/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { #if JUCE_IOS struct AppInactivityCallback // NB: this is a duplicate of an internal declaration in juce_core { virtual ~AppInactivityCallback() {} virtual void appBecomingInactive() = 0; }; extern Array appBecomingInactiveCallbacks; // On iOS, all GL calls will crash when the app is running in the background, so // this prevents them from happening (which some messy locking behaviour) struct iOSBackgroundProcessCheck : public AppInactivityCallback { iOSBackgroundProcessCheck() { isBackgroundProcess(); appBecomingInactiveCallbacks.add (this); } ~iOSBackgroundProcessCheck() override { appBecomingInactiveCallbacks.removeAllInstancesOf (this); } bool isBackgroundProcess() { const bool b = Process::isForegroundProcess(); isForeground.set (b ? 1 : 0); return ! b; } void appBecomingInactive() override { int counter = 2000; while (--counter > 0 && isForeground.get() != 0) Thread::sleep (1); } private: Atomic isForeground; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (iOSBackgroundProcessCheck) }; #endif #if JUCE_WINDOWS && JUCE_WIN_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE extern JUCE_API double getScaleFactorForWindow (HWND); #endif static bool contextHasTextureNpotFeature() { if (getOpenGLVersion() >= Version (2)) return true; // If the version is < 2, we can't use the newer extension-checking API // so we have to use glGetString const auto* extensionsBegin = glGetString (GL_EXTENSIONS); if (extensionsBegin == nullptr) return false; const auto* extensionsEnd = findNullTerminator (extensionsBegin); const std::string extensionsString (extensionsBegin, extensionsEnd); const auto stringTokens = StringArray::fromTokens (extensionsString.c_str(), false); return stringTokens.contains ("GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two"); } //============================================================================== class OpenGLContext::CachedImage : public CachedComponentImage, private ThreadPoolJob { public: CachedImage (OpenGLContext& c, Component& comp, const OpenGLPixelFormat& pixFormat, void* contextToShare) : ThreadPoolJob ("OpenGL Rendering"), context (c), component (comp) { nativeContext.reset (new NativeContext (component, pixFormat, contextToShare, c.useMultisampling, c.versionRequired)); if (nativeContext->createdOk()) context.nativeContext = nativeContext.get(); else nativeContext.reset(); } ~CachedImage() override { stop(); } //============================================================================== void start() { if (nativeContext != nullptr) { renderThread.reset (new ThreadPool (1)); resume(); } } void stop() { if (renderThread != nullptr) { // make sure everything has finished executing destroying = true; if (workQueue.size() > 0) { if (! renderThread->contains (this)) resume(); while (workQueue.size() != 0) Thread::sleep (20); } pause(); renderThread.reset(); } hasInitialised = false; } //============================================================================== void pause() { signalJobShouldExit(); messageManagerLock.abort(); if (renderThread != nullptr) { repaintEvent.signal(); renderThread->removeJob (this, true, -1); } } void resume() { if (renderThread != nullptr) renderThread->addJob (this, false); } //============================================================================== void paint (Graphics&) override { updateViewportSize (false); } bool invalidateAll() override { validArea.clear(); triggerRepaint(); return false; } bool invalidate (const Rectangle& area) override { validArea.subtract (area.toFloat().transformedBy (transform).getSmallestIntegerContainer()); triggerRepaint(); return false; } void releaseResources() override { stop(); } void triggerRepaint() { needsUpdate = 1; repaintEvent.signal(); } //============================================================================== bool ensureFrameBufferSize() { auto fbW = cachedImageFrameBuffer.getWidth(); auto fbH = cachedImageFrameBuffer.getHeight(); if (fbW != viewportArea.getWidth() || fbH != viewportArea.getHeight() || ! cachedImageFrameBuffer.isValid()) { if (! cachedImageFrameBuffer.initialise (context, viewportArea.getWidth(), viewportArea.getHeight())) return false; validArea.clear(); JUCE_CHECK_OPENGL_ERROR } return true; } void clearRegionInFrameBuffer (const RectangleList& list) { glClearColor (0, 0, 0, 0); glEnable (GL_SCISSOR_TEST); auto previousFrameBufferTarget = OpenGLFrameBuffer::getCurrentFrameBufferTarget(); cachedImageFrameBuffer.makeCurrentRenderingTarget(); auto imageH = cachedImageFrameBuffer.getHeight(); for (auto& r : list) { glScissor (r.getX(), imageH - r.getBottom(), r.getWidth(), r.getHeight()); glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); } glDisable (GL_SCISSOR_TEST); context.extensions.glBindFramebuffer (GL_FRAMEBUFFER, previousFrameBufferTarget); JUCE_CHECK_OPENGL_ERROR } bool renderFrame() { MessageManager::Lock::ScopedTryLockType mmLock (messageManagerLock, false); auto isUpdatingTestValue = true; auto isUpdating = needsUpdate.compare_exchange_strong (isUpdatingTestValue, false); if (context.renderComponents && isUpdating) { // This avoids hogging the message thread when doing intensive rendering. if (lastMMLockReleaseTime + 1 >= Time::getMillisecondCounter()) Thread::sleep (2); while (! shouldExit()) { doWorkWhileWaitingForLock (false); if (mmLock.retryLock()) break; } if (shouldExit()) return false; } if (! context.makeActive()) return false; NativeContext::Locker locker (*nativeContext); JUCE_CHECK_OPENGL_ERROR doWorkWhileWaitingForLock (true); if (context.renderer != nullptr) { glViewport (0, 0, viewportArea.getWidth(), viewportArea.getHeight()); context.currentRenderScale = scale; context.renderer->renderOpenGL(); clearGLError(); bindVertexArray(); } if (context.renderComponents) { if (isUpdating) { paintComponent(); if (! hasInitialised) return false; messageManagerLock.exit(); lastMMLockReleaseTime = Time::getMillisecondCounter(); } glViewport (0, 0, viewportArea.getWidth(), viewportArea.getHeight()); drawComponentBuffer(); } context.swapBuffers(); OpenGLContext::deactivateCurrentContext(); return true; } void updateViewportSize (bool canTriggerUpdate) { if (auto* peer = component.getPeer()) { auto localBounds = component.getLocalBounds(); const auto currentDisplay = Desktop::getInstance().getDisplays().getDisplayForRect (component.getTopLevelComponent()->getScreenBounds()); if (currentDisplay != lastDisplay) { #if JUCE_MAC if (cvDisplayLinkWrapper != nullptr) { cvDisplayLinkWrapper->updateActiveDisplay (currentDisplay->totalArea.getTopLeft()); nativeContext->setNominalVideoRefreshPeriodS (cvDisplayLinkWrapper->getNominalVideoRefreshPeriodS()); } #endif lastDisplay = currentDisplay; } const auto displayScale = currentDisplay->scale; auto newArea = peer->getComponent().getLocalArea (&component, localBounds).withZeroOrigin() * displayScale; #if JUCE_WINDOWS && JUCE_WIN_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE auto newScale = getScaleFactorForWindow (nativeContext->getNativeHandle()); auto desktopScale = Desktop::getInstance().getGlobalScaleFactor(); if (! approximatelyEqual (1.0f, desktopScale)) newScale *= desktopScale; #else auto newScale = displayScale; #endif if (scale != newScale || viewportArea != newArea) { scale = newScale; viewportArea = newArea; transform = AffineTransform::scale ((float) newArea.getWidth() / (float) localBounds.getWidth(), (float) newArea.getHeight() / (float) localBounds.getHeight()); nativeContext->updateWindowPosition (peer->getAreaCoveredBy (component)); if (canTriggerUpdate) invalidateAll(); } } } void bindVertexArray() noexcept { if (openGLVersion.major >= 3) if (vertexArrayObject != 0) context.extensions.glBindVertexArray (vertexArrayObject); } void checkViewportBounds() { auto screenBounds = component.getTopLevelComponent()->getScreenBounds(); if (lastScreenBounds != screenBounds) { updateViewportSize (true); lastScreenBounds = screenBounds; } } void paintComponent() { // you mustn't set your own cached image object when attaching a GL context! jassert (get (component) == this); if (! ensureFrameBufferSize()) return; RectangleList invalid (viewportArea); invalid.subtract (validArea); validArea = viewportArea; if (! invalid.isEmpty()) { clearRegionInFrameBuffer (invalid); { std::unique_ptr g (createOpenGLGraphicsContext (context, cachedImageFrameBuffer)); g->clipToRectangleList (invalid); g->addTransform (transform); paintOwner (*g); JUCE_CHECK_OPENGL_ERROR } if (! context.isActive()) context.makeActive(); } JUCE_CHECK_OPENGL_ERROR } void drawComponentBuffer() { #if ! JUCE_ANDROID glEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D); clearGLError(); #endif #if JUCE_WINDOWS // some stupidly old drivers are missing this function, so try to at least avoid a crash here, // but if you hit this assertion you may want to have your own version check before using the // component rendering stuff on such old drivers. jassert (context.extensions.glActiveTexture != nullptr); if (context.extensions.glActiveTexture != nullptr) #endif context.extensions.glActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0); glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, cachedImageFrameBuffer.getTextureID()); bindVertexArray(); const Rectangle cacheBounds (cachedImageFrameBuffer.getWidth(), cachedImageFrameBuffer.getHeight()); context.copyTexture (cacheBounds, cacheBounds, cacheBounds.getWidth(), cacheBounds.getHeight(), false); glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); JUCE_CHECK_OPENGL_ERROR } void paintOwner (LowLevelGraphicsContext& llgc) { Graphics g (llgc); #if JUCE_ENABLE_REPAINT_DEBUGGING #ifdef JUCE_IS_REPAINT_DEBUGGING_ACTIVE if (JUCE_IS_REPAINT_DEBUGGING_ACTIVE) #endif { g.saveState(); } #endif JUCE_TRY { component.paintEntireComponent (g, false); } JUCE_CATCH_EXCEPTION #if JUCE_ENABLE_REPAINT_DEBUGGING #ifdef JUCE_IS_REPAINT_DEBUGGING_ACTIVE if (JUCE_IS_REPAINT_DEBUGGING_ACTIVE) #endif { // enabling this code will fill all areas that get repainted with a colour overlay, to show // clearly when things are being repainted. g.restoreState(); static Random rng; g.fillAll (Colour ((uint8) rng.nextInt (255), (uint8) rng.nextInt (255), (uint8) rng.nextInt (255), (uint8) 0x50)); } #endif } void handleResize() { updateViewportSize (true); #if JUCE_MAC if (hasInitialised) { [nativeContext->view update]; renderFrame(); } #endif } //============================================================================== JobStatus runJob() override { { // Allow the message thread to finish setting-up the context before using it.. MessageManager::Lock::ScopedTryLockType mmLock (messageManagerLock, false); do { if (shouldExit()) return ThreadPoolJob::jobHasFinished; } while (! mmLock.retryLock()); } if (! initialiseOnThread()) { hasInitialised = false; return ThreadPoolJob::jobHasFinished; } hasInitialised = true; while (! shouldExit()) { #if JUCE_IOS if (backgroundProcessCheck.isBackgroundProcess()) { repaintEvent.wait (300); repaintEvent.reset(); continue; } #endif if (shouldExit()) break; #if JUCE_MAC if (context.continuousRepaint) { repaintEvent.wait (-1); renderFrame(); } else #endif if (! renderFrame()) repaintEvent.wait (5); // failed to render, so avoid a tight fail-loop. else if (! context.continuousRepaint && ! shouldExit()) repaintEvent.wait (-1); repaintEvent.reset(); } hasInitialised = false; context.makeActive(); shutdownOnThread(); OpenGLContext::deactivateCurrentContext(); return ThreadPoolJob::jobHasFinished; } bool initialiseOnThread() { // On android, this can get called twice, so drop any previous state.. associatedObjectNames.clear(); associatedObjects.clear(); cachedImageFrameBuffer.release(); context.makeActive(); if (! nativeContext->initialiseOnRenderThread (context)) return false; #if JUCE_ANDROID // On android the context may be created in initialiseOnRenderThread // and we therefore need to call makeActive again context.makeActive(); #endif gl::loadFunctions(); openGLVersion = getOpenGLVersion(); if (openGLVersion.major >= 3) { context.extensions.glGenVertexArrays (1, &vertexArrayObject); bindVertexArray(); } glViewport (0, 0, viewportArea.getWidth(), viewportArea.getHeight()); nativeContext->setSwapInterval (1); #if ! JUCE_OPENGL_ES JUCE_CHECK_OPENGL_ERROR shadersAvailable = OpenGLShaderProgram::getLanguageVersion() > 0; clearGLError(); #endif textureNpotSupported = contextHasTextureNpotFeature(); if (context.renderer != nullptr) context.renderer->newOpenGLContextCreated(); #if JUCE_MAC cvDisplayLinkWrapper = std::make_unique (*this); nativeContext->setNominalVideoRefreshPeriodS (cvDisplayLinkWrapper->getNominalVideoRefreshPeriodS()); #endif return true; } void shutdownOnThread() { #if JUCE_MAC cvDisplayLinkWrapper = nullptr; #endif if (context.renderer != nullptr) context.renderer->openGLContextClosing(); if (vertexArrayObject != 0) context.extensions.glDeleteVertexArrays (1, &vertexArrayObject); associatedObjectNames.clear(); associatedObjects.clear(); cachedImageFrameBuffer.release(); nativeContext->shutdownOnRenderThread(); } //============================================================================== struct BlockingWorker : public OpenGLContext::AsyncWorker { BlockingWorker (OpenGLContext::AsyncWorker::Ptr && workerToUse) : originalWorker (std::move (workerToUse)) {} void operator() (OpenGLContext& calleeContext) { if (originalWorker != nullptr) (*originalWorker) (calleeContext); finishedSignal.signal(); } void block() noexcept { finishedSignal.wait(); } OpenGLContext::AsyncWorker::Ptr originalWorker; WaitableEvent finishedSignal; }; bool doWorkWhileWaitingForLock (bool contextIsAlreadyActive) { bool contextActivated = false; for (OpenGLContext::AsyncWorker::Ptr work = workQueue.removeAndReturn (0); work != nullptr && (! shouldExit()); work = workQueue.removeAndReturn (0)) { if ((! contextActivated) && (! contextIsAlreadyActive)) { if (! context.makeActive()) break; contextActivated = true; } NativeContext::Locker locker (*nativeContext); (*work) (context); clearGLError(); } if (contextActivated) OpenGLContext::deactivateCurrentContext(); return shouldExit(); } void execute (OpenGLContext::AsyncWorker::Ptr workerToUse, bool shouldBlock, bool calledFromDestructor = false) { if (calledFromDestructor || ! destroying) { if (shouldBlock) { auto blocker = new BlockingWorker (std::move (workerToUse)); OpenGLContext::AsyncWorker::Ptr worker (*blocker); workQueue.add (worker); messageManagerLock.abort(); context.triggerRepaint(); blocker->block(); } else { workQueue.add (std::move (workerToUse)); messageManagerLock.abort(); context.triggerRepaint(); } } else { jassertfalse; // you called execute AFTER you detached your openglcontext } } //============================================================================== static CachedImage* get (Component& c) noexcept { return dynamic_cast (c.getCachedComponentImage()); } //============================================================================== friend class NativeContext; std::unique_ptr nativeContext; OpenGLContext& context; Component& component; Version openGLVersion; OpenGLFrameBuffer cachedImageFrameBuffer; RectangleList validArea; Rectangle viewportArea, lastScreenBounds; const Displays::Display* lastDisplay = nullptr; double scale = 1.0; AffineTransform transform; GLuint vertexArrayObject = 0; StringArray associatedObjectNames; ReferenceCountedArray associatedObjects; WaitableEvent canPaintNowFlag, finishedPaintingFlag, repaintEvent { true }; #if JUCE_OPENGL_ES bool shadersAvailable = true; #else bool shadersAvailable = false; #endif bool textureNpotSupported = false; std::atomic hasInitialised { false }, needsUpdate { true }, destroying { false }; uint32 lastMMLockReleaseTime = 0; #if JUCE_MAC struct CVDisplayLinkWrapper { CVDisplayLinkWrapper (CachedImage& cachedImageIn) : cachedImage (cachedImageIn), continuousRepaint (cachedImageIn.context.continuousRepaint.load()) { CVDisplayLinkCreateWithActiveCGDisplays (&displayLink); CVDisplayLinkSetOutputCallback (displayLink, &displayLinkCallback, this); CVDisplayLinkStart (displayLink); const auto topLeftOfCurrentScreen = Desktop::getInstance() .getDisplays() .getDisplayForRect (cachedImage.component.getTopLevelComponent()->getScreenBounds()) ->totalArea.getTopLeft(); updateActiveDisplay (topLeftOfCurrentScreen); } double getNominalVideoRefreshPeriodS() const { const auto nominalVideoRefreshPeriod = CVDisplayLinkGetNominalOutputVideoRefreshPeriod (displayLink); if ((nominalVideoRefreshPeriod.flags & kCVTimeIsIndefinite) == 0) return (double) nominalVideoRefreshPeriod.timeValue / (double) nominalVideoRefreshPeriod.timeScale; return 0.0; } void updateActiveDisplay (Point topLeftOfDisplay) { CGPoint point { (CGFloat) topLeftOfDisplay.getX(), (CGFloat) topLeftOfDisplay.getY() }; CGDirectDisplayID displayID; uint32_t numDisplays = 0; constexpr uint32_t maxNumDisplays = 1; CGGetDisplaysWithPoint (point, maxNumDisplays, &displayID, &numDisplays); if (numDisplays == 1) CVDisplayLinkSetCurrentCGDisplay (displayLink, displayID); } ~CVDisplayLinkWrapper() { CVDisplayLinkStop (displayLink); CVDisplayLinkRelease (displayLink); } static CVReturn displayLinkCallback (CVDisplayLinkRef, const CVTimeStamp*, const CVTimeStamp*, CVOptionFlags, CVOptionFlags*, void* displayLinkContext) { auto* self = reinterpret_cast (displayLinkContext); if (self->continuousRepaint) self->cachedImage.repaintEvent.signal(); return kCVReturnSuccess; } CachedImage& cachedImage; const bool continuousRepaint; CVDisplayLinkRef displayLink; }; std::unique_ptr cvDisplayLinkWrapper; #endif std::unique_ptr renderThread; ReferenceCountedArray workQueue; MessageManager::Lock messageManagerLock; #if JUCE_IOS iOSBackgroundProcessCheck backgroundProcessCheck; #endif JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (CachedImage) }; //============================================================================== class OpenGLContext::Attachment : public ComponentMovementWatcher, private Timer { public: Attachment (OpenGLContext& c, Component& comp) : ComponentMovementWatcher (&comp), context (c) { if (canBeAttached (comp)) attach(); } ~Attachment() override { detach(); } void detach() { auto& comp = *getComponent(); stop(); comp.setCachedComponentImage (nullptr); context.nativeContext = nullptr; } void componentMovedOrResized (bool /*wasMoved*/, bool /*wasResized*/) override { auto& comp = *getComponent(); if (isAttached (comp) != canBeAttached (comp)) componentVisibilityChanged(); if (comp.getWidth() > 0 && comp.getHeight() > 0 && context.nativeContext != nullptr) { if (auto* c = CachedImage::get (comp)) c->handleResize(); if (auto* peer = comp.getTopLevelComponent()->getPeer()) context.nativeContext->updateWindowPosition (peer->getAreaCoveredBy (comp)); } } using ComponentMovementWatcher::componentMovedOrResized; void componentPeerChanged() override { detach(); componentVisibilityChanged(); } void componentVisibilityChanged() override { auto& comp = *getComponent(); if (canBeAttached (comp)) { if (isAttached (comp)) comp.repaint(); // (needed when windows are un-minimised) else attach(); } else { detach(); } } using ComponentMovementWatcher::componentVisibilityChanged; #if JUCE_DEBUG || JUCE_LOG_ASSERTIONS void componentBeingDeleted (Component& c) override { /* You must call detach() or delete your OpenGLContext to remove it from a component BEFORE deleting the component that it is using! */ jassertfalse; ComponentMovementWatcher::componentBeingDeleted (c); } #endif void update() { auto& comp = *getComponent(); if (canBeAttached (comp)) start(); else stop(); } private: OpenGLContext& context; bool canBeAttached (const Component& comp) noexcept { return (! context.overrideCanAttach) && comp.getWidth() > 0 && comp.getHeight() > 0 && isShowingOrMinimised (comp); } static bool isShowingOrMinimised (const Component& c) { if (! c.isVisible()) return false; if (auto* p = c.getParentComponent()) return isShowingOrMinimised (*p); return c.getPeer() != nullptr; } static bool isAttached (const Component& comp) noexcept { return comp.getCachedComponentImage() != nullptr; } void attach() { auto& comp = *getComponent(); auto* newCachedImage = new CachedImage (context, comp, context.openGLPixelFormat, context.contextToShareWith); comp.setCachedComponentImage (newCachedImage); start(); } void stop() { stopTimer(); auto& comp = *getComponent(); #if JUCE_MAC [[(NSView*) comp.getWindowHandle() window] disableScreenUpdatesUntilFlush]; #endif if (auto* oldCachedImage = CachedImage::get (comp)) oldCachedImage->stop(); // (must stop this before detaching it from the component) } void start() { auto& comp = *getComponent(); if (auto* cachedImage = CachedImage::get (comp)) { cachedImage->start(); // (must wait until this is attached before starting its thread) cachedImage->updateViewportSize (true); startTimer (400); } } void timerCallback() override { if (auto* cachedImage = CachedImage::get (*getComponent())) cachedImage->checkViewportBounds(); } }; //============================================================================== OpenGLContext::OpenGLContext() { } OpenGLContext::~OpenGLContext() { detach(); } void OpenGLContext::setRenderer (OpenGLRenderer* rendererToUse) noexcept { // This method must not be called when the context has already been attached! // Call it before attaching your context, or use detach() first, before calling this! jassert (nativeContext == nullptr); renderer = rendererToUse; } void OpenGLContext::setComponentPaintingEnabled (bool shouldPaintComponent) noexcept { // This method must not be called when the context has already been attached! // Call it before attaching your context, or use detach() first, before calling this! jassert (nativeContext == nullptr); renderComponents = shouldPaintComponent; } void OpenGLContext::setContinuousRepainting (bool shouldContinuouslyRepaint) noexcept { continuousRepaint = shouldContinuouslyRepaint; #if JUCE_MAC if (auto* component = getTargetComponent()) { detach(); attachment.reset (new Attachment (*this, *component)); } #endif triggerRepaint(); } void OpenGLContext::setPixelFormat (const OpenGLPixelFormat& preferredPixelFormat) noexcept { // This method must not be called when the context has already been attached! // Call it before attaching your context, or use detach() first, before calling this! jassert (nativeContext == nullptr); openGLPixelFormat = preferredPixelFormat; } void OpenGLContext::setTextureMagnificationFilter (OpenGLContext::TextureMagnificationFilter magFilterMode) noexcept { texMagFilter = magFilterMode; } void OpenGLContext::setNativeSharedContext (void* nativeContextToShareWith) noexcept { // This method must not be called when the context has already been attached! // Call it before attaching your context, or use detach() first, before calling this! jassert (nativeContext == nullptr); contextToShareWith = nativeContextToShareWith; } void OpenGLContext::setMultisamplingEnabled (bool b) noexcept { // This method must not be called when the context has already been attached! // Call it before attaching your context, or use detach() first, before calling this! jassert (nativeContext == nullptr); useMultisampling = b; } void OpenGLContext::setOpenGLVersionRequired (OpenGLVersion v) noexcept { versionRequired = v; } void OpenGLContext::setMobileBufferBugMitigation(bool flag) { mobileBufferBugMitigation = flag; } bool OpenGLContext::getMobileBufferBugMitigation() const { return mobileBufferBugMitigation; } void OpenGLContext::attachTo (Component& component) { component.repaint(); if (getTargetComponent() != &component) { detach(); attachment.reset (new Attachment (*this, component)); } } void OpenGLContext::detach() { if (auto* a = attachment.get()) { a->detach(); // must detach before nulling our pointer attachment.reset(); } nativeContext = nullptr; } bool OpenGLContext::isAttached() const noexcept { return nativeContext != nullptr; } Component* OpenGLContext::getTargetComponent() const noexcept { return attachment != nullptr ? attachment->getComponent() : nullptr; } OpenGLContext* OpenGLContext::getContextAttachedTo (Component& c) noexcept { if (auto* ci = CachedImage::get (c)) return &(ci->context); return nullptr; } static ThreadLocalValue currentThreadActiveContext; OpenGLContext* OpenGLContext::getCurrentContext() { return currentThreadActiveContext.get(); } bool OpenGLContext::makeActive() const noexcept { auto& current = currentThreadActiveContext.get(); if (nativeContext != nullptr && nativeContext->makeActive()) { current = const_cast (this); return true; } current = nullptr; return false; } bool OpenGLContext::isActive() const noexcept { return nativeContext != nullptr && nativeContext->isActive(); } void OpenGLContext::deactivateCurrentContext() { NativeContext::deactivateCurrentContext(); currentThreadActiveContext.get() = nullptr; } void OpenGLContext::triggerRepaint() { if (auto* cachedImage = getCachedImage()) cachedImage->triggerRepaint(); } void OpenGLContext::swapBuffers() { if (nativeContext != nullptr) nativeContext->swapBuffers(); } unsigned int OpenGLContext::getFrameBufferID() const noexcept { return nativeContext != nullptr ? nativeContext->getFrameBufferID() : 0; } bool OpenGLContext::setSwapInterval (int numFramesPerSwap) { return nativeContext != nullptr && nativeContext->setSwapInterval (numFramesPerSwap); } int OpenGLContext::getSwapInterval() const { return nativeContext != nullptr ? nativeContext->getSwapInterval() : 0; } void* OpenGLContext::getRawContext() const noexcept { return nativeContext != nullptr ? nativeContext->getRawContext() : nullptr; } OpenGLContext::CachedImage* OpenGLContext::getCachedImage() const noexcept { if (auto* comp = getTargetComponent()) return CachedImage::get (*comp); return nullptr; } bool OpenGLContext::areShadersAvailable() const { auto* c = getCachedImage(); return c != nullptr && c->shadersAvailable; } bool OpenGLContext::isTextureNpotSupported() const { auto* c = getCachedImage(); return c != nullptr && c->textureNpotSupported; } ReferenceCountedObject* OpenGLContext::getAssociatedObject (const char* name) const { jassert (name != nullptr); auto* c = getCachedImage(); // This method must only be called from an openGL rendering callback. jassert (c != nullptr && nativeContext != nullptr); jassert (getCurrentContext() != nullptr); auto index = c->associatedObjectNames.indexOf (name); return index >= 0 ? c->associatedObjects.getUnchecked (index).get() : nullptr; } void OpenGLContext::setAssociatedObject (const char* name, ReferenceCountedObject* newObject) { jassert (name != nullptr); if (auto* c = getCachedImage()) { // This method must only be called from an openGL rendering callback. jassert (nativeContext != nullptr); jassert (getCurrentContext() != nullptr); const int index = c->associatedObjectNames.indexOf (name); if (index >= 0) { if (newObject != nullptr) { c->associatedObjects.set (index, newObject); } else { c->associatedObjectNames.remove (index); c->associatedObjects.remove (index); } } else if (newObject != nullptr) { c->associatedObjectNames.add (name); c->associatedObjects.add (newObject); } } } void OpenGLContext::setImageCacheSize (size_t newSize) noexcept { imageCacheMaxSize = newSize; } size_t OpenGLContext::getImageCacheSize() const noexcept { return imageCacheMaxSize; } void OpenGLContext::execute (OpenGLContext::AsyncWorker::Ptr workerToUse, bool shouldBlock) { if (auto* c = getCachedImage()) c->execute (std::move (workerToUse), shouldBlock); else jassertfalse; // You must have attached the context to a component } //============================================================================== struct DepthTestDisabler { DepthTestDisabler() noexcept { glGetBooleanv (GL_DEPTH_TEST, &wasEnabled); if (wasEnabled) glDisable (GL_DEPTH_TEST); } ~DepthTestDisabler() noexcept { if (wasEnabled) glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST); } GLboolean wasEnabled; }; //============================================================================== void OpenGLContext::copyTexture (const Rectangle& targetClipArea, const Rectangle& anchorPosAndTextureSize, const int contextWidth, const int contextHeight, bool flippedVertically) { if (contextWidth <= 0 || contextHeight <= 0) return; JUCE_CHECK_OPENGL_ERROR glBlendFunc (GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glEnable (GL_BLEND); DepthTestDisabler depthDisabler; if (areShadersAvailable()) { struct OverlayShaderProgram : public ReferenceCountedObject { OverlayShaderProgram (OpenGLContext& context) : program (context), builder (program), params (program) {} static const OverlayShaderProgram& select (OpenGLContext& context) { static const char programValueID[] = "juceGLComponentOverlayShader"; OverlayShaderProgram* program = static_cast (context.getAssociatedObject (programValueID)); if (program == nullptr) { program = new OverlayShaderProgram (context); context.setAssociatedObject (programValueID, program); } program->program.use(); return *program; } struct ProgramBuilder { ProgramBuilder (OpenGLShaderProgram& prog) { prog.addVertexShader (OpenGLHelpers::translateVertexShaderToV3 ( "attribute " JUCE_HIGHP " vec2 position;" "uniform " JUCE_HIGHP " vec2 screenSize;" "uniform " JUCE_HIGHP " float textureBounds[4];" "uniform " JUCE_HIGHP " vec2 vOffsetAndScale;" "varying " JUCE_HIGHP " vec2 texturePos;" "void main()" "{" JUCE_HIGHP " vec2 scaled = position / (0.5 * screenSize.xy);" "gl_Position = vec4 (scaled.x - 1.0, 1.0 - scaled.y, 0, 1.0);" "texturePos = (position - vec2 (textureBounds[0], textureBounds[1])) / vec2 (textureBounds[2], textureBounds[3]);" "texturePos = vec2 (texturePos.x, vOffsetAndScale.x + vOffsetAndScale.y * texturePos.y);" "}")); prog.addFragmentShader (OpenGLHelpers::translateFragmentShaderToV3 ( "uniform sampler2D imageTexture;" "varying " JUCE_HIGHP " vec2 texturePos;" "void main()" "{" "gl_FragColor = texture2D (imageTexture, texturePos);" "}")); prog.link(); } }; struct Params { Params (OpenGLShaderProgram& prog) : positionAttribute (prog, "position"), screenSize (prog, "screenSize"), imageTexture (prog, "imageTexture"), textureBounds (prog, "textureBounds"), vOffsetAndScale (prog, "vOffsetAndScale") {} void set (const float targetWidth, const float targetHeight, const Rectangle& bounds, bool flipVertically) const { const GLfloat m[] = { bounds.getX(), bounds.getY(), bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getHeight() }; textureBounds.set (m, 4); imageTexture.set (0); screenSize.set (targetWidth, targetHeight); vOffsetAndScale.set (flipVertically ? 0.0f : 1.0f, flipVertically ? 1.0f : -1.0f); } OpenGLShaderProgram::Attribute positionAttribute; OpenGLShaderProgram::Uniform screenSize, imageTexture, textureBounds, vOffsetAndScale; }; OpenGLShaderProgram program; ProgramBuilder builder; Params params; }; auto left = (GLshort) targetClipArea.getX(); auto top = (GLshort) targetClipArea.getY(); auto right = (GLshort) targetClipArea.getRight(); auto bottom = (GLshort) targetClipArea.getBottom(); const GLshort vertices[] = { left, bottom, right, bottom, left, top, right, top }; auto& program = OverlayShaderProgram::select (*this); program.params.set ((float) contextWidth, (float) contextHeight, anchorPosAndTextureSize.toFloat(), flippedVertically); GLuint vertexBuffer = 0; extensions.glGenBuffers (1, &vertexBuffer); extensions.glBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer); extensions.glBufferData (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof (vertices), vertices, GL_STATIC_DRAW); auto index = (GLuint) program.params.positionAttribute.attributeID; extensions.glVertexAttribPointer (index, 2, GL_SHORT, GL_FALSE, 4, nullptr); extensions.glEnableVertexAttribArray (index); JUCE_CHECK_OPENGL_ERROR if (extensions.glCheckFramebufferStatus (GL_FRAMEBUFFER) == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) { glDrawArrays (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4); extensions.glBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); extensions.glUseProgram (0); extensions.glDisableVertexAttribArray (index); extensions.glDeleteBuffers (1, &vertexBuffer); } else { clearGLError(); } } else { jassert (attachment == nullptr); // Running on an old graphics card! } JUCE_CHECK_OPENGL_ERROR } #if JUCE_ANDROID EGLDisplay OpenGLContext::NativeContext::display = EGL_NO_DISPLAY; EGLDisplay OpenGLContext::NativeContext::config; void OpenGLContext::NativeContext::surfaceCreated (LocalRef holder) { ignoreUnused (holder); if (auto* cachedImage = CachedImage::get (component)) { if (auto* pool = cachedImage->renderThread.get()) { if (! pool->contains (cachedImage)) { cachedImage->resume(); cachedImage->context.triggerRepaint(); } } } } void OpenGLContext::NativeContext::surfaceDestroyed (LocalRef holder) { ignoreUnused (holder); // unlike the name suggests this will be called just before the // surface is destroyed. We need to pause the render thread. if (auto* cachedImage = CachedImage::get (component)) { cachedImage->pause(); if (auto* threadPool = cachedImage->renderThread.get()) threadPool->waitForJobToFinish (cachedImage, -1); } } #endif } // namespace juce