
247 lines
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Raw Normal View History

This file is part of the JUCE examples.
Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited
The code included in this file is provided under the terms of the ISC license Permission
To use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or
without fee is hereby granted provided that the above copyright notice and
this permission notice appear in all copies.
#pragma once
#include <JuceHeader.h>
This file contains a bunch of miscellaneous utilities that are
used by the various demos.
inline Colour getRandomColour (float brightness) noexcept
return Colour::fromHSV (Random::getSystemRandom().nextFloat(), 0.5f, brightness, 1.0f);
inline Colour getRandomBrightColour() noexcept { return getRandomColour (0.8f); }
inline Colour getRandomDarkColour() noexcept { return getRandomColour (0.3f); }
inline Colour getUIColourIfAvailable (LookAndFeel_V4::ColourScheme::UIColour uiColour, Colour fallback = Colour (0xff4d4d4d)) noexcept
if (auto* v4 = dynamic_cast<LookAndFeel_V4*> (&LookAndFeel::getDefaultLookAndFeel()))
return v4->getCurrentColourScheme().getUIColour (uiColour);
return fallback;
inline File getExamplesDirectory() noexcept
MemoryOutputStream mo;
auto success = Base64::convertFromBase64 (mo, JUCE_STRINGIFY (PIP_JUCE_EXAMPLES_DIRECTORY));
ignoreUnused (success);
jassert (success);
return mo.toString();
return File { CharPointer_UTF8 { PIP_JUCE_EXAMPLES_DIRECTORY_STRING } };
auto currentFile = File::getSpecialLocation (File::SpecialLocationType::currentApplicationFile);
auto exampleDir = currentFile.getParentDirectory().getChildFile ("examples");
if (exampleDir.exists())
return exampleDir;
// keep track of the number of parent directories so we don't go on endlessly
for (int numTries = 0; numTries < 15; ++numTries)
if (currentFile.getFileName() == "examples")
return currentFile;
const auto sibling = currentFile.getSiblingFile ("examples");
if (sibling.exists())
return sibling;
currentFile = currentFile.getParentDirectory();
return currentFile;
inline std::unique_ptr<InputStream> createAssetInputStream (const char* resourcePath)
ZipFile apkZip (File::getSpecialLocation (File::invokedExecutableFile));
return std::unique_ptr<InputStream> (apkZip.createStreamForEntry (apkZip.getIndexOfFileName ("assets/" + String (resourcePath))));
auto assetsDir = File::getSpecialLocation (File::currentExecutableFile)
.getParentDirectory().getChildFile ("Assets");
#elif JUCE_MAC
auto assetsDir = File::getSpecialLocation (File::currentExecutableFile)
.getParentDirectory().getParentDirectory().getChildFile ("Resources").getChildFile ("Assets");
if (! assetsDir.exists())
assetsDir = getExamplesDirectory().getChildFile ("Assets");
auto assetsDir = getExamplesDirectory().getChildFile ("Assets");
auto resourceFile = assetsDir.getChildFile (resourcePath);
jassert (resourceFile.existsAsFile());
return resourceFile.createInputStream();
inline Image getImageFromAssets (const char* assetName)
auto hashCode = (String (assetName) + "@juce_demo_assets").hashCode64();
auto img = ImageCache::getFromHashCode (hashCode);
if (img.isNull())
std::unique_ptr<InputStream> juceIconStream (createAssetInputStream (assetName));
if (juceIconStream == nullptr)
return {};
img = ImageFileFormat::loadFrom (*juceIconStream);
ImageCache::addImageToCache (img, hashCode);
return img;
inline String loadEntireAssetIntoString (const char* assetName)
std::unique_ptr<InputStream> input (createAssetInputStream (assetName));
if (input == nullptr)
return {};
return input->readString();
inline Path getJUCELogoPath()
return Drawable::parseSVGPath (
"M72.87 84.28A42.36 42.36 0 0130.4 42.14a42.48 42.48 0 0184.95 0 42.36 42.36 0 01-42.48 42.14zm0-78.67A36.74 36.74 0 0036 42.14a36.88 36.88 0 0073.75 0A36.75 36.75 0 0072.87 5.61z"
"M77.62 49.59a177.77 177.77 0 008.74 18.93A4.38 4.38 0 0092.69 70a34.5 34.5 0 008.84-9 4.3 4.3 0 00-2.38-6.49A176.73 176.73 0 0180 47.32a1.78 1.78 0 00-2.38 2.27zM81.05 44.27a169.68 169.68 0 0020.13 7.41 4.39 4.39 0 005.52-3.41 34.42 34.42 0 00.55-6.13 33.81 33.81 0 00-.67-6.72 4.37 4.37 0 00-6.31-3A192.32 192.32 0 0181.1 41a1.76 1.76 0 00-.05 3.27zM74.47 50.44a1.78 1.78 0 00-3.29 0 165.54 165.54 0 00-7.46 19.89 4.33 4.33 0 003.47 5.48 35.49 35.49 0 005.68.46 34.44 34.44 0 007.13-.79 4.32 4.32 0 003-6.25 187.83 187.83 0 01-8.53-18.79zM71.59 34.12a1.78 1.78 0 003.29.05 163.9 163.9 0 007.52-20.11A4.34 4.34 0 0079 8.59a35.15 35.15 0 00-13.06.17 4.32 4.32 0 00-3 6.26 188.41 188.41 0 018.65 19.1zM46.32 30.3a176.2 176.2 0 0120 7.48 1.78 1.78 0 002.37-2.28 180.72 180.72 0 00-9.13-19.84 4.38 4.38 0 00-6.33-1.47 34.27 34.27 0 00-9.32 9.65 4.31 4.31 0 002.41 6.46zM68.17 49.18a1.77 1.77 0 00-2.29-2.34 181.71 181.71 0 00-19.51 8.82A4.3 4.3 0 0044.91 62a34.36 34.36 0 009.42 8.88 4.36 4.36 0 006.5-2.38 175.11 175.11 0 017.34-19.32zM77.79 35.59a1.78 1.78 0 002.3 2.35 182.51 182.51 0 0019.6-8.88 4.3 4.3 0 001.5-6.25 34.4 34.4 0 00-9.41-9.14A4.36 4.36 0 0085.24 16a174.51 174.51 0 01-7.45 19.59zM64.69 40.6a167.72 167.72 0 00-20.22-7.44A4.36 4.36 0 0039 36.6a33.68 33.68 0 00-.45 5.54 34 34 0 00.81 7.4 4.36 4.36 0 006.28 2.84 189.19 189.19 0 0119-8.52 1.76 1.76 0 00.05-3.26zM20 129.315c0 5-2.72 8.16-7.11 8.16-2.37 0-4.17-1-6.2-3.56l-.69-.78-6 5 .57.76c3.25 4.36 7.16 6.39 12.31 6.39 9 0 15.34-6.57 15.34-16v-28.1H20zM61.69 126.505c0 6.66-3.76 11-9.57 11-5.81 0-9.56-4.31-9.56-11v-25.32h-8.23v25.69c0 10.66 7.4 18.4 17.6 18.4 10 0 17.61-7.72 18-18.4v-25.69h-8.24zM106.83 134.095c-3.58 2.43-6.18 3.38-9.25 3.38a14.53 14.53 0 010-29c3.24 0 5.66.88 9.25 3.38l.76.53 4.78-6-.75-.62a22.18 22.18 0 00-14.22-5.1 22.33 22.33 0 100 44.65 21.53 21.53 0 0014.39-5.08l.81-.64-5-6zM145.75 137.285h-19.06v-10.72h18.3v-7.61h-18.3v-10.16h19.06v-7.61h-27.28v43.53h27.28z"
"M68.015 83.917c-7.723-.902-15.472-4.123-21.566-8.966-8.475-6.736-14.172-16.823-15.574-27.575C29.303 35.31 33.538 22.7 42.21 13.631 49.154 6.368 58.07 1.902 68.042.695c2.15-.26 7.524-.26 9.675 0 12.488 1.512 23.464 8.25 30.437 18.686 8.332 12.471 9.318 28.123 2.605 41.368-2.28 4.5-4.337 7.359-7.85 10.909A42.273 42.273 0 0177.613 83.92c-2.027.227-7.644.225-9.598-.003zm7.823-5.596c8.435-.415 17.446-4.678 23.683-11.205 5.976-6.254 9.35-13.723 10.181-22.537.632-6.705-1.346-14.948-5.065-21.108C98.88 13.935 89.397 7.602 78.34 5.906c-2.541-.39-8.398-.386-10.96.006C53.54 8.034 42.185 17.542 37.81 30.67c-2.807 8.426-2.421 17.267 1.11 25.444 4.877 11.297 14.959 19.41 26.977 21.709 2.136.408 6.1.755 7.377.645.325-.028 1.48-.094 2.564-.147z"
#if JUCE_MODULE_AVAILABLE_juce_gui_extra
inline CodeEditorComponent::ColourScheme getDarkCodeEditorColourScheme()
struct Type
const char* name;
juce::uint32 colour;
const Type types[] =
{ "Error", 0xffe60000 },
{ "Comment", 0xff72d20c },
{ "Keyword", 0xffee6f6f },
{ "Operator", 0xffc4eb19 },
{ "Identifier", 0xffcfcfcf },
{ "Integer", 0xff42c8c4 },
{ "Float", 0xff885500 },
{ "String", 0xffbc45dd },
{ "Bracket", 0xff058202 },
{ "Punctuation", 0xffcfbeff },
{ "Preprocessor Text", 0xfff8f631 }
CodeEditorComponent::ColourScheme cs;
for (auto& t : types)
cs.set (, Colour (t.colour));
return cs;
inline CodeEditorComponent::ColourScheme getLightCodeEditorColourScheme()
struct Type
const char* name;
juce::uint32 colour;
const Type types[] =
{ "Error", 0xffcc0000 },
{ "Comment", 0xff00aa00 },
{ "Keyword", 0xff0000cc },
{ "Operator", 0xff225500 },
{ "Identifier", 0xff000000 },
{ "Integer", 0xff880000 },
{ "Float", 0xff885500 },
{ "String", 0xff990099 },
{ "Bracket", 0xff000055 },
{ "Punctuation", 0xff004400 },
{ "Preprocessor Text", 0xff660000 }
CodeEditorComponent::ColourScheme cs;
for (auto& t : types)
cs.set (, Colour (t.colour));
return cs;
// This is basically a sawtooth wave generator - maps a value that bounces between
// 0.0 and 1.0 at a random speed
struct BouncingNumber
: speed (0.0004 + 0.0007 * Random::getSystemRandom().nextDouble()),
phase (Random::getSystemRandom().nextDouble())
float getValue() const
double v = fmod (phase + speed * Time::getMillisecondCounterHiRes(), 2.0);
return (float) (v >= 1.0 ? (2.0 - v) : v);
double speed, phase;
struct SlowerBouncingNumber : public BouncingNumber
speed *= 0.3;