/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ #include "jucer_ProjectSaver.h" #include "jucer_ProjectExport_CLion.h" #include "../Application/jucer_Application.h" static constexpr const char* generatedGroupID = "__jucelibfiles"; static constexpr const char* generatedGroupUID = "__generatedcode__"; constexpr int jucerFormatVersion = 1; //============================================================================== ProjectSaver::ProjectSaver (Project& p) : project (p), generatedCodeFolder (project.getGeneratedCodeFolder()), generatedFilesGroup (Project::Item::createGroup (project, getJuceCodeGroupName(), generatedGroupUID, true)), projectLineFeed (project.getProjectLineFeed()) { generatedFilesGroup.setID (generatedGroupID); } void ProjectSaver::save (Async async, ProjectExporter* exporterToSave, std::function onCompletion) { if (async == Async::yes) saveProjectAsync (exporterToSave, std::move (onCompletion)); else onCompletion (saveProject (exporterToSave)); } void ProjectSaver::saveProjectAsync (ProjectExporter* exporterToSave, std::function onCompletion) { jassert (saveThread == nullptr); saveThread = std::make_unique (*this, exporterToSave, [ref = WeakReference { this }, onCompletion] (Result result) { if (ref == nullptr) return; // Clean up old save thread in case onCompletion wants to start a new save thread ref->saveThread->waitForThreadToExit (-1); ref->saveThread = nullptr; if (onCompletion != nullptr) onCompletion (result); }); saveThread->launchThread(); } Result ProjectSaver::saveResourcesOnly() { writeBinaryDataFiles(); if (! errors.isEmpty()) return Result::fail (errors[0]); return Result::ok(); } void ProjectSaver::saveBasicProjectItems (const OwnedArray& modules, const String& appConfigUserContent) { writePluginDefines(); writeAppConfigFile (modules, appConfigUserContent); writeBinaryDataFiles(); writeAppHeader (modules); writeModuleCppWrappers (modules); } Project::Item ProjectSaver::addFileToGeneratedGroup (const File& file) { auto item = generatedFilesGroup.findItemForFile (file); if (item.isValid()) return item; generatedFilesGroup.addFileAtIndex (file, -1, true); return generatedFilesGroup.findItemForFile (file); } bool ProjectSaver::copyFolder (const File& source, const File& dest) { if (source.isDirectory() && dest.createDirectory()) { for (auto& f : source.findChildFiles (File::findFiles, false)) { auto target = dest.getChildFile (f.getFileName()); filesCreated.add (target); if (! f.copyFileTo (target)) return false; } for (auto& f : source.findChildFiles (File::findDirectories, false)) { auto name = f.getFileName(); if (name == ".git" || name == ".svn" || name == ".cvs") continue; if (! copyFolder (f, dest.getChildFile (f.getFileName()))) return false; } return true; } return false; } //============================================================================== Project::Item ProjectSaver::saveGeneratedFile (const String& filePath, const MemoryOutputStream& newData) { if (! generatedCodeFolder.createDirectory()) { addError ("Couldn't create folder: " + generatedCodeFolder.getFullPathName()); return Project::Item (project, {}, false); } auto file = generatedCodeFolder.getChildFile (filePath); if (replaceFileIfDifferent (file, newData)) return addFileToGeneratedGroup (file); return { project, {}, true }; } bool ProjectSaver::replaceFileIfDifferent (const File& f, const MemoryOutputStream& newData) { filesCreated.add (f); if (! build_tools::overwriteFileWithNewDataIfDifferent (f, newData)) { addError ("Can't write to file: " + f.getFullPathName()); return false; } return true; } bool ProjectSaver::deleteUnwantedFilesIn (const File& parent) { // Recursively clears out any files in a folder that we didn't create, but avoids // any folders containing hidden files that might be used by version-control systems. auto shouldFileBeKept = [] (const String& filename) { static StringArray filesToKeep (".svn", ".cvs", "CMakeLists.txt"); return filesToKeep.contains (filename); }; bool folderIsNowEmpty = true; Array filesToDelete; for (const auto& i : RangedDirectoryIterator (parent, false, "*", File::findFilesAndDirectories)) { auto f = i.getFile(); if (filesCreated.contains (f) || shouldFileBeKept (f.getFileName())) { folderIsNowEmpty = false; } else if (i.isDirectory()) { if (deleteUnwantedFilesIn (f)) filesToDelete.add (f); else folderIsNowEmpty = false; } else { filesToDelete.add (f); } } for (int j = filesToDelete.size(); --j >= 0;) filesToDelete.getReference (j).deleteRecursively(); return folderIsNowEmpty; } //============================================================================== void ProjectSaver::addError (const String& message) { const ScopedLock sl (errorLock); errors.add (message); } //============================================================================== File ProjectSaver::getAppConfigFile() const { return generatedCodeFolder.getChildFile (Project::getAppConfigFilename()); } File ProjectSaver::getPluginDefinesFile() const { return generatedCodeFolder.getChildFile (Project::getPluginDefinesFilename()); } String ProjectSaver::loadUserContentFromAppConfig() const { StringArray userContent; bool foundCodeSection = false; auto lines = StringArray::fromLines (getAppConfigFile().loadFileAsString()); for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) { if (lines[i].contains ("[BEGIN_USER_CODE_SECTION]")) { for (int j = i + 1; j < lines.size() && ! lines[j].contains ("[END_USER_CODE_SECTION]"); ++j) userContent.add (lines[j]); foundCodeSection = true; break; } } if (! foundCodeSection) { userContent.add ({}); userContent.add ("// (You can add your own code in this section, and the Projucer will not overwrite it)"); userContent.add ({}); } return userContent.joinIntoString (projectLineFeed) + projectLineFeed; } //============================================================================== OwnedArray ProjectSaver::getModules() { OwnedArray modules; project.getEnabledModules().createRequiredModules (modules); auto isCommandLine = ProjucerApplication::getApp().isRunningCommandLine; for (auto* module : modules) { if (! module->isValid()) { addError (String ("At least one of your JUCE module paths is invalid!\n") + (isCommandLine ? "Please ensure each module path points to the correct JUCE modules folder." : "Please go to the Modules settings page and ensure each path points to the correct JUCE modules folder.")); return {}; } if (project.getEnabledModules().getExtraDependenciesNeeded (module->getID()).size() > 0) { addError (String ("At least one of your modules has missing dependencies!\n") + (isCommandLine ? "Please add the required dependencies, or run the command again with the \"--fix-missing-dependencies\" option." : "Please go to the settings page of the highlighted modules and add the required dependencies.")); return {}; } } return modules; } //============================================================================== Result ProjectSaver::saveProject (ProjectExporter* specifiedExporterToSave) { if (project.getNumExporters() == 0) { return Result::fail ("No exporters found!\n" "Please add an exporter before saving."); } auto oldProjectFile = project.getFile(); auto modules = getModules(); if (errors.isEmpty()) { if (project.isAudioPluginProject()) { const auto isInvalidCode = [] (String code) { return code.length() != 4 || code.toStdString().size() != 4; }; if (isInvalidCode (project.getPluginManufacturerCodeString())) return Result::fail ("The plugin manufacturer code must contain exactly four characters."); if (isInvalidCode (project.getPluginCodeString())) return Result::fail ("The plugin code must contain exactly four characters."); } if (project.isAudioPluginProject()) { if (project.shouldBuildUnityPlugin()) writeUnityScriptFile(); } saveBasicProjectItems (modules, loadUserContentFromAppConfig()); writeProjects (modules, specifiedExporterToSave); writeProjectFile(); runPostExportScript(); if (generatedCodeFolder.exists()) { writeReadmeFile(); deleteUnwantedFilesIn (generatedCodeFolder); } if (errors.isEmpty()) return Result::ok(); } project.setFile (oldProjectFile); return Result::fail (errors[0]); } //============================================================================== void ProjectSaver::writePluginDefines (MemoryOutputStream& out) const { const auto pluginDefines = getAudioPluginDefines(); if (pluginDefines.isEmpty()) return; writeAutoGenWarningComment (out); out << "*/" << newLine << newLine << "#pragma once" << newLine << newLine << pluginDefines << newLine; } void ProjectSaver::writeProjectFile() { auto root = project.getProjectRoot(); root.removeProperty ("jucerVersion", nullptr); if ((int) root.getProperty (Ids::jucerFormatVersion, -1) != jucerFormatVersion) root.setProperty (Ids::jucerFormatVersion, jucerFormatVersion, nullptr); project.updateCachedFileState(); auto newSerialisedXml = project.serialiseProjectXml (root.createXml()); jassert (newSerialisedXml.isNotEmpty()); if (newSerialisedXml != project.getCachedFileStateContent()) { project.getFile().replaceWithText (newSerialisedXml); project.updateCachedFileState(); } } void ProjectSaver::writeAppConfig (MemoryOutputStream& out, const OwnedArray& modules, const String& userContent) { if (! project.shouldUseAppConfig()) return; writeAutoGenWarningComment (out); out << " There's a section below where you can add your own custom code safely, and the" << newLine << " Projucer will preserve the contents of that block, but the best way to change" << newLine << " any of these definitions is by using the Projucer's project settings." << newLine << newLine << " Any commented-out settings will assume their default values." << newLine << newLine << "*/" << newLine << newLine; out << "#pragma once" << newLine << newLine << "//==============================================================================" << newLine << "// [BEGIN_USER_CODE_SECTION]" << newLine << userContent << "// [END_USER_CODE_SECTION]" << newLine; if (getPluginDefinesFile().existsAsFile() && getAudioPluginDefines().isNotEmpty()) out << newLine << CodeHelpers::createIncludeStatement (Project::getPluginDefinesFilename()) << newLine; out << newLine << "/*" << newLine << " ==============================================================================" << newLine << newLine << " In accordance with the terms of the JUCE 6 End-Use License Agreement, the" << newLine << " JUCE Code in SECTION A cannot be removed, changed or otherwise rendered" << newLine << " ineffective unless you have a JUCE Indie or Pro license, or are using JUCE" << newLine << " under the GPL v3 license." << newLine << newLine << " End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence" << newLine << newLine << " ==============================================================================" << newLine << "*/" << newLine << newLine << "// BEGIN SECTION A" << newLine << newLine << "#ifndef JUCE_DISPLAY_SPLASH_SCREEN" << newLine << " #define JUCE_DISPLAY_SPLASH_SCREEN " << (project.shouldDisplaySplashScreen() ? "1" : "0") << newLine << "#endif" << newLine << newLine << "// END SECTION A" << newLine << newLine << "#define JUCE_USE_DARK_SPLASH_SCREEN " << (project.getSplashScreenColourString() == "Dark" ? "1" : "0") << newLine << newLine << "#define JUCE_PROJUCER_VERSION 0x" << String::toHexString (ProjectInfo::versionNumber) << newLine; out << newLine << "//==============================================================================" << newLine; auto longestModuleName = [&modules]() { int longest = 0; for (auto* module : modules) longest = jmax (longest, module->getID().length()); return longest; }(); for (auto* module : modules) { out << "#define JUCE_MODULE_AVAILABLE_" << module->getID() << String::repeatedString (" ", longestModuleName + 5 - module->getID().length()) << " 1" << newLine; } out << newLine << "#define JUCE_GLOBAL_MODULE_SETTINGS_INCLUDED 1" << newLine; for (auto* module : modules) { OwnedArray flags; module->getConfigFlags (project, flags); if (flags.size() > 0) { out << newLine << "//==============================================================================" << newLine << "// " << module->getID() << " flags:" << newLine; for (auto* flag : flags) { out << newLine << "#ifndef " << flag->symbol << newLine << (flag->value.isUsingDefault() ? " //#define " : " #define ") << flag->symbol << " " << (flag->value.get() ? "1" : "0") << newLine << "#endif" << newLine; } } } auto& type = project.getProjectType(); auto isStandaloneApplication = (! type.isAudioPlugin() && ! type.isDynamicLibrary()); out << newLine << "//==============================================================================" << newLine << "#ifndef JUCE_STANDALONE_APPLICATION" << newLine << " #if defined(JucePlugin_Name) && defined(JucePlugin_Build_Standalone)" << newLine << " #define JUCE_STANDALONE_APPLICATION JucePlugin_Build_Standalone" << newLine << " #else" << newLine << " #define JUCE_STANDALONE_APPLICATION " << (isStandaloneApplication ? "1" : "0") << newLine << " #endif" << newLine << "#endif" << newLine; } template void ProjectSaver::writeOrRemoveGeneratedFile (const String& name, WriterCallback&& writerCallback) { MemoryOutputStream mem; mem.setNewLineString (projectLineFeed); writerCallback (mem); if (mem.getDataSize() != 0) { saveGeneratedFile (name, mem); return; } const auto destFile = generatedCodeFolder.getChildFile (name); if (destFile.existsAsFile()) { if (! destFile.deleteFile()) addError ("Couldn't remove unnecessary file: " + destFile.getFullPathName()); } } void ProjectSaver::writePluginDefines() { writeOrRemoveGeneratedFile (Project::getPluginDefinesFilename(), [&] (MemoryOutputStream& mem) { writePluginDefines (mem); }); } void ProjectSaver::writeAppConfigFile (const OwnedArray& modules, const String& userContent) { writeOrRemoveGeneratedFile (Project::getAppConfigFilename(), [&] (MemoryOutputStream& mem) { writeAppConfig (mem, modules, userContent); }); } void ProjectSaver::writeAppHeader (MemoryOutputStream& out, const OwnedArray& modules) { writeAutoGenWarningComment (out); out << " This is the header file that your files should include in order to get all the" << newLine << " JUCE library headers. You should avoid including the JUCE headers directly in" << newLine << " your own source files, because that wouldn't pick up the correct configuration" << newLine << " options for your app." << newLine << newLine << "*/" << newLine << newLine; out << "#pragma once" << newLine << newLine; if (getAppConfigFile().exists() && project.shouldUseAppConfig()) out << CodeHelpers::createIncludeStatement (Project::getAppConfigFilename()) << newLine; if (modules.size() > 0) { out << newLine; for (auto* module : modules) module->writeIncludes (*this, out); out << newLine; } if (hasBinaryData && project.shouldIncludeBinaryInJuceHeader()) out << CodeHelpers::createIncludeStatement (project.getBinaryDataHeaderFile(), getAppConfigFile()) << newLine; out << newLine << "#if defined (JUCE_PROJUCER_VERSION) && JUCE_PROJUCER_VERSION < JUCE_VERSION" << newLine << " /** If you've hit this error then the version of the Projucer that was used to generate this project is" << newLine << " older than the version of the JUCE modules being included. To fix this error, re-save your project" << newLine << " using the latest version of the Projucer or, if you aren't using the Projucer to manage your project," << newLine << " remove the JUCE_PROJUCER_VERSION define." << newLine << " */" << newLine << " #error \"This project was last saved using an outdated version of the Projucer! Re-save this project with the latest version to fix this error.\"" << newLine << "#endif" << newLine << newLine; if (project.shouldAddUsingNamespaceToJuceHeader()) out << "#if ! DONT_SET_USING_JUCE_NAMESPACE" << newLine << " // If your code uses a lot of JUCE classes, then this will obviously save you" << newLine << " // a lot of typing, but can be disabled by setting DONT_SET_USING_JUCE_NAMESPACE." << newLine << " using namespace juce;" << newLine << "#endif" << newLine; out << newLine << "#if ! JUCE_DONT_DECLARE_PROJECTINFO" << newLine << "namespace ProjectInfo" << newLine << "{" << newLine << " const char* const projectName = " << CppTokeniserFunctions::addEscapeChars (project.getProjectNameString()).quoted() << ";" << newLine << " const char* const companyName = " << CppTokeniserFunctions::addEscapeChars (project.getCompanyNameString()).quoted() << ";" << newLine << " const char* const versionString = " << CppTokeniserFunctions::addEscapeChars (project.getVersionString()).quoted() << ";" << newLine << " const int versionNumber = " << project.getVersionAsHex() << ";" << newLine << "}" << newLine << "#endif" << newLine; } void ProjectSaver::writeAppHeader (const OwnedArray& modules) { MemoryOutputStream mem; mem.setNewLineString (projectLineFeed); writeAppHeader (mem, modules); saveGeneratedFile (Project::getJuceSourceHFilename(), mem); } void ProjectSaver::writeModuleCppWrappers (const OwnedArray& modules) { for (auto* module : modules) { for (auto& cu : module->getAllCompileUnits()) { MemoryOutputStream mem; mem.setNewLineString (projectLineFeed); writeAutoGenWarningComment (mem); mem << "*/" << newLine << newLine; if (project.shouldUseAppConfig()) mem << "#include " << Project::getAppConfigFilename().quoted() << newLine; mem << "#include <"; if (cu.file.getFileExtension() != ".r") // .r files are included without the path mem << module->getID() << "/"; mem << cu.file.getFileName() << ">" << newLine; replaceFileIfDifferent (generatedCodeFolder.getChildFile (cu.getFilenameForProxyFile()), mem); } } } void ProjectSaver::writeBinaryDataFiles() { auto binaryDataH = project.getBinaryDataHeaderFile(); JucerResourceFile resourceFile (project); if (resourceFile.getNumFiles() > 0) { auto dataNamespace = project.getBinaryDataNamespaceString().trim(); if (dataNamespace.isEmpty()) dataNamespace = "BinaryData"; resourceFile.setClassName (dataNamespace); auto maxSize = project.getMaxBinaryFileSize(); if (maxSize <= 0) maxSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024; Array binaryDataFiles; auto r = resourceFile.write (maxSize); if (r.result.wasOk()) { hasBinaryData = true; for (auto& f : r.filesCreated) { filesCreated.add (f); generatedFilesGroup.addFileRetainingSortOrder (f, ! f.hasFileExtension (".h")); } } else { addError (r.result.getErrorMessage()); } } else { for (int i = 20; --i >= 0;) project.getBinaryDataCppFile (i).deleteFile(); binaryDataH.deleteFile(); } } void ProjectSaver::writeReadmeFile() { MemoryOutputStream out; out.setNewLineString (projectLineFeed); out << newLine << " Important Note!!" << newLine << " ================" << newLine << newLine << "The purpose of this folder is to contain files that are auto-generated by the Projucer," << newLine << "and ALL files in this folder will be mercilessly DELETED and completely re-written whenever" << newLine << "the Projucer saves your project." << newLine << newLine << "Therefore, it's a bad idea to make any manual changes to the files in here, or to" << newLine << "put any of your own files in here if you don't want to lose them. (Of course you may choose" << newLine << "to add the folder's contents to your version-control system so that you can re-merge your own" << newLine << "modifications after the Projucer has saved its changes)." << newLine; replaceFileIfDifferent (generatedCodeFolder.getChildFile ("ReadMe.txt"), out); } String ProjectSaver::getAudioPluginDefines() const { const auto flags = project.getAudioPluginFlags(); if (flags.size() == 0) return {}; MemoryOutputStream mem; mem.setNewLineString (projectLineFeed); mem << "//==============================================================================" << newLine << "// Audio plugin settings.." << newLine << newLine; for (int i = 0; i < flags.size(); ++i) { mem << "#ifndef " << flags.getAllKeys()[i] << newLine << " #define " << flags.getAllKeys()[i].paddedRight (' ', 32) << " " << flags.getAllValues()[i] << newLine << "#endif" << newLine; } return mem.toString().trim(); } void ProjectSaver::writeUnityScriptFile() { auto unityScriptContents = replaceLineFeeds (BinaryData::UnityPluginGUIScript_cs_in, projectLineFeed); auto projectName = Project::addUnityPluginPrefixIfNecessary (project.getProjectNameString()); unityScriptContents = unityScriptContents.replace ("${plugin_class_name}", projectName.replace (" ", "_")) .replace ("${plugin_name}", projectName) .replace ("${plugin_vendor}", project.getPluginManufacturerString()) .replace ("${plugin_description}", project.getPluginDescriptionString()); auto f = generatedCodeFolder.getChildFile (project.getUnityScriptName()); MemoryOutputStream out; out << unityScriptContents; replaceFileIfDifferent (f, out); } void ProjectSaver::writeProjects (const OwnedArray& modules, ProjectExporter* specifiedExporterToSave) { ThreadPool threadPool; // keep a copy of the basic generated files group, as each exporter may modify it. auto originalGeneratedGroup = generatedFilesGroup.state.createCopy(); CLionProjectExporter* clionExporter = nullptr; std::vector> exporters; try { for (Project::ExporterIterator exp (project); exp.next();) { if (specifiedExporterToSave != nullptr && exp->getUniqueName() != specifiedExporterToSave->getUniqueName()) continue; exporters.push_back (std::move (exp.exporter)); } for (auto& exporter : exporters) { exporter->initialiseDependencyPathValues(); if (exporter->getTargetFolder().createDirectory()) { if (exporter->isCLion()) { clionExporter = dynamic_cast (exporter.get()); } else { exporter->copyMainGroupFromProject(); exporter->settings = exporter->settings.createCopy(); exporter->addToExtraSearchPaths (build_tools::RelativePath ("JuceLibraryCode", build_tools::RelativePath::projectFolder)); generatedFilesGroup.state = originalGeneratedGroup.createCopy(); exporter->addSettingsForProjectType (project.getProjectType()); for (auto* module : modules) module->addSettingsForModuleToExporter (*exporter, *this); generatedFilesGroup.sortAlphabetically (true, true); exporter->getAllGroups().add (generatedFilesGroup); } if (ProjucerApplication::getApp().isRunningCommandLine) saveExporter (*exporter, modules); else threadPool.addJob ([this, &exporter, &modules] { saveExporter (*exporter, modules); }); } else { addError ("Can't create folder: " + exporter->getTargetFolder().getFullPathName()); } } } catch (build_tools::SaveError& saveError) { addError (saveError.message); } while (threadPool.getNumJobs() > 0) Thread::sleep (10); if (clionExporter != nullptr) { for (auto& exporter : exporters) clionExporter->writeCMakeListsExporterSection (exporter.get()); std::cout << "Finished saving: " << clionExporter->getUniqueName() << std::endl; } } void ProjectSaver::runPostExportScript() { #if JUCE_WINDOWS auto cmdString = project.getPostExportShellCommandWinString(); #else auto cmdString = project.getPostExportShellCommandPosixString(); #endif auto shellCommand = cmdString.replace ("%%1%%", project.getProjectFolder().getFullPathName()); if (shellCommand.isNotEmpty()) { #if JUCE_WINDOWS StringArray argList ("cmd.exe", "/c"); #else StringArray argList ("/bin/sh", "-c"); #endif argList.add (shellCommand); ChildProcess shellProcess; if (! shellProcess.start (argList)) { addError ("Failed to run shell command: " + argList.joinIntoString (" ")); return; } if (! shellProcess.waitForProcessToFinish (10000)) { addError ("Timeout running shell command: " + argList.joinIntoString (" ")); return; } auto exitCode = shellProcess.getExitCode(); if (exitCode != 0) addError ("Shell command: " + argList.joinIntoString (" ") + " failed with exit code: " + String (exitCode)); } } void ProjectSaver::saveExporter (ProjectExporter& exporter, const OwnedArray& modules) { try { exporter.create (modules); if (! exporter.isCLion()) { auto outputString = "Finished saving: " + exporter.getUniqueName(); if (MessageManager::getInstance()->isThisTheMessageThread()) std::cout << outputString << std::endl; else MessageManager::callAsync ([outputString] { std::cout << outputString << std::endl; }); } } catch (build_tools::SaveError& error) { addError (error.message); } }