repos: - repo: rev: v4.6.0 # Use the ref you want to point at hooks: - id: trailing-whitespace - repo: rev: v0.13.0 hooks: - id: yamlfmt exclude: | (?x)^( .*secrets.*yaml )$ # - repo: # rev: v2.2.4 # hooks: # - id: codespell - repo: local hooks: - id: check-sops-secrets name: check sops secrets entry: ./scripts/ language: script # - name: check unused values (disable by setting DISABLE_ADDITIONAL_CHECKS=1) # id: check-unused-values # entry: ./scripts/ # language: script # - name: lint helmfiles (it might take a while, disable by setting DISABLE_ADDITIONAL_CHECKS=1) # id: lint-all-envs # entry: ./scripts/ # language: script