essej 25bd5d8adb git subrepo clone --branch=sono6good deps/juce
  subdir:   "deps/juce"
  merged:   "b13f9084e"
  origin:   ""
  branch:   "sono6good"
  commit:   "b13f9084e"
  version:  "0.4.3"
  origin:   ""
  commit:   "2f68596"
2022-04-18 17:51:22 -04:00

1577 lines
60 KiB

This file is part of the JUCE examples.
Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited
The code included in this file is provided under the terms of the ISC license Permission
To use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or
without fee is hereby granted provided that the above copyright notice and
this permission notice appear in all copies.
The block below describes the properties of this PIP. A PIP is a short snippet
of code that can be read by the Projucer and used to generate a JUCE project.
name: WidgetsDemo
version: 1.0.0
vendor: JUCE
description: Showcases various widgets.
dependencies: juce_core, juce_data_structures, juce_events, juce_graphics,
juce_gui_basics, juce_gui_extra
exporters: xcode_mac, vs2019, linux_make, androidstudio, xcode_iphone
type: Component
mainClass: WidgetsDemo
useLocalCopy: 1
#pragma once
#include "../Assets/DemoUtilities.h"
static void showBubbleMessage (Component& targetComponent, const String& textToShow,
std::unique_ptr<BubbleMessageComponent>& bmc,
bool isRunningComponentTransformDemo);
/** To demonstrate how sliders can have custom snapping applied to their values,
this simple class snaps the value to 50 if it comes near.
struct SnappingSlider : public Slider
double snapValue (double attemptedValue, DragMode dragMode) override
if (dragMode == notDragging)
return attemptedValue; // if they're entering the value in the text-box, don't mess with it.
if (attemptedValue > 40 && attemptedValue < 60)
return 50.0;
return attemptedValue;
/** A TextButton that pops up a colour chooser to change its colours. */
class ColourChangeButton : public TextButton,
public ChangeListener
: TextButton ("Click to change colour...")
setSize (10, 24);
void clicked() override
auto colourSelector = std::make_unique<ColourSelector> (ColourSelector::showAlphaChannel
| ColourSelector::showColourAtTop
| ColourSelector::editableColour
| ColourSelector::showSliders
| ColourSelector::showColourspace);
colourSelector->setName ("background");
colourSelector->setCurrentColour (findColour (TextButton::buttonColourId));
colourSelector->addChangeListener (this);
colourSelector->setColour (ColourSelector::backgroundColourId, Colours::transparentBlack);
colourSelector->setSize (300, 400);
CallOutBox::launchAsynchronously (std::move (colourSelector), getScreenBounds(), nullptr);
using TextButton::clicked;
void changeListenerCallback (ChangeBroadcaster* source) override
if (auto* cs = dynamic_cast<ColourSelector*> (source))
setColour (TextButton::buttonColourId, cs->getCurrentColour());
struct SlidersPage : public Component
Rectangle<int> layoutArea { 20, 20, 580, 430 };
auto sliderArea = layoutArea.removeFromTop (320);
auto* s = createSlider (false);
s->setSliderStyle (Slider::LinearVertical);
s->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::TextBoxBelow, false, 100, 20);
s->setBounds (sliderArea.removeFromLeft (70));
s->setDoubleClickReturnValue (true, 50.0); // double-clicking this slider will set it to 50.0
s->setTextValueSuffix (" units");
s = createSlider (false);
s->setSliderStyle (Slider::LinearVertical);
s->setVelocityBasedMode (true);
s->setSkewFactor (0.5);
s->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::TextBoxAbove, true, 100, 20);
s->setBounds (sliderArea.removeFromLeft (70));
s->setTextValueSuffix (" rels");
sliderArea.removeFromLeft (20);
auto horizonalSliderArea = sliderArea.removeFromLeft (180);
s = createSlider (true);
s->setSliderStyle (Slider::LinearHorizontal);
s->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::TextBoxLeft, false, 80, 20);
s->setBounds (horizonalSliderArea.removeFromTop (20));
s = createSlider (false);
s->setSliderStyle (Slider::LinearHorizontal);
s->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 0, 0);
horizonalSliderArea.removeFromTop (20);
s->setBounds (horizonalSliderArea.removeFromTop (20));
s->setPopupDisplayEnabled (true, false, this);
s->setTextValueSuffix (" nuns required to change a lightbulb");
s = createSlider (false);
s->setSliderStyle (Slider::LinearHorizontal);
s->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::TextEntryBoxPosition::TextBoxAbove, false, 70, 20);
horizonalSliderArea.removeFromTop (20);
s->setBounds (horizonalSliderArea.removeFromTop (50));
s->setPopupDisplayEnabled (true, false, this);
s = createSlider (false);
s->setSliderStyle (Slider::IncDecButtons);
s->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::TextBoxLeft, false, 50, 20);
horizonalSliderArea.removeFromTop (20);
s->setBounds (horizonalSliderArea.removeFromTop (20));
s->setIncDecButtonsMode (Slider::incDecButtonsDraggable_Vertical);
s = createSlider (false);
s->setSliderStyle (Slider::Rotary);
s->setRotaryParameters (MathConstants<float>::pi * 1.2f, MathConstants<float>::pi * 2.8f, false);
s->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::TextBoxRight, false, 70, 20);
horizonalSliderArea.removeFromTop (15);
s->setBounds (horizonalSliderArea.removeFromTop (70));
s->setTextValueSuffix (" mm");
s = createSlider (false);
s->setSliderStyle (Slider::LinearBar);
horizonalSliderArea.removeFromTop (10);
s->setBounds (horizonalSliderArea.removeFromTop (30));
s->setTextValueSuffix (" gallons");
sliderArea.removeFromLeft (20);
auto twoValueSliderArea = sliderArea.removeFromLeft (180);
s = createSlider (false);
s->setSliderStyle (Slider::TwoValueHorizontal);
s->setBounds (twoValueSliderArea.removeFromTop (40));
s = createSlider (false);
s->setSliderStyle (Slider::ThreeValueHorizontal);
s->setPopupDisplayEnabled (true, false, this);
twoValueSliderArea.removeFromTop (10);
s->setBounds (twoValueSliderArea.removeFromTop (40));
s = createSlider (false);
s->setSliderStyle (Slider::TwoValueVertical);
twoValueSliderArea.removeFromLeft (30);
s->setBounds (twoValueSliderArea.removeFromLeft (40));
s = createSlider (false);
s->setSliderStyle (Slider::ThreeValueVertical);
s->setPopupDisplayEnabled (true, false, this);
twoValueSliderArea.removeFromLeft (30);
s->setBounds (twoValueSliderArea.removeFromLeft (40));
s = createSlider (false);
s->setSliderStyle (Slider::LinearBarVertical);
s->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 0, 0);
sliderArea.removeFromLeft (20);
s->setBounds (sliderArea.removeFromLeft (20));
s->setPopupDisplayEnabled (true, true, this);
s->setTextValueSuffix (" mickles in a muckle");
/* Here, we'll create a Value object, and tell a bunch of our sliders to use it as their
value source. By telling them all to share the same Value, they'll stay in sync with
each other.
We could also optionally keep a copy of this Value elsewhere, and by changing it,
cause all the sliders to automatically update.
Value sharedValue;
sharedValue = Random::getSystemRandom().nextDouble() * 100;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
sliders.getUnchecked (i)->getValueObject().referTo (sharedValue);
// ..and now we'll do the same for all our min/max slider values..
Value sharedValueMin, sharedValueMax;
sharedValueMin = Random::getSystemRandom().nextDouble() * 40.0;
sharedValueMax = Random::getSystemRandom().nextDouble() * 40.0 + 60.0;
for (int i = 8; i <= 11; ++i)
auto* selectedSlider = sliders.getUnchecked(i);
selectedSlider->setTextBoxStyle (Slider::NoTextBox, false, 0, 0);
selectedSlider->getMaxValueObject().referTo (sharedValueMax);
selectedSlider->getMinValueObject().referTo (sharedValueMin);
hintLabel.setBounds (layoutArea);
addAndMakeVisible (hintLabel);
OwnedArray<Slider> sliders;
Label hintLabel { "hint", "Try right-clicking on a slider for an options menu. \n\n"
"Also, holding down CTRL while dragging will turn on a slider's velocity-sensitive mode" };
Slider* createSlider (bool isSnapping)
auto* s = isSnapping ? new SnappingSlider()
: new Slider();
sliders.add (s);
addAndMakeVisible (s);
s->setRange (0.0, 100.0, 0.1);
s->setPopupMenuEnabled (true);
s->setValue (Random::getSystemRandom().nextDouble() * 100.0, dontSendNotification);
return s;
struct ButtonsPage : public Component
ButtonsPage (bool isRunningComponentTransformDemo)
auto* group = addToList (new GroupComponent ("group", "Radio buttons"));
group->setBounds (20, 20, 220, 140);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
auto* tb = addToList (new ToggleButton ("Radio Button #" + String (i + 1)));
tb->setRadioGroupId (1234);
tb->setBounds (45, 46 + i * 22, 180, 22);
tb->setTooltip ("A set of mutually-exclusive radio buttons");
if (i == 0)
tb->setToggleState (true, dontSendNotification);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
DrawablePath normal, over;
Path p;
p.addStar ({}, i + 5, 20.0f, 50.0f, -0.2f);
normal.setPath (p);
normal.setFill (Colours::lightblue);
normal.setStrokeFill (Colours::black);
normal.setStrokeThickness (4.0f);
over.setPath (p);
over.setFill (Colours::blue);
over.setStrokeFill (Colours::black);
over.setStrokeThickness (4.0f);
auto* db = addToList (new DrawableButton (String (i + 5) + " points", DrawableButton::ImageAboveTextLabel));
db->setImages (&normal, &over, nullptr);
db->setClickingTogglesState (true);
db->setRadioGroupId (23456);
int buttonSize = 50;
db->setBounds (25 + i * buttonSize, 180, buttonSize, buttonSize);
if (i == 0)
db->setToggleState (true, dontSendNotification);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
auto* tb = addToList (new TextButton ("Button " + String (i + 1)));
tb->setClickingTogglesState (true);
tb->setRadioGroupId (34567);
tb->setColour (TextButton::textColourOffId, Colours::black);
tb->setColour (TextButton::textColourOnId, Colours::black);
tb->setColour (TextButton::buttonColourId, Colours::white);
tb->setColour (TextButton::buttonOnColourId, Colours::blueviolet.brighter());
tb->setBounds (20 + i * 55, 260, 55, 24);
tb->setConnectedEdges (((i != 0) ? Button::ConnectedOnLeft : 0)
| ((i != 3) ? Button::ConnectedOnRight : 0));
if (i == 0)
tb->setToggleState (true, dontSendNotification);
auto* colourChangeButton = new ColourChangeButton();
components.add (colourChangeButton);
addAndMakeVisible (colourChangeButton);
colourChangeButton->setTopLeftPosition (20, 320);
auto* hyperlink = addToList (new HyperlinkButton ("This is a HyperlinkButton",
{ "" }));
hyperlink->setBounds (260, 20, 200, 24);
// create some drawables to use for our drawable buttons...
DrawablePath normal, over;
Path p;
p.addStar ({}, 5, 20.0f, 50.0f, 0.2f);
normal.setPath (p);
normal.setFill (getRandomDarkColour());
Path p;
p.addStar ({}, 9, 25.0f, 50.0f, 0.0f);
over.setPath (p);
over.setFill (getRandomBrightColour());
over.setStrokeFill (getRandomDarkColour());
over.setStrokeThickness (5.0f);
DrawableImage down;
down.setImage (getImageFromAssets ("juce_icon.png"));
down.setOverlayColour (Colours::black.withAlpha (0.3f));
auto popupMessageCallback = [this, isRunningComponentTransformDemo]
if (auto* focused = Component::getCurrentlyFocusedComponent())
showBubbleMessage (*focused,
"This is a demo of the BubbleMessageComponent, which lets you pop up a message pointing "
"at a component or somewhere on the screen.\n\n"
"The message bubbles will disappear after a timeout period, or when the mouse is clicked.",
// create an image-above-text button from these drawables..
auto db = addToList (new DrawableButton ("Button 1", DrawableButton::ImageAboveTextLabel));
db->setImages (&normal, &over, &down);
db->setBounds (260, 60, 80, 80);
db->setTooltip ("This is a DrawableButton with a label");
db->onClick = popupMessageCallback;
// create an image-only button from these drawables..
auto db = addToList (new DrawableButton ("Button 2", DrawableButton::ImageFitted));
db->setImages (&normal, &over, &down);
db->setClickingTogglesState (true);
db->setBounds (370, 60, 80, 80);
db->setTooltip ("This is an image-only DrawableButton");
db->onClick = popupMessageCallback;
// create an image-on-button-shape button from the same drawables..
auto db = addToList (new DrawableButton ("Button 3", DrawableButton::ImageOnButtonBackground));
db->setImages (&normal, nullptr, nullptr);
db->setBounds (260, 160, 110, 25);
db->setTooltip ("This is a DrawableButton on a standard button background");
db->onClick = popupMessageCallback;
auto db = addToList (new DrawableButton ("Button 4", DrawableButton::ImageOnButtonBackground));
db->setImages (&normal, &over, &down);
db->setClickingTogglesState (true);
db->setColour (DrawableButton::backgroundColourId, Colours::white);
db->setColour (DrawableButton::backgroundOnColourId, Colours::yellow);
db->setBounds (400, 150, 50, 50);
db->setTooltip ("This is a DrawableButton on a standard button background");
db->onClick = popupMessageCallback;
auto sb = addToList (new ShapeButton ("ShapeButton",
sb->setShape (getJUCELogoPath(), false, true, false);
sb->setBounds (260, 220, 200, 120);
auto ib = addToList (new ImageButton ("ImageButton"));
auto juceImage = getImageFromAssets ("juce_icon.png");
ib->setImages (true, true, true,
juceImage, 0.7f, Colours::transparentBlack,
juceImage, 1.0f, Colours::transparentBlack,
juceImage, 1.0f, getRandomBrightColour().withAlpha (0.8f),
ib->setBounds (45, 380, 100, 100);
ib->setTooltip ("ImageButton - showing alpha-channel hit-testing and colour overlay when clicked");
OwnedArray<Component> components;
std::unique_ptr<BubbleMessageComponent> bubbleMessage;
TooltipWindow tooltipWindow;
// This little function avoids a bit of code-duplication by adding a component to
// our list as well as calling addAndMakeVisible on it..
template <typename ComponentType>
ComponentType* addToList (ComponentType* newComp)
components.add (newComp);
addAndMakeVisible (newComp);
return newComp;
struct MiscPage : public Component
addAndMakeVisible (textEditor1);
textEditor1.setBounds (10, 25, 200, 24);
textEditor1.setText ("Single-line text box");
addAndMakeVisible (textEditor2);
textEditor2.setBounds (10, 55, 200, 24);
textEditor2.setText ("Password");
addAndMakeVisible (comboBox);
comboBox.setBounds (10, 85, 200, 24);
comboBox.setEditableText (true);
comboBox.setJustificationType (Justification::centred);
for (int i = 1; i < 100; ++i)
comboBox.addItem ("combo box item " + String (i), i);
comboBox.setSelectedId (1);
void lookAndFeelChanged() override
textEditor1.applyFontToAllText (textEditor1.getFont());
textEditor2.applyFontToAllText (textEditor2.getFont());
TextEditor textEditor1,
textEditor2 { "Password", (juce_wchar) 0x2022 };
ComboBox comboBox { "Combo" };
struct MenuPage : public Component
addAndMakeVisible (shortMenuButton);
shortMenuButton.onClick = [&]
PopupMenu menu;
menu.addItem ("Single Item", nullptr);
menu.showMenuAsync (PopupMenu::Options{}.withTargetComponent (shortMenuButton));
addAndMakeVisible (longMenuButton);
longMenuButton.onClick = [&]
PopupMenu menu;
for (int i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
menu.addItem ("Item " + String (i), nullptr);
menu.showMenuAsync (PopupMenu::Options{}.withTargetComponent (longMenuButton));
addAndMakeVisible (nestedMenusButton);
nestedMenusButton.onClick = [&]
PopupMenu menu;
for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i)
PopupMenu subMenu;
for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j)
if (j % 2 == 0)
PopupMenu subSubMenu;
for (int z = 0; z < 5; ++z)
subSubMenu.addItem ("Sub-sub-item " + String (z), nullptr);
subMenu.addSubMenu ("Sub-item " + String (j), subSubMenu);
subMenu.addItem ("Sub-item " + String (j), nullptr);
menu.addSubMenu ("Item " + String (i), subMenu);
menu.showMenuAsync (PopupMenu::Options{}.withTargetComponent (nestedMenusButton));
addAndMakeVisible (multiColumnMenuButton);
multiColumnMenuButton.onClick = [&]
PopupMenu menu;
for (int i = 0; i < 200; ++i)
menu.addItem ("Item " + String (i), nullptr);
menu.showMenuAsync (PopupMenu::Options{}.withTargetComponent (multiColumnMenuButton)
.withMinimumNumColumns (2)
.withMaximumNumColumns (4));
addAndMakeVisible (customItemButton);
customItemButton.onClick = [&]
struct CustomComponent : public PopupMenu::CustomComponent
CustomComponent (int widthIn, int heightIn, Colour backgroundIn)
: idealWidth (widthIn), idealHeight (heightIn), background (backgroundIn)
void getIdealSize (int& width, int& height) override
width = idealWidth;
height = idealHeight;
void paint (Graphics& g) override { g.fillAll (background); }
int idealWidth = 0;
int idealHeight = 0;
Colour background;
PopupMenu menu;
menu.addCustomItem (-1, std::make_unique<CustomComponent> (100, 20, Colours::darkred));
menu.addCustomItem (-1, std::make_unique<CustomComponent> (20, 100, Colours::darkgreen));
menu.addCustomItem (-1, std::make_unique<CustomComponent> (100, 100, Colours::darkblue));
menu.addCustomItem (-1, std::make_unique<CustomComponent> (100, 50, Colours::darkcyan));
menu.addCustomItem (-1, std::make_unique<CustomComponent> (50, 100, Colours::darkmagenta));
menu.showMenuAsync (PopupMenu::Options{}.withTargetComponent (customItemButton)
.withMinimumNumColumns (5));
addAndMakeVisible (fancyThemeButton);
fancyThemeButton.setLookAndFeel (&popupLookAndFeel);
fancyThemeButton.onClick = [&]
const auto colour = Colour::fromHSL (randomColourGenerator.nextFloat(), 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f);
fancyThemeButton.setColour (TextButton::buttonColourId, colour);
PopupMenu menu;
menu.setLookAndFeel (&popupLookAndFeel);
for (auto length : { 5, 10, 7, 3 })
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
menu.addItem ("Item " + String (i), nullptr);
menu.showMenuAsync (PopupMenu::Options{}.withTargetComponent (&fancyThemeButton));
void resized() override
const auto makeItem = [] (Component& comp)
return FlexItem { comp }.withWidth (200).withHeight (24).withMargin ({ 4 });
FlexBox box;
box.flexDirection = FlexBox::Direction::column;
box.items = { makeItem (shortMenuButton),
makeItem (longMenuButton),
makeItem (nestedMenusButton),
makeItem (multiColumnMenuButton),
makeItem (customItemButton),
makeItem (fancyThemeButton) };
box.performLayout (getLocalBounds());
struct PopupMenuLookAndFeel : public LookAndFeel_V4
void drawPopupMenuColumnSeparatorWithOptions (Graphics& g,
const Rectangle<int>& bounds,
const PopupMenu::Options& opt)
if (auto* target = opt.getTargetComponent())
const auto baseColour = target->findColour (TextButton::buttonColourId);
g.setColour (baseColour.brighter (0.4f));
const float dashes[] { 5.0f, 5.0f };
const auto centre = bounds.toFloat().getCentre();
g.drawDashedLine ({ centre.withY ((float) bounds.getY()),
centre.withY ((float) bounds.getBottom()) },
numElementsInArray (dashes),
void drawPopupMenuBackgroundWithOptions (Graphics& g, int, int, const PopupMenu::Options& opt)
if (auto* target = opt.getTargetComponent())
g.fillAll (target->findColour (TextButton::buttonColourId));
// Return the amount of space that should be left between popup menu columns.
int getPopupMenuColumnSeparatorWidthWithOptions (const PopupMenu::Options&)
return 10;
Random randomColourGenerator;
PopupMenuLookAndFeel popupLookAndFeel;
TextButton shortMenuButton { "Short" },
longMenuButton { "Long" },
nestedMenusButton { "Nested Sub-Menus" },
multiColumnMenuButton { "Multi Column" },
customItemButton { "Custom Items" },
fancyThemeButton { "Fancy Theme with Column Breaks" };
class ToolbarDemoComp : public Component,
private Slider::Listener
// Create and add the toolbar...
addAndMakeVisible (toolbar);
// And use our item factory to add a set of default icons to it...
toolbar.addDefaultItems (factory);
// Now we'll just create the other sliders and buttons on the demo page, which adjust
// the toolbar's properties...
addAndMakeVisible (infoLabel);
infoLabel.setJustificationType (Justification::topLeft);
infoLabel.setBounds (80, 80, 450, 100);
infoLabel.setInterceptsMouseClicks (false, false);
addAndMakeVisible (depthSlider);
depthSlider.setRange (10.0, 200.0, 1.0);
depthSlider.setValue (50, dontSendNotification);
depthSlider.addListener (this);
depthSlider.setBounds (80, 210, 300, 22);
depthLabel.attachToComponent (&depthSlider, false);
addAndMakeVisible (orientationButton);
orientationButton.onClick = [this] { toolbar.setVertical (! toolbar.isVertical()); resized(); };
orientationButton.changeWidthToFitText (22);
orientationButton.setTopLeftPosition (depthSlider.getX(), depthSlider.getBottom() + 20);
addAndMakeVisible (customiseButton);
customiseButton.onClick = [this] { toolbar.showCustomisationDialog (factory); };
customiseButton.changeWidthToFitText (22);
customiseButton.setTopLeftPosition (orientationButton.getRight() + 20, orientationButton.getY());
void resized() override
auto toolbarThickness = (int) depthSlider.getValue();
if (toolbar.isVertical())
toolbar.setBounds (getLocalBounds().removeFromLeft (toolbarThickness));
toolbar.setBounds (getLocalBounds().removeFromTop (toolbarThickness));
void sliderValueChanged (Slider*) override
Toolbar toolbar;
Slider depthSlider { Slider::LinearHorizontal, Slider::TextBoxLeft };
Label depthLabel { {}, "Toolbar depth:" },
infoLabel { {}, "As well as showing off toolbars, this demo illustrates how to store "
"a set of SVG files in a Zip file, embed that in your application, and read "
"them back in at runtime.\n\nThe icon images here are taken from the open-source "
"Tango icon project."};
TextButton orientationButton { "Vertical/Horizontal" },
customiseButton { "Customise..." };
class DemoToolbarItemFactory : public ToolbarItemFactory
DemoToolbarItemFactory() {}
// Each type of item a toolbar can contain must be given a unique ID. These
// are the ones we'll use in this demo.
enum DemoToolbarItemIds
doc_new = 1,
doc_open = 2,
doc_save = 3,
doc_saveAs = 4,
edit_copy = 5,
edit_cut = 6,
edit_paste = 7,
juceLogoButton = 8,
customComboBox = 9
void getAllToolbarItemIds (Array<int>& ids) override
// This returns the complete list of all item IDs that are allowed to
// go in our toolbar. Any items you might want to add must be listed here. The
// order in which they are listed will be used by the toolbar customisation panel.
ids.add (doc_new);
ids.add (doc_open);
ids.add (doc_save);
ids.add (doc_saveAs);
ids.add (edit_copy);
ids.add (edit_cut);
ids.add (edit_paste);
ids.add (juceLogoButton);
ids.add (customComboBox);
// If you're going to use separators, then they must also be added explicitly
// to the list.
ids.add (separatorBarId);
ids.add (spacerId);
ids.add (flexibleSpacerId);
void getDefaultItemSet (Array<int>& ids) override
// This returns an ordered list of the set of items that make up a
// toolbar's default set. Not all items need to be on this list, and
// items can appear multiple times (e.g. the separators used here).
ids.add (doc_new);
ids.add (doc_open);
ids.add (doc_save);
ids.add (doc_saveAs);
ids.add (spacerId);
ids.add (separatorBarId);
ids.add (edit_copy);
ids.add (edit_cut);
ids.add (edit_paste);
ids.add (separatorBarId);
ids.add (flexibleSpacerId);
ids.add (customComboBox);
ids.add (flexibleSpacerId);
ids.add (separatorBarId);
ids.add (juceLogoButton);
ToolbarItemComponent* createItem (int itemId) override
switch (itemId)
case doc_new: return createButtonFromZipFileSVG (itemId, "new", "document-new.svg");
case doc_open: return createButtonFromZipFileSVG (itemId, "open", "document-open.svg");
case doc_save: return createButtonFromZipFileSVG (itemId, "save", "document-save.svg");
case doc_saveAs: return createButtonFromZipFileSVG (itemId, "save as", "document-save-as.svg");
case edit_copy: return createButtonFromZipFileSVG (itemId, "copy", "edit-copy.svg");
case edit_cut: return createButtonFromZipFileSVG (itemId, "cut", "edit-cut.svg");
case edit_paste: return createButtonFromZipFileSVG (itemId, "paste", "edit-paste.svg");
case juceLogoButton:
auto drawable = std::make_unique<DrawableImage>();
drawable->setImage (getImageFromAssets ("juce_icon.png"));
return new ToolbarButton (itemId, "juce!", std::move (drawable), {});
case customComboBox: return new CustomToolbarComboBox (itemId);
default: break;
return nullptr;
StringArray iconNames;
OwnedArray<Drawable> iconsFromZipFile;
// This is a little utility to create a button with one of the SVG images in
// our embedded ZIP file ""
ToolbarButton* createButtonFromZipFileSVG (const int itemId, const String& text, const String& filename)
if (iconsFromZipFile.size() == 0)
// If we've not already done so, load all the images from the zip file..
ZipFile icons (createAssetInputStream ("").release(), true);
for (int i = 0; i < icons.getNumEntries(); ++i)
std::unique_ptr<InputStream> svgFileStream (icons.createStreamForEntry (i));
if (svgFileStream.get() != nullptr)
iconNames.add (icons.getEntry (i)->filename);
iconsFromZipFile.add (Drawable::createFromImageDataStream (*svgFileStream));
auto* image = iconsFromZipFile[iconNames.indexOf (filename)];
return new ToolbarButton (itemId, text, image->createCopy(), {});
// Demonstrates how to put a custom component into a toolbar - this one contains
// a ComboBox.
class CustomToolbarComboBox : public ToolbarItemComponent
CustomToolbarComboBox (const int toolbarItemId)
: ToolbarItemComponent (toolbarItemId, "Custom Toolbar Item", false)
addAndMakeVisible (comboBox);
for (int i = 1; i < 20; ++i)
comboBox.addItem ("Toolbar ComboBox item " + String (i), i);
comboBox.setSelectedId (1);
comboBox.setEditableText (true);
bool getToolbarItemSizes (int /*toolbarDepth*/, bool isVertical,
int& preferredSize, int& minSize, int& maxSize) override
if (isVertical)
return false;
preferredSize = 250;
minSize = 80;
maxSize = 300;
return true;
void paintButtonArea (Graphics&, int, int, bool, bool) override
void contentAreaChanged (const Rectangle<int>& newArea) override
comboBox.setSize (newArea.getWidth() - 2,
jmin (newArea.getHeight() - 2, 22));
comboBox.setCentrePosition (newArea.getCentreX(), newArea.getCentreY());
ComboBox comboBox { "demo toolbar combo box" };
DemoToolbarItemFactory factory;
This class shows how to implement a TableListBoxModel to show in a TableListBox.
class TableDemoComponent : public Component,
public TableListBoxModel
// Load some data from an embedded XML file..
// Create our table component and add it to this component..
addAndMakeVisible (table);
table.setModel (this);
// give it a border
table.setColour (ListBox::outlineColourId, Colours::grey);
table.setOutlineThickness (1);
// Add some columns to the table header, based on the column list in our database..
for (auto* columnXml : columnList->getChildIterator())
table.getHeader().addColumn (columnXml->getStringAttribute ("name"),
columnXml->getIntAttribute ("columnId"),
columnXml->getIntAttribute ("width"),
50, 400,
// we could now change some initial settings..
table.getHeader().setSortColumnId (1, true); // sort forwards by the ID column
table.getHeader().setColumnVisible (7, false); // hide the "length" column until the user shows it
// un-comment this line to have a go of stretch-to-fit mode
// table.getHeader().setStretchToFitActive (true);
table.setMultipleSelectionEnabled (true);
// This is overloaded from TableListBoxModel, and must return the total number of rows in our table
int getNumRows() override
return numRows;
// This is overloaded from TableListBoxModel, and should fill in the background of the whole row
void paintRowBackground (Graphics& g, int rowNumber, int /*width*/, int /*height*/, bool rowIsSelected) override
auto alternateColour = getLookAndFeel().findColour (ListBox::backgroundColourId)
.interpolatedWith (getLookAndFeel().findColour (ListBox::textColourId), 0.03f);
if (rowIsSelected)
g.fillAll (Colours::lightblue);
else if (rowNumber % 2)
g.fillAll (alternateColour);
// This is overloaded from TableListBoxModel, and must paint any cells that aren't using custom
// components.
void paintCell (Graphics& g, int rowNumber, int columnId,
int width, int height, bool /*rowIsSelected*/) override
g.setColour (getLookAndFeel().findColour (ListBox::textColourId));
g.setFont (font);
if (auto* rowElement = dataList->getChildElement (rowNumber))
auto text = rowElement->getStringAttribute (getAttributeNameForColumnId (columnId));
g.drawText (text, 2, 0, width - 4, height, Justification::centredLeft, true);
g.setColour (getLookAndFeel().findColour (ListBox::backgroundColourId));
g.fillRect (width - 1, 0, 1, height);
// This is overloaded from TableListBoxModel, and tells us that the user has clicked a table header
// to change the sort order.
void sortOrderChanged (int newSortColumnId, bool isForwards) override
if (newSortColumnId != 0)
DemoDataSorter sorter (getAttributeNameForColumnId (newSortColumnId), isForwards);
dataList->sortChildElements (sorter);
// This is overloaded from TableListBoxModel, and must update any custom components that we're using
Component* refreshComponentForCell (int rowNumber, int columnId, bool /*isRowSelected*/,
Component* existingComponentToUpdate) override
if (columnId == 1 || columnId == 7) // The ID and Length columns do not have a custom component
jassert (existingComponentToUpdate == nullptr);
return nullptr;
if (columnId == 5) // For the ratings column, we return the custom combobox component
auto* ratingsBox = static_cast<RatingColumnCustomComponent*> (existingComponentToUpdate);
// If an existing component is being passed-in for updating, we'll re-use it, but
// if not, we'll have to create one.
if (ratingsBox == nullptr)
ratingsBox = new RatingColumnCustomComponent (*this);
ratingsBox->setRowAndColumn (rowNumber, columnId);
return ratingsBox;
// The other columns are editable text columns, for which we use the custom Label component
auto* textLabel = static_cast<EditableTextCustomComponent*> (existingComponentToUpdate);
// same as above...
if (textLabel == nullptr)
textLabel = new EditableTextCustomComponent (*this);
textLabel->setRowAndColumn (rowNumber, columnId);
return textLabel;
// This is overloaded from TableListBoxModel, and should choose the best width for the specified
// column.
int getColumnAutoSizeWidth (int columnId) override
if (columnId == 5)
return 100; // (this is the ratings column, containing a custom combobox component)
int widest = 32;
// find the widest bit of text in this column..
for (int i = getNumRows(); --i >= 0;)
if (auto* rowElement = dataList->getChildElement (i))
auto text = rowElement->getStringAttribute (getAttributeNameForColumnId (columnId));
widest = jmax (widest, font.getStringWidth (text));
return widest + 8;
// A couple of quick methods to set and get cell values when the user changes them
int getRating (const int rowNumber) const
return dataList->getChildElement (rowNumber)->getIntAttribute ("Rating");
void setRating (const int rowNumber, const int newRating)
dataList->getChildElement (rowNumber)->setAttribute ("Rating", newRating);
String getText (const int columnNumber, const int rowNumber) const
return dataList->getChildElement (rowNumber)->getStringAttribute ( getAttributeNameForColumnId(columnNumber));
void setText (const int columnNumber, const int rowNumber, const String& newText)
auto columnName = table.getHeader().getColumnName (columnNumber);
dataList->getChildElement (rowNumber)->setAttribute (columnName, newText);
void resized() override
// position our table with a gap around its edge
table.setBoundsInset (BorderSize<int> (8));
TableListBox table; // the table component itself
Font font { 14.0f };
std::unique_ptr<XmlElement> demoData; // This is the XML document loaded from the embedded file "demo table data.xml"
XmlElement* columnList = nullptr; // A pointer to the sub-node of demoData that contains the list of columns
XmlElement* dataList = nullptr; // A pointer to the sub-node of demoData that contains the list of data rows
int numRows; // The number of rows of data we've got
// This is a custom Label component, which we use for the table's editable text columns.
class EditableTextCustomComponent : public Label
EditableTextCustomComponent (TableDemoComponent& td) : owner (td)
// double click to edit the label text; single click handled below
setEditable (false, true, false);
void mouseDown (const MouseEvent& event) override
// single click on the label should simply select the row
owner.table.selectRowsBasedOnModifierKeys (row, event.mods, false);
Label::mouseDown (event);
void textWasEdited() override
owner.setText (columnId, row, getText());
// Our demo code will call this when we may need to update our contents
void setRowAndColumn (const int newRow, const int newColumn)
row = newRow;
columnId = newColumn;
setText (owner.getText(columnId, row), dontSendNotification);
void paint (Graphics& g) override
auto& lf = getLookAndFeel();
if (! dynamic_cast<LookAndFeel_V4*> (&lf))
lf.setColour (textColourId, Colours::black);
Label::paint (g);
TableDemoComponent& owner;
int row, columnId;
Colour textColour;
// This is a custom component containing a combo box, which we're going to put inside
// our table's "rating" column.
class RatingColumnCustomComponent : public Component
RatingColumnCustomComponent (TableDemoComponent& td) : owner (td)
// just put a combo box inside this component
addAndMakeVisible (comboBox);
comboBox.addItem ("fab", 1);
comboBox.addItem ("groovy", 2);
comboBox.addItem ("hep", 3);
comboBox.addItem ("mad for it", 4);
comboBox.addItem ("neat", 5);
comboBox.addItem ("swingin", 6);
comboBox.addItem ("wild", 7);
comboBox.onChange = [this] { owner.setRating (row, comboBox.getSelectedId()); };
comboBox.setWantsKeyboardFocus (false);
void resized() override
comboBox.setBoundsInset (BorderSize<int> (2));
// Our demo code will call this when we may need to update our contents
void setRowAndColumn (int newRow, int newColumn)
row = newRow;
columnId = newColumn;
comboBox.setSelectedId (owner.getRating (row), dontSendNotification);
TableDemoComponent& owner;
ComboBox comboBox;
int row, columnId;
// A comparator used to sort our data when the user clicks a column header
class DemoDataSorter
DemoDataSorter (const String& attributeToSortBy, bool forwards)
: attributeToSort (attributeToSortBy),
direction (forwards ? 1 : -1)
int compareElements (XmlElement* first, XmlElement* second) const
auto result = first->getStringAttribute (attributeToSort)
.compareNatural (second->getStringAttribute (attributeToSort));
if (result == 0)
result = first->getStringAttribute ("ID")
.compareNatural (second->getStringAttribute ("ID"));
return direction * result;
String attributeToSort;
int direction;
// this loads the embedded database XML file into memory
void loadData()
demoData = parseXML (loadEntireAssetIntoString ("demo table data.xml"));
dataList = demoData->getChildByName ("DATA");
columnList = demoData->getChildByName ("COLUMNS");
numRows = dataList->getNumChildElements();
// (a utility method to search our XML for the attribute that matches a column ID)
String getAttributeNameForColumnId (const int columnId) const
for (auto* columnXml : columnList->getChildIterator())
if (columnXml->getIntAttribute ("columnId") == columnId)
return columnXml->getStringAttribute ("name");
return {};
class DragAndDropDemo : public Component,
public DragAndDropContainer
setName ("Drag-and-Drop");
sourceListBox.setModel (&sourceModel);
sourceListBox.setMultipleSelectionEnabled (true);
addAndMakeVisible (sourceListBox);
addAndMakeVisible (target);
void resized() override
auto r = getLocalBounds().reduced (8);
sourceListBox.setBounds (r.withSize (250, 180));
target .setBounds (r.removeFromBottom (150).removeFromRight (250));
struct SourceItemListboxContents : public ListBoxModel
// The following methods implement the necessary virtual functions from ListBoxModel,
// telling the listbox how many rows there are, painting them, etc.
int getNumRows() override
return 30;
void paintListBoxItem (int rowNumber, Graphics& g,
int width, int height, bool rowIsSelected) override
if (rowIsSelected)
g.fillAll (Colours::lightblue);
g.setColour (LookAndFeel::getDefaultLookAndFeel().findColour (Label::textColourId));
g.setFont ((float) height * 0.7f);
g.drawText ("Draggable Thing #" + String (rowNumber + 1),
5, 0, width, height,
Justification::centredLeft, true);
var getDragSourceDescription (const SparseSet<int>& selectedRows) override
// for our drag description, we'll just make a comma-separated list of the selected row
// numbers - this will be picked up by the drag target and displayed in its box.
StringArray rows;
for (int i = 0; i < selectedRows.size(); ++i)
rows.add (String (selectedRows[i] + 1));
return rows.joinIntoString (", ");
// and this is a component that can have things dropped onto it..
class DragAndDropDemoTarget : public Component,
public DragAndDropTarget,
public FileDragAndDropTarget,
public TextDragAndDropTarget
DragAndDropDemoTarget() {}
void paint (Graphics& g) override
g.fillAll (Colours::green.withAlpha (0.2f));
// draw a red line around the comp if the user's currently dragging something over it..
if (somethingIsBeingDraggedOver)
g.setColour (Colours::red);
g.drawRect (getLocalBounds(), 3);
g.setColour (getLookAndFeel().findColour (Label::textColourId));
g.setFont (14.0f);
g.drawFittedText (message, getLocalBounds().reduced (10, 0), Justification::centred, 4);
// These methods implement the DragAndDropTarget interface, and allow our component
// to accept drag-and-drop of objects from other JUCE components..
bool isInterestedInDragSource (const SourceDetails& /*dragSourceDetails*/) override
// normally you'd check the sourceDescription value to see if it's the
// sort of object that you're interested in before returning true, but for
// the demo, we'll say yes to anything..
return true;
void itemDragEnter (const SourceDetails& /*dragSourceDetails*/) override
somethingIsBeingDraggedOver = true;
void itemDragMove (const SourceDetails& /*dragSourceDetails*/) override
void itemDragExit (const SourceDetails& /*dragSourceDetails*/) override
somethingIsBeingDraggedOver = false;
void itemDropped (const SourceDetails& dragSourceDetails) override
message = "Items dropped: " + dragSourceDetails.description.toString();
somethingIsBeingDraggedOver = false;
// These methods implement the FileDragAndDropTarget interface, and allow our component
// to accept drag-and-drop of files..
bool isInterestedInFileDrag (const StringArray& /*files*/) override
// normally you'd check these files to see if they're something that you're
// interested in before returning true, but for the demo, we'll say yes to anything..
return true;
void fileDragEnter (const StringArray& /*files*/, int /*x*/, int /*y*/) override
somethingIsBeingDraggedOver = true;
void fileDragMove (const StringArray& /*files*/, int /*x*/, int /*y*/) override
void fileDragExit (const StringArray& /*files*/) override
somethingIsBeingDraggedOver = false;
void filesDropped (const StringArray& files, int /*x*/, int /*y*/) override
message = "Files dropped: " + files.joinIntoString ("\n");
somethingIsBeingDraggedOver = false;
// These methods implement the TextDragAndDropTarget interface, and allow our component
// to accept drag-and-drop of text..
bool isInterestedInTextDrag (const String& /*text*/) override
return true;
void textDragEnter (const String& /*text*/, int /*x*/, int /*y*/) override
somethingIsBeingDraggedOver = true;
void textDragMove (const String& /*text*/, int /*x*/, int /*y*/) override
void textDragExit (const String& /*text*/) override
somethingIsBeingDraggedOver = false;
void textDropped (const String& text, int /*x*/, int /*y*/) override
message = "Text dropped:\n" + text;
somethingIsBeingDraggedOver = false;
String message { "Drag-and-drop some rows from the top-left box onto this component!\n\n"
"You can also drag-and-drop files and text from other apps"};
bool somethingIsBeingDraggedOver = false;
ListBox sourceListBox { "D+D source", nullptr };
SourceItemListboxContents sourceModel;
DragAndDropDemoTarget target;
struct DemoTabbedComponent : public TabbedComponent
DemoTabbedComponent (bool isRunningComponenTransformsDemo)
: TabbedComponent (TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtTop)
auto colour = findColour (ResizableWindow::backgroundColourId);
addTab ("Buttons", colour, new ButtonsPage (isRunningComponenTransformsDemo), true);
addTab ("Sliders", colour, new SlidersPage(), true);
addTab ("Toolbars", colour, new ToolbarDemoComp(), true);
addTab ("Misc", colour, new MiscPage(), true);
addTab ("Menus", colour, new MenuPage(), true);
addTab ("Tables", colour, new TableDemoComponent(), true);
addTab ("Drag & Drop", colour, new DragAndDropDemo(), true);
getTabbedButtonBar().getTabButton (5)->setExtraComponent (new CustomTabButton (isRunningComponenTransformsDemo),
// This is a small star button that is put inside one of the tabs. You can
// use this technique to create things like "close tab" buttons, etc.
class CustomTabButton : public Component
CustomTabButton (bool isRunningComponenTransformsDemo)
: runningComponenTransformsDemo (isRunningComponenTransformsDemo)
setSize (20, 20);
void paint (Graphics& g) override
Path star;
star.addStar ({}, 7, 1.0f, 2.0f);
g.setColour (Colours::green);
g.fillPath (star, star.getTransformToScaleToFit (getLocalBounds().reduced (2).toFloat(), true));
void mouseDown (const MouseEvent&) override
showBubbleMessage (*this,
"This is a custom tab component\n"
"You can use these to implement things like close-buttons "
"or status displays for your tabs.",
bool runningComponenTransformsDemo;
std::unique_ptr<BubbleMessageComponent> bubbleMessage;
struct WidgetsDemo : public Component
WidgetsDemo (bool isRunningComponenTransformsDemo = false)
: tabs (isRunningComponenTransformsDemo)
setOpaque (true);
addAndMakeVisible (tabs);
setSize (700, 500);
void paint (Graphics& g) override
g.fillAll (Colours::lightgrey);
void resized() override
tabs.setBounds (getLocalBounds().reduced (4));
DemoTabbedComponent tabs;
void showBubbleMessage (Component& targetComponent, const String& textToShow,
std::unique_ptr<BubbleMessageComponent>& bmc,
bool isRunningComponentTransformDemo)
bmc.reset (new BubbleMessageComponent());
if (isRunningComponentTransformDemo)
targetComponent.findParentComponentOfClass<WidgetsDemo>()->addChildComponent (bmc.get());
else if (Desktop::canUseSemiTransparentWindows())
bmc->setAlwaysOnTop (true);
bmc->addToDesktop (0);
targetComponent.getTopLevelComponent()->addChildComponent (bmc.get());
AttributedString text (textToShow);
text.setJustification (Justification::centred);
text.setColour (targetComponent.findColour (TextButton::textColourOffId));
bmc->showAt (&targetComponent, text, 2000, true, false);