Since email is the only contact information in the CV, it makes no sense to comment it with the preffered note, also I've updated a set of tools I've been working with. Additionaly, I've added a Makefile because I like it more than npm
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stylesheet | body_class | css | |
markdown-body | .markdown-body { font-size: 9px; } .page-break { page-break-after: always; } |
Nikolai Rodionov
> Location: Hamburg, Germany
> Email:
> Github:
This CV is built in a CI pipeline, and uploaded to a Minio Bucket, so you should be able to download the latest version here:
About me
I'm a DevOps engineer with 5++ years of hands-on experience with a decent amount of tools. My main focus is Kubernetes and CI/CD.
I've got some beliefs that should be capable of describing myself
- One should tend not to repeat oneself
- One should never edit what's constantly generated
- One should aim for lesser amount of work with a bigger outcome
- Unless something is in CI, it doesn't exist
- Human factor must be avoided when possible
- Any routine must be automated, because otherwise it's error-prone
Company | Position | Dates |
Giant Swarm | Platform Engineer | 12.2023 - Until Now |
Grandcentrix | SRE | 02.2023 - 11.2023 |
Klöckner.I | DevOps Engineer | 01.2022 - 01.2023 |
Itigris | DevOps Engineer | 07.2019 - 12.2021 |
Etersoft | DevOps Engineer | 03.2017 - 06.2019 |
- Environments: Linux - Containers - Kubernetes - Proxmox
- Kubernetes: Helm - Kustomize - Kubebuilder - Helmfile
- Scripting/Coding: Bash - Go - Rust - Perl
- Continuous Integration: Gitlab-CI - Github Actions - Circle-CI - Woodpecker-CI - Drone-CI
- Continuous Delivery: ArgoCD - Flux - Tekton
- Infrastructure as Code: Ansible - Terraform - Cluster API
- Cloud Providers: Microsoft Azure - Google Cloud - AWS - Yandex Cloud - Hetzner - Self-Hosted
- Observability: Prometheus - Grafana - Loki - Elasticsearch - Kibana - FluentBit - Promtail - Fluentd
- Secrets/Encryption: Sops - Age - Helm Secrets
- Databases: PostgreSQL - MySQL - Percona MySQL - Redis
- Storages: Minio - Ceph