#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; # -------------------------------------- # -- Gitea variables # -------------------------------------- my $gitea_url=$ENV{'GITEA_URL'} || 'https://git.badhouseplants.net/api/v1'; my $gitea_org=$ENV{'GITEA_ORG'} || 'badhouseplants'; my $gitea_package=$ENV{'GITEA_PACKAGE'} || 'badhouseplants-net'; my $gitea_api="$gitea_url/packages/$gitea_org/container/$gitea_package"; my $gitea_list_api="$gitea_url/packages/$gitea_org?page=1&type=container&q=badhouseplants-net"; my $gitea_token=$ENV{'GITEA_TOKEN'}; my $gitea_user=$ENV{'GITEA_USER'} || $ENV{'DRONE_COMMIT_AUTHOR'}; # --------------------------------------- # -- Get tags from Gitea # --------------------------------------- my $builds = "curl -X 'GET' \"$gitea_list_api\" -H 'accept: application/json' -H \"Authorization: token $gitea_token\" | jq '.[].version'"; my @builds_out = `$builds`; chomp @builds_out; # --------------------------------------- # -- Get a list of all commits + 'latest' # --------------------------------------- my $commits = "argocd app list -o yaml -l application=badhouseplants | yq '.[].metadata.labels.commit_sha'"; my @commits_out = `$commits`; chomp @commits_out; push @commits_out, 'latest'; # -------------------------------------- # -- Rclone variables # ------------------------------------- my $dirs = "rclone lsf badhouseplants-minio:/badhouseplants-net"; my @dirs_out = `$dirs`; chomp @dirs_out; # --------------------------------------- # -- Compare builds to commits # -- And remove obsolete imgages from # -- registry # --------------------------------------- print "Cleaning up the container registry\n"; foreach my $line (@builds_out) { print "Checking if $line is in @commits_out\n\n"; if ( ! grep( /^$line$/, @commits_out ) ) { my $cmd = "curl -X 'DELETE' -s \"$gitea_api/$line\" -H 'accept: application/json' -H \"Authorization: token $gitea_token\" || true"; print "Removing ${line}\n\n"; my $output = `$cmd`; print "$output \n"; } } print "Cleaning up Minio\n"; foreach my $line (@dirs_out) { print "Checking if $line is in @commits_out\n\n"; chop($line); if ( ! grep( /^$line$/, @commits_out ) ) { my $cmd = "rclone purge badhouseplants-minio:/badhouseplants-net/$line"; print "Removing ${line}\n\n"; my $output = `$cmd`; print "$output \n"; } }