--- # -- The name for this Prometheus destination. # @section -- General name: "" # -- The URL for the Prometheus destination. # @section -- General url: "" # -- Raw config for accessing the URL. # @section -- General urlFrom: "" # -- The Proxy URL for the Prometheus destination. # @section -- General proxyURL: "" # -- The tenant ID for the Prometheus destination. # @section -- General tenantId: "" # -- The key for storing the tenant ID in the secret. # @section -- General tenantIdKey: tenantId # -- Raw config for accessing the tenant ID. # @section -- General tenantIdFrom: "" # -- Extra headers to be set when sending data. # All values are treated as strings and automatically quoted. # @section -- General extraHeaders: {} # -- Extra headers to be set when sending data using a dynamic reference. # All values are treated as raw strings and not quoted. # @section -- General extraHeadersFrom: {} # -- Extra labels to be added to all metrics before delivering to the destination. # All values are treated as strings and automatically quoted. # @section -- General extraLabels: {} # -- Extra labels to be added to all metrics using a dynamic reference before delivering to the destination. # All values are treated as raw strings and not quoted. # @section -- General extraLabelsFrom: {} # -- Rule blocks to apply to all metrics. Uses the [write_relabel_config block](https://grafana.com/docs/alloy/latest/reference/components/prometheus.remote_write/#write_relabel_config-block) # of the prometheus.remote_write component. Format: # write_relabel_config { # source_labels = ["..."] # action = "..." # ... # } # @section -- General metricProcessingRules: "" auth: # -- The type of authentication to do. # Options are "none" (default), "basic", "bearerToken", "oauth2", "sigv4". # @section -- Authentication type: none # -- The username for basic authentication. # @section -- Authentication - Basic username: "" # -- The key for storing the username in the secret. # @section -- Authentication - Basic usernameKey: username # -- Raw config for accessing the username. # @section -- Authentication - Basic usernameFrom: "" # -- The password for basic authentication. # @section -- Authentication - Basic password: "" # -- The key for storing the password in the secret. # @section -- Authentication - Basic passwordKey: password # -- Raw config for accessing the password. # @section -- Authentication - Basic passwordFrom: "" # -- The bearer token for bearer token authentication. # @section -- Authentication - Bearer Token bearerToken: "" # -- The key for storing the bearer token in the secret. # @section -- Authentication - Bearer Token bearerTokenKey: bearerToken # -- Raw config for accessing the bearer token. # @section -- Authentication - Bearer Token bearerTokenFrom: "" # -- Path to a file that containers the bearer token. # @section -- Authentication - Bearer Token bearerTokenFile: "" # Authenticate to Prometheus using OAuth2 # @section -- Authentication - OAuth2 oauth2: # -- OAuth2 client ID # @section -- Authentication - OAuth2 clientId: "" # -- The key for the client ID property in the secret # @section -- Authentication - OAuth2 clientIdKey: clientId # -- Raw config for accessing the client ID # @section -- Authentication - OAuth2 clientIdFrom: "" # -- OAuth2 client secret # @section -- Authentication - OAuth2 clientSecret: "" # -- The key for the client secret property in the secret # @section -- Authentication - OAuth2 clientSecretKey: clientSecret # -- Raw config for accessing the client secret # @section -- Authentication - OAuth2 clientSecretFrom: "" # -- File containing the OAuth2 client secret. # @section -- Authentication - OAuth2 clientSecretFile: "" # -- OAuth2 endpoint parameters # @section -- Authentication - OAuth2 endpointParams: {} # -- HTTP proxy to send requests through. # @section -- Authentication - OAuth2 proxyURL: "" # -- Comma-separated list of IP addresses, CIDR notations, and domain names to exclude from proxying. # @section -- Authentication - OAuth2 noProxy: "" # -- Use the proxy URL indicated by environment variables. # @section -- Authentication - OAuth2 proxyFromEnvironment: false # -- Specifies headers to send to proxies during CONNECT requests. # @section -- Authentication - OAuth2 proxyConnectHeader: {} # -- List of scopes to authenticate with. # @section -- Authentication - OAuth2 scopes: [] # -- URL to fetch the token from. # @section -- Authentication - OAuth2 tokenURL: "" # Authentication using AWS Signature Version 4 sigv4: # -- The access key for sigv4 authentication. # @section -- Authentication - SigV4 accessKey: "" # -- The key for storing the access key in the secret. # @section -- Authentication - SigV4 accessKeyKey: accessKey # -- Raw config for accessing the access key. # @section -- Authentication - SigV4 accessKeyFrom: "" # -- The secret key for sigv4 authentication. # @section -- Authentication - SigV4 secretKey: "" # -- The key for storing the secret key in the secret. # @section -- Authentication - Sig secretKeyKey: secretKey # -- Raw config for accessing the secret key. # @section -- Authentication - SigV4 secretKeyFrom: "" # -- The named AWS profile for sigv4 authentication. # @section -- Authentication - SigV4 profile: "" # -- The AWS region for sigv4 authentication. # @section -- Authentication - SigV4 region: "" # -- The Role ARN for sigv4 authentication. # @section -- Authentication - SigV4 roleArn: "" secret: # -- (bool) Whether to create a secret for this Prometheus destination. # @default -- `true` # @section -- Secret create: # -- If true, skip secret creation and embed the credentials directly into the configuration. # @section -- Secret embed: false # -- The name of the secret to create. # @section -- Secret name: "" # -- The namespace for the secret. # @section -- Secret namespace: "" tls: # -- Disables validation of the server certificate. # @section -- TLS insecureSkipVerify: false # -- The CA certificate for the server (as a string). # @section -- TLS ca: "" # -- The CA certificate for the server (as a path to a file). # @section -- TLS caFile: "" # -- Raw config for accessing the server CA certificate. # @section -- TLS caFrom: "" # -- The client certificate for the server (as a string). # @section -- TLS cert: "" # -- The client certificate for the server (as a path to a file). # @section -- TLS certFile: "" # -- Raw config for accessing the client certificate. # @section -- TLS certFrom: "" # -- The client key for the server (as a string). # @section -- TLS key: "" # -- The client key for the server (as a path to a file). # @section -- TLS keyFile: "" # -- Raw config for accessing the client key. # @section -- TLS keyFrom: "" # -- Whether native histograms should be sent. # @section -- General sendNativeHistograms: false queueConfig: # -- Number of samples to buffer per shard. # @section -- Queue Configuration capacity: 10000 # -- Minimum amount of concurrent shards sending samples to the endpoint. # @section -- Queue Configuration minShards: 1 # -- Maximum amount of concurrent shards sending samples to the endpoint. # @section -- Queue Configuration maxShards: 50 # -- Maximum number of samples per send. # @section -- Queue Configuration maxSamplesPerSend: 2000 # -- Maximum time samples will wait in the buffer before sending. # @section -- Queue Configuration batchSendDeadline: 5s # -- Initial retry delay. The backoff time gets doubled for each retry. # @section -- Queue Configuration minBackoff: 30ms # -- Maximum retry delay. # @section -- Queue Configuration maxBackoff: 5s # -- Retry when an HTTP 429 status code is received. # @section -- Queue Configuration retryOnHttp429: true # -- Maximum age of samples to send. # @section -- Queue Configuration sampleAgeLimit: 0s # Write-Ahead Log (WAL) settings. Only applies when protocol is "remote_write" writeAheadLog: # -- How frequently to clean up the write-ahead log. # @section -- Write-Ahead Log truncateFrequency: 2h # -- Minimum time to keep data in the write-ahead log before it can be removed. # @section -- Write-Ahead Log minKeepaliveTime: 5m # -- Maximum time to keep data in the write-ahead log before removing it. # @section -- Write-Ahead Log maxKeepaliveTime: 8h # -- Settings for converting OpenTelemetry ecosystem metrics to Prometheus ecosystem metrics. # @section -- OpenTelemetry Conversion openTelemetryConversion: # -- Whether to add type and unit suffixes to metrics names. # @section -- OpenTelemetry Conversion addMetricSuffixes: true