return item.minWidth; if (isAssigned (item.maxWidth) && preferredWidth > item.maxWidth) return item.maxWidth; return preferredWidth; } Coord getPreferredHeight (const ItemWithState& itemWithState) const noexcept { const auto& item = *itemWithState.item; auto preferredHeight = (item.flexBasis > 0 && ! isRowDirection) ? item.flexBasis : (isAssigned (item.height) ? item.height : item.minHeight); if (isAssigned (item.minHeight) && preferredHeight < item.minHeight) return item.minHeight; if (isAssigned (item.maxHeight) && preferredHeight > item.maxHeight) return item.maxHeight; return preferredHeight; } }; //============================================================================== FlexBox::FlexBox() noexcept {} FlexBox::~FlexBox() noexcept {} FlexBox::FlexBox (JustifyContent jc) noexcept : justifyContent (jc) {} FlexBox::FlexBox (Direction d, Wrap w, AlignContent ac, AlignItems ai, JustifyContent jc) noexcept : flexDirection (d), flexWrap (w), alignContent (ac), alignItems (ai), justifyContent (jc) { } void FlexBox::performLayout (Rectangle targetArea) { if (! items.isEmpty()) { FlexBoxLayoutCalculation layout (*this, targetArea.getWidth(), targetArea.getHeight()); layout.createStates(); layout.initialiseItems(); layout.resolveFlexibleLengths(); layout.resolveAutoMarginsOnMainAxis(); layout.calculateCrossSizesByLine(); layout.calculateCrossSizeOfAllItems(); layout.alignLinesPerAlignContent(); layout.resolveAutoMarginsOnCrossAxis(); layout.alignItemsInCrossAxisInLinesPerAlignItems(); layout.alignLinesPerAlignSelf(); layout.alignItemsByJustifyContent(); layout.layoutAllItems(); for (auto& item : items) { item.currentBounds += targetArea.getPosition(); if (auto* comp = item.associatedComponent) comp->setBounds (Rectangle::leftTopRightBottom ((int) item.currentBounds.getX(), (int) item.currentBounds.getY(), (int) item.currentBounds.getRight(), (int) item.currentBounds.getBottom())); if (auto* box = item.associatedFlexBox) box->performLayout (item.currentBounds); } } } void FlexBox::performLayout (Rectangle targetArea) { performLayout (targetArea.toFloat()); } //============================================================================== FlexItem::FlexItem() noexcept {} FlexItem::FlexItem (float w, float h) noexcept : currentBounds (w, h), minWidth (w), minHeight (h) {} FlexItem::FlexItem (float w, float h, Component& c) noexcept : FlexItem (w, h) { associatedComponent = &c; } FlexItem::FlexItem (float w, float h, FlexBox& fb) noexcept : FlexItem (w, h) { associatedFlexBox = &fb; } FlexItem::FlexItem (Component& c) noexcept : associatedComponent (&c) {} FlexItem::FlexItem (FlexBox& fb) noexcept : associatedFlexBox (&fb) {} FlexItem::Margin::Margin() noexcept : left(), right(), top(), bottom() {} FlexItem::Margin::Margin (float v) noexcept : left (v), right (v), top (v), bottom (v) {} FlexItem::Margin::Margin (float t, float r, float b, float l) noexcept : left (l), right (r), top (t), bottom (b) {} //============================================================================== FlexItem FlexItem::withFlex (float newFlexGrow) const noexcept { auto fi = *this; fi.flexGrow = newFlexGrow; return fi; } FlexItem FlexItem::withFlex (float newFlexGrow, float newFlexShrink) const noexcept { auto fi = withFlex (newFlexGrow); fi.flexShrink = newFlexShrink; return fi; } FlexItem FlexItem::withFlex (float newFlexGrow, float newFlexShrink, float newFlexBasis) const noexcept { auto fi = withFlex (newFlexGrow, newFlexShrink); fi.flexBasis = newFlexBasis; return fi; } FlexItem FlexItem::withWidth (float newWidth) const noexcept { auto fi = *this; fi.width = newWidth; return fi; } FlexItem FlexItem::withMinWidth (float newMinWidth) const noexcept { auto fi = *this; fi.minWidth = newMinWidth; return fi; } FlexItem FlexItem::withMaxWidth (float newMaxWidth) const noexcept { auto fi = *this; fi.maxWidth = newMaxWidth; return fi; } FlexItem FlexItem::withMinHeight (float newMinHeight) const noexcept { auto fi = *this; fi.minHeight = newMinHeight; return fi; } FlexItem FlexItem::withMaxHeight (float newMaxHeight) const noexcept { auto fi = *this; fi.maxHeight = newMaxHeight; return fi; } FlexItem FlexItem::withHeight (float newHeight) const noexcept { auto fi = *this; fi.height = newHeight; return fi; } FlexItem FlexItem::withMargin (Margin m) const noexcept { auto fi = *this; fi.margin = m; return fi; } FlexItem FlexItem::withOrder (int newOrder) const noexcept { auto fi = *this; fi.order = newOrder; return fi; } FlexItem FlexItem::withAlignSelf (AlignSelf a) const noexcept { auto fi = *this; fi.alignSelf = a; return fi; } } // namespace juce