423 lines
15 KiB
423 lines
15 KiB
{{- define "destinations.otlp.alloy" }}
{{- $defaultValues := "destinations/otlp-values.yaml" | .Files.Get | fromYaml }}
{{- with merge .destination $defaultValues }}
{{- if eq (include "destinations.otlp.supports_metrics" .) "true" }}
otelcol.receiver.prometheus {{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name | quote }} {
output {
metrics = [{{ include "destinations.otlp.alloy.otlp.metrics.target" . | trim }}]
{{- end }}
{{- if eq (include "destinations.otlp.supports_logs" .) "true" }}
otelcol.receiver.loki {{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name | quote }} {
output {
logs = [{{ include "destinations.otlp.alloy.otlp.logs.target" . | trim }}]
{{- end }}
{{- if eq (include "secrets.authType" .) "basic" }}
otelcol.auth.basic {{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name | quote }} {
username = {{ include "secrets.read" (dict "object" . "key" "auth.username" "nonsensitive" true) }}
password = {{ include "secrets.read" (dict "object" . "key" "auth.password") }}
{{- else if eq (include "secrets.authType" .) "bearerToken" }}
{{- if .auth.bearerTokenFile }}
local.file {{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name | quote }} {
filename = {{ .auth.bearerTokenFile | quote }}
otelcol.auth.bearer {{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name | quote }} {
token = local.file.{{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name }}.content
{{- else }}
otelcol.auth.bearer {{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name | quote }} {
token = {{ include "secrets.read" (dict "object" . "key" "auth.bearerToken") }}
{{- end }}
{{- else if eq (include "secrets.authType" .) "oauth2" }}
otelcol.auth.oauth2 {{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name | quote }} {
{{- if eq (include "secrets.usesSecret" (dict "object" . "key" "auth.oauth2.clientId")) "true" }}
client_id = {{ include "secrets.read" (dict "object" . "key" "auth.oauth2.clientId" "nonsensitive" true) }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .auth.oauth2.clientSecretFile }}
client_secret_file = {{ .auth.oauth2.clientSecretFile | quote }}
{{- else if eq (include "secrets.usesSecret" (dict "object" . "key" "auth.oauth2.clientSecret")) "true" }}
client_secret = {{ include "secrets.read" (dict "object" . "key" "auth.oauth2.clientSecret") }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .auth.oauth2.endpointParams }}
endpoint_params = {
{{- range $k, $v := .auth.oauth2.endpointParams }}
{{ $k }} = {{ $v | toJson }},
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .auth.oauth2.scopes }}
scopes = {{ .auth.oauth2.scopes | toJson }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .auth.oauth2.tokenURL }}
token_url = {{ .auth.oauth2.tokenURL | quote }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
otelcol.processor.attributes {{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name | quote }} {
{{- range $action := .processors.attributes.actions }}
action {
key = {{ $action.key | quote }}
action = {{ $action.action | quote }}
{{- if $action.value }}
value = {{ $action.value | quote }}
{{- else if $action.valueFrom }}
value = {{ $action.valueFrom }}
{{- end }}
{{- if $action.pattern }}
pattern = {{ $action.pattern | quote }}
{{- end }}
{{- if $action.fromAttribute }}
from_attribute = {{ $action.fromAttribute | quote }}
{{- end }}
{{- if $action.fromContext }}
from_context = {{ $action.fromContext | quote }}
{{- end }}
{{- if $action.convertedType }}
converted_type = {{ $action.convertedType | quote }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
output {
metrics = [otelcol.processor.transform.{{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name }}.input]
logs = [otelcol.processor.transform.{{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name }}.input]
traces = [otelcol.processor.transform.{{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name }}.input]
otelcol.processor.transform {{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name | quote }} {
error_mode = "ignore"
{{- if ne .metrics.enabled false }}
metric_statements {
context = "resource"
statements = [
`set(attributes["cluster"], {{ $.Values.cluster.name | quote }})`,
`set(attributes["k8s.cluster.name"], {{ $.Values.cluster.name | quote }})`,
{{- if .processors.transform.metrics.resource }}
{{- range $transform := .processors.transform.metrics.resource }}
{{ $transform | quote | indent 6 }},
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .processors.transform.metrics.metric }}
metric_statements {
context = "metric"
statements = [
{{- range $transform := .processors.transform.metrics.metric }}
{{ $transform | quote | indent 6 }},
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
metric_statements {
context = "datapoint"
statements = [
`set(attributes["cluster"], {{ $.Values.cluster.name | quote }})`,
`set(attributes["k8s.cluster.name"], {{ $.Values.cluster.name | quote }})`,
{{- if .processors.transform.metrics.datapoint }}
{{- range $transform := .processors.transform.metrics.datapoint }}
{{ $transform | quote | indent 6 }},
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if ne .logs.enabled false }}
log_statements {
context = "resource"
statements = [
`set(attributes["cluster"], {{ $.Values.cluster.name | quote }})`,
`set(attributes["k8s.cluster.name"], {{ $.Values.cluster.name | quote }})`,
{{- if .processors.transform.logs.resource }}
{{- range $transform := .processors.transform.logs.resource }}
{{ $transform | quote | indent 6 }},
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
log_statements {
context = "log"
statements = [
`delete_key(attributes, "loki.attribute.labels")`,
`set(resource.attributes["service.name"], attributes["service_name"]) where resource.attributes["service.name"] == nil and attributes["service_name"] != nil`,
`delete_key(attributes, "service_name") where attributes["service_name"] != nil`,
`set(resource.attributes["service.namespace"], attributes["service_namespace"] ) where resource.attributes["service.namespace"] == nil and attributes["service_namespace"] != nil`,
`delete_key(attributes, "service_namespace") where attributes["service_namespace"] != nil`,
`set(resource.attributes["deployment.environment.name"], attributes["deployment_environment_name"] ) where resource.attributes["deployment.environment.name"] == nil and attributes["deployment_environment_name"] != nil`,
`delete_key(attributes, "deployment_environment_name") where attributes["deployment_environment_name"] != nil`,
`set(resource.attributes["deployment.environment"], attributes["deployment_environment"] ) where resource.attributes["deployment.environment"] == nil and attributes["deployment_environment"] != nil`,
`delete_key(attributes, "deployment_environment") where attributes["deployment_environment"] != nil`,
{{- if .processors.transform.logs.log }}
{{- range $transform := .processors.transform.logs.log }}
{{ $transform | quote | indent 6 }},
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .processors.transform.logs.scope }}
log_statements {
context = "scope"
statements = [
{{- range $transform := .processors.transform.logs.scope }}
{{ $transform | quote | indent 6 }},
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if ne .traces.enabled false }}
trace_statements {
context = "resource"
statements = [
`set(attributes["cluster"], {{ $.Values.cluster.name | quote }})`,
`set(attributes["k8s.cluster.name"], {{ $.Values.cluster.name | quote }})`,
{{- if .processors.transform.traces.resource }}
{{- range $transform := .processors.transform.traces.resource }}
{{ $transform | quote | indent 6 }},
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .processors.transform.traces.span }}
trace_statements {
context = "span"
statements = [
{{- range $transform := .processors.transform.traces.span }}
{{ $transform | quote | indent 6 }},
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .processors.transform.traces.spanevent }}
trace_statements {
context = "spanevent"
statements = [
{{- range $transform := .processors.transform.traces.spanevent }}
{{ $transform | quote | indent 6 }},
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .processors.filters.enabled }}
output {
{{- if ne .metrics.enabled false }}
metrics = [otelcol.processor.filter.{{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name }}.input]
{{- end }}
{{- if ne .logs.enabled false }}
logs = [otelcol.processor.filter.{{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name }}.input]
{{- end }}
{{- if ne .traces.enabled false }}
traces = [otelcol.processor.filter.{{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name }}.input]
{{- end }}
otelcol.processor.filter {{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name | quote }} {
{{- if and .metrics.enabled (or .processors.filters.metrics.metric .processors.filters.metrics.datapoint) }}
metrics {
{{- if .processors.filters.metrics.metric }}
metric = [
{{- range $filter := .processors.filters.metrics.metric }}
{{ $filter | quote | indent 6 }},
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .processors.filters.metrics.datapoint }}
datapoint = [
{{- range $filter := .processors.filters.metrics.datapoint }}
{{ $filter | quote | indent 6 }},
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if and .logs.enabled .processors.filters.logs.log_record }}
logs {
log_record = [
{{- range $filter := .processors.filters.logs.log_record }}
{{ $filter | quote | indent 6 }},
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if and .traces.enabled (or .processors.filters.traces.span .processors.filters.traces.spanevent) }}
traces {
{{- if .processors.filters.traces.span }}
span = [
{{- range $filter := .processors.filters.traces.span }}
{{ $filter | quote | indent 6 }},
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .processors.filters.traces.spanevent }}
spanevent = [
{{- range $filter := .processors.filters.traces.spanevent }}
{{ $filter | quote | indent 6 }},
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .processors.batch.enabled }}
output {
{{- if ne .metrics.enabled false }}
metrics = [otelcol.processor.batch.{{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name }}.input]
{{- end }}
{{- if ne .logs.enabled false }}
logs = [otelcol.processor.batch.{{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name }}.input]
{{- end }}
{{- if ne .traces.enabled false }}
traces = [otelcol.processor.batch.{{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name }}.input]
{{- end }}
otelcol.processor.batch {{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name | quote }} {
timeout = {{ .processors.batch.timeout | quote }}
send_batch_size = {{ .processors.batch.size | int }}
send_batch_max_size = {{ .processors.batch.maxSize | int }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .processors.memoryLimiter.enabled }}
output {
{{- if ne .metrics.enabled false }}
metrics = [otelcol.processor.memory_limiter.{{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name }}.input]
{{- end }}
{{- if ne .logs.enabled false }}
logs = [otelcol.processor.memory_limiter.{{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name }}.input]
{{- end }}
{{- if ne .traces.enabled false }}
traces = [otelcol.processor.memory_limiter.{{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name }}.input]
{{- end }}
otelcol.processor.memory_limiter {{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name | quote }} {
check_interval = {{ .processors.memoryLimiter.checkInterval | quote }}
limit = {{ .processors.memoryLimiter.limit | quote }}
{{- end }}
output {
{{- $target := "" }}
{{- if eq .protocol "grpc" }}
{{- $target = printf "otelcol.exporter.otlp.%s.input" (include "helper.alloy_name" .name) }}
{{- else if eq .protocol "http" }}
{{- $target = printf "otelcol.exporter.otlphttp.%s.input" (include "helper.alloy_name" .name) }}
{{- end }}
{{- if ne .metrics.enabled false }}
metrics = [{{ $target }}]
{{- end }}
{{- if ne .logs.enabled false }}
logs = [{{ $target }}]
{{- end }}
{{- if ne .traces.enabled false }}
traces = [{{ $target }}]
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .protocol "grpc" }}
otelcol.exporter.otlp {{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name | quote }} {
{{- else if eq .protocol "http" }}
otelcol.exporter.otlphttp {{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name | quote }} {
{{- end }}
client {
{{- if .urlFrom }}
endpoint = {{ .urlFrom }}
{{- else }}
endpoint = {{ .url | quote }}
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .auth.type "basic" }}
auth = otelcol.auth.basic.{{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name }}.handler
{{- else if eq .auth.type "bearerToken" }}
auth = otelcol.auth.bearer.{{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name }}.handler
{{- else if eq .auth.type "oauth2" }}
auth = otelcol.auth.oauth2.{{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name }}.handler
{{- end }}
{{- if or (eq (include "secrets.usesSecret" (dict "object" . "key" "tenantId")) "true") .extraHeaders .extraHeadersFrom }}
headers = {
{{- if eq (include "secrets.usesSecret" (dict "object" . "key" "tenantId")) "true" }}
"X-Scope-OrgID" = {{ include "secrets.read" (dict "object" . "key" "tenantId" "nonsensitive" true) }},
{{- end }}
{{- range $key, $value := .extraHeaders }}
{{ $key | quote }} = {{ $value | quote }},
{{- end }}
{{- range $key, $value := .extraHeadersFrom }}
{{ $key | quote }} = {{ $value }},
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .readBufferSize }}
read_buffer_size = {{ .readBufferSize | quote }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .writeBufferSize }}
write_buffer_size = {{ .writeBufferSize | quote }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .tls }}
tls {
insecure = {{ .tls.insecure | default false }}
insecure_skip_verify = {{ .tls.insecureSkipVerify | default false }}
{{- if .tls.caFile }}
ca_file = {{ .tls.caFile | quote }}
{{- else if eq (include "secrets.usesSecret" (dict "object" . "key" "tls.ca")) "true" }}
ca_pem = {{ include "secrets.read" (dict "object" . "key" "tls.ca" "nonsensitive" true) }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .tls.certFile }}
cert_file = {{ .tls.certFile | quote }}
{{- else if eq (include "secrets.usesSecret" (dict "object" . "key" "tls.cert")) "true" }}
cert_pem = {{ include "secrets.read" (dict "object" . "key" "tls.cert" "nonsensitive" true) }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .tls.keyFile }}
key_file = {{ .tls.keyFile | quote }}
{{- else if eq (include "secrets.usesSecret" (dict "object" . "key" "tls.key")) "true" }}
key_pem = {{ include "secrets.read" (dict "object" . "key" "tls.key") }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- define "secrets.list.otlp" -}}
- tenantId
- auth.username
- auth.password
- auth.bearerToken
- auth.oauth2.clientId
- auth.oauth2.clientSecret
- tls.ca
- tls.cert
- tls.key
{{- end -}}
{{- define "destinations.otlp.alloy.prometheus.metrics.target" }}otelcol.receiver.prometheus.{{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name }}.receiver{{ end }}
{{- define "destinations.otlp.alloy.loki.logs.target" }}otelcol.receiver.loki.{{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name }}.receiver{{ end }}
{{- define "destinations.otlp.alloy.otlp.target" }}otelcol.processor.attributes.{{ include "helper.alloy_name" .name }}.input{{ end }}
{{- define "destinations.otlp.alloy.otlp.metrics.target" }}{{ include "destinations.otlp.alloy.otlp.target" . }}{{- end }}
{{- define "destinations.otlp.alloy.otlp.logs.target" }}{{ include "destinations.otlp.alloy.otlp.target" . }}{{- end }}
{{- define "destinations.otlp.alloy.otlp.traces.target" }}{{ include "destinations.otlp.alloy.otlp.target" . }}{{- end }}
{{- define "destinations.otlp.supports_metrics" }}{{ dig "metrics" "enabled" "false" . }}{{ end -}}
{{- define "destinations.otlp.supports_logs" }}{{ dig "logs" "enabled" "false" . }}{{ end -}}
{{- define "destinations.otlp.supports_traces" }}{{ dig "traces" "enabled" "true" . }}{{ end -}}
{{- define "destinations.otlp.supports_profiles" }}false{{ end -}}
{{- define "destinations.otlp.ecosystem" }}otlp{{ end -}}