layout fixes
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ CustomLookAndFeel::CustomLookAndFeel()
setColour (ToggleButton::textColourId, Colour (0xddcccccc));
setColour (ScrollBar::ColourIds::thumbColourId, Colour::fromFloatRGBA(0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.6));
setColour (ScrollBar::ColourIds::thumbColourId, Colour::fromFloatRGBA(0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.7));
//setColour (ComboBox::backgroundColourId, Colour (0xff161616));
setColour (ComboBox::backgroundColourId, Colour::fromFloatRGBA(0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.7));
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ CustomLookAndFeel::CustomLookAndFeel()
//setColour (Slider::thumbColourId, Colour::fromFloatRGBA(0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0));
setColour (Slider::rotarySliderFillColourId, Colour::fromFloatRGBA(0.5, 0.4, 0.6, 0.9));
setColour (TabbedButtonBar::tabOutlineColourId, Colour::fromFloatRGBA(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.5));
setColour (TabbedButtonBar::tabOutlineColourId, Colour::fromFloatRGBA(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.6));
@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ CustomLookAndFeel::CustomLookAndFeel()
setColour (SidePanel::backgroundColour, Colour::fromFloatRGBA(0.17, 0.17, 0.17, 1.0));
//setColour (SonoDrawableButton::overOverlayColourId, Colour::fromFloatRGBA(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.08));
//setColour (SonoDrawableButton::downOverlayColourId, Colour::fromFloatRGBA(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.3));
@ -311,11 +311,11 @@ PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor::PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor(Pau
m_lastspec_select_time = nowtime;
if (id == FreeFilterGroup) {
if (isSpectrumProcGroupEnabled(id)) {
if (isSpectrumProcGroupEnabled(id) && !m_shortMode) {
} else if (id == RatiosGroup) {
if (isSpectrumProcGroupEnabled(id)) {
if (isSpectrumProcGroupEnabled(id) && !m_shortMode) {
@ -450,7 +450,10 @@ void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor::setSpectrumProcGroupEnabled(int grou
void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor::showRenderDialog()
auto contentraw = new RenderSettingsComponent(&processor);
contentraw->setSize(contentraw->getPreferredWidth(), contentraw->getPreferredHeight());
int prefw = jmin(contentraw->getPreferredWidth(), getWidth() - 10);
int prefh = jmin(contentraw->getPreferredHeight(), getHeight() - 10);
contentraw->setSize(prefw, prefh);
std::unique_ptr<Component> content(contentraw);
auto & cb = CallOutBox::launchAsynchronously(std::move(content), m_render_button.getBounds(), this);
@ -534,7 +537,7 @@ void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor::resized()
auto bounds = getLocalBounds();
bounds.reduce(4, 0);
int w = bounds.getWidth();
int rowheight = 24;
@ -635,11 +638,6 @@ void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor::resized()
int groupw = w - 2*groupmargin - scrollw;
// groups
minh = m_posgroup->getMinimumHeight(groupw);
groupsbox.items.add(FlexItem(minw, minh, *m_posgroup).withMargin(groupmargin));
gheight += minh + 2*groupmargin;
minh = m_pargroups[HarmonicsGroup]->getMinimumHeight(groupw);
groupsbox.items.add(FlexItem(minw, minh, *m_pargroups[HarmonicsGroup]).withMargin(groupmargin));
@ -690,6 +688,12 @@ void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor::resized()
groupsbox.items.add(FlexItem(minw, minh, *m_pargroups[FilterGroup]).withMargin(groupmargin));
gheight += minh + 2*groupmargin;
minh = m_posgroup->getMinimumHeight(groupw);
groupsbox.items.add(FlexItem(minw, minh, *m_posgroup).withMargin(groupmargin));
gheight += minh + 2*groupmargin;
for (const auto & group : m_pargroups) {
int minheight = group.second->getMinimumHeight(w);
@ -703,14 +707,13 @@ void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor::resized()
int useh = gheight;
int vpminh = jmin(useh, 140);
int tabminh = 200;
int orderminh = 34;
int orderminh = 38;
tabminh = 234;
orderminh = 44;
int totminh = vpminh + orderminh + tabminh + topboxh + toggleh + volh + stretchH;
mainbox.items.add(FlexItem(6, 2));
@ -736,7 +739,11 @@ void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor::resized()
if (totminh > getHeight()) {
int totminh = vpminh + orderminh + tabminh + topboxh + toggleh + volh + stretchH + 18;
int shortthresh = vpminh + orderminh + tabminh + topboxh + toggleh;
if (getHeight() < totminh) {
// not enough vertical space, put the top items in the scrollable viewport
// may have to reparent them
reparentIfNecessary(m_stretchgroup.get(), m_groupcontainer.get());
@ -749,12 +756,51 @@ void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor::resized()
useh += toggleh + volh + stretchH + 6*groupmargin;
if (getHeight() < shortthresh) {
// really not much space, put group scroll in a new tab
if (m_wavefilter_tab.getNumTabs() <= 3) {
m_wavefilter_tab.addTab("Controls", Colour(0xff555555), m_groupviewport.get(), false);
reparentIfNecessary(&m_spec_order_ed, m_groupcontainer.get());
groupsbox.items.add(FlexItem(minw, orderminh, m_spec_order_ed).withMargin(2));
useh += orderminh + 4;
m_shortMode = true;
} else {
reparentIfNecessary(&m_spec_order_ed, this);
if (m_wavefilter_tab.getNumTabs() > 3) {
// bring it back
m_shortMode = false;
} else {
m_shortMode = false;
if (m_wavefilter_tab.getNumTabs() > 3) {
// bring it back
// may have to reparent them
reparentIfNecessary(m_groupviewport.get(), this);
reparentIfNecessary(&m_spec_order_ed, this);
reparentIfNecessary(m_stretchgroup.get(), this);
reparentItemsIfNecessary(togglesbox, this);
reparentItemsIfNecessary(volbox, this);
mainbox.items.add(FlexItem(minw, toggleh, togglesbox).withMargin(margin).withFlex(0));
mainbox.items.add(FlexItem(minw, volh, volbox).withMargin(margin).withFlex(0));
mainbox.items.add(FlexItem(minw, stretchH, *m_stretchgroup).withMargin(margin).withFlex(0));
@ -763,13 +809,15 @@ void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor::resized()
mainbox.items.add(FlexItem(6, 3));
mainbox.items.add(FlexItem(w, vpminh, *m_groupviewport).withMargin(0).withFlex(1).withMaxHeight(useh + 4));
if (!m_shortMode) {
mainbox.items.add(FlexItem(w, vpminh, *m_groupviewport).withMargin(0).withFlex(1).withMaxHeight(useh + 4));
mainbox.items.add(FlexItem(6, 2));
mainbox.items.add(FlexItem(6, 2));
mainbox.items.add(FlexItem(w, orderminh, m_spec_order_ed).withMargin(2).withFlex(0.1).withMaxHeight(60));
mainbox.items.add(FlexItem(w-4, orderminh, m_spec_order_ed).withMargin(2).withFlex(0.1).withMaxHeight(60));
mainbox.items.add(FlexItem(6, 2));
mainbox.items.add(FlexItem(6, 2));
mainbox.items.add(FlexItem(w, tabminh, m_wavefilter_tab).withMargin(0).withFlex(0.1));
@ -777,10 +825,19 @@ void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor::resized()
auto groupsbounds = Rectangle<int>(0, 0, w-scrollw, useh);
if ( m_shortMode) {
auto totgroupw = jmax(360, m_groupviewport->getWidth()) - scrollw;
auto groupsbounds = Rectangle<int>(0, 0, totgroupw, useh);
auto layoutbounds = groupsbounds.translated(2, 0).withWidth(totgroupw - 3);
else {
auto totgroupw = jmax(360, w) - scrollw;
auto groupsbounds = Rectangle<int>(0, 0, totgroupw, useh);
int zscrollh = 18;
@ -795,6 +852,10 @@ void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor::resized()
m_zs.setBounds(m_wave_container->getX(), m_wavecomponent.getBottom(), m_wave_container->getWidth(), zscrollh);
//m_wavecomponent.setBounds(1, m_spec_order_ed.getBottom()+1, getWidth()-2, remain_h/5*4);
if (m_shortMode) {
void PaulstretchpluginAudioProcessorEditor::timerCallback(int id)
@ -1523,9 +1584,18 @@ void SpectralVisualizer::paint(Graphics & g)
g.drawText(String(m_elapsed, 1)+" ms", 1, 1, getWidth(), 30, Justification::topLeft);
: m_bgcolor(0xff0a0a0a), m_selbgcolor(0xff141f28), m_dragbgcolor(0xff1a1a1a)
m_disabledImage = Drawable::createFromImageData(BinaryData::power_svg, BinaryData::power_svgSize);
m_enabledImage = Drawable::createFromImageData(BinaryData::power_sel_svg, BinaryData::power_sel_svgSize);
void SpectralChainEditor::paint(Graphics & g)
g.fillRoundedRectangle(getLocalBounds().toFloat(), 4.0f);
if (m_src == nullptr)
@ -1533,18 +1603,21 @@ void SpectralChainEditor::paint(Graphics & g)
int xoff = 3;
int yoff = 3;
int box_w = (getWidth() - 2*xoff) / m_order.size();
float box_w = (getWidth() - 2*xoff) / m_order.size();
int box_h = getHeight();
float box_margin = jmin( (box_w * 0.25f), 16.0f);
float arrowsize = jmin(10.0f, box_margin*0.5f);
for (int i = 0; i < m_order.size(); ++i)
//if (i!=m_cur_index)
drawBox(g, i, i*box_w + xoff, yoff, box_w - 20, box_h - 2*yoff);
drawBox(g, i, i*box_w + xoff, yoff, box_w - box_margin, box_h - 2*yoff);
if (i<m_order.size() - 1)
g.drawArrow(juce::Line<float>(i*box_w + (box_w - 20) + xoff + 1, box_h / 2, i*box_w + box_w + xoff, box_h / 2), 2.0f, 12.0f, 12.0f);
g.drawArrow(juce::Line<float>(i*box_w + (box_w - box_margin) + xoff + 1, box_h / 2, i*box_w + box_w + xoff, box_h / 2), 2.0f, arrowsize, arrowsize);
if (m_drag_x>=0 && m_drag_x<getWidth() && m_cur_index>=0)
drawBox(g, m_cur_index, m_drag_x - m_downoffset_x + 5, yoff, box_w - 30, box_h - 2*yoff);
drawBox(g, m_cur_index, m_drag_x - m_downoffset_x + 5, yoff, box_w - box_margin - box_margin/2, box_h - 2*yoff);
void SpectralChainEditor::setSource(StretchAudioSource * src)
@ -1559,13 +1632,13 @@ void SpectralChainEditor::mouseDown(const MouseEvent & ev)
m_did_drag = false;
int xoff = 3;
int yoff = 3;
int box_w = (getWidth() - 2*xoff) / m_order.size();
float box_w = (getWidth() - 2*xoff) / (float)m_order.size();
int box_h = getHeight();
m_cur_index = (ev.x - xoff) / box_w;
m_cur_index = (int) ((ev.x - xoff) / box_w);
if (m_cur_index >= 0)
bool done = false;
juce::Rectangle<int> r(box_w*m_cur_index + 3, 3, 15, 15);
juce::Rectangle<float> r(box_w*m_cur_index + 3, 3, 15, 15);
if (r.contains(ev.x - xoff, ev.y - yoff))
@ -1587,8 +1660,8 @@ void SpectralChainEditor::mouseDrag(const MouseEvent & ev)
int xoff = 3;
int yoff = 3;
int box_w = (getWidth() - 2*xoff) / m_order.size();
juce::Rectangle<int> r(box_w*m_cur_index + 3, 3, 15, 15);
float box_w = (getWidth() - 2*xoff) / (float)m_order.size();
juce::Rectangle<float> r(box_w*m_cur_index + 3, 3, 15, 15);
if (r.contains(ev.x - xoff, ev.y - yoff))
if (m_cur_index >= 0 && m_cur_index < m_order.size())
@ -1644,6 +1717,8 @@ void SpectralChainEditor::drawBox(Graphics & g, int index, int x, int y, int w,
jassert(m_order[index].m_enabled != nullptr);
String txt;
bool enabled = ((bool)*m_order[index].m_enabled);
if (m_order[index].m_index == 0)
txt = "Harmonics";
if (m_order[index].m_index == 1)
@ -1662,30 +1737,37 @@ void SpectralChainEditor::drawBox(Graphics & g, int index, int x, int y, int w,
txt = "Compressor";
if (m_order[index].m_index == 7)
txt = "Free filter";
if (index == m_cur_index)
Colour bgcolor = enabled ? m_selbgcolor : m_bgcolor;
if (index == m_cur_index)
//g.fillRect(i*box_w, 0, box_w - 30, box_h - 1);
//g.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
g.fillRoundedRectangle(x, y, w, h, 4.0f);
bgcolor = bgcolor.brighter(0.1f);
g.fillRoundedRectangle(x, y, w, h, 4.0f);
// outline
//g.drawRect(x, y, w, h);
g.drawRoundedRectangle(x, y, w, h, 4.0f, 1.0f);
if (w > 10) {
g.drawFittedText(txt, x + 2,y,w-4,h-4, Justification::centredBottom, 3);
//g.drawFittedText(m_order[index].m_enabled->name, x, y, w, h, Justification::centred, 3);
g.drawRect(x + 3, y + 3, 12, 12);
if ((bool)*m_order[index].m_enabled == true)
g.drawLine(x+3, y+3, x+15, y+15);
g.drawLine(x+3, y+15, x+15, y+3);
auto enableRect = Rectangle<float>(x + 2, y + 2, 16, 16);
if (enabled) {
m_enabledImage->drawWithin(g, enableRect, RectanglePlacement::centred, 1.0f);
} else {
m_disabledImage->drawWithin(g, enableRect, RectanglePlacement::centred, 0.7f);
// for arrow color
ParameterComponent::ParameterComponent(AudioProcessorParameter * par, bool notifyOnlyOnRelease) : m_par(par)
@ -1706,6 +1788,7 @@ ParameterComponent::ParameterComponent(AudioProcessorParameter * par, bool notif
m_slider->setDoubleClickReturnValue(true, floatpar->range.convertFrom0to1(par->getDefaultValue()));
AudioParameterInt* intpar = dynamic_cast<AudioParameterInt*>(par);
if (intpar)
@ -1717,6 +1800,7 @@ ParameterComponent::ParameterComponent(AudioProcessorParameter * par, bool notif
m_slider->setTextBoxStyle(Slider::TextBoxLeft, false, 60, 34);
AudioParameterChoice* choicepar = dynamic_cast<AudioParameterChoice*>(par);
if (choicepar)
@ -2018,6 +2102,9 @@ void zoom_scrollbar::setRange(Range<double> rng, bool docallback)
zoom_scrollbar::hot_area zoom_scrollbar::get_hot_area(int x, int)
int radius = 10;
radius *= 2;
int x0 = (int)(getWidth()*m_therange.getStart());
int x1 = (int)(getWidth()*m_therange.getEnd());
if (is_in_range(x, x0 - radius, x0 + radius))
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ private:
class SpectralChainEditor : public Component
SpectralChainEditor() {}
void paint(Graphics& g) override;
void setSource(StretchAudioSource* src);
void mouseDown(const MouseEvent& ev) override;
@ -270,6 +270,12 @@ private:
int m_drag_x = 0;
int m_downoffset_x = 0;
std::vector<SpectrumProcess> m_order;
std::unique_ptr<Drawable> m_enabledImage;
std::unique_ptr<Drawable> m_disabledImage;
Colour m_bgcolor;
Colour m_selbgcolor;
Colour m_dragbgcolor;
void drawBox(Graphics& g, int index, int x, int y, int w, int h);
@ -562,6 +568,7 @@ private:
SpectralChainEditor m_spec_order_ed;
double m_lastspec_select_time = 0.0;
int m_lastspec_select_group = -1;
bool m_shortMode = false;
void showSettingsMenu();
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ private:
std::vector<int> m_bufamounts{ 4096,8192,16384,32768,65536,262144 };
ProcessParameters m_ppar;
int mPluginWindowWidth = 820;
int mPluginWindowHeight = 692;
int mPluginWindowHeight = 700;
void setFFTSize(double size);
void startplay(Range<double> playrange, int numoutchans, int maxBlockSize, String& err);
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
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Reference in New Issue
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