182 lines
5.6 KiB
182 lines
5.6 KiB
Copyright (C) 2017 Xenakios
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License (version 3) for more details.
#pragma once
#include "../JuceLibraryCode/JuceHeader.h"
#include "Input/AInputS.h"
#include "ProcessedStretch.h"
#include <mutex>
#include <array>
#include "../WDL/resample.h"
class StretchAudioSource final : public PositionableAudioSource
StretchAudioSource() {}
StretchAudioSource(int initialnumoutchans, AudioFormatManager* afm, std::array<AudioParameterBool*, 9>& enab_pars);
// Inherited via PositionableAudioSource
void prepareToPlay(int samplesPerBlockExpected, double sampleRate) override;
void releaseResources() override;
void getNextAudioBlock(const AudioSourceChannelInfo & bufferToFill) override;
void setNextReadPosition(int64 newPosition) override;
int64 getNextReadPosition() const override;
int64 getTotalLength() const override;
bool isLooping() const override;
String setAudioFile(File file);
File getAudioFile();
AudioBuffer<float>* getSourceAudioBuffer();
void setNumOutChannels(int chans);
int getNumOutChannels() { return m_num_outchans; }
double getInfilePositionPercent();
double getInfilePositionSeconds();
double getInfileLengthSeconds();
void setRate(double rate);
double getRate()
return m_playrate;
double getOutputSamplerate() const { return m_outsr; }
void setProcessParameters(ProcessParameters* pars);
const ProcessParameters& getProcessParameters();
void setFFTSize(int size);
int getFFTSize() { return m_process_fftsize; }
double getFreezePos() const { return m_freeze_pos; }
void setFreezing(bool b) { m_freezing = b; }
bool isFreezing() { return m_freezing; }
void setPaused(bool b);
bool isPaused() const;
void seekPercent(double pos);
double getOutputDurationSecondsForRange(Range<double> range, int fftsize);
void setOnsetDetection(double x);
void setPlayRange(Range<double> playrange);
Range<double> getPlayRange() { return m_playrange; }
bool isLoopEnabled();
bool hasReachedEnd();
bool isResampling();
int64_t getDiskReadSampleCount() const;
std::vector<SpectrumProcess> getSpectrumProcessOrder();
void setSpectrumProcessOrder(std::vector<SpectrumProcess> order);
void setFFTWindowingType(int windowtype);
int getFFTWindowingType() { return m_fft_window_type; }
std::pair<Range<double>,Range<double>> getFileCachedRangesNormalized();
void setFreeFilterEnvelope(shared_envelope env);
void setClippingEnabled(bool b) { m_clip_output = b; }
bool isLoopingEnabled();
void setLoopingEnabled(bool b);
void setMaxLoops(int64_t numloops) { m_maxloops = numloops; }
void setAudioBufferAsInputSource(AudioBuffer<float>* buf, int sr, int len);
void setMainVolume(double decibels);
double getMainVolume() const { return m_main_volume; }
//void setSpectralModulesEnabled(const std::array<AudioParameterBool*, 9>& params);
void setSpectralModuleEnabled(int index, bool b);
void setLoopXFadeLength(double lenseconds);
double getLoopXFadeLengtj() const { return m_loopxfadelen; }
void setPreviewDry(bool b);
bool isPreviewingDry() const;
void setDryPlayrate(double rate);
double getDryPlayrate() const;
int m_param_change_count = 0;
double getLastSeekPos() const { return m_seekpos; }
CriticalSection* getMutex() { return &m_cs; }
int64_t getLastSourcePosition() const { return m_last_filepos; }
int m_prebuffersize = 0;
void setSpectralOrderPreset(int id);
int getPhaseRefreshRate() const { return m_phase_refresh_rate; }
void setPhaseRefreshRate(int rate);
CircularBuffer<float> m_stretchoutringbuf{ 1024 * 1024 };
AudioBuffer<float> m_file_inbuf;
LinearSmoothedValue<double> m_vol_smoother;
std::unique_ptr<AInputS> m_inputfile;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ProcessedStretch>> m_stretchers;
std::function<void(StretchAudioSource*)> SourceEndedCallback;
bool m_firstbuffer = false;
bool m_output_has_begun = false;
int m_num_outchans = 0;
double m_outsr = 44100.0;
int m_process_fftsize = 0;
int m_fft_window_type = -1;
double m_main_volume = 0.0;
double m_loopxfadelen = 0.0;
ProcessParameters m_ppar;
double m_playrate = 1.0;
double m_lastplayrate = 0.0;
double m_onsetdetection = 0.0;
double m_seekpos = 0.0;
bool m_freezing = false;
int m_pause_state = 0;
Range<double> m_playrange{ 0.0,1.0 };
int64_t m_rand_count = 0;
int m_phase_refresh_rate = 1;
bool m_stream_end_reached = false;
int64_t m_output_silence_counter = 0;
File m_curfile;
int64_t m_maxloops = 0;
std::unique_ptr<WDL_Resampler> m_resampler;
std::vector<double> m_resampler_outbuf;
CriticalSection m_cs;
std::vector<SpectrumProcess> m_specproc_order;
bool m_stop_play_requested = false;
double m_freeze_pos = 0.0;
int64_t m_output_counter = 0;
int64_t m_output_length = 0;
bool m_clip_output = true;
void initObjects();
shared_envelope m_free_filter_envelope;
AudioFormatManager* m_afm = nullptr;
AudioBuffer<float> buffer;
int state = 0; // 0 not active, 1 fill xfade buffer, 2 play xfade buffer
int xfade_len = 0;
int counter = 0;
int requested_fft_size = 0;
File requested_file;
} m_xfadetask;
int m_pause_fade_counter = 0;
bool m_preview_dry = false;
double m_dryplayrate = 1.0;
AudioBuffer<float> m_drypreviewbuf;
int64_t m_last_filepos = 0;
void playDrySound(const AudioSourceChannelInfo & bufferToFill);
int m_current_spec_order_preset = -1;