/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { class ScrollBar::ScrollbarButton : public Button { public: ScrollbarButton (int direc, ScrollBar& s) : Button (String()), direction (direc), owner (s) { setWantsKeyboardFocus (false); } void paintButton (Graphics& g, bool over, bool down) override { getLookAndFeel().drawScrollbarButton (g, owner, getWidth(), getHeight(), direction, owner.isVertical(), over, down); } void clicked() override { owner.moveScrollbarInSteps ((direction == 1 || direction == 2) ? 1 : -1); } using Button::clicked; int direction; private: ScrollBar& owner; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (ScrollbarButton) }; //============================================================================== ScrollBar::ScrollBar (bool shouldBeVertical) : vertical (shouldBeVertical) { setRepaintsOnMouseActivity (true); setFocusContainerType (FocusContainerType::keyboardFocusContainer); } ScrollBar::~ScrollBar() { upButton.reset(); downButton.reset(); } //============================================================================== void ScrollBar::setRangeLimits (Range newRangeLimit, NotificationType notification) { if (totalRange != newRangeLimit) { totalRange = newRangeLimit; setCurrentRange (visibleRange, notification); updateThumbPosition(); } } void ScrollBar::setRangeLimits (double newMinimum, double newMaximum, NotificationType notification) { jassert (newMaximum >= newMinimum); // these can't be the wrong way round! setRangeLimits (Range (newMinimum, newMaximum), notification); } bool ScrollBar::setCurrentRange (Range newRange, NotificationType notification) { auto constrainedRange = totalRange.constrainRange (newRange); if (visibleRange != constrainedRange) { visibleRange = constrainedRange; updateThumbPosition(); if (notification != dontSendNotification) triggerAsyncUpdate(); if (notification == sendNotificationSync) handleUpdateNowIfNeeded(); return true; } return false; } void ScrollBar::setCurrentRange (double newStart, double newSize, NotificationType notification) { setCurrentRange (Range (newStart, newStart + newSize), notification); } void ScrollBar::setCurrentRangeStart (double newStart, NotificationType notification) { setCurrentRange (visibleRange.movedToStartAt (newStart), notification); } void ScrollBar::setSingleStepSize (double newSingleStepSize) noexcept { singleStepSize = newSingleStepSize; } bool ScrollBar::moveScrollbarInSteps (int howManySteps, NotificationType notification) { return setCurrentRange (visibleRange + howManySteps * singleStepSize, notification); } bool ScrollBar::moveScrollbarInPages (int howManyPages, NotificationType notification) { return setCurrentRange (visibleRange + howManyPages * visibleRange.getLength(), notification); } bool ScrollBar::scrollToTop (NotificationType notification) { return setCurrentRange (visibleRange.movedToStartAt (getMinimumRangeLimit()), notification); } bool ScrollBar::scrollToBottom (NotificationType notification) { return setCurrentRange (visibleRange.movedToEndAt (getMaximumRangeLimit()), notification); } void ScrollBar::setButtonRepeatSpeed (int newInitialDelay, int newRepeatDelay, int newMinimumDelay) { initialDelayInMillisecs = newInitialDelay; repeatDelayInMillisecs = newRepeatDelay; minimumDelayInMillisecs = newMinimumDelay; if (upButton != nullptr) { upButton ->setRepeatSpeed (newInitialDelay, newRepeatDelay, newMinimumDelay); downButton->setRepeatSpeed (newInitialDelay, newRepeatDelay, newMinimumDelay); } } //============================================================================== void ScrollBar::addListener (Listener* listener) { listeners.add (listener); } void ScrollBar::removeListener (Listener* listener) { listeners.remove (listener); } void ScrollBar::handleAsyncUpdate() { auto start = visibleRange.getStart(); // (need to use a temp variable for VC7 compatibility) listeners.call ([this, start] (Listener& l) { l.scrollBarMoved (this, start); }); } //============================================================================== void ScrollBar::updateThumbPosition() { auto minimumScrollBarThumbSize = getLookAndFeel().getMinimumScrollbarThumbSize (*this); int newThumbSize = roundToInt (totalRange.getLength() > 0 ? (visibleRange.getLength() * thumbAreaSize) / totalRange.getLength() : thumbAreaSize); if (newThumbSize < minimumScrollBarThumbSize) newThumbSize = jmin (minimumScrollBarThumbSize, thumbAreaSize - 1); if (newThumbSize > thumbAreaSize) newThumbSize = thumbAreaSize; int newThumbStart = thumbAreaStart; if (totalRange.getLength() > visibleRange.getLength()) newThumbStart += roundToInt (((visibleRange.getStart() - totalRange.getStart()) * (thumbAreaSize - newThumbSize)) / (totalRange.getLength() - visibleRange.getLength())); Component::setVisible (getVisibility()); if (thumbStart != newThumbStart || thumbSize != newThumbSize) { auto repaintStart = jmin (thumbStart, newThumbStart) - 4; auto repaintSize = jmax (thumbStart + thumbSize, newThumbStart + newThumbSize) + 8 - repaintStart; if (vertical) repaint (0, repaintStart, getWidth(), repaintSize); else repaint (repaintStart, 0, repaintSize, getHeight()); thumbStart = newThumbStart; thumbSize = newThumbSize; } } void ScrollBar::setOrientation (bool shouldBeVertical) { if (vertical != shouldBeVertical) { vertical = shouldBeVertical; if (upButton != nullptr) { upButton->direction = vertical ? 0 : 3; downButton->direction = vertical ? 2 : 1; } updateThumbPosition(); } } void ScrollBar::setAutoHide (bool shouldHideWhenFullRange) { autohides = shouldHideWhenFullRange; updateThumbPosition(); } bool ScrollBar::autoHides() const noexcept { return autohides; } //============================================================================== void ScrollBar::paint (Graphics& g) { if (thumbAreaSize > 0) { auto& lf = getLookAndFeel(); auto thumb = (thumbAreaSize > lf.getMinimumScrollbarThumbSize (*this)) ? thumbSize : 0; if (vertical) lf.drawScrollbar (g, *this, 0, thumbAreaStart, getWidth(), thumbAreaSize, vertical, thumbStart, thumb, isMouseOver(), isMouseButtonDown()); else lf.drawScrollbar (g, *this, thumbAreaStart, 0, thumbAreaSize, getHeight(), vertical, thumbStart, thumb, isMouseOver(), isMouseButtonDown()); } } void ScrollBar::lookAndFeelChanged() { setComponentEffect (getLookAndFeel().getScrollbarEffect()); if (isVisible()) resized(); } void ScrollBar::resized() { auto length = vertical ? getHeight() : getWidth(); auto& lf = getLookAndFeel(); bool buttonsVisible = lf.areScrollbarButtonsVisible(); int buttonSize = 0; if (buttonsVisible) { if (upButton == nullptr) { upButton .reset (new ScrollbarButton (vertical ? 0 : 3, *this)); downButton.reset (new ScrollbarButton (vertical ? 2 : 1, *this)); addAndMakeVisible (upButton.get()); addAndMakeVisible (downButton.get()); setButtonRepeatSpeed (initialDelayInMillisecs, repeatDelayInMillisecs, minimumDelayInMillisecs); } buttonSize = jmin (lf.getScrollbarButtonSize (*this), length / 2); } else { upButton.reset(); downButton.reset(); } if (length < 32 + lf.getMinimumScrollbarThumbSize (*this)) { thumbAreaStart = length / 2; thumbAreaSize = 0; } else { thumbAreaStart = buttonSize; thumbAreaSize = length - 2 * buttonSize; } if (upButton != nullptr) { auto r = getLocalBounds(); if (vertical) { upButton->setBounds (r.removeFromTop (buttonSize)); downButton->setBounds (r.removeFromBottom (buttonSize)); } else { upButton->setBounds (r.removeFromLeft (buttonSize)); downButton->setBounds (r.removeFromRight (buttonSize)); } } updateThumbPosition(); } void ScrollBar::parentHierarchyChanged() { lookAndFeelChanged(); } void ScrollBar::mouseDown (const MouseEvent& e) { isDraggingThumb = false; lastMousePos = vertical ? e.y : e.x; dragStartMousePos = lastMousePos; dragStartRange = visibleRange.getStart(); if (dragStartMousePos < thumbStart) { moveScrollbarInPages (-1); startTimer (400); } else if (dragStartMousePos >= thumbStart + thumbSize) { moveScrollbarInPages (1); startTimer (400); } else { isDraggingThumb = (thumbAreaSize > getLookAndFeel().getMinimumScrollbarThumbSize (*this)) && (thumbAreaSize > thumbSize); } } void ScrollBar::mouseDrag (const MouseEvent& e) { auto mousePos = vertical ? e.y : e.x; if (isDraggingThumb && lastMousePos != mousePos && thumbAreaSize > thumbSize) { auto deltaPixels = mousePos - dragStartMousePos; setCurrentRangeStart (dragStartRange + deltaPixels * (totalRange.getLength() - visibleRange.getLength()) / (thumbAreaSize - thumbSize)); } lastMousePos = mousePos; } void ScrollBar::mouseUp (const MouseEvent&) { isDraggingThumb = false; stopTimer(); repaint(); } void ScrollBar::mouseWheelMove (const MouseEvent&, const MouseWheelDetails& wheel) { float increment = 10.0f * (vertical ? wheel.deltaY : wheel.deltaX); if (increment < 0) increment = jmin (increment, -1.0f); else if (increment > 0) increment = jmax (increment, 1.0f); setCurrentRange (visibleRange - singleStepSize * increment); } void ScrollBar::timerCallback() { if (isMouseButtonDown()) { startTimer (40); if (lastMousePos < thumbStart) setCurrentRange (visibleRange - visibleRange.getLength()); else if (lastMousePos > thumbStart + thumbSize) setCurrentRangeStart (visibleRange.getEnd()); } else { stopTimer(); } } bool ScrollBar::keyPressed (const KeyPress& key) { if (isVisible()) { if (key == KeyPress::upKey || key == KeyPress::leftKey) return moveScrollbarInSteps (-1); if (key == KeyPress::downKey || key == KeyPress::rightKey) return moveScrollbarInSteps (1); if (key == KeyPress::pageUpKey) return moveScrollbarInPages (-1); if (key == KeyPress::pageDownKey) return moveScrollbarInPages (1); if (key == KeyPress::homeKey) return scrollToTop(); if (key == KeyPress::endKey) return scrollToBottom(); } return false; } void ScrollBar::setVisible (bool shouldBeVisible) { if (userVisibilityFlag != shouldBeVisible) { userVisibilityFlag = shouldBeVisible; Component::setVisible (getVisibility()); } } bool ScrollBar::getVisibility() const noexcept { if (! userVisibilityFlag) return false; return (! autohides) || (totalRange.getLength() > visibleRange.getLength() && visibleRange.getLength() > 0.0); } //============================================================================== std::unique_ptr ScrollBar::createAccessibilityHandler() { class ValueInterface : public AccessibilityRangedNumericValueInterface { public: explicit ValueInterface (ScrollBar& scrollBarToWrap) : scrollBar (scrollBarToWrap) {} bool isReadOnly() const override { return false; } double getCurrentValue() const override { return scrollBar.getCurrentRangeStart(); } void setValue (double newValue) override { scrollBar.setCurrentRangeStart (newValue); } AccessibleValueRange getRange() const override { if (scrollBar.getRangeLimit().isEmpty()) return {}; return { { scrollBar.getMinimumRangeLimit(), scrollBar.getMaximumRangeLimit() }, scrollBar.getSingleStepSize() }; } private: ScrollBar& scrollBar; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (ValueInterface) }; return std::make_unique (*this, AccessibilityRole::scrollBar, AccessibilityActions{}, AccessibilityHandler::Interfaces { std::make_unique (*this) }); } } // namespace juce