/* Copyright (C) 2017 Xenakios This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License (version 3) for more details. www.gnu.org/licenses */ #include "StretchSource.h" #include #ifdef WIN32 #include //#define USE_PPL_TO_PROCESS_STRETCHERS #undef min #undef max #endif StretchAudioSource::StretchAudioSource(int initialnumoutchans, AudioFormatManager* afm, std::array& enab_pars) : m_afm(afm) { m_resampler = std::make_unique(); m_resampler_outbuf.resize(1024*1024); m_inputfile = std::make_unique(m_afm); for (int i = 0; i < enab_pars.size(); ++i) { m_specproc_order.emplace_back(i, enab_pars[i]); } //m_specproc_order = { {0,false} , { 1, false} ,{2,true},{3,true},{4,true},{5,false},{6,true},{7,true},{8,false} }; setNumOutChannels(initialnumoutchans); m_xfadetask.buffer.setSize(8, 65536); m_xfadetask.buffer.clear(); } StretchAudioSource::~StretchAudioSource() { } void StretchAudioSource::prepareToPlay(int samplesPerBlockExpected, double sampleRate) { m_outsr = sampleRate; m_vol_smoother.reset(sampleRate, 0.5); m_lastplayrate = -1.0; m_stop_play_requested = false; m_output_counter = 0; m_output_silence_counter = 0; m_stream_end_reached = false; m_firstbuffer = true; m_output_has_begun = false; m_drypreviewbuf.setSize(m_num_outchans, 65536); initObjects(); } void StretchAudioSource::releaseResources() { } AudioBuffer* StretchAudioSource::getSourceAudioBuffer() { if (m_inputfile==nullptr) return nullptr; return m_inputfile->getAudioBuffer(); } bool StretchAudioSource::isResampling() { if (m_inputfile==nullptr || m_inputfile->info.samplerate==0) return false; return (int)m_outsr!=m_inputfile->info.samplerate; } int64_t StretchAudioSource::getDiskReadSampleCount() const { if (m_inputfile == nullptr) return 0; return m_inputfile->getDiskReadSampleCount(); } std::vector StretchAudioSource::getSpectrumProcessOrder() { return m_specproc_order; } void StretchAudioSource::setSpectrumProcessOrder(std::vector order) { ScopedLock locker(m_cs); m_specproc_order = order; /* Logger::writeToLog("<**"); for (auto& e : m_specproc_order) Logger::writeToLog(e.m_enabled->name + " " + String(e.m_index)); Logger::writeToLog("**>"); */ for (int i = 0; i < m_stretchers.size(); ++i) { m_stretchers[i]->m_spectrum_processes = order; } } std::pair, Range> StretchAudioSource::getFileCachedRangesNormalized() { if (m_inputfile == nullptr) return {}; return m_inputfile->getCachedRangesNormalized(); } void StretchAudioSource::setFreeFilterEnvelope(shared_envelope env) { ScopedLock locker(m_cs); m_free_filter_envelope = env; for (int i = 0; i < m_stretchers.size(); ++i) { m_stretchers[i]->setFreeFilterEnvelope(env); } } ValueTree StretchAudioSource::getStateTree() { ValueTree tree("stretchsourcestate"); storeToTreeProperties(tree, nullptr, "pitch_shift", m_ppar.pitch_shift.cents, "octaves_minus2", m_ppar.octave.om2, "octaves_minus1",m_ppar.octave.om1, "octave0",m_ppar.octave.o0, "octave_plus1",m_ppar.octave.o1, "octaves_plus15",m_ppar.octave.o15, "octaves_plus2",m_ppar.octave.o2); return tree; } void StretchAudioSource::setStateTree(ValueTree state) { ScopedLock locker(m_cs); getFromTreeProperties(state, "pitch_shift", m_ppar.pitch_shift.cents, "octaves_minus2", m_ppar.octave.om2, "octaves_minus1", m_ppar.octave.om1, "octave0", m_ppar.octave.o0, "octave_plus1", m_ppar.octave.o1, "octaves_plus15", m_ppar.octave.o15, "octaves_plus2", m_ppar.octave.o2); for (int i = 0; i < m_stretchers.size(); ++i) { m_stretchers[i]->set_parameters(&m_ppar); } } bool StretchAudioSource::isLoopingEnabled() { if (m_inputfile == nullptr || m_inputfile->info.nsamples == 0) return false; return m_inputfile->isLooping(); } void StretchAudioSource::setLoopingEnabled(bool b) { ScopedLock locker(m_cs); if (m_inputfile != nullptr) { if (m_inputfile->isLooping() == false && b == true) seekPercent(m_inputfile->getActiveRange().getStart()); m_inputfile->setLoopEnabled(b); } } void StretchAudioSource::setAudioBufferAsInputSource(AudioBuffer* buf, int sr, int len) { ScopedLock locker(m_cs); m_inputfile->setAudioBuffer(buf, sr, len); m_seekpos = 0.0; m_curfile = File(); if (m_playrange.isEmpty()) setPlayRange({ 0.0,1.0 }); ++m_param_change_count; } void StretchAudioSource::setMainVolume(double decibels) { if (decibels == m_main_volume) return; if (m_cs.tryEnter()) { m_main_volume = jlimit(-144.0, 12.0, decibels); ++m_param_change_count; m_cs.exit(); } } #ifdef OLDMODULE_ENAB void StretchAudioSource::setSpectralModulesEnabled(const std::array& params) { jassert(m_specprocmap.size() > 0); /* bool changed = false; for (int i = 0; i < m_specproc_order.size(); ++i) { int index = m_specprocmap[i]; if (*params[index] != *m_specproc_order[i].m_enabled) { changed = true; break; } } if (changed == false) return; */ if (m_cs.tryEnter()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_specproc_order.size(); ++i) { int index = m_specprocmap[i]; *m_specproc_order[i].m_enabled = (bool)(*params[index]); } for (int i = 0; i < m_stretchers.size(); ++i) { m_stretchers[i]->m_spectrum_processes = m_specproc_order; } ++m_param_change_count; m_cs.exit(); } } #endif void StretchAudioSource::setSpectralModuleEnabled(int index, bool b) { ++m_param_change_count; } void StretchAudioSource::setLoopXFadeLength(double lenseconds) { if (lenseconds == m_loopxfadelen) return; if (m_cs.tryEnter()) { m_loopxfadelen = jlimit(0.0, 1.0, lenseconds); ++m_param_change_count; m_cs.exit(); } } void StretchAudioSource::setPreviewDry(bool b) { if (b == m_preview_dry) return; if (m_cs.tryEnter()) { m_resampler->Reset(); m_preview_dry = b; ++m_param_change_count; m_cs.exit(); } } bool StretchAudioSource::isPreviewingDry() const { return m_preview_dry; } void StretchAudioSource::setDryPlayrate(double rate) { if (rate == m_dryplayrate) return; if (m_cs.tryEnter()) { m_dryplayrate = rate; ++m_param_change_count; m_cs.exit(); } } double StretchAudioSource::getDryPlayrate() const { return m_dryplayrate; } void StretchAudioSource::getNextAudioBlock(const AudioSourceChannelInfo & bufferToFill) { ScopedLock locker(m_cs); if (m_preview_dry == true && m_inputfile!=nullptr && m_inputfile->info.nsamples>0) { playDrySound(bufferToFill); return; } double maingain = Decibels::decibelsToGain(m_main_volume); if (m_pause_state == 2) { bufferToFill.buffer->clear(bufferToFill.startSample,bufferToFill.numSamples); return; } if (m_stretchoutringbuf.available() > 0) m_output_has_begun = true; bool freezing = m_freezing; if (m_stretchers[0]->isFreezing() != freezing) { if (freezing == true && m_inputfile!=nullptr) m_freeze_pos = 1.0/m_inputfile->info.nsamples*m_inputfile->getCurrentPosition(); for (auto& e : m_stretchers) { e->set_freezing(freezing); } } if (m_vol_smoother.getTargetValue() != maingain) m_vol_smoother.setValue(maingain); FloatVectorOperations::disableDenormalisedNumberSupport(); float** outarrays = bufferToFill.buffer->getArrayOfWritePointers(); int outbufchans = m_num_outchans; // bufferToFill.buffer->getNumChannels(); int offset = bufferToFill.startSample; if (m_stretchers.size() == 0) return; if (m_inputfile == nullptr) return; if (m_inputfile->info.nsamples == 0) return; m_inputfile->setXFadeLenSeconds(m_loopxfadelen); double silencethreshold = Decibels::decibelsToGain(-70.0); bool tempfirst = true; auto foofilepos0 = m_inputfile->getCurrentPosition(); auto ringbuffilltask = [this](int framestoproduce) { while (m_stretchoutringbuf.available() < framestoproduce*m_num_outchans) { int readsize = 0; double in_pos = (double)m_inputfile->getCurrentPosition() / (double)m_inputfile->info.nsamples; if (m_firstbuffer) { readsize = m_stretchers[0]->get_nsamples_for_fill(); m_firstbuffer = false; } else { readsize = m_stretchers[0]->get_nsamples(in_pos*100.0); }; int readed = 0; if (readsize != 0) { readed = m_inputfile->readNextBlock(m_file_inbuf, readsize, m_num_outchans); } if (m_rand_count % (int)m_free_filter_envelope->m_transform_y_random_rate == 0) { m_free_filter_envelope->updateRandomState(); } ++m_rand_count; auto inbufptrs = m_file_inbuf.getArrayOfWritePointers(); REALTYPE onset_max = std::numeric_limits::min(); #ifdef USE_PPL_TO_PROCESS_STRETCHERS std::array onset_values_arr; Concurrency::parallel_for(0, (int)m_stretchers.size(), [this, readed, &onset_values_arr](int i) { REALTYPE onset_val = m_stretchers[i]->process(m_inbufs[i].data(), readed); onset_values_arr[i] = onset_val; }); for (int i = 0; i < m_stretchers.size(); ++i) onset_max = std::max(onset_max, onset_values_arr[i]); #else for (int i = 0; i < m_stretchers.size(); ++i) { REALTYPE onset_l = m_stretchers[i]->process(inbufptrs[i], readed); onset_max = std::max(onset_max, onset_l); } #endif for (int i = 0; i < m_stretchers.size(); ++i) m_stretchers[i]->here_is_onset(onset_max); int outbufsize = m_stretchers[0]->get_bufsize(); int nskip = m_stretchers[0]->get_skip_nsamples(); if (nskip > 0) m_inputfile->skip(nskip); for (int i = 0; i < outbufsize; i++) { for (int ch = 0; ch < m_num_outchans; ++ch) { REALTYPE outsa = m_stretchers[ch]->out_buf[i]; m_stretchoutringbuf.push(outsa); } } } }; int previousxfadestate = m_xfadetask.state; auto resamplertask = [this, &ringbuffilltask, &bufferToFill]() { double* rsinbuf = nullptr; int outsamplestoproduce = bufferToFill.numSamples; if (m_xfadetask.state == 1) outsamplestoproduce = m_xfadetask.xfade_len; int wanted = m_resampler->ResamplePrepare(outsamplestoproduce, m_num_outchans, &rsinbuf); ringbuffilltask(wanted); for (int i = 0; i < wanted*m_num_outchans; ++i) { double sample = m_stretchoutringbuf.get(); rsinbuf[i] = sample; } if (outsamplestoproduce*m_num_outchans > m_resampler_outbuf.size()) { m_resampler_outbuf.resize(outsamplestoproduce*m_num_outchans); } /*int produced =*/ m_resampler->ResampleOut(m_resampler_outbuf.data(), wanted, outsamplestoproduce, m_num_outchans); if (m_xfadetask.state == 1) { //Logger::writeToLog("Filling xfade buffer"); for (int i = 0; i < outsamplestoproduce; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < m_num_outchans; ++j) { m_xfadetask.buffer.setSample(j, i, m_resampler_outbuf[i*m_num_outchans + j]); } } if (m_process_fftsize != m_xfadetask.requested_fft_size) { m_process_fftsize = m_xfadetask.requested_fft_size; //Logger::writeToLog("Initing stretcher objects"); initObjects(); } m_xfadetask.state = 2; } }; resamplertask(); if (previousxfadestate == 1 && m_xfadetask.state == 2) { //Logger::writeToLog("Rerunning resampler task"); resamplertask(); } bool source_ended = m_inputfile->hasEnded(); double samplelimit = 16384.0; if (m_clip_output == true) samplelimit = 1.0; for (int i = 0; i < bufferToFill.numSamples; ++i) { double smoothed_gain = m_vol_smoother.getNextValue(); double mixed = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < outbufchans; ++j) { double outsample = m_resampler_outbuf[i*m_num_outchans + j]; if (m_xfadetask.state == 2) { double xfadegain = 1.0 / m_xfadetask.xfade_len*m_xfadetask.counter; jassert(xfadegain >= 0.0 && xfadegain <= 1.0); double outsample2 = m_xfadetask.buffer.getSample(j, m_xfadetask.counter); outsample = xfadegain * outsample + (1.0 - xfadegain)*outsample2; } outarrays[j][i + offset] = jlimit(-samplelimit,samplelimit , outsample * smoothed_gain); mixed += outsample; } if (m_xfadetask.state == 2) { ++m_xfadetask.counter; if (m_xfadetask.counter >= m_xfadetask.xfade_len) m_xfadetask.state = 0; } if (source_ended && m_output_counter>=2*m_process_fftsize) { if (fabs(mixed) < silencethreshold) ++m_output_silence_counter; else m_output_silence_counter = 0; } } if (m_pause_state == 1) { bufferToFill.buffer->applyGainRamp(bufferToFill.startSample, bufferToFill.numSamples, 1.0f, 0.0f); m_pause_state = 2; } if (m_pause_state == 3) { bufferToFill.buffer->applyGainRamp(bufferToFill.startSample, bufferToFill.numSamples, 0.0f, 1.0f); m_pause_state = 0; } m_output_counter += bufferToFill.numSamples; } void StretchAudioSource::setNextReadPosition(int64 /*newPosition*/) { } int64 StretchAudioSource::getNextReadPosition() const { return int64(); } int64 StretchAudioSource::getTotalLength() const { if (m_inputfile == nullptr) return 0; return m_inputfile->info.nsamples; } bool StretchAudioSource::isLooping() const { return false; } String StretchAudioSource::setAudioFile(File file) { ScopedLock locker(m_cs); if (m_inputfile->openAudioFile(file)) { m_curfile = file; m_firstbuffer = true; return String(); } return "Could not open file"; } File StretchAudioSource::getAudioFile() { return m_curfile; } void StretchAudioSource::setNumOutChannels(int chans) { jassert(chans > 0 && chans < g_maxnumoutchans); m_num_outchans = chans; } void StretchAudioSource::initObjects() { ScopedLock locker(m_cs); m_inputfile->setActiveRange(m_playrange); if (m_inputfile->getActiveRange().contains(m_inputfile->getCurrentPositionPercent())==false) m_inputfile->seek(m_playrange.getStart(), true); m_firstbuffer = true; if (m_stretchoutringbuf.getSize() < m_num_outchans*m_process_fftsize) { int newsize = m_num_outchans*m_process_fftsize*2; //Logger::writeToLog("Resizing circular buffer to " + String(newsize)); m_stretchoutringbuf.resize(newsize); } m_stretchoutringbuf.clear(); m_resampler->Reset(); m_resampler->SetRates(m_inputfile->info.samplerate, m_outsr); REALTYPE stretchratio = m_playrate; FFTWindow windowtype = W_HAMMING; if (m_fft_window_type>=0) windowtype = (FFTWindow)m_fft_window_type; int inbufsize = m_process_fftsize; double onsetsens = m_onsetdetection; m_stretchers.resize(m_num_outchans); for (int i = 0; i < m_stretchers.size(); ++i) { if (m_stretchers[i] == nullptr) { //Logger::writeToLog("Creating stretch instance " + String(i)); m_stretchers[i] = std::make_shared(stretchratio, m_process_fftsize, windowtype, false, (float)m_inputfile->info.samplerate, i + 1); } m_stretchers[i]->setBufferSize(m_process_fftsize); m_stretchers[i]->setSampleRate(m_inputfile->info.samplerate); m_stretchers[i]->set_onset_detection_sensitivity(onsetsens); m_stretchers[i]->set_parameters(&m_ppar); m_stretchers[i]->set_freezing(m_freezing); m_stretchers[i]->setFreeFilterEnvelope(m_free_filter_envelope); fill_container(m_stretchers[i]->out_buf, 0.0f); m_stretchers[i]->m_spectrum_processes = m_specproc_order; } m_file_inbuf.setSize(m_num_outchans, 3 * inbufsize); int poolsize = m_stretchers[0]->get_max_bufsize(); } void StretchAudioSource::playDrySound(const AudioSourceChannelInfo & bufferToFill) { double maingain = Decibels::decibelsToGain(m_main_volume); m_inputfile->setXFadeLenSeconds(m_loopxfadelen); double* rsinbuf = nullptr; m_resampler->SetRates(m_inputfile->info.samplerate*m_dryplayrate, m_outsr); int wanted = m_resampler->ResamplePrepare(bufferToFill.numSamples, m_num_outchans, &rsinbuf); m_inputfile->readNextBlock(m_drypreviewbuf, wanted, m_num_outchans); for (int i = 0; i < wanted; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < m_num_outchans; ++j) rsinbuf[i*m_num_outchans + j] = m_drypreviewbuf.getSample(j, i); m_resampler->ResampleOut(m_resampler_outbuf.data(), wanted, bufferToFill.numSamples, m_num_outchans); for (int i = 0; i < m_num_outchans; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < bufferToFill.numSamples; ++j) bufferToFill.buffer->setSample(i, j + bufferToFill.startSample, maingain * m_resampler_outbuf[j*m_num_outchans + i]); } double StretchAudioSource::getInfilePositionPercent() { if (m_inputfile == nullptr || m_inputfile->info.nsamples == 0) return 0.0; return 1.0/m_inputfile->info.nsamples*m_inputfile->getCurrentPosition(); } double StretchAudioSource::getInfilePositionSeconds() { if (m_inputfile == nullptr || m_inputfile->info.nsamples == 0) return 0.0; //return m_lastinpos*m_inputfile->getLengthSeconds(); return (double)m_inputfile->getCurrentPosition() / m_inputfile->info.samplerate; } double StretchAudioSource::getInfileLengthSeconds() { if (m_inputfile == nullptr || m_inputfile->info.nsamples == 0) return 0.0; return (double)m_inputfile->info.nsamples / m_inputfile->info.samplerate; } void StretchAudioSource::setRate(double rate) { if (rate == m_playrate) return; if (m_cs.tryEnter()) { m_playrate = rate; for (int i = 0; i < m_stretchers.size(); ++i) { m_stretchers[i]->set_rap((float)rate); } ++m_param_change_count; m_cs.exit(); } } void StretchAudioSource::setProcessParameters(ProcessParameters * pars) { if (*pars == m_ppar) return; if (m_cs.tryEnter()) { m_ppar = *pars; for (int i = 0; i < m_stretchers.size(); ++i) { m_stretchers[i]->set_parameters(pars); } ++m_param_change_count; m_cs.exit(); } } const ProcessParameters& StretchAudioSource::getProcessParameters() { return m_ppar; } void StretchAudioSource::setFFTWindowingType(int windowtype) { if (windowtype==m_fft_window_type) return; if (m_cs.tryEnter()) { m_fft_window_type = windowtype; for (int i = 0; i < m_stretchers.size(); ++i) { m_stretchers[i]->window_type = (FFTWindow)windowtype; } ++m_param_change_count; m_cs.exit(); } } void StretchAudioSource::setFFTSize(int size) { jassert(size>0); if (m_xfadetask.state == 0 && (m_process_fftsize == 0 || size != m_process_fftsize)) { ScopedLock locker(m_cs); if (m_xfadetask.buffer.getNumChannels() < m_num_outchans) { m_xfadetask.buffer.setSize(m_num_outchans, m_xfadetask.buffer.getNumSamples()); } if (m_process_fftsize > 0) { m_xfadetask.state = 1; m_xfadetask.counter = 0; m_xfadetask.xfade_len = 16384; m_xfadetask.requested_fft_size = size; } else { m_process_fftsize = size; initObjects(); } ++m_param_change_count; } } void StretchAudioSource::setPaused(bool b) { if (b == true && m_pause_state>0) return; if (b == false && m_pause_state == 0) return; ScopedLock locker(m_cs); if (b == true && m_pause_state == 0) { m_pause_state = 1; return; } if (b == false && m_pause_state == 2) { m_pause_state = 3; return; } } bool StretchAudioSource::isPaused() const { return m_pause_state > 0; } void StretchAudioSource::seekPercent(double pos) { ScopedLock locker(m_cs); m_seekpos = pos; //m_firstbuffer = true; //m_resampler->Reset(); m_inputfile->seek(pos, true); ++m_param_change_count; } double StretchAudioSource::getOutputDurationSecondsForRange(Range range, int fftsize) { if (m_inputfile == nullptr || m_inputfile->info.nsamples == 0) return 0.0; if (m_preview_dry==true) return (double)range.getLength()*m_inputfile->info.nsamples/m_inputfile->info.samplerate; int64_t play_end_pos = (fftsize * 2)+range.getLength()*m_playrate*m_inputfile->info.nsamples; return (double)play_end_pos / m_inputfile->info.samplerate; } void StretchAudioSource::setOnsetDetection(double x) { if (x == m_onsetdetection) return; if (m_cs.tryEnter()) { m_onsetdetection = x; for (int i = 0; i < m_stretchers.size(); ++i) { m_stretchers[i]->set_onset_detection_sensitivity((float)x); } ++m_param_change_count; m_cs.exit(); } } void StretchAudioSource::setPlayRange(Range playrange) { if (playrange == m_playrange || playrange == m_inputfile->getActiveRange()) return; if (m_cs.tryEnter()) { if (playrange.isEmpty()) m_playrange = { 0.0,1.0 }; else m_playrange = playrange; m_stream_end_reached = false; m_inputfile->setActiveRange(m_playrange); //if (m_playrange.contains(m_seekpos) == false) // m_inputfile->seek(m_playrange.getStart()); m_seekpos = m_playrange.getStart(); ++m_param_change_count; m_cs.exit(); } } bool StretchAudioSource::isLoopEnabled() { if (m_inputfile == nullptr) return false; return m_inputfile->isLooping(); } bool StretchAudioSource::hasReachedEnd() { if (m_inputfile == nullptr) return false; if (m_inputfile->isLooping() && m_maxloops == 0) return false; if (m_inputfile->isLooping() && m_inputfile->getLoopCount() > m_maxloops) return true; //return m_output_counter>=m_process_fftsize*2; return m_output_silence_counter>=65536; }