631 lines
18 KiB
631 lines
18 KiB
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPLv3-or-later WITH Appstore-exception
// Copyright (C) 2017 Xenakios
// Copyright (C) 2020 Jesse Chappell
#pragma once
#include "../JuceLibraryCode/JuceHeader.h"
#include "PluginProcessor.h"
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "envelope_component.h"
#include "CustomLookAndFeel.h"
class zoom_scrollbar : public Component
enum hot_area
void mouseDown(const MouseEvent& e) override;
void mouseMove(const MouseEvent& e) override;
void mouseDrag(const MouseEvent& e) override;
void mouseEnter(const MouseEvent &event) override;
void mouseExit(const MouseEvent &event) override;
void mouseDoubleClick (const MouseEvent&) override;
void mouseWheelMove (const MouseEvent& e, const MouseWheelDetails& wd) override;
void paint(Graphics &g) override;
std::function<void(Range<double>)> RangeChanged;
Range<double> get_range() const { return m_therange; }
void setRange(Range<double> rng, bool docallback);
Range<double> m_therange{ 0.0,1.0 };
hot_area m_hot_area = ha_none;
hot_area get_hot_area(int x, int y);
int m_drag_start_x = 0;
int m_handle_off_x = 0;
class SpectralVisualizer : public Component
void setState(const ProcessParameters& pars, int nfreqs, double samplerate);
void paint(Graphics& g) override;
Image m_img;
std::vector<REALTYPE> m_insamples,m_freqs1, m_freqs2, m_freqs3;
std::unique_ptr<FFT> m_fft;
int m_nfreqs = 0;
double m_elapsed = 0.0;
class MySlider : public Slider
MySlider() {}
MySlider(NormalisableRange<float>* range);
double proportionOfLengthToValue(double x) override;
double valueToProportionOfLength(double x) override;
NormalisableRange<float>* m_range = nullptr;
class ParameterComponent : public Component,
public Slider::Listener, public Button::Listener, public ComboBox::Listener
ParameterComponent(AudioProcessorParameter* par, bool notifyOnlyOnRelease, bool useDrawableToggle=false);
void resized() override;
void sliderValueChanged(Slider* slid) override;
void sliderDragStarted(Slider* slid) override;
void sliderDragEnded(Slider* slid) override;
void buttonClicked(Button* but) override;
void comboBoxChanged (ComboBox* comboBoxThatHasChanged);
void updateComponent();
void setHighLighted(bool b);
int m_group_id = -1;
Slider* getSlider() const { return m_slider.get(); }
DrawableButton* getDrawableButton() const { return m_drawtogglebut.get(); }
ToggleButton* getToggleButton() const { return m_togglebut.get(); }
ComboBox* getComboBox() const { return m_combobox.get(); }
Label m_label;
AudioProcessorParameter* m_par = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<MySlider> m_slider;
std::unique_ptr<ComboBox> m_combobox;
std::unique_ptr<ToggleButton> m_togglebut;
std::unique_ptr<DrawableButton> m_drawtogglebut;
bool m_notify_only_on_release = false;
bool m_dragging = false;
Colour m_labeldefcolor;
class ParameterGroupComponent : public Component
ParameterGroupComponent(const String & name, int groupid, PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor* proc, bool showtoggle=true);
void resized() override;
void paint(Graphics &g) override;
//void addParameterComponent(std::unique_ptr<ParameterComponent> pcomp);
void addParameterComponent(ParameterComponent * pcomp);
void replaceParameterComponent(ParameterComponent * oldcomp, ParameterComponent * newcomp);
void updateParameterComponents();
void setBackgroundColor(Colour col) { m_bgcolor = col; }
Colour getBackgroundColor() const { return m_bgcolor; }
void setSelectedBackgroundColor(Colour col) { m_selbgcolor = col; }
Colour getSelectedBBackgroundColor() const { return m_selbgcolor; }
void setToggleEnabled(bool flag){ if (m_enableButton) m_enableButton->setToggleState(flag, dontSendNotification); }
bool getToggleEnabled() const { if (m_enableButton) return m_enableButton->getToggleState(); return false; }
String name;
int groupId = -1;
bool allowDisableFade = true;
int getMinimumHeight(int forWidth);
std::function<void(void)> EnabledChangedCallback;
int doLayout(juce::Rectangle<int> bounds); // returns min height
//uptrvec<ParameterComponent> m_parcomps;
std::vector<ParameterComponent*> m_parcomps;
std::unique_ptr<Label> m_namelabel;
std::unique_ptr<DrawableButton> m_enableButton;
//std::unique_ptr<ToggleButton> m_enableButton;
CriticalSection* m_cs = nullptr;
PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor* m_proc = nullptr;
int m_slidwidth = 400;
Colour m_bgcolor;
Colour m_selbgcolor;
int m_minHeight = 0;
int m_lastForWidth = -1;
int m_lastCompSize = 0;
class PerfMeterComponent : public Component, public Timer
PerfMeterComponent(PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor* p);
void paint(Graphics& g) override;
void mouseDown(const MouseEvent& ev) override;
void timerCallback() override;
PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor* m_proc = nullptr;
bool enabled = true;
ColourGradient m_gradient;
class MyThumbCache : public AudioThumbnailCache
MyThumbCache() : AudioThumbnailCache(200)
// The default priority of 2 is a bit too low in some cases, it seems...
~MyThumbCache() {}
class WaveformComponent : public Component, public ChangeListener, public Timer
WaveformComponent(AudioFormatManager* afm, AudioThumbnail* thumb, StretchAudioSource* sas);
void changeListenerCallback(ChangeBroadcaster* cb) override;
void paint(Graphics& g) override;
void timerCallback() override;
std::function<double()> CursorPosCallback;
std::function<void(double)> SeekCallback;
std::function<void(Range<double>, int)> TimeSelectionChangedCallback;
std::function<URL()> GetFileCallback;
std::function<void(Range<double>)> ViewRangeChangedCallback;
void mouseDown(const MouseEvent& e) override;
void mouseUp(const MouseEvent& e) override;
void mouseDrag(const MouseEvent& e) override;
void mouseMove(const MouseEvent& e) override;
void mouseDoubleClick(const MouseEvent& e) override;
void mouseWheelMove(const MouseEvent& e, const MouseWheelDetails& wd) override;
void mouseMagnify (const MouseEvent& event, float scaleFactor) override;
void setAudioInfo(double sr, double seekpos, int fftsize);
Range<double> getTimeSelection();
void setTimeSelection(Range<double> rng);
void setFileCachedRange(std::pair<Range<double>, Range<double>> rng);
void setTimerEnabled(bool b);
void setViewRange(Range<double> rng);
String m_infotext;
void setRecordingPosition(double pos) { m_rec_pos = pos; }
int m_image_init_count = 0;
int m_image_update_count = 0;
AudioThumbnail* m_thumbnail = nullptr;
Range<double> m_view_range{ 0.0,1.0 };
int m_time_sel_drag_target = 0;
double m_time_sel_start = -1.0;
double m_time_sel_end = -1.0;
double m_drag_time_start = 0.0;
bool m_mousedown = false;
bool m_didseek = false;
bool m_didchangetimeselection = false;
int m_topmargin = 0;
bool m_timedrag_started = false;
int getTimeSelectionEdge(int x, int y);
std::pair<Range<double>, Range<double>> m_file_cached;
bool m_image_dirty = false;
double m_sr = 0.0;
int m_fft_size = 0;
double m_last_startpos = 0.0;
int64_t m_last_source_pos = -1;
double m_last_source_pos_update_time = 0.0;
Image m_waveimage;
StretchAudioSource* m_sas = nullptr;
#ifdef JUCE_MODULE_AVAILABLE_juce_opengl
OpenGLContext m_ogl;
bool m_use_opengl = false;
double m_rec_pos = 0.0;
bool m_lock_timesel_set = false;
bool m_using_audio_buffer = false;
bool m_is_at_selection_drag_area = false;
bool m_is_dragging_selection = false;
void updateCachedImage();
double viewXToNormalized(double xcor)
return jmap<double>(xcor, 0, getWidth(), m_view_range.getStart(), m_view_range.getEnd());
template<typename T>
inline T normalizedToViewX(double norm)
return static_cast<T>(jmap<double>(norm, m_view_range.getStart(), m_view_range.getEnd(), 0, getWidth()));
class SpectralChainEditor : public Component
void paint(Graphics& g) override;
void setSource(StretchAudioSource* src);
void mouseDown(const MouseEvent& ev) override;
void mouseDrag(const MouseEvent& ev) override;
void mouseUp(const MouseEvent& ev) override;
std::function<void(int)> ModuleSelectedCallback;
std::function<void(void)> ModuleOrderOrEnabledChangedCallback;
const std::vector <SpectrumProcess>& getOrder() const { return m_order; }
void setModuleSelected(int id);
void moveModule(int old_id, int new_id);
StretchAudioSource * m_src = nullptr;
bool m_did_drag = false;
int m_cur_index = -1;
int m_drag_x = 0;
int m_downoffset_x = 0;
std::vector<SpectrumProcess> m_order;
std::unique_ptr<Drawable> m_enabledImage;
std::unique_ptr<Drawable> m_disabledImage;
Colour m_bgcolor;
Colour m_selbgcolor;
Colour m_dragbgcolor;
void drawBox(Graphics& g, int index, int x, int y, int w, int h);
class RatioMixerEditor : public Component, public Timer
RatioMixerEditor(int numratios);
void resized() override;
std::function<void(int, double)> OnRatioChanged;
std::function<void(int, double)> OnRatioLevelChanged;
std::function<double(int which, int index)> GetParameterValue;
void timerCallback() override;
void paint(Graphics& g) override;
void setSlidersSnap(bool flag);
uptrvec<Slider> m_ratio_sliders;
uptrvec<Slider> m_ratio_level_sliders;
uptrvec<Label> m_labels;
class FreeFilterComponent : public Component
FreeFilterComponent(PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor* proc);
void resized() override;
EnvelopeComponent* getEnvelopeComponent() { return &m_env; }
void paint(Graphics &g) override;
void updateParameterComponents();
void setSlidersSnap(bool flag);
EnvelopeComponent m_env;
uptrvec<ParameterComponent> m_parcomps;
std::unique_ptr<Viewport> m_viewport;
Component m_container;
CriticalSection* m_cs = nullptr;
PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor* m_proc = nullptr;
int m_slidwidth = 350;
class MyTabComponent : public TabbedComponent
MyTabComponent(int& curtab) : TabbedComponent(TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtTop), m_cur_tab(curtab) {}
void currentTabChanged(int newCurrentTabIndex, const String&) override
//m_cur_tab = newCurrentTabIndex;
int& m_cur_tab;
class SimpleFFTComponent : public Component,
private Timer
SimpleFFTComponent() :
spectrogramImage(Image::RGB, 512, 512, true)
void addAudioBlock(const AudioBuffer<float>& bufferToFill)
if (bufferToFill.getNumChannels() > 0)
const auto* channelData = bufferToFill.getReadPointer(0);
for (auto i = 0; i < bufferToFill.getNumSamples(); ++i)
void resized() override
spectrogramImage = Image(Image::RGB, getWidth(), getHeight(), true);
void paint(Graphics& g) override
g.drawImage(spectrogramImage, getLocalBounds().toFloat());
void timerCallback() override
if (nextFFTBlockReady)
nextFFTBlockReady = false;
void pushNextSampleIntoFifo(float sample) noexcept
// if the fifo contains enough data, set a flag to say
// that the next line should now be rendered..
if (fifoIndex == fftSize)
if (!nextFFTBlockReady)
zeromem(fftData, sizeof(fftData));
memcpy(fftData, fifo, sizeof(fifo));
nextFFTBlockReady = true;
fifoIndex = 0;
fifo[fifoIndex++] = sample;
void drawNextLineOfSpectrogram()
auto rightHandEdge = spectrogramImage.getWidth() - 1;
auto imageHeight = spectrogramImage.getHeight();
// first, shuffle our image leftwards by 1 pixel..
spectrogramImage.moveImageSection(0, 0, 1, 0, rightHandEdge, imageHeight);
// then render our FFT data..
// find the range of values produced, so we can scale our rendering to
// show up the detail clearly
auto maxLevel = FloatVectorOperations::findMinAndMax(fftData, fftSize / 2);
for (auto y = 1; y < imageHeight; ++y)
auto skewedProportionY = 1.0f - std::exp(std::log(y / (float)imageHeight) * 0.2f);
auto fftDataIndex = jlimit(0, fftSize / 2, (int)(skewedProportionY * fftSize / 2));
auto level = jmap(fftData[fftDataIndex], 0.0f, jmax(maxLevel.getEnd(), 1e-5f), 0.0f, 1.0f);
spectrogramImage.setPixelAt(rightHandEdge, y, Colour::fromHSV(level, 1.0f, level, 1.0f));
fftOrder = 10,
fftSize = 1 << fftOrder
dsp::FFT forwardFFT;
Image spectrogramImage;
float fifo[fftSize];
float fftData[8 * fftSize];
int fifoIndex = 0;
bool nextFFTBlockReady = false;
class AudioFilePreviewComponent : public FilePreviewComponent
AudioFilePreviewComponent(PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor* p) : m_proc(p)
m_playbut.onClick = [this]()
setSize(100, 30);
void selectedFileChanged(const File &newSelectedFile) override
ScopedLock locker(m_proc->getCriticalSection());
m_reader = unique_from_raw(m_proc->m_afm->createReaderFor(newSelectedFile));
m_playpos = 0;
void resized() override
m_playbut.setBounds(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
void togglePlay()
void processBlock(double sr, AudioBuffer<float>& buf);
TextButton m_playbut;
PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor* m_proc = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<AudioFormatReader> m_reader;
int64 m_playpos = 0;
class MyFileBrowserComponent : public Component, public FileBrowserListener
MyFileBrowserComponent(PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor& p);
void resized() override;
void paint(Graphics& g) override;
std::function<void(int, File)> OnAction;
void selectionChanged() override;
/** Callback when the user clicks on a file in the browser. */
void fileClicked(const File& file, const MouseEvent& e) override;
/** Callback when the user double-clicks on a file in the browser. */
void fileDoubleClicked(const File& file) override;
/** Callback when the browser's root folder changes. */
void browserRootChanged(const File& newRoot) override;
std::unique_ptr<FileBrowserComponent> m_fbcomp;
WildcardFileFilter m_filefilter;
PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor& m_proc;
LookAndFeel_V3 m_filebwlookandfeel;
class PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor : public AudioProcessorEditor,
public MultiTimer, public FileDragAndDropTarget, public DragAndDropContainer
PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor (PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor&);
void parentHierarchyChanged() override {
if (JUCEApplicationBase::isStandaloneApp()) {
auto* comp = getTopLevelComponent();
if (auto window = dynamic_cast<DocumentWindow*>(comp)) {
window->setResizable(true, false);
window->setTitleBarButtonsRequired(DocumentWindow::TitleBarButtons::allButtons, false);
window->setSize(800, 600);
void paint (Graphics&) override;
void resized() override;
void timerCallback(int id) override;
bool isInterestedInFileDrag(const StringArray &files) override;
void filesDropped(const StringArray &files, int x, int y) override;
bool keyPressed(const KeyPress& press) override;
WaveformComponent m_wavecomponent;
void showRenderDialog();
void executeModalMenuAction(int menuid, int actionid);
//SimpleFFTComponent m_sonogram;
String m_last_err;
void urlOpened(const URL& url);
std::function<AudioDeviceManager*()> getAudioDeviceManager;
std::function<void(Component*,Component*)> showAudioSettingsDialog;
bool isSpectrumProcGroupEnabled(int groupid);
void setSpectrumProcGroupEnabled(int groupid, bool enabled);
void updateAllSliders();
CustomLookAndFeel m_lookandfeel;
PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessor& processor;
uptrvec<ParameterComponent> m_parcomps;
std::map<int, std::unique_ptr<ParameterGroupComponent> > m_pargroups;
std::unique_ptr<ParameterGroupComponent> m_posgroup;
std::unique_ptr<ParameterGroupComponent> m_stretchgroup;
std::unique_ptr<ParameterGroupComponent> m_binauralgroup;
std::unique_ptr<Viewport> m_groupviewport;
std::unique_ptr<Component> m_groupcontainer;
//SpectralVisualizer m_specvis;
PerfMeterComponent m_perfmeter;
TextButton m_import_button;
TextButton m_settings_button;
TextButton m_render_button;
std::unique_ptr<DrawableButton> m_rewind_button;
Label m_info_label;
SpectralChainEditor m_spec_order_ed;
double m_lastspec_select_time = 0.0;
int m_lastspec_select_group = -1;
bool m_shortMode = false;
void showSettingsMenu();
zoom_scrollbar m_zs;
RatioMixerEditor m_ratiomixeditor{ 8 };
FreeFilterComponent m_free_filter_component;
MyTabComponent m_wavefilter_tab;
Component* m_wave_container=nullptr;
void showAudioSetup();
void showAbout();
void toggleFileBrowser();
std::vector<int> m_capturelens{ 2,5,10,30,60,120 };
std::unique_ptr<MyFileBrowserComponent> m_filechooser;
std::unique_ptr<FileChooser> fileChooser;
WildcardFileFilter m_filefilter;
class CustomTooltipWindow : public TooltipWindow
CustomTooltipWindow(PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor * parent_, Component * viewparent) : TooltipWindow(viewparent), parent(parent_) {}
virtual ~CustomTooltipWindow() {
if (parent) {
// reset our smart pointer without a delete! someone else is deleting it
String getTipFor (Component& c) override
if (parent->popTip && parent->popTip->isShowing()) {
return {};
return TooltipWindow::getTipFor(c);
PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor * parent;
std::unique_ptr<CustomTooltipWindow> tooltipWindow;
JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor)