Nikolai Rodionov 57712751f1
chore: mirror k8s-monitoring-2.0.12
2025-02-21 09:42:13 +01:00

43 lines
2.0 KiB

{{- range $collector := include "collectors.list.enabled" . | fromYamlArray }}
{{- $selfReportingEnabled := false }}
{{- $destinations := list }}
{{- range $feature := include "features.list" $ | fromYamlArray }}
{{- if has $collector (include (printf "features.%s.collectors" $feature) $ | fromYamlArray ) }}
{{- if eq $feature "selfReporting" }}
{{- $selfReportingEnabled = true }}
{{- end }}
{{- $destinations = concat $destinations ((include (printf "features.%s.destinations" $feature) $) | fromYamlArray) }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{/* Save the top level object and add the collector name */}}
{{- $values := deepCopy $ | merge (dict "collectorName" $collector) }}
{{- $alloyConfig := "" }}
{{- $alloyConfig = cat $alloyConfig (include "destinations.alloy.config" (deepCopy $ | merge (dict "names" $destinations)) | trim | nindent 0) }}
{{- range $feature := include "features.list" . | fromYamlArray }}
{{- if has $collector (include (printf "features.%s.collectors" $feature) $ | fromYamlArray ) }}
{{ $alloyConfig = cat $alloyConfig (include (printf "features.%s.include" $feature) $values | trim | nindent 0) }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- $alloyConfig = cat $alloyConfig (include "collectors.logging.alloy" $values | trim | nindent 0) }}
{{- $alloyConfig = cat $alloyConfig (include "collectors.liveDebugging.alloy" $values | trim | nindent 0) }}
{{- $alloyConfig = cat $alloyConfig (include "collectors.remoteConfig.alloy" $values | trim | nindent 0) }}
{{- $alloyConfig = cat $alloyConfig (include "collectors.extraConfig.alloy" $values | trim | nindent 0) }}
{{/* Remove all trailing whitespace */}}
{{- $alloyConfig = regexReplaceAll `[ \t]+(\r?\n)` $alloyConfig "\n" }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: {{ include "alloy.fullname" (index $.Subcharts $collector) }}
namespace: {{ $.Release.Namespace }}
config.alloy: |-
{{- $alloyConfig | trim | nindent 4 }}
{{ if $selfReportingEnabled }}
self-reporting-metric.prom: |
{{- include "features.selfReporting.metrics" $values | nindent 4 }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}