Nikolai Rodionov 57712751f1
chore: mirror k8s-monitoring-2.0.12
2025-02-21 09:42:13 +01:00

41 lines
1.9 KiB

{{/* Inputs: destinations (array of destination names), type (string), feature (string) */}}
{{- define "destinations.validate_destination_list" -}}
{{- if empty .destinations }}
{{- $msg := list "" (printf "No destinations found that can accept %s from %s" .type .feature) }}
{{- $msg = append $msg (printf "Please add a destination with %s support." .type) }}
{{- $msg = append $msg "See for more details." }}
{{- fail (join "\n" $msg) }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{/* Inputs: destinations (array of destination definition), type (string), ecosystem (string), filter (list of destination names) */}}
{{- define "destinations.get" -}}
{{- $destinations := list }}
{{- $backupDestinations := list }}
{{- range $destination := .destinations }}
{{- /* Does this destination support the telemetry data type? */}}
{{- if eq (include (printf "destinations.%s.supports_%s" $destination.type $.type) $destination) "true" }}
{{- if empty $.filter }}
{{- /* Is this destination in the ecosystem? */}}
{{- if eq $.ecosystem (include (printf "destinations.%s.ecosystem" $destination.type) .) }}
{{- $destinations = append $destinations $ }}
{{- else }}
{{- $backupDestinations = append $backupDestinations $ }}
{{- end }}
{{- /* Did the data source choose this destination? */}}
{{- else if has $ $.filter }}
{{- $destinations = append $destinations $ }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if not (empty $destinations) }}
{{- $destinations | toYaml | indent 0 }}
{{- end }}
{{- /* Output non-ecosystem matching destinations if no ecosystem destinations are found */}}
{{- if and (empty $destinations) (not (empty $backupDestinations)) }}
{{- $backupDestinations | toYaml | indent 0 }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}