
52 lines
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Raw Normal View History

Created: %%date%%
Author: %%author%%
// In your constructor, you should add any child components, and
// initialise any special settings that your component needs.
void %%component_class%%::paint (juce::Graphics& g)
/* This demo code just fills the component's background and
draws some placeholder text to get you started.
You should replace everything in this method with your own
drawing code..
g.fillAll (getLookAndFeel().findColour (juce::ResizableWindow::backgroundColourId)); // clear the background
g.setColour (juce::Colours::grey);
g.drawRect (getLocalBounds(), 1); // draw an outline around the component
g.setColour (juce::Colours::white);
g.setFont (14.0f);
g.drawText ("%%component_class%%", getLocalBounds(),
juce::Justification::centred, true); // draw some placeholder text
void %%component_class%%::resized()
// This method is where you should set the bounds of any child
// components that your component contains..