import 'package:softplayer_dart_proto/main.dart'; import 'package:softplayer_web/api/grpc/creds.dart'; class EnvironmentLocalData { EnvironmentLocalData( {required this.serverType, required this.serverLocation, required this.provider, required, required this.description, this.uuid}); final String name; final String description; final String provider; final String serverType; final String serverLocation; String? uuid; } class EnvironmentsGrpc { // final GrpcWebClientChannel channel; final EnvironmentsClient envStub; // Init the grpc channel for environments EnvironmentsGrpc(channel) : envStub = EnvironmentsClient(channel); // Get environments from the API Future get(String uuid, SoftplayerCreds creds) async { final request = GetOptions( id: EnvironmentId(uuid: uuid), ownerId: OwnerId(uuid: creds.uuid), token: Token(token: creds.token), ); try { final response = await envStub.get(request); return EnvironmentLocalData( uuid: uuid, serverType: response.spec.serverType.toString(), serverLocation: response.spec.serverLocation.toString(), provider: response.spec.provider.toString(), name:, description: response.metadata.description); } catch (e) { rethrow; } } Future create( EnvironmentLocalData data, SoftplayerCreds creds) async { print(data); final request = CreateOptions( metadata: EnvironmentMetadata(description: data.description, name:, spec: EnvironmentSpec( // Currently we do not support other kinds kubernetes: Kubernetes.KUBERNETES_K3S, // Currently we do not support other providers provider: Provider.PROVIDER_HETZNER, serverLocation: Location.values .firstWhere((e) => e.toString() == data.serverLocation), serverType: ServerType.values .firstWhere((e) => e.toString() == data.serverType), ), ownerId: OwnerId(uuid: creds.uuid), token: Token(token: creds.token), ); try { final response = await envStub.create(request); return EnvironmentLocalData( uuid:, serverType: response.spec.serverType.toString(), serverLocation: response.spec.serverLocation.toString(), provider: response.spec.provider.toString(), name:, description: response.metadata.description); } catch (e) { rethrow; } } Stream> list(SoftplayerCreds creds) async* { List envs = []; try { await for (var feature in envStub.list( ListOptions( ownerId: OwnerId(uuid: creds.uuid), token: Token(token: creds.token), ), )) { envs.add(EnvironmentLocalData( uuid:, serverType: feature.spec.serverType.toString(), serverLocation: feature.spec.serverLocation.toString(), provider: feature.spec.provider.toString(), name:, description: feature.metadata.description, )); } } catch (e) { rethrow; } yield envs; } }