#!/usr/bin/env bash if ! [ -z $DISABLE_ADDITIONAL_CHECKS ]; then echo "Check is disabled" exit 0 fi # -- Get all the envs from the current helmfile installation ENVS=$(yq '.environments | keys | .[]' ./common/environments.yaml) ALL_VALUES=$(find ./values -type f) USED_VALUES="" for ENV in $ENVS; do USED_VALUES="$(helmfile --log-level error -e $ENV build | yq '.releases[].values[]'):$USED_VALUES" USED_VALUES="$(helmfile --log-level error -e $ENV build| yq '.releases[].secrets[]'):$USED_VALUES" done UNUSED_VALUES="" for FILE in $ALL_VALUES; do if [[ ${USED_VALUES} != *"$FILE"* ]]; then UNUSED_VALUES="${FILE}\n${UNUSED_VALUES}" fi done if [ -z "${UNUSED_VALUES}" ]; then exit 0; fi printf "\n ** There are unused values in the repo ** \n" printf "${UNUSED_VALUES}\n" printf "Please remove them from the repo to keep it clean" exit 1