#!/usr/bin/env bash # you need to have kubectl on PATH with the context set to the cluster you want to create the config for # Cosmetics for the created config clusterName="${CLUSTER_NAME}" # your server address goes here get it via `kubectl cluster-info` server="${CLUSTER_URL}" # the Namespace and ServiceAccount name that is used for the config export namespace='pipelines' export serviceAccount='woodpecker-ci' # The following automation does not work from Kubernetes 1.24 and up. # You might need to # define a Secret, reference the ServiceAccount there and set the secretName by hand! # See https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/#manually-create-a-long-lived-api-token-for-a-serviceaccount for details secretName=$(kubectl --namespace="$namespace" get serviceAccount "$serviceAccount" -o=jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}') ###################### # actual script starts set -o errexit ca=$(kubectl --namespace="$namespace" get secret/"$secretName" -o=jsonpath='{.data.ca\.crt}') token=$(kubectl --namespace="$namespace" get secret/"$secretName" -o=jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 --decode) echo " --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Config clusters: - name: ${clusterName} cluster: certificate-authority-data: ${ca} server: ${server} contexts: - name: ${serviceAccount}@${clusterName} context: cluster: ${clusterName} namespace: ${namespace} user: ${serviceAccount} users: - name: ${serviceAccount} user: token: ${token} current-context: ${serviceAccount}@${clusterName} "