--- # ------------------------------------------ # -- Istio extenstion. Just because I'm # -- not using ingress nginx # ------------------------------------------ istio: enabled: true istio: - name: gitea-http kind: http gateway: badhouseplants-net hostname: git.badhouseplants.net service: gitea-http port: 3000 - name: gitea-ssh kind: tcp gateway: badhouseplants-ssh hostname: "*" port_match: 22 service: gitea-ssh port: 22 # ------------------------------------------ # -- Database extension is used to manage # -- database with db-operator # ------------------------------------------ ext-database: enabled: true name: gitea-postgres instance: postgres # ------------------------------------------ # -- Kubernetes related values # ------------------------------------------ replicaCount: 1 clusterDomain: cluster.local resources: limits: cpu: 300m memory: 512Mi requests: cpu: 50m memory: 128Mi persistence: enabled: true size: 6Gi accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce ingress: enabled: false # ------------------------------------------ # -- Main Gitea settings # ------------------------------------------ gitea: metrics: enabled: true serviceMonitor: # -- TODO(@allanger): Enable it once prometheus is configured enabled: false config: database: DB_TYPE: postgres HOST: postgres-postgresql.database-service.svc.cluster.local NAME: gitea-service-gitea-postgres USER: gitea-service-gitea-postgres APP_NAME: Bad Houseplants Gitea ui: meta: AUTHOR: Bad Houseplants DESCRIPTION: ...by allanger repository: DEFAULT_BRANCH: main MAX_CREATION_LIMIT: 0 DISABLED_REPO_UNITS: repo.wiki service: DISABLE_REGISTRATION: false server: DOMAIN: git.badhouseplants.net ROOT_URL: https://git.badhouseplants.net LFS_START_SERVER: true LANDING_PAGE: explore START_SSH_SERVER: true admin: DISABLE_REGULAR_ORG_CREATION: true packages: ENABLED: true cron: enabled: true attachment: MAX_SIZE: 100 actions: ENABLED: true oauth2_client: REGISTER_EMAIL_CONFIRM: false ENABLE_AUTO_REGISTRATION: true session: PROVIDER: redis cache: ENABLED: true ADAPTER: redis queue: TYPE: redis service: ssh: type: ClusterIP port: 22 clusterIP: # ------------------------------------------ # -- Disabled dependencies # ------------------------------------------ postgresql-ha: enabled: false redis-cluster: enabled: false