subrepo: subdir: "deps/juce" merged: "b13f9084e" upstream: origin: "https://github.com/essej/JUCE.git" branch: "sono6good" commit: "b13f9084e" git-subrepo: version: "0.4.3" origin: "https://github.com/ingydotnet/git-subrepo.git" commit: "2f68596"
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This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited
JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License
Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020).
End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence
Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy
Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see
This scene description is broadcast to all the clients, and contains a list of all
the clients involved, as well as the set of shapes to be drawn.
Each client will draw the part of the path that lies within its own area. It can
find its area by looking at the list of clients contained in this structure.
All the path coordinates are roughly in units of inches, and devices will convert
this to pixels based on their screen size and DPI
struct SharedCanvasDescription
SharedCanvasDescription() {}
Colour backgroundColour = Colours::black;
struct ColouredPath
Path path;
FillType fill;
Array<ColouredPath> paths;
struct ClientArea
String name;
Point<float> centre; // in inches
float scaleFactor; // extra scaling
Array<ClientArea> clients;
void reset()
void swapWith (SharedCanvasDescription& other)
std::swap (backgroundColour, other.backgroundColour);
paths.swapWith (other.paths);
clients.swapWith (other.clients);
// This is a fixed size that represents the overall canvas limits that
// content should lie within
Rectangle<float> getLimits() const
float inchesX = 60.0f;
float inchesY = 30.0f;
return { inchesX * -0.5f, inchesY * -0.5f, inchesX, inchesY };
void draw (Graphics& g, Rectangle<float> targetArea, Rectangle<float> clientArea) const
draw (g, clientArea,
AffineTransform::fromTargetPoints (clientArea.getX(), clientArea.getY(),
targetArea.getX(), targetArea.getY(),
clientArea.getRight(), clientArea.getY(),
targetArea.getRight(), targetArea.getY(),
clientArea.getRight(), clientArea.getBottom(),
targetArea.getRight(), targetArea.getBottom()));
void draw (Graphics& g, Rectangle<float> clientArea, AffineTransform t) const
g.addTransform (t);
for (const auto& p : paths)
if (p.path.getBounds().intersects (clientArea))
g.setFillType (p.fill);
g.fillPath (p.path);
const ClientArea* findClient (const String& clientName) const
for (const auto& c : clients)
if (c.name == clientName)
return &c;
return nullptr;
// Serialisation...
void save (OutputStream& out) const
out.writeInt (magic);
out.writeInt ((int) backgroundColour.getARGB());
out.writeInt (clients.size());
for (const auto& c : clients)
out.writeString (c.name);
writePoint (out, c.centre);
out.writeFloat (c.scaleFactor);
out.writeInt (paths.size());
for (const auto& p : paths)
writeFill (out, p.fill);
p.path.writePathToStream (out);
void load (InputStream& in)
if (in.readInt() != magic)
backgroundColour = Colour ((uint32) in.readInt());
const int numClients = in.readInt();
for (int i = 0; i < numClients; ++i)
ClientArea c;
c.name = in.readString();
c.centre = readPoint (in);
c.scaleFactor = in.readFloat();
clients.add (c);
const int numPaths = in.readInt();
for (int i = 0; i < numPaths; ++i)
ColouredPath p;
p.fill = readFill (in);
p.path.loadPathFromStream (in);
paths.add (std::move (p));
MemoryBlock toMemoryBlock() const
MemoryOutputStream o;
save (o);
return o.getMemoryBlock();
static void writePoint (OutputStream& out, Point<float> p)
out.writeFloat (p.x);
out.writeFloat (p.y);
static void writeRect (OutputStream& out, Rectangle<float> r)
writePoint (out, r.getPosition());
out.writeFloat (r.getWidth());
out.writeFloat (r.getHeight());
static Point<float> readPoint (InputStream& in)
Point<float> p;
p.x = in.readFloat();
p.y = in.readFloat();
return p;
static Rectangle<float> readRect (InputStream& in)
Rectangle<float> r;
r.setPosition (readPoint (in));
r.setWidth (in.readFloat());
r.setHeight (in.readFloat());
return r;
static void writeFill (OutputStream& out, const FillType& f)
if (f.isColour())
out.writeByte (0);
out.writeInt ((int) f.colour.getARGB());
else if (f.isGradient())
const ColourGradient& cg = *f.gradient;
jassert (cg.getNumColours() >= 2);
out.writeByte (cg.isRadial ? 2 : 1);
writePoint (out, cg.point1);
writePoint (out, cg.point2);
out.writeCompressedInt (cg.getNumColours());
for (int i = 0; i < cg.getNumColours(); ++i)
out.writeDouble (cg.getColourPosition (i));
out.writeInt ((int) cg.getColour(i).getARGB());
static FillType readFill (InputStream& in)
int type = in.readByte();
if (type == 0)
return FillType (Colour ((uint32) in.readInt()));
if (type > 2)
return FillType();
ColourGradient cg;
cg.point1 = readPoint (in);
cg.point2 = readPoint (in);
int numColours = in.readCompressedInt();
for (int i = 0; i < numColours; ++i)
const double pos = in.readDouble();
cg.addColour (pos, Colour ((uint32) in.readInt()));
jassert (cg.getNumColours() >= 2);
return FillType (cg);
const int magic = 0x2381239a;
JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (SharedCanvasDescription)
class CanvasGeneratingContext : public LowLevelGraphicsContext
CanvasGeneratingContext (SharedCanvasDescription& c) : canvas (c)
stateStack.add (new SavedState());
bool isVectorDevice() const override { return true; }
float getPhysicalPixelScaleFactor() override { return 1.0f; }
void setOrigin (Point<int> o) override { addTransform (AffineTransform::translation ((float) o.x, (float) o.y)); }
void addTransform (const AffineTransform& t) override
getState().transform = t.followedBy (getState().transform);
bool clipToRectangle (const Rectangle<int>&) override { return true; }
bool clipToRectangleList (const RectangleList<int>&) override { return true; }
void excludeClipRectangle (const Rectangle<int>&) override {}
void clipToPath (const Path&, const AffineTransform&) override {}
void clipToImageAlpha (const Image&, const AffineTransform&) override {}
void saveState() override
stateStack.add (new SavedState (getState()));
void restoreState() override
jassert (stateStack.size() > 0);
if (stateStack.size() > 0)
void beginTransparencyLayer (float alpha) override
getState().transparencyLayer = new SharedCanvasHolder();
getState().transparencyOpacity = alpha;
void endTransparencyLayer() override
const ReferenceCountedObjectPtr<SharedCanvasHolder> finishedTransparencyLayer (getState().transparencyLayer);
float alpha = getState().transparencyOpacity;
if (SharedCanvasHolder* c = finishedTransparencyLayer)
for (auto& path : c->canvas.paths)
path.fill.setOpacity (path.fill.getOpacity() * alpha);
getTargetCanvas().paths.add (path);
Rectangle<int> getClipBounds() const override
return canvas.getLimits().getSmallestIntegerContainer()
.transformedBy (getState().transform.inverted());
bool clipRegionIntersects (const Rectangle<int>&) override { return true; }
bool isClipEmpty() const override { return false; }
void setFill (const FillType& fillType) override { getState().fillType = fillType; }
void setOpacity (float op) override { getState().fillType.setOpacity (op); }
void setInterpolationQuality (Graphics::ResamplingQuality) override {}
void fillRect (const Rectangle<int>& r, bool) override { fillRect (r.toFloat()); }
void fillRectList (const RectangleList<float>& list) override { fillPath (list.toPath(), AffineTransform()); }
void fillRect (const Rectangle<float>& r) override
Path p;
p.addRectangle (r.toFloat());
fillPath (p, AffineTransform());
void fillPath (const Path& p, const AffineTransform& t) override
Path p2 (p);
p2.applyTransform (t.followedBy (getState().transform));
getTargetCanvas().paths.add ({ std::move (p2), getState().fillType });
void drawImage (const Image&, const AffineTransform&) override {}
void drawLine (const Line<float>& line) override
Path p;
p.addLineSegment (line, 1.0f);
fillPath (p, AffineTransform());
const Font& getFont() override { return getState().font; }
void setFont (const Font& newFont) override { getState().font = newFont; }
void drawGlyph (int glyphNumber, const AffineTransform& transform) override
Path p;
Font& font = getState().font;
font.getTypefacePtr()->getOutlineForGlyph (glyphNumber, p);
fillPath (p, AffineTransform::scale (font.getHeight() * font.getHorizontalScale(), font.getHeight()).followedBy (transform));
struct SharedCanvasHolder : public ReferenceCountedObject
SharedCanvasDescription canvas;
struct SavedState
FillType fillType;
AffineTransform transform;
Font font;
ReferenceCountedObjectPtr<SharedCanvasHolder> transparencyLayer;
float transparencyOpacity = 1.0f;
SharedCanvasDescription& getTargetCanvas() const
if (SharedCanvasHolder* c = getState().transparencyLayer)
return c->canvas;
return canvas;
SavedState& getState() const noexcept
jassert (stateStack.size() > 0);
return *stateStack.getLast();
SharedCanvasDescription& canvas;
OwnedArray<SavedState> stateStack;
/** Helper for breaking and reassembling a memory block into smaller checksummed
blocks that will fit inside UDP packets
struct BlockPacketiser
void createBlocksFromData (const MemoryBlock& data, size_t maxBlockSize)
jassert (blocks.size() == 0);
int offset = 0;
size_t remaining = data.getSize();
while (remaining > 0)
auto num = (size_t) jmin (maxBlockSize, remaining);
blocks.add (MemoryBlock (addBytesToPointer (data.getData(), offset), num));
offset += (int) num;
remaining -= num;
MemoryOutputStream checksumBlock;
checksumBlock << getLastPacketPrefix() << MD5 (data).toHexString() << (char) 0 << (char) 0;
blocks.add (checksumBlock.getMemoryBlock());
for (int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); ++i)
auto index = (uint32) ByteOrder::swapIfBigEndian (i);
blocks.getReference(i).append (&index, sizeof (index));
// returns true if this is an end-of-sequence block
bool appendIncomingBlock (MemoryBlock data)
if (data.getSize() > 4)
blocks.addSorted (*this, data);
return String (CharPointer_ASCII ((const char*) data.getData())).startsWith (getLastPacketPrefix());
bool reassemble (MemoryBlock& result)
if (blocks.size() > 1)
for (int i = 0; i < blocks.size() - 1; ++i)
result.append (blocks.getReference(i).getData(), blocks.getReference(i).getSize() - 4);
String storedMD5 (String (CharPointer_ASCII ((const char*) blocks.getLast().getData()))
.fromFirstOccurrenceOf (getLastPacketPrefix(), false, false));
if (MD5 (result).toHexString().trim().equalsIgnoreCase (storedMD5.trim()))
return true;
return false;
static int compareElements (const MemoryBlock& b1, const MemoryBlock& b2)
auto i1 = ByteOrder::littleEndianInt (addBytesToPointer (b1.getData(), b1.getSize() - 4));
auto i2 = ByteOrder::littleEndianInt (addBytesToPointer (b2.getData(), b2.getSize() - 4));
return (int) (i1 - i2);
static const char* getLastPacketPrefix() { return "**END_OF_PACKET_LIST** "; }
Array<MemoryBlock> blocks;
struct AnimatedContent
virtual ~AnimatedContent() {}
virtual String getName() const = 0;
virtual void reset() = 0;
virtual void generateCanvas (Graphics&, SharedCanvasDescription& canvas, Rectangle<float> activeArea) = 0;
virtual void handleTouch (Point<float> position) = 0;