
934 lines
38 KiB
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This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited
JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License
Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020).
End User License Agreement:
Privacy Policy:
Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see
#include "jucer_Headers.h"
#include "jucer_Application.h"
#include "../Utility/Helpers/jucer_TranslationHelpers.h"
#include "jucer_CommandLine.h"
const char* preferredLineFeed = "\r\n";
const char* getPreferredLineFeed() { return preferredLineFeed; }
static void hideDockIcon()
Process::setDockIconVisible (false);
static Array<File> findAllSourceFiles (const File& folder)
Array<File> files;
for (const auto& di : RangedDirectoryIterator (folder, true, "*.cpp;*.cxx;*.cc;*.c;*.h;*.hpp;*.hxx;*.hpp;*.mm;*.m;*.java;*.dox;*.soul;*.js", File::findFiles))
if (! di.getFile().isSymbolicLink())
files.add (di.getFile());
return files;
static void replaceFile (const File& file, const String& newText, const String& message)
std::cout << message << file.getFullPathName() << std::endl;
TemporaryFile temp (file);
if (! temp.getFile().replaceWithText (newText, false, false, nullptr))
ConsoleApplication::fail ("!!! ERROR Couldn't write to temp file!");
if (! temp.overwriteTargetFileWithTemporary())
ConsoleApplication::fail ("!!! ERROR Couldn't write to file!");
struct LoadedProject
explicit LoadedProject (const ArgumentList::Argument& fileToLoad)
auto projectFile = fileToLoad.resolveAsExistingFile();
if (! projectFile.hasFileExtension (Project::projectFileExtension))
ConsoleApplication::fail (projectFile.getFullPathName() + " isn't a valid jucer project file!");
project.reset (new Project (projectFile));
if (! project->loadFrom (projectFile, true, false))
ConsoleApplication::fail ("Failed to load the project file: " + projectFile.getFullPathName());
preferredLineFeed = project->getProjectLineFeed().toRawUTF8();
void save (bool justSaveResources, bool fixMissingDependencies)
if (project != nullptr)
if (! justSaveResources)
if (fixMissingDependencies)
const auto onCompletion = [this] (Result result)
if (result.failed())
ConsoleApplication::fail ("Error when saving: " + result.getErrorMessage());
if (justSaveResources)
onCompletion (project->saveResourcesOnly());
project->saveProject (Async::no, nullptr, onCompletion);
void rescanModulePathsIfNecessary()
bool scanJUCEPath = false, scanUserPaths = false;
const auto& modules = project->getEnabledModules();
for (auto i = modules.getNumModules(); --i >= 0;)
const auto& id = modules.getModuleID (i);
if (isJUCEModule (id) && ! scanJUCEPath)
if (modules.shouldUseGlobalPath (id))
scanJUCEPath = true;
else if (! scanUserPaths)
if (modules.shouldUseGlobalPath (id))
scanUserPaths = true;
if (scanJUCEPath)
if (scanUserPaths)
void tryToFixMissingModuleDependencies()
auto& modules = project->getEnabledModules();
for (const auto& m : modules.getModulesWithMissingDependencies())
modules.tryToFixMissingDependencies (m);
std::unique_ptr<Project> project;
/* Running a command-line of the form "projucer --resave foobar.jucer" will try to load
that project and re-export all of its targets.
static void resaveProject (const ArgumentList& args, bool justSaveResources)
args.checkMinNumArguments (2);
LoadedProject proj (args[1]);
std::cout << (justSaveResources ? "Re-saving project resources: "
: "Re-saving file: ")
<< proj.project->getFile().getFullPathName() << std::endl; (justSaveResources, args.containsOption ("--fix-missing-dependencies"));
static void getVersion (const ArgumentList& args)
args.checkMinNumArguments (2);
LoadedProject proj (args[1]);
std::cout << proj.project->getVersionString() << std::endl;
static void setVersion (const ArgumentList& args)
args.checkMinNumArguments (2);
LoadedProject proj (args[2]);
String version (args[1].text.trim());
std::cout << "Setting project version: " << version << std::endl;
proj.project->setProjectVersion (version); (false, false);
static void bumpVersion (const ArgumentList& args)
args.checkMinNumArguments (2);
LoadedProject proj (args[1]);
String version = proj.project->getVersionString();
version = version.upToLastOccurrenceOf (".", true, false)
+ String (version.getTrailingIntValue() + 1);
std::cout << "Bumping project version to: " << version << std::endl;
proj.project->setProjectVersion (version); (false, false);
static void gitTag (const ArgumentList& args)
args.checkMinNumArguments (2);
LoadedProject proj (args[1]);
String version (proj.project->getVersionString());
if (version.trim().isEmpty())
ConsoleApplication::fail ("Cannot read version number from project!");
StringArray command;
command.add ("git");
command.add ("tag");
command.add ("-a");
command.add (version);
command.add ("-m");
command.add (version.quoted());
std::cout << "Performing command: " << command.joinIntoString(" ") << std::endl;
ChildProcess c;
if (! c.start (command, 0))
ConsoleApplication::fail ("Cannot run git!");
c.waitForProcessToFinish (10000);
if (c.getExitCode() != 0)
ConsoleApplication::fail ("git command failed!");
static void showStatus (const ArgumentList& args)
args.checkMinNumArguments (2);
LoadedProject proj (args[1]);
std::cout << "Project file: " << proj.project->getFile().getFullPathName() << std::endl
<< "Name: " << proj.project->getProjectNameString() << std::endl
<< "UID: " << proj.project->getProjectUIDString() << std::endl;
auto& modules = proj.project->getEnabledModules();
if (int numModules = modules.getNumModules())
std::cout << "Modules:" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < numModules; ++i)
std::cout << " " << modules.getModuleID (i) << std::endl;
static String getModulePackageName (const LibraryModule& module)
return module.getID() + ".jucemodule";
static void zipModule (const File& targetFolder, const File& moduleFolder)
jassert (targetFolder.isDirectory());
auto moduleFolderParent = moduleFolder.getParentDirectory();
LibraryModule module (moduleFolder);
if (! module.isValid())
ConsoleApplication::fail (moduleFolder.getFullPathName() + " is not a valid module folder!");
auto targetFile = targetFolder.getChildFile (getModulePackageName (module));
ZipFile::Builder zip;
for (const auto& i : RangedDirectoryIterator (moduleFolder, true, "*", File::findFiles))
if (! i.getFile().isHidden())
zip.addFile (i.getFile(), 9, i.getFile().getRelativePathFrom (moduleFolderParent));
std::cout << "Writing: " << targetFile.getFullPathName() << std::endl;
TemporaryFile temp (targetFile);
FileOutputStream out (temp.getFile());
if (! (out.openedOk() && zip.writeToStream (out, nullptr)))
ConsoleApplication::fail ("Failed to write to the target file: " + targetFile.getFullPathName());
if (! temp.overwriteTargetFileWithTemporary())
ConsoleApplication::fail ("Failed to write to the target file: " + targetFile.getFullPathName());
static void buildModules (const ArgumentList& args, const bool buildAllWithIndex)
args.checkMinNumArguments (3);
auto targetFolder = args[1].resolveAsFile();
if (! targetFolder.isDirectory())
ConsoleApplication::fail ("The first argument must be the directory to put the result.");
if (buildAllWithIndex)
auto folderToSearch = args[2].resolveAsFile();
var infoList;
for (const auto& i : RangedDirectoryIterator (folderToSearch, false, "*", File::findDirectories))
LibraryModule module (i.getFile());
if (module.isValid())
zipModule (targetFolder, i.getFile());
var moduleInfo (new DynamicObject());
moduleInfo.getDynamicObject()->setProperty ("file", getModulePackageName (module));
moduleInfo.getDynamicObject()->setProperty ("info", module.moduleInfo.getModuleInfo());
infoList.append (moduleInfo);
auto indexFile = targetFolder.getChildFile ("modulelist");
std::cout << "Writing: " << indexFile.getFullPathName() << std::endl;
indexFile.replaceWithText (JSON::toString (infoList), false, false);
for (int i = 2; i < args.size(); ++i)
zipModule (targetFolder, args[i].resolveAsFile());
struct CleanupOptions
bool removeTabs;
bool fixDividerComments;
static void cleanWhitespace (const File& file, CleanupOptions options)
auto content = file.loadFileAsString();
auto isProjucerTemplateFile = [file, content]
return file.getFullPathName().contains ("Templates")
&& content.contains ("%""%") && content.contains ("//[");
if (isProjucerTemplateFile)
StringArray lines;
lines.addLines (content);
bool anyTabsRemoved = false;
for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i)
String& line = lines.getReference (i);
if (options.removeTabs && line.containsChar ('\t'))
anyTabsRemoved = true;
for (;;)
const int tabPos = line.indexOfChar ('\t');
if (tabPos < 0)
const int spacesPerTab = 4;
const int spacesNeeded = spacesPerTab - (tabPos % spacesPerTab);
line = line.replaceSection (tabPos, 1, String::repeatedString (" ", spacesNeeded));
if (options.fixDividerComments)
auto afterIndent = line.trim();
if (afterIndent.startsWith ("//") && afterIndent.length() > 20)
afterIndent = afterIndent.substring (2);
if (afterIndent.containsOnly ("=")
|| afterIndent.containsOnly ("/")
|| afterIndent.containsOnly ("-"))
line = line.substring (0, line.indexOfChar ('/'))
+ "//" + String::repeatedString ("=", 78);
line = line.trimEnd();
if (options.removeTabs && ! anyTabsRemoved)
auto newText = joinLinesIntoSourceFile (lines);
if (newText != content && newText != content + getPreferredLineFeed())
replaceFile (file, newText, options.removeTabs ? "Removing tabs in: "
: "Cleaning file: ");
static void scanFilesForCleanup (const ArgumentList& args, CleanupOptions options)
args.checkMinNumArguments (2);
for (auto it = args.arguments.begin() + 1; it < args.arguments.end(); ++it)
auto target = it->resolveAsFile();
Array<File> files;
if (target.isDirectory())
files = findAllSourceFiles (target);
files.add (target);
for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i)
cleanWhitespace (files.getReference (i), options);
static void cleanWhitespace (const ArgumentList& args, bool replaceTabs)
CleanupOptions options = { replaceTabs, false };
scanFilesForCleanup (args, options);
static void tidyDividerComments (const ArgumentList& args)
CleanupOptions options = { false, true };
scanFilesForCleanup (args, options);
static File findSimilarlyNamedHeader (const Array<File>& allFiles, const String& name, const File& sourceFile)
File result;
for (auto& f : allFiles)
if (f.getFileName().equalsIgnoreCase (name) && f != sourceFile)
if (result.exists())
return {}; // multiple possible results, so don't change it!
result = f;
return result;
static void fixIncludes (const File& file, const Array<File>& allFiles)
const String content (file.loadFileAsString());
StringArray lines;
lines.addLines (content);
bool hasChanged = false;
for (auto& line : lines)
if (line.trimStart().startsWith ("#include \""))
auto includedFile = line.fromFirstOccurrenceOf ("\"", true, false)
.upToLastOccurrenceOf ("\"", true, false)
auto target = file.getSiblingFile (includedFile);
if (! target.exists())
auto header = findSimilarlyNamedHeader (allFiles, target.getFileName(), file);
if (header.exists())
line = line.upToFirstOccurrenceOf ("#include \"", true, false)
+ header.getRelativePathFrom (file.getParentDirectory())
.replaceCharacter ('\\', '/')
+ "\"";
hasChanged = true;
if (hasChanged)
auto newText = joinLinesIntoSourceFile (lines);
if (newText != content && newText != content + getPreferredLineFeed())
replaceFile (file, newText, "Fixing includes in: ");
static void fixRelativeIncludePaths (const ArgumentList& args)
args.checkMinNumArguments (2);
auto target = args[1].resolveAsExistingFolder();
auto files = findAllSourceFiles (target);
for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i)
fixIncludes (files.getReference(i), files);
static String getStringConcatenationExpression (Random& rng, int start, int length)
jassert (length > 0);
if (length == 1)
return "s" + String (start);
int breakPos = jlimit (1, length - 1, (length / 3) + rng.nextInt (jmax (1, length / 3)));
return "(" + getStringConcatenationExpression (rng, start, breakPos)
+ " + " + getStringConcatenationExpression (rng, start + breakPos, length - breakPos) + ")";
static void generateObfuscatedStringCode (const ArgumentList& args)
args.checkMinNumArguments (2);
auto originalText = args[1].text.unquoted();
struct Section
String text;
int position, index;
void writeGenerator (MemoryOutputStream& out) const
String name ("s" + String (index));
out << " String " << name << "; " << name;
auto escapeIfSingleQuote = [] (const String& s) -> String
if (s == "\'")
return "\\'";
return s;
for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); ++i)
out << " << '" << escapeIfSingleQuote (String::charToString (text[i])) << "'";
out << ";" << preferredLineFeed;
Array<Section> sections;
String text = originalText;
Random rng;
while (text.isNotEmpty())
int pos = jmax (0, text.length() - (1 + rng.nextInt (6)));
Section s = { text.substring (pos), pos, 0 };
sections.insert (0, s);
text = text.substring (0, pos);
for (int i = 0; i < sections.size(); ++i)
sections.getReference(i).index = i;
for (int i = 0; i < sections.size(); ++i)
sections.swap (i, rng.nextInt (sections.size()));
MemoryOutputStream out;
out << "String createString()" << preferredLineFeed
<< "{" << preferredLineFeed;
for (int i = 0; i < sections.size(); ++i)
sections.getReference(i).writeGenerator (out);
out << preferredLineFeed
<< " String result = " << getStringConcatenationExpression (rng, 0, sections.size()) << ";" << preferredLineFeed
<< preferredLineFeed
<< " jassert (result == " << originalText.quoted() << ");" << preferredLineFeed
<< " return result;" << preferredLineFeed
<< "}" << preferredLineFeed;
std::cout << out.toString() << std::endl;
static void scanFoldersForTranslationFiles (const ArgumentList& args)
args.checkMinNumArguments (2);
StringArray translations;
for (auto it = args.arguments.begin() + 1; it != args.arguments.end(); ++it)
auto directoryToSearch = it->resolveAsExistingFolder();
TranslationHelpers::scanFolderForTranslations (translations, directoryToSearch);
std::cout << TranslationHelpers::mungeStrings (translations) << std::endl;
static void createFinishedTranslationFile (const ArgumentList& args)
args.checkMinNumArguments (3);
auto preTranslated = args[1].resolveAsExistingFile().loadFileAsString();
auto postTranslated = args[2].resolveAsExistingFile().loadFileAsString();
auto localisedContent = (args.size() > 3 ? args[3].resolveAsExistingFile().loadFileAsString() : String());
auto localised = LocalisedStrings (localisedContent, false);
using TH = TranslationHelpers;
std::cout << TH::createFinishedTranslationFile (TH::withTrimmedEnds (TH::breakApart (preTranslated)),
TH::withTrimmedEnds (TH::breakApart (postTranslated)),
localised) << std::endl;
static void encodeBinary (const ArgumentList& args)
args.checkMinNumArguments (3);
auto source = args[1].resolveAsExistingFile();
auto target = args[2].resolveAsExistingFile();
MemoryOutputStream literal;
size_t dataSize = 0;
MemoryBlock data;
FileInputStream input (source);
input.readIntoMemoryBlock (data);
build_tools::writeDataAsCppLiteral (data, literal, true, true);
dataSize = data.getSize();
auto variableName = build_tools::makeBinaryDataIdentifierName (source);
MemoryOutputStream header, cpp;
header << "// Auto-generated binary data by the Projucer" << preferredLineFeed
<< "// Source file: " << source.getRelativePathFrom (target.getParentDirectory()) << preferredLineFeed
<< preferredLineFeed;
cpp << header.toString();
if (target.hasFileExtension (headerFileExtensions))
header << "static constexpr unsigned char " << variableName << "[] =" << preferredLineFeed
<< literal.toString() << preferredLineFeed
<< preferredLineFeed;
replaceFile (target, header.toString(), "Writing: ");
else if (target.hasFileExtension (cppFileExtensions))
header << "extern const char* " << variableName << ";" << preferredLineFeed
<< "const unsigned int " << variableName << "Size = " << (int) dataSize << ";" << preferredLineFeed
<< preferredLineFeed;
cpp << CodeHelpers::createIncludeStatement (target.withFileExtension (".h").getFileName()) << preferredLineFeed
<< preferredLineFeed
<< "static constexpr unsigned char " << variableName << "_local[] =" << preferredLineFeed
<< literal.toString() << preferredLineFeed
<< preferredLineFeed
<< "const char* " << variableName << " = (const char*) " << variableName << "_local;" << preferredLineFeed;
replaceFile (target, cpp.toString(), "Writing: ");
replaceFile (target.withFileExtension (".h"), header.toString(), "Writing: ");
ConsoleApplication::fail ("You need to specify a .h or .cpp file as the target");
static bool isThisOS (const String& os)
auto targetOS = TargetOS::unknown;
if (os == "osx") targetOS = TargetOS::osx;
else if (os == "windows") targetOS = TargetOS::windows;
else if (os == "linux") targetOS = TargetOS::linux;
if (targetOS == TargetOS::unknown)
ConsoleApplication::fail ("You need to specify a valid OS! Use osx, windows or linux");
return targetOS == TargetOS::getThisOS();
static bool isValidPathIdentifier (const String& id, const String& os)
return id == "vstLegacyPath" || (id == "aaxPath" && os != "linux") || (id == "rtasPath" && os != "linux")
|| id == "androidSDKPath" || id == "defaultJuceModulePath" || id == "defaultUserModulePath";
static void setGlobalPath (const ArgumentList& args)
args.checkMinNumArguments (3);
if (! isValidPathIdentifier (args[2].text, args[1].text))
ConsoleApplication::fail ("Identifier " + args[2].text + " is not valid for the OS " + args[1].text);
auto userAppData = File::getSpecialLocation (File::userApplicationDataDirectory);
userAppData = userAppData.getChildFile ("Application Support");
auto settingsFile = userAppData.getChildFile ("Projucer").getChildFile ("Projucer.settings");
auto xml = parseXML (settingsFile);
if (xml == nullptr)
ConsoleApplication::fail ("Settings file not valid!");
auto settingsTree = ValueTree::fromXml (*xml);
if (! settingsTree.isValid())
ConsoleApplication::fail ("Settings file not valid!");
ValueTree childToSet;
if (isThisOS (args[1].text))
childToSet = settingsTree.getChildWithProperty (Ids::name, "PROJECT_DEFAULT_SETTINGS")
.getOrCreateChildWithName ("PROJECT_DEFAULT_SETTINGS", nullptr);
childToSet = settingsTree.getChildWithProperty (Ids::name, "FALLBACK_PATHS")
.getOrCreateChildWithName ("FALLBACK_PATHS", nullptr)
.getOrCreateChildWithName (args[1].text + "Fallback", nullptr);
if (! childToSet.isValid())
ConsoleApplication::fail ("Failed to set the requested setting!");
childToSet.setProperty (args[2].text, args[3].resolveAsFile().getFullPathName(), nullptr);
settingsFile.replaceWithText (settingsTree.toXmlString());
static void createProjectFromPIP (const ArgumentList& args)
args.checkMinNumArguments (3);
auto pipFile = args[1].resolveAsFile();
if (! pipFile.existsAsFile())
ConsoleApplication::fail ("PIP file doesn't exist.");
auto outputDir = args[2].resolveAsFile();
if (! outputDir.exists())
auto res = outputDir.createDirectory();
std::cout << "Creating directory " << outputDir.getFullPathName() << std::endl;
File juceModulesPath, userModulesPath;
if (args.size() > 3)
juceModulesPath = args[3].resolveAsFile();
if (! juceModulesPath.exists())
ConsoleApplication::fail ("Specified JUCE modules directory doesn't exist.");
if (args.size() == 5)
userModulesPath = args[4].resolveAsFile();
if (! userModulesPath.exists())
ConsoleApplication::fail ("Specified JUCE modules directory doesn't exist.");
PIPGenerator generator (pipFile, outputDir, juceModulesPath, userModulesPath);
auto createJucerFileResult = generator.createJucerFile();
if (! createJucerFileResult)
ConsoleApplication::fail (createJucerFileResult.getErrorMessage());
auto createMainCppResult = generator.createMainCpp();
if (! createMainCppResult)
ConsoleApplication::fail (createMainCppResult.getErrorMessage());
static void showHelp()
auto appName = JUCEApplication::getInstance()->getApplicationName();
std::cout << appName << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< "Usage: " << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< " " << appName << " --resave project_file" << std::endl
<< " Resaves all files and resources in a project. Add the \"--fix-missing-dependencies\" option to automatically fix any missing module dependencies." << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< " " << appName << " --resave-resources project_file" << std::endl
<< " Resaves just the binary resources for a project." << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< " " << appName << " --get-version project_file" << std::endl
<< " Returns the version number of a project." << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< " " << appName << " --set-version version_number project_file" << std::endl
<< " Updates the version number in a project." << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< " " << appName << " --bump-version project_file" << std::endl
<< " Updates the minor version number in a project by 1." << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< " " << appName << " --git-tag-version project_file" << std::endl
<< " Invokes 'git tag' to attach the project's version number to the current git repository." << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< " " << appName << " --status project_file" << std::endl
<< " Displays information about a project." << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< " " << appName << " --buildmodule target_folder module_folder" << std::endl
<< " Zips a module into a downloadable file format." << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< " " << appName << " --buildallmodules target_folder module_folder" << std::endl
<< " Zips all modules in a given folder and creates an index for them." << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< " " << appName << " --trim-whitespace target_folder" << std::endl
<< " Scans the given folder for C/C++ source files (recursively), and trims any trailing whitespace from their lines, as well as normalising their line-endings to CR-LF." << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< " " << appName << " --remove-tabs target_folder" << std::endl
<< " Scans the given folder for C/C++ source files (recursively), and replaces any tab characters with 4 spaces." << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< " " << appName << " --tidy-divider-comments target_folder" << std::endl
<< " Scans the given folder for C/C++ source files (recursively), and normalises any juce-style comment division lines (i.e. any lines that look like //===== or //------- or /////////// will be replaced)." << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< " " << appName << " --fix-broken-include-paths target_folder" << std::endl
<< " Scans the given folder for C/C++ source files (recursively). Where a file contains an #include of one of the other filenames, it changes it to use the optimum relative path. Helpful for auto-fixing includes when re-arranging files and folders in a project." << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< " " << appName << " --obfuscated-string-code string_to_obfuscate" << std::endl
<< " Generates a C++ function which returns the given string, but in an obfuscated way." << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< " " << appName << " --encode-binary source_binary_file target_cpp_file" << std::endl
<< " Converts a binary file to a C++ file containing its contents as a block of data. Provide a .h file as the target if you want a single output file, or a .cpp file if you want a pair of .h/.cpp files." << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< " " << appName << " --trans target_folders..." << std::endl
<< " Scans each of the given folders (recursively) for any NEEDS_TRANS macros, and generates a translation file that can be used with Projucer's translation file builder" << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< " " << appName << " --trans-finish pre_translated_file post_translated_file optional_existing_translation_file" << std::endl
<< " Creates a completed translations mapping file, that can be used to initialise a LocalisedStrings object. This allows you to localise the strings in your project" << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< " " << appName << " --set-global-search-path os identifier_to_set new_path" << std::endl
<< " Sets the global path for a specified os and identifier. The os should be either osx, windows or linux and the identifiers can be any of the following: "
<< "defaultJuceModulePath, defaultUserModulePath, vstLegacyPath, aaxPath (not valid on linux), rtasPath (not valid on linux), or androidSDKPath. " << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< " " << appName << " --create-project-from-pip path/to/PIP path/to/output path/to/JUCE/modules (optional) path/to/user/modules (optional)" << std::endl
<< " Generates a folder containing a JUCE project in the specified output path using the specified PIP file. Use the optional JUCE and user module paths to override "
"the global module paths." << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< "Note that for any of the file-rewriting commands, add the option \"--lf\" if you want it to use LF linefeeds instead of CRLF" << std::endl
<< std::endl;
int performCommandLine (const ArgumentList& args)
return ConsoleApplication::invokeCatchingFailures ([&]() -> int
if (args.containsOption ("--lf"))
preferredLineFeed = "\n";
auto command = args[0];
auto matchCommand = [&] (StringRef name) -> bool
return command == name || command.isLongOption (name);
if (matchCommand ("help")) { showHelp(); return 0; }
if (matchCommand ("h")) { showHelp(); return 0; }
if (matchCommand ("resave")) { resaveProject (args, false); return 0; }
if (matchCommand ("resave-resources")) { resaveProject (args, true); return 0; }
if (matchCommand ("get-version")) { getVersion (args); return 0; }
if (matchCommand ("set-version")) { setVersion (args); return 0; }
if (matchCommand ("bump-version")) { bumpVersion (args); return 0; }
if (matchCommand ("git-tag-version")) { gitTag (args); return 0; }
if (matchCommand ("buildmodule")) { buildModules (args, false); return 0; }
if (matchCommand ("buildallmodules")) { buildModules (args, true); return 0; }
if (matchCommand ("status")) { showStatus (args); return 0; }
if (matchCommand ("trim-whitespace")) { cleanWhitespace (args, false); return 0; }
if (matchCommand ("remove-tabs")) { cleanWhitespace (args, true); return 0; }
if (matchCommand ("tidy-divider-comments")) { tidyDividerComments (args); return 0; }
if (matchCommand ("fix-broken-include-paths")) { fixRelativeIncludePaths (args); return 0; }
if (matchCommand ("obfuscated-string-code")) { generateObfuscatedStringCode (args); return 0; }
if (matchCommand ("encode-binary")) { encodeBinary (args); return 0; }
if (matchCommand ("trans")) { scanFoldersForTranslationFiles (args); return 0; }
if (matchCommand ("trans-finish")) { createFinishedTranslationFile (args); return 0; }
if (matchCommand ("set-global-search-path")) { setGlobalPath (args); return 0; }
if (matchCommand ("create-project-from-pip")) { createProjectFromPIP (args); return 0; }
if (command.isLongOption() || command.isShortOption())
ConsoleApplication::fail ("Unrecognised command: " + command.text.quoted());
return commandLineNotPerformed;