Nikolai Rodionov 012aaadacc chore(release): Add a new release: metrics-server
A new release is added to the cluster:
		  Name: metrics-server 
		  Namespace: kube-system
		  Version: 3.11.0
		  Chart: metrics-server/metrics-server
2024-09-09 09:41:17 +02:00

526 lines
21 KiB

# "defaults" is a workaround for Helm limitations. Users should NOT set ".defaults" explicitly, but rather directly set the fields internally.
# For instance, instead of `--set`, just set `--set foo=bar`.
#.Values.pilot for discovery and mesh wide config
## Discovery Settings
autoscaleEnabled: true
autoscaleMin: 1
autoscaleMax: 5
autoscaleBehavior: {}
replicaCount: 1
rollingMaxSurge: 100%
rollingMaxUnavailable: 25%
hub: ""
tag: ""
variant: ""
# Can be a full hub/image:tag
image: pilot
traceSampling: 1.0
# Resources for a small pilot install
cpu: 500m
memory: 2048Mi
# Set to `type: RuntimeDefault` to use the default profile if available.
seccompProfile: {}
# Whether to use an existing CNI installation
enabled: false
provider: default
# Additional container arguments
extraContainerArgs: []
env: {}
# Settings related to the untaint controller
# This controller will remove `` from nodes when the istio-cni pod becomes ready
# It should be noted that cluster operator/owner is responsible for having the taint set by their infrastructure provider when new nodes are added to the cluster; the untaint controller does not taint nodes
# Controls whether or not the untaint controller is active
enabled: false
# What namespace the untaint controller should watch for istio-cni pods. This is only required when istio-cni is running in a different namespace than istiod
namespace: ""
affinity: {}
tolerations: []
targetAverageUtilization: 80
memory: {}
# targetAverageUtilization: 80
# Additional volumeMounts to the istiod container
volumeMounts: []
# Additional volumes to the istiod pod
volumes: []
nodeSelector: {}
podAnnotations: {}
serviceAnnotations: {}
serviceAccountAnnotations: {}
topologySpreadConstraints: []
# You can use jwksResolverExtraRootCA to provide a root certificate
# in PEM format. This will then be trusted by pilot when resolving
jwksResolverExtraRootCA: ""
# The following is used to limit how long a sidecar can be connected
# to a pilot. It balances out load across pilot instances at the cost of
# increasing system churn.
keepaliveMaxServerConnectionAge: 30m
# Additional labels to apply to the deployment.
deploymentLabels: {}
## Mesh config settings
# Install the mesh config map, generated from values.yaml.
# If false, pilot wil use default values (by default) or user-supplied values.
configMap: true
# Additional labels to apply on the pod level for monitoring and logging configuration.
podLabels: {}
# Setup how istiod Service is configured. See
ipFamilyPolicy: ""
ipFamilies: []
# Ambient mode only.
# Set this if you install ztunnel to a different namespace from `istiod`.
# If set, `istiod` will allow connections from trusted node proxy ztunnels
# in the provided namespace.
# If unset, `istiod` will assume the trusted node proxy ztunnel resides
# in the same namespace as itself.
trustedZtunnelNamespace: ""
# You can use the field called alwaysInjectSelector and neverInjectSelector which will always inject the sidecar or
# always skip the injection on pods that match that label selector, regardless of the global policy.
# See
neverInjectSelector: []
alwaysInjectSelector: []
# injectedAnnotations are additional annotations that will be added to the pod spec after injection
# This is primarily to support PSP annotations. For example, if you defined a PSP with the annotations:
# annotations:
# runtime/default
# runtime/default
# The PSP controller would add corresponding annotations to the pod spec for each container. However, this happens before
# the inject adds additional containers, so we must specify them explicitly here. With the above example, we could specify:
# injectedAnnotations:
# runtime/default
# runtime/default
injectedAnnotations: {}
# This enables injection of sidecar in all namespaces,
# with the exception of namespaces with "istio-injection:disabled" annotation
# Only one environment should have this enabled.
enableNamespacesByDefault: false
# Mutations that occur after the sidecar injector are not handled by default, as the Istio sidecar injector is only run
# once. For example, an OPA sidecar injected after the Istio sidecar will not have it's liveness/readiness probes rewritten.
# Setting this to `IfNeeded` will result in the sidecar injector being run again if additional mutations occur.
reinvocationPolicy: Never
rewriteAppHTTPProbe: true
# Templates defines a set of custom injection templates that can be used. For example, defining:
# templates:
# hello: |
# metadata:
# labels:
# hello: world
# Then starting a pod with the ` hello` annotation, will result in the pod
# being injected with the hello=world labels.
# This is intended for advanced configuration only; most users should use the built in template
templates: {}
# Default templates specifies a set of default templates that are used in sidecar injection.
# By default, a template `sidecar` is always provided, which contains the template of default sidecar.
# To inject other additional templates, define it using the `templates` option, and add it to
# the default templates list.
# For example:
# templates:
# hello: |
# metadata:
# labels:
# hello: world
# defaultTemplates: ["sidecar", "hello"]
defaultTemplates: []
# Sidecar injector mutating webhook configuration clientConfig.url value.
# For example: https://$remotePilotAddress:15017/inject
# The host should not refer to a service running in the cluster; use a service reference by specifying
# the clientConfig.service field instead.
injectionURL: ""
# Sidecar injector mutating webhook configuration path value for the clientConfig.service field.
# Override to pass env variables, for example: /inject/cluster/remote/net/network2
injectionPath: "/inject"
injectionCABundle: ""
enabled: true
# For Null VM case now.
# This also enables metadata exchange.
enabled: true
# Indicate if prometheus stats filter is enabled or not
enabled: true
# stackdriver filter settings.
enabled: false
# Revision is set as 'version' label and part of the resource names when installing multiple control planes.
revision: ""
# Revision tags are aliases to Istio control plane revisions
revisionTags: []
# For Helm compatibility.
ownerName: ""
# meshConfig defines runtime configuration of components, including Istiod and istio-agent behavior
# See for all available options
enablePrometheusMerge: true
stableValidationPolicy: false
# Used to locate istiod.
istioNamespace: istio-system
# List of cert-signers to allow "approve" action in the istio cluster role
# certSigners:
# -
certSigners: []
# enable pod disruption budget for the control plane, which is used to
# ensure Istio control plane components are gradually upgraded or recovered.
enabled: true
# The values aren't mutable due to a current PodDisruptionBudget limitation
# minAvailable: 1
# A minimal set of requested resources to applied to all deployments so that
# Horizontal Pod Autoscaler will be able to function (if set).
# Each component can overwrite these default values by adding its own resources
# block in the relevant section below and setting the desired resources values.
cpu: 10m
# memory: 128Mi
# limits:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
# Default hub for Istio images.
# Releases are published to docker hub under 'istio' project.
# Dev builds from prow are on
# Default tag for Istio images.
tag: 1.23.0
# Variant of the image to use.
# Currently supported are: [debug, distroless]
variant: ""
# Specify image pull policy if default behavior isn't desired.
# Default behavior: latest images will be Always else IfNotPresent.
imagePullPolicy: ""
# ImagePullSecrets for all ServiceAccount, list of secrets in the same namespace
# to use for pulling any images in pods that reference this ServiceAccount.
# For components that don't use ServiceAccounts (i.e. grafana, servicegraph, tracing)
# ImagePullSecrets will be added to the corresponding Deployment(StatefulSet) objects.
# Must be set for any cluster configured with private docker registry.
imagePullSecrets: []
# - private-registry-key
# Enabled by default in master for maximising testing.
enableAnalysis: false
# To output all istio components logs in json format by adding --log_as_json argument to each container argument
logAsJson: false
# Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level of messages to output, in the form of <scope>:<level>,<scope>:<level>
# The control plane has different scopes depending on component, but can configure default log level across all components
# If empty, default scope and level will be used as configured in code
level: "default:info"
omitSidecarInjectorConfigMap: false
# Configure whether Operator manages webhook configurations. The current behavior
# of Istiod is to manage its own webhook configurations.
# When this option is set as true, Istio Operator, instead of webhooks, manages the
# webhook configurations. When this option is set as false, webhooks manage their
# own webhook configurations.
operatorManageWebhooks: false
# Custom DNS config for the pod to resolve names of services in other
# clusters. Use this to add additional search domains, and other settings.
# see
# This does not apply to gateway pods as they typically need a different
# set of DNS settings than the normal application pods (e.g., in
# multicluster scenarios).
# NOTE: If using templates, follow the pattern in the commented example below.
#- global
#- "{{ valueOrDefault .DeploymentMeta.Namespace \"default\" }}.global"
# Kubernetes >=v1.11.0 will create two PriorityClass, including system-cluster-critical and
# system-node-critical, it is better to configure this in order to make sure your Istio pods
# will not be killed because of low priority class.
# Refer to
# for more detail.
priorityClassName: ""
image: proxyv2
# This controls the 'policy' in the sidecar injector.
autoInject: enabled
# CAUTION: It is important to ensure that all Istio helm charts specify the same clusterDomain value
# cluster domain. Default value is "cluster.local".
clusterDomain: "cluster.local"
# Per Component log level for proxy, applies to gateways and sidecars. If a component level is
# not set, then the global "logLevel" will be used.
componentLogLevel: "misc:error"
# If set, newly injected sidecars will have core dumps enabled.
enableCoreDump: false
# istio ingress capture allowlist
# examples:
# Redirect only selected ports: --includeInboundPorts="80,8080"
excludeInboundPorts: ""
includeInboundPorts: "*"
# istio egress capture allowlist
# example: includeIPRanges: ","
# would only capture egress traffic on those two IP Ranges, all other outbound traffic would
# be allowed by the sidecar
includeIPRanges: "*"
excludeIPRanges: ""
includeOutboundPorts: ""
excludeOutboundPorts: ""
# Log level for proxy, applies to gateways and sidecars.
# Expected values are: trace|debug|info|warning|error|critical|off
logLevel: warning
# Specify the path to the outlier event log.
# Example: /dev/stdout
outlierLogPath: ""
#If set to true, istio-proxy container will have privileged securityContext
privileged: false
# The number of successive failed probes before indicating readiness failure.
readinessFailureThreshold: 4
# The initial delay for readiness probes in seconds.
readinessInitialDelaySeconds: 0
# The period between readiness probes.
readinessPeriodSeconds: 15
# Enables or disables a startup probe.
# For optimal startup times, changing this should be tied to the readiness probe values.
# If the probe is enabled, it is recommended to have delay=0s,period=15s,failureThreshold=4.
# This ensures the pod is marked ready immediately after the startup probe passes (which has a 1s poll interval),
# and doesn't spam the readiness endpoint too much
# If the probe is disabled, it is recommended to have delay=1s,period=2s,failureThreshold=30.
# This ensures the startup is reasonable fast (polling every 2s). 1s delay is used since the startup is not often ready instantly.
enabled: true
failureThreshold: 600 # 10 minutes
# Resources for the sidecar.
cpu: 100m
memory: 128Mi
cpu: 2000m
memory: 1024Mi
# Default port for Pilot agent health checks. A value of 0 will disable health checking.
statusPort: 15020
# Specify which tracer to use. One of: zipkin, lightstep, datadog, stackdriver, none.
# If using stackdriver tracer outside GCP, set env GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the GCP credential file.
tracer: "none"
# Base name for the proxy_init container, used to configure iptables.
image: proxyv2
# configure remote pilot and istiod service and endpoint
remotePilotAddress: ""
# The following values are found in other charts. To effectively modify these values, make #
# make sure they are consistent across your Istio helm charts #
# The customized CA address to retrieve certificates for the pods in the cluster.
# CSR clients such as the Istio Agent and ingress gateways can use this to specify the CA endpoint.
# If not set explicitly, default to the Istio discovery address.
caAddress: ""
# Configure a remote cluster data plane controlled by an external istiod.
# When set to true, istiod is not deployed locally and only a subset of the other
# discovery charts are enabled.
externalIstiod: false
# Configure a remote cluster as the config cluster for an external istiod.
configCluster: false
# configValidation enables the validation webhook for Istio configuration.
configValidation: true
# Mesh ID means Mesh Identifier. It should be unique within the scope where
# meshes will interact with each other, but it is not required to be
# globally/universally unique. For example, if any of the following are true,
# then two meshes must have different Mesh IDs:
# - Meshes will have their telemetry aggregated in one place
# - Meshes will be federated together
# - Policy will be written referencing one mesh from the other
# If an administrator expects that any of these conditions may become true in
# the future, they should ensure their meshes have different Mesh IDs
# assigned.
# Within a multicluster mesh, each cluster must be (manually or auto)
# configured to have the same Mesh ID value. If an existing cluster 'joins' a
# multicluster mesh, it will need to be migrated to the new mesh ID. Details
# of migration TBD, and it may be a disruptive operation to change the Mesh
# ID post-install.
# If the mesh admin does not specify a value, Istio will use the value of the
# mesh's Trust Domain. The best practice is to select a proper Trust Domain
# value.
meshID: ""
# Configure the mesh networks to be used by the Split Horizon EDS.
# The following example defines two networks with different endpoints association methods.
# For `network1` all endpoints that their IP belongs to the provided CIDR range will be
# mapped to network1. The gateway for this network example is specified by its public IP
# address and port.
# The second network, `network2`, in this example is defined differently with all endpoints
# retrieved through the specified Multi-Cluster registry being mapped to network2. The
# gateway is also defined differently with the name of the gateway service on the remote
# cluster. The public IP for the gateway will be determined from that remote service (only
# LoadBalancer gateway service type is currently supported, for a NodePort type gateway service,
# it still need to be configured manually).
# meshNetworks:
# network1:
# endpoints:
# - fromCidr: ""
# gateways:
# - address:
# port: 80
# network2:
# endpoints:
# - fromRegistry: reg1
# gateways:
# - registryServiceName: istio-ingressgateway.istio-system.svc.cluster.local
# port: 443
meshNetworks: {}
# Use the user-specified, secret volume mounted key and certs for Pilot and workloads.
mountMtlsCerts: false
# Set to true to connect two kubernetes clusters via their respective
# ingressgateway services when pods in each cluster cannot directly
# talk to one another. All clusters should be using Istio mTLS and must
# have a shared root CA for this model to work.
enabled: false
# Should be set to the name of the cluster this installation will run in. This is required for sidecar injection
# to properly label proxies
clusterName: ""
# Network defines the network this cluster belong to. This name
# corresponds to the networks in the map of mesh networks.
network: ""
# Configure the certificate provider for control plane communication.
# Currently, two providers are supported: "kubernetes" and "istiod".
# As some platforms may not have kubernetes signing APIs,
# Istiod is the default
pilotCertProvider: istiod
# The JWT token for SDS and the aud field of such JWT. See RFC 7519, section 4.1.3.
# When a CSR is sent from Istio Agent to the CA (e.g. Istiod), this aud is to make sure the
# JWT is intended for the CA.
aud: istio-ca
# The service port used by Security Token Service (STS) server to handle token exchange requests.
# Setting this port to a non-zero value enables STS server.
servicePort: 0
# The name of the CA for workload certificates.
# For example, when caName=GkeWorkloadCertificate, GKE workload certificates
# will be used as the certificates for workloads.
# The default value is "" and when caName="", the CA will be configured by other
# mechanisms (e.g., environmental variable CA_PROVIDER).
caName: ""
# whether to use autoscaling/v2 template for HPA settings
# for internal usage only, not to be configured by users.
autoscalingv2API: true
# For istioctl usage to disable istio config crds in base
enableIstioConfigCRDs: true
# `istio_cni` has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. use `pilot.cni` instead
# `chained` has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. use `provider` instead
chained: true
provider: default
# Gateway Settings
# Define the security context for the pod.
# If unset, this will be automatically set to the minimum privileges required to bind to port 80 and 443.
# On Kubernetes 1.22+, this only requires the `net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start` sysctl.
securityContext: {}
# Set to `type: RuntimeDefault` to use the default profile for templated gateways, if your container runtime supports it
seccompProfile: {}