/// This file has messages for describing applications syntax = "proto3"; package applications; import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; option go_package = "gitea.badhouseplants.net/softplayer/softplayer-go-proto/pkg/applications"; /** * Service for handling applications */ service Applications { rpc Create(CreateOptions) returns (ApplicationFull) {} rpc Update(UpdateOptions) returns (ApplicationFull) {} rpc Delete(DeleteOptions) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {} rpc Get(GetOptions) returns (ApplicationFull) {} rpc List(ListOptions) returns (stream ApplicationFull) {} } /** User related messages */ message OwnerId { string uuid = 1; // UUID of a user that is creating an environemnt } message Token { string token = 1; // Token that should be used to create an environment } /** Services options */ message CreateOptions { ApplicationMetadata metadata = 1; ApplicationSpec spec = 2; OwnerId owner_id = 3; Token token = 4; } message UpdateOptions { ApplicationId id = 1; ApplicationMetadata metadata = 2; ApplicationSpec spec = 3; OwnerId owner_id = 4; Token token = 5; } message DeleteOptions { ApplicationId id = 1; ApplicationMetadata metadata = 2; OwnerId owner_id = 3; Token token = 4; } message GetOptions { ApplicationId id = 1; ApplicationMetadata metadata = 2; OwnerId owner_id = 3; Token token = 4; } message ListOptions { ApplicationMetadata metadata = 1; OwnerId owner_id = 2; Token token = 3; } /** Environment related messages */ message ApplicationId { string uuid = 1; } message ApplicationMetadata { string name = 1; string description = 2; } message ApplicationSpec { string application = 1; string version = 2; string environemnt_id = 3; map config = 4; string raw_config = 5; } message ApplicationFull { ApplicationMetadata metadata = 1; ApplicationSpec spec = 2; ApplicationId id = 3; }