extends Node3D var bullet = load("res://scenes/weapon/bullet.tscn") var instance @onready var gun_anim = $Pistol/Deagle/GunAnimation #@onready var gun_barrel = $DEAGLE/CSGSphere3D @onready var gun_barrel = $Pistol/Deagle/RayCast3D # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready() -> void: pass # Replace with function body. # TODO: Handle the shot logic func shot(): var main_root = get_node("/root/TestMap") if Input.is_action_pressed("shot"): if !gun_anim.is_playing(): gun_anim.play("Shoot") instance = bullet.instantiate() instance.position = gun_barrel.global_position instance.transform.basis = gun_barrel.global_transform.basis get_tree().get_root().add_child(instance) # TODO: Handle the reload logic func reload(): var pistol := $DEAGLE pistol.rotate_z(-20.0)