subrepo: subdir: "deps/juce" merged: "b13f9084e" upstream: origin: "https://github.com/essej/JUCE.git" branch: "sono6good" commit: "b13f9084e" git-subrepo: version: "0.4.3" origin: "https://github.com/ingydotnet/git-subrepo.git" commit: "2f68596"
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This file is part of the JUCE library.
Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited
JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License
Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020).
End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence
Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy
Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see
namespace juce
namespace PopupMenuSettings
const int scrollZone = 24;
const int dismissCommandId = 0x6287345f;
static bool menuWasHiddenBecauseOfAppChange = false;
struct PopupMenu::HelperClasses
class MouseSourceState;
struct MenuWindow;
static bool canBeTriggered (const PopupMenu::Item& item) noexcept { return item.isEnabled && item.itemID != 0 && ! item.isSectionHeader; }
static bool hasActiveSubMenu (const PopupMenu::Item& item) noexcept { return item.isEnabled && item.subMenu != nullptr && item.subMenu->items.size() > 0; }
struct HeaderItemComponent : public PopupMenu::CustomComponent
HeaderItemComponent (const String& name, const Options& opts)
: CustomComponent (false), options (opts)
setName (name);
void paint (Graphics& g) override
getLookAndFeel().drawPopupMenuSectionHeaderWithOptions (g,
void getIdealSize (int& idealWidth, int& idealHeight) override
getLookAndFeel().getIdealPopupMenuItemSizeWithOptions (getName(),
idealHeight += idealHeight / 2;
idealWidth += idealWidth / 4;
const Options& options;
struct ItemComponent : public Component
ItemComponent (const PopupMenu::Item& i,
const PopupMenu::Options& o,
MenuWindow& parent)
: item (i), parentWindow (parent), options (o), customComp (i.customComponent)
if (item.isSectionHeader)
customComp = *new HeaderItemComponent (item.text, options);
if (customComp != nullptr)
setItem (*customComp, &item);
addAndMakeVisible (*customComp);
parent.addAndMakeVisible (this);
int itemW = 80;
int itemH = 16;
getIdealSize (itemW, itemH, options.getStandardItemHeight());
setSize (itemW, jlimit (1, 600, itemH));
addMouseListener (&parent, false);
~ItemComponent() override
if (customComp != nullptr)
setItem (*customComp, nullptr);
removeChildComponent (customComp.get());
void getIdealSize (int& idealWidth, int& idealHeight, const int standardItemHeight)
if (customComp != nullptr)
customComp->getIdealSize (idealWidth, idealHeight);
getLookAndFeel().getIdealPopupMenuItemSizeWithOptions (getTextForMeasurement(),
idealWidth, idealHeight,
void paint (Graphics& g) override
if (customComp == nullptr)
getLookAndFeel().drawPopupMenuItemWithOptions (g, getLocalBounds(),
void resized() override
if (auto* child = getChildComponent (0))
const auto border = getLookAndFeel().getPopupMenuBorderSizeWithOptions (options);
child->setBounds (getLocalBounds().reduced (border, 0));
void setHighlighted (bool shouldBeHighlighted)
shouldBeHighlighted = shouldBeHighlighted && item.isEnabled;
if (isHighlighted != shouldBeHighlighted)
isHighlighted = shouldBeHighlighted;
if (customComp != nullptr)
customComp->setHighlighted (shouldBeHighlighted);
if (isHighlighted)
if (auto* handler = getAccessibilityHandler())
PopupMenu::Item item;
class ItemAccessibilityHandler : public AccessibilityHandler
explicit ItemAccessibilityHandler (ItemComponent& itemComponentToWrap)
: AccessibilityHandler (itemComponentToWrap,
getAccessibilityActions (*this, itemComponentToWrap)),
itemComponent (itemComponentToWrap)
String getTitle() const override
return itemComponent.item.text;
AccessibleState getCurrentState() const override
auto state = AccessibilityHandler::getCurrentState().withSelectable()
if (hasActiveSubMenu (itemComponent.item))
state = itemComponent.parentWindow.isSubMenuVisible() ? state.withExpandable().withExpanded()
: state.withExpandable().withCollapsed();
return state.isFocused() ? state.withSelected() : state;
static AccessibilityActions getAccessibilityActions (ItemAccessibilityHandler& handler,
ItemComponent& item)
auto onFocus = [&item]
item.parentWindow.ensureItemComponentIsVisible (item, -1);
item.parentWindow.setCurrentlyHighlightedChild (&item);
auto onPress = [&item]
item.parentWindow.setCurrentlyHighlightedChild (&item);
auto onToggle = [&handler, &item, onFocus]
if (handler.getCurrentState().isSelected())
item.parentWindow.setCurrentlyHighlightedChild (nullptr);
auto actions = AccessibilityActions().addAction (AccessibilityActionType::focus, std::move (onFocus))
.addAction (AccessibilityActionType::press, std::move (onPress))
.addAction (AccessibilityActionType::toggle, std::move (onToggle));
if (hasActiveSubMenu (item.item))
auto showSubMenu = [&item]
item.parentWindow.showSubMenuFor (&item);
if (auto* subMenu = item.parentWindow.activeSubMenu.get())
subMenu->setCurrentlyHighlightedChild (subMenu->items.getFirst());
actions.addAction (AccessibilityActionType::press, showSubMenu);
actions.addAction (AccessibilityActionType::showMenu, showSubMenu);
return actions;
ItemComponent& itemComponent;
std::unique_ptr<AccessibilityHandler> createAccessibilityHandler() override
return item.isSeparator ? nullptr : std::make_unique<ItemAccessibilityHandler> (*this);
MenuWindow& parentWindow;
const PopupMenu::Options& options;
// NB: we use a copy of the one from the item info in case we're using our own section comp
ReferenceCountedObjectPtr<CustomComponent> customComp;
bool isHighlighted = false;
void updateShortcutKeyDescription()
if (item.commandManager != nullptr
&& item.itemID != 0
&& item.shortcutKeyDescription.isEmpty())
String shortcutKey;
for (auto& keypress : item.commandManager->getKeyMappings()
->getKeyPressesAssignedToCommand (item.itemID))
auto key = keypress.getTextDescriptionWithIcons();
if (shortcutKey.isNotEmpty())
shortcutKey << ", ";
if (key.length() == 1 && key[0] < 128)
shortcutKey << "shortcut: '" << key << '\'';
shortcutKey << key;
item.shortcutKeyDescription = shortcutKey.trim();
String getTextForMeasurement() const
return item.shortcutKeyDescription.isNotEmpty() ? item.text + " " + item.shortcutKeyDescription
: item.text;
struct MenuWindow : public Component
MenuWindow (const PopupMenu& menu, MenuWindow* parentWindow,
Options opts, bool alignToRectangle, bool shouldDismissOnMouseUp,
ApplicationCommandManager** manager, float parentScaleFactor = 1.0f)
: Component ("menu"),
parent (parentWindow),
options (opts.withParentComponent (getLookAndFeel().getParentComponentForMenuOptions (opts))),
managerOfChosenCommand (manager),
componentAttachedTo (options.getTargetComponent()),
dismissOnMouseUp (shouldDismissOnMouseUp),
windowCreationTime (Time::getMillisecondCounter()),
lastFocusedTime (windowCreationTime),
timeEnteredCurrentChildComp (windowCreationTime),
scaleFactor (parentWindow != nullptr ? parentScaleFactor : 1.0f)
setWantsKeyboardFocus (false);
setMouseClickGrabsKeyboardFocus (false);
setAlwaysOnTop (true);
setFocusContainerType (FocusContainerType::focusContainer);
setLookAndFeel (parent != nullptr ? &(parent->getLookAndFeel())
: menu.lookAndFeel.get());
auto& lf = getLookAndFeel();
if (auto* pc = options.getParentComponent())
pc->addChildComponent (this);
const auto shouldDisableAccessibility = [this]
const auto* compToCheck = parent != nullptr ? parent
: options.getTargetComponent();
return compToCheck != nullptr && ! compToCheck->isAccessible();
if (shouldDisableAccessibility)
setAccessible (false);
addToDesktop (ComponentPeer::windowIsTemporary
| ComponentPeer::windowIgnoresKeyPresses
| lf.getMenuWindowFlags());
Desktop::getInstance().addGlobalMouseListener (this);
if (options.getParentComponent() == nullptr && parentWindow == nullptr && lf.shouldPopupMenuScaleWithTargetComponent (options))
if (auto* targetComponent = options.getTargetComponent())
scaleFactor = Component::getApproximateScaleFactorForComponent (targetComponent);
setOpaque (lf.findColour (PopupMenu::backgroundColourId).isOpaque()
|| ! Desktop::canUseSemiTransparentWindows());
const auto initialSelectedId = options.getInitiallySelectedItemId();
for (int i = 0; i < menu.items.size(); ++i)
auto& item = menu.items.getReference (i);
if (i + 1 < menu.items.size() || ! item.isSeparator)
auto* child = items.add (new ItemComponent (item, options, *this));
if (initialSelectedId != 0 && item.itemID == initialSelectedId)
setCurrentlyHighlightedChild (child);
auto targetArea = options.getTargetScreenArea() / scaleFactor;
calculateWindowPos (targetArea, alignToRectangle);
setTopLeftPosition (windowPos.getPosition());
if (auto visibleID = options.getItemThatMustBeVisible())
for (auto* item : items)
if (item->item.itemID == visibleID)
const auto targetPosition = [&]
if (auto* pc = options.getParentComponent())
return pc->getLocalPoint (nullptr, targetArea.getTopLeft());
return targetArea.getTopLeft();
auto y = targetPosition.getY() - windowPos.getY();
ensureItemComponentIsVisible (*item, isPositiveAndBelow (y, windowPos.getHeight()) ? y : -1);
getActiveWindows().add (this);
lf.preparePopupMenuWindow (*this);
getMouseState (Desktop::getInstance().getMainMouseSource()); // forces creation of a mouse source watcher for the main mouse
~MenuWindow() override
getActiveWindows().removeFirstMatchingValue (this);
Desktop::getInstance().removeGlobalMouseListener (this);
void paint (Graphics& g) override
if (isOpaque())
g.fillAll (Colours::white);
auto& theme = getLookAndFeel();
theme.drawPopupMenuBackgroundWithOptions (g, getWidth(), getHeight(), options);
if (columnWidths.isEmpty())
const auto separatorWidth = theme.getPopupMenuColumnSeparatorWidthWithOptions (options);
const auto border = theme.getPopupMenuBorderSizeWithOptions (options);
auto currentX = 0;
std::for_each (columnWidths.begin(), std::prev (columnWidths.end()), [&] (int width)
const Rectangle<int> separator (currentX + width,
getHeight() - border * 2);
theme.drawPopupMenuColumnSeparatorWithOptions (g, separator, options);
currentX += width + separatorWidth;
void paintOverChildren (Graphics& g) override
auto& lf = getLookAndFeel();
if (options.getParentComponent())
lf.drawResizableFrame (g, getWidth(), getHeight(),
BorderSize<int> (getLookAndFeel().getPopupMenuBorderSizeWithOptions (options)));
if (canScroll())
if (isTopScrollZoneActive())
lf.drawPopupMenuUpDownArrowWithOptions (g,
if (isBottomScrollZoneActive())
g.setOrigin (0, getHeight() - PopupMenuSettings::scrollZone);
lf.drawPopupMenuUpDownArrowWithOptions (g,
// hide this and all sub-comps
void hide (const PopupMenu::Item* item, bool makeInvisible)
if (isVisible())
WeakReference<Component> deletionChecker (this);
currentChild = nullptr;
if (item != nullptr
&& item->commandManager != nullptr
&& item->itemID != 0)
*managerOfChosenCommand = item->commandManager;
auto resultID = options.hasWatchedComponentBeenDeleted() ? 0 : getResultItemID (item);
exitModalState (resultID);
if (makeInvisible && deletionChecker != nullptr)
setVisible (false);
if (resultID != 0
&& item != nullptr
&& item->action != nullptr)
MessageManager::callAsync (item->action);
static int getResultItemID (const PopupMenu::Item* item)
if (item == nullptr)
return 0;
if (auto* cc = item->customCallback.get())
if (! cc->menuItemTriggered())
return 0;
return item->itemID;
void dismissMenu (const PopupMenu::Item* item)
if (parent != nullptr)
parent->dismissMenu (item);
if (item != nullptr)
// need a copy of this on the stack as the one passed in will get deleted during this call
auto mi (*item);
hide (&mi, false);
hide (nullptr, true);
float getDesktopScaleFactor() const override { return scaleFactor * Desktop::getInstance().getGlobalScaleFactor(); }
void visibilityChanged() override
if (! isShowing())
auto* accessibleFocus = [this]
if (currentChild != nullptr)
if (auto* childHandler = currentChild->getAccessibilityHandler())
return childHandler;
return getAccessibilityHandler();
if (accessibleFocus != nullptr)
bool keyPressed (const KeyPress& key) override
if (key.isKeyCode (KeyPress::downKey))
selectNextItem (MenuSelectionDirection::forwards);
else if (key.isKeyCode (KeyPress::upKey))
selectNextItem (MenuSelectionDirection::backwards);
else if (key.isKeyCode (KeyPress::leftKey))
if (parent != nullptr)
Component::SafePointer<MenuWindow> parentWindow (parent);
ItemComponent* currentChildOfParent = parentWindow->currentChild;
hide (nullptr, true);
if (parentWindow != nullptr)
parentWindow->setCurrentlyHighlightedChild (currentChildOfParent);
else if (componentAttachedTo != nullptr)
componentAttachedTo->keyPressed (key);
else if (key.isKeyCode (KeyPress::rightKey))
if (showSubMenuFor (currentChild))
if (isSubMenuVisible())
activeSubMenu->selectNextItem (MenuSelectionDirection::current);
else if (componentAttachedTo != nullptr)
componentAttachedTo->keyPressed (key);
else if (key.isKeyCode (KeyPress::returnKey) || key.isKeyCode (KeyPress::spaceKey))
else if (key.isKeyCode (KeyPress::escapeKey))
dismissMenu (nullptr);
return false;
return true;
void inputAttemptWhenModal() override
WeakReference<Component> deletionChecker (this);
for (auto* ms : mouseSourceStates)
if (deletionChecker == nullptr)
if (! isOverAnyMenu())
if (componentAttachedTo != nullptr)
// we want to dismiss the menu, but if we do it synchronously, then
// the mouse-click will be allowed to pass through. That's good, except
// when the user clicks on the button that originally popped the menu up,
// as they'll expect the menu to go away, and in fact it'll just
// come back. So only dismiss synchronously if they're not on the original
// comp that we're attached to.
auto mousePos = componentAttachedTo->getMouseXYRelative();
if (componentAttachedTo->reallyContains (mousePos, true))
postCommandMessage (PopupMenuSettings::dismissCommandId); // dismiss asynchronously
dismissMenu (nullptr);
void handleCommandMessage (int commandId) override
Component::handleCommandMessage (commandId);
if (commandId == PopupMenuSettings::dismissCommandId)
dismissMenu (nullptr);
void mouseMove (const MouseEvent& e) override { handleMouseEvent (e); }
void mouseDown (const MouseEvent& e) override { handleMouseEvent (e); }
void mouseDrag (const MouseEvent& e) override { handleMouseEvent (e); }
void mouseUp (const MouseEvent& e) override { handleMouseEvent (e); }
void mouseWheelMove (const MouseEvent&, const MouseWheelDetails& wheel) override
alterChildYPos (roundToInt (-10.0f * wheel.deltaY * PopupMenuSettings::scrollZone));
void handleMouseEvent (const MouseEvent& e)
getMouseState (e.source).handleMouseEvent (e);
bool windowIsStillValid()
if (! isVisible())
return false;
if (componentAttachedTo != options.getTargetComponent())
dismissMenu (nullptr);
return false;
if (auto* currentlyModalWindow = dynamic_cast<MenuWindow*> (Component::getCurrentlyModalComponent()))
if (! treeContains (currentlyModalWindow))
return false;
return true;
static Array<MenuWindow*>& getActiveWindows()
static Array<MenuWindow*> activeMenuWindows;
return activeMenuWindows;
MouseSourceState& getMouseState (MouseInputSource source)
MouseSourceState* mouseState = nullptr;
for (auto* ms : mouseSourceStates)
if (ms->source == source) mouseState = ms;
else if (ms->source.getType() != source.getType()) ms->stopTimer();
if (mouseState == nullptr)
mouseState = new MouseSourceState (*this, source);
mouseSourceStates.add (mouseState);
return *mouseState;
bool isOverAnyMenu() const
return parent != nullptr ? parent->isOverAnyMenu()
: isOverChildren();
bool isOverChildren() const
return isVisible()
&& (isAnyMouseOver() || (activeSubMenu != nullptr && activeSubMenu->isOverChildren()));
bool isAnyMouseOver() const
for (auto* ms : mouseSourceStates)
if (ms->isOver())
return true;
return false;
bool treeContains (const MenuWindow* const window) const noexcept
auto* mw = this;
while (mw->parent != nullptr)
mw = mw->parent;
while (mw != nullptr)
if (mw == window)
return true;
mw = mw->activeSubMenu.get();
return false;
bool doesAnyJuceCompHaveFocus()
if (! isForegroundOrEmbeddedProcess (componentAttachedTo))
return false;
if (Component::getCurrentlyFocusedComponent() != nullptr)
return true;
for (int i = ComponentPeer::getNumPeers(); --i >= 0;)
if (ComponentPeer::getPeer (i)->isFocused())
hasAnyJuceCompHadFocus = true;
return true;
return ! hasAnyJuceCompHadFocus;
Rectangle<int> getParentArea (Point<int> targetPoint, Component* relativeTo = nullptr)
if (relativeTo != nullptr)
targetPoint = relativeTo->localPointToGlobal (targetPoint);
auto* display = Desktop::getInstance().getDisplays().getDisplayForPoint (targetPoint * scaleFactor);
auto parentArea = display->safeAreaInsets.subtractedFrom (display->totalArea);
if (auto* pc = options.getParentComponent())
return pc->getLocalArea (nullptr,
.reduced (getLookAndFeel().getPopupMenuBorderSizeWithOptions (options))
.getIntersection (parentArea));
return parentArea;
void calculateWindowPos (Rectangle<int> target, const bool alignToRectangle)
auto parentArea = getParentArea (target.getCentre()) / scaleFactor;
if (auto* pc = options.getParentComponent())
target = pc->getLocalArea (nullptr, target).getIntersection (parentArea);
auto maxMenuHeight = parentArea.getHeight() - 24;
int x, y, widthToUse, heightToUse;
layoutMenuItems (parentArea.getWidth() - 24, maxMenuHeight, widthToUse, heightToUse);
if (alignToRectangle)
x = target.getX();
auto spaceUnder = parentArea.getBottom() - target.getBottom();
auto spaceOver = target.getY() - parentArea.getY();
auto bufferHeight = 30;
if (options.getPreferredPopupDirection() == Options::PopupDirection::upwards)
y = (heightToUse < spaceOver - bufferHeight || spaceOver >= spaceUnder) ? target.getY() - heightToUse
: target.getBottom();
y = (heightToUse < spaceUnder - bufferHeight || spaceUnder >= spaceOver) ? target.getBottom()
: target.getY() - heightToUse;
bool tendTowardsRight = target.getCentreX() < parentArea.getCentreX();
if (parent != nullptr)
if (parent->parent != nullptr)
const bool parentGoingRight = (parent->getX() + parent->getWidth() / 2
> parent->parent->getX() + parent->parent->getWidth() / 2);
if (parentGoingRight && target.getRight() + widthToUse < parentArea.getRight() - 4)
tendTowardsRight = true;
else if ((! parentGoingRight) && target.getX() > widthToUse + 4)
tendTowardsRight = false;
else if (target.getRight() + widthToUse < parentArea.getRight() - 32)
tendTowardsRight = true;
auto biggestSpace = jmax (parentArea.getRight() - target.getRight(),
target.getX() - parentArea.getX()) - 32;
if (biggestSpace < widthToUse)
layoutMenuItems (biggestSpace + target.getWidth() / 3, maxMenuHeight, widthToUse, heightToUse);
if (numColumns > 1)
layoutMenuItems (biggestSpace - 4, maxMenuHeight, widthToUse, heightToUse);
tendTowardsRight = (parentArea.getRight() - target.getRight()) >= (target.getX() - parentArea.getX());
x = tendTowardsRight ? jmin (parentArea.getRight() - widthToUse - 4, target.getRight())
: jmax (parentArea.getX() + 4, target.getX() - widthToUse);
if (getLookAndFeel().getPopupMenuBorderSizeWithOptions (options) == 0) // workaround for dismissing the window on mouse up when border size is 0
x += tendTowardsRight ? 1 : -1;
const auto border = getLookAndFeel().getPopupMenuBorderSizeWithOptions (options);
y = target.getCentreY() > parentArea.getCentreY() ? jmax (parentArea.getY(), target.getBottom() - heightToUse) + border
: target.getY() - border;
x = jmax (parentArea.getX() + 1, jmin (parentArea.getRight() - (widthToUse + 6), x));
y = jmax (parentArea.getY() + 1, jmin (parentArea.getBottom() - (heightToUse + 6), y));
windowPos.setBounds (x, y, widthToUse, heightToUse);
// sets this flag if it's big enough to obscure any of its parent menus
hideOnExit = parent != nullptr
&& parent->windowPos.intersects (windowPos.expanded (-4, -4));
void layoutMenuItems (const int maxMenuW, const int maxMenuH, int& width, int& height)
// Ensure we don't try to add an empty column after the final item
if (auto* last = items.getLast())
last->item.shouldBreakAfter = false;
const auto isBreak = [] (const ItemComponent* item) { return item->item.shouldBreakAfter; };
const auto numBreaks = static_cast<int> (std::count_if (items.begin(), items.end(), isBreak));
numColumns = numBreaks + 1;
if (numBreaks == 0)
insertColumnBreaks (maxMenuW, maxMenuH);
workOutManualSize (maxMenuW);
height = jmin (contentHeight, maxMenuH);
needsToScroll = contentHeight > height;
width = updateYPositions();
void insertColumnBreaks (const int maxMenuW, const int maxMenuH)
numColumns = options.getMinimumNumColumns();
contentHeight = 0;
auto maximumNumColumns = options.getMaximumNumColumns() > 0 ? options.getMaximumNumColumns() : 7;
for (;;)
auto totalW = workOutBestSize (maxMenuW);
if (totalW > maxMenuW)
numColumns = jmax (1, numColumns - 1);
workOutBestSize (maxMenuW); // to update col widths
if (totalW > maxMenuW / 2
|| contentHeight < maxMenuH
|| numColumns >= maximumNumColumns)
const auto itemsPerColumn = (items.size() + numColumns - 1) / numColumns;
for (auto i = 0;; i += itemsPerColumn)
const auto breakIndex = i + itemsPerColumn - 1;
if (breakIndex >= items.size())
items[breakIndex]->item.shouldBreakAfter = true;
if (! items.isEmpty())
(*std::prev (items.end()))->item.shouldBreakAfter = false;
int correctColumnWidths (const int maxMenuW)
auto totalW = std::accumulate (columnWidths.begin(), columnWidths.end(), 0);
const auto minWidth = jmin (maxMenuW, options.getMinimumWidth());
if (totalW < minWidth)
totalW = minWidth;
for (auto& column : columnWidths)
column = totalW / numColumns;
return totalW;
void workOutManualSize (const int maxMenuW)
contentHeight = 0;
for (auto it = items.begin(), end = items.end(); it != end;)
const auto isBreak = [] (const ItemComponent* item) { return item->item.shouldBreakAfter; };
const auto nextBreak = std::find_if (it, end, isBreak);
const auto columnEnd = nextBreak == end ? end : std::next (nextBreak);
const auto getMaxWidth = [] (int acc, const ItemComponent* item) { return jmax (acc, item->getWidth()); };
const auto colW = std::accumulate (it, columnEnd, options.getStandardItemHeight(), getMaxWidth);
const auto adjustedColW = jmin (maxMenuW / jmax (1, numColumns - 2),
colW + getLookAndFeel().getPopupMenuBorderSizeWithOptions (options) * 2);
const auto sumHeight = [] (int acc, const ItemComponent* item) { return acc + item->getHeight(); };
const auto colH = std::accumulate (it, columnEnd, 0, sumHeight);
contentHeight = jmax (contentHeight, colH);
columnWidths.add (adjustedColW);
it = columnEnd;
contentHeight += getLookAndFeel().getPopupMenuBorderSizeWithOptions (options) * 2;
correctColumnWidths (maxMenuW);
int workOutBestSize (const int maxMenuW)
contentHeight = 0;
int childNum = 0;
for (int col = 0; col < numColumns; ++col)
int colW = options.getStandardItemHeight(), colH = 0;
auto numChildren = jmin (items.size() - childNum,
(items.size() + numColumns - 1) / numColumns);
for (int i = numChildren; --i >= 0;)
colW = jmax (colW, items.getUnchecked (childNum + i)->getWidth());
colH += items.getUnchecked (childNum + i)->getHeight();
colW = jmin (maxMenuW / jmax (1, numColumns - 2),
colW + getLookAndFeel().getPopupMenuBorderSizeWithOptions (options) * 2);
columnWidths.set (col, colW);
contentHeight = jmax (contentHeight, colH);
childNum += numChildren;
return correctColumnWidths (maxMenuW);
void ensureItemComponentIsVisible (const ItemComponent& itemComp, int wantedY)
if (windowPos.getHeight() > PopupMenuSettings::scrollZone * 4)
auto currentY = itemComp.getY();
if (wantedY > 0 || currentY < 0 || itemComp.getBottom() > windowPos.getHeight())
if (wantedY < 0)
wantedY = jlimit (PopupMenuSettings::scrollZone,
jmax (PopupMenuSettings::scrollZone,
windowPos.getHeight() - (PopupMenuSettings::scrollZone + itemComp.getHeight())),
auto parentArea = getParentArea (windowPos.getPosition(), options.getParentComponent()) / scaleFactor;
auto deltaY = wantedY - currentY;
windowPos.setSize (jmin (windowPos.getWidth(), parentArea.getWidth()),
jmin (windowPos.getHeight(), parentArea.getHeight()));
auto newY = jlimit (parentArea.getY(),
parentArea.getBottom() - windowPos.getHeight(),
windowPos.getY() + deltaY);
deltaY -= newY - windowPos.getY();
childYOffset -= deltaY;
windowPos.setPosition (windowPos.getX(), newY);
void resizeToBestWindowPos()
auto r = windowPos;
if (childYOffset < 0)
r = r.withTop (r.getY() - childYOffset);
else if (childYOffset > 0)
auto spaceAtBottom = r.getHeight() - (contentHeight - childYOffset);
if (spaceAtBottom > 0)
r.setSize (r.getWidth(), r.getHeight() - spaceAtBottom);
setBounds (r);
void alterChildYPos (int delta)
if (canScroll())
childYOffset += delta;
childYOffset = [&]
if (delta < 0)
return jmax (childYOffset, 0);
if (delta > 0)
const auto limit = contentHeight
- windowPos.getHeight()
+ getLookAndFeel().getPopupMenuBorderSizeWithOptions (options);
return jmin (childYOffset, limit);
return childYOffset;
childYOffset = 0;
int updateYPositions()
const auto separatorWidth = getLookAndFeel().getPopupMenuColumnSeparatorWidthWithOptions (options);
const auto initialY = getLookAndFeel().getPopupMenuBorderSizeWithOptions (options)
- (childYOffset + (getY() - windowPos.getY()));
auto col = 0;
auto x = 0;
auto y = initialY;
for (const auto& item : items)
jassert (col < columnWidths.size());
const auto columnWidth = columnWidths[col];
item->setBounds (x, y, columnWidth, item->getHeight());
y += item->getHeight();
if (item->item.shouldBreakAfter)
col += 1;
x += columnWidth + separatorWidth;
y = initialY;
return std::accumulate (columnWidths.begin(), columnWidths.end(), 0)
+ (separatorWidth * (columnWidths.size() - 1));
void setCurrentlyHighlightedChild (ItemComponent* child)
if (currentChild != nullptr)
currentChild->setHighlighted (false);
currentChild = child;
if (currentChild != nullptr)
currentChild->setHighlighted (true);
timeEnteredCurrentChildComp = Time::getApproximateMillisecondCounter();
if (auto* handler = getAccessibilityHandler())
handler->notifyAccessibilityEvent (AccessibilityEvent::rowSelectionChanged);
bool isSubMenuVisible() const noexcept { return activeSubMenu != nullptr && activeSubMenu->isVisible(); }
bool showSubMenuFor (ItemComponent* childComp)
if (childComp != nullptr
&& hasActiveSubMenu (childComp->item))
activeSubMenu.reset (new HelperClasses::MenuWindow (*(childComp->item.subMenu), this,
options.withTargetScreenArea (childComp->getScreenBounds())
.withMinimumWidth (0)
.withTargetComponent (nullptr),
false, dismissOnMouseUp, managerOfChosenCommand, scaleFactor));
activeSubMenu->setVisible (true); // (must be called before enterModalState on Windows to avoid DropShadower confusion)
activeSubMenu->enterModalState (false);
activeSubMenu->toFront (false);
return true;
return false;
void triggerCurrentlyHighlightedItem()
if (currentChild != nullptr
&& canBeTriggered (currentChild->item)
&& (currentChild->item.customComponent == nullptr
|| currentChild->item.customComponent->isTriggeredAutomatically()))
dismissMenu (¤tChild->item);
enum class MenuSelectionDirection
void selectNextItem (MenuSelectionDirection direction)
auto start = [&]
auto index = items.indexOf (currentChild);
if (index >= 0)
return index;
return direction == MenuSelectionDirection::backwards ? items.size() - 1
: 0;
auto preIncrement = (direction != MenuSelectionDirection::current && currentChild != nullptr);
for (int i = items.size(); --i >= 0;)
if (preIncrement)
start += (direction == MenuSelectionDirection::backwards ? -1 : 1);
if (auto* mic = items.getUnchecked ((start + items.size()) % items.size()))
if (canBeTriggered (mic->item) || hasActiveSubMenu (mic->item))
setCurrentlyHighlightedChild (mic);
if (! preIncrement)
preIncrement = true;
void disableTimerUntilMouseMoves()
disableMouseMoves = true;
if (parent != nullptr)
bool canScroll() const noexcept { return childYOffset != 0 || needsToScroll; }
bool isTopScrollZoneActive() const noexcept { return canScroll() && childYOffset > 0; }
bool isBottomScrollZoneActive() const noexcept { return canScroll() && childYOffset < contentHeight - windowPos.getHeight(); }
std::unique_ptr<AccessibilityHandler> createAccessibilityHandler() override
return std::make_unique<AccessibilityHandler> (*this,
AccessibilityActions().addAction (AccessibilityActionType::focus, [this]
if (currentChild != nullptr)
if (auto* handler = currentChild->getAccessibilityHandler())
selectNextItem (MenuSelectionDirection::forwards);
MenuWindow* parent;
const Options options;
OwnedArray<ItemComponent> items;
ApplicationCommandManager** managerOfChosenCommand;
WeakReference<Component> componentAttachedTo;
Rectangle<int> windowPos;
bool hasBeenOver = false, needsToScroll = false;
bool dismissOnMouseUp, hideOnExit = false, disableMouseMoves = false, hasAnyJuceCompHadFocus = false;
int numColumns = 0, contentHeight = 0, childYOffset = 0;
Component::SafePointer<ItemComponent> currentChild;
std::unique_ptr<MenuWindow> activeSubMenu;
Array<int> columnWidths;
uint32 windowCreationTime, lastFocusedTime, timeEnteredCurrentChildComp;
OwnedArray<MouseSourceState> mouseSourceStates;
float scaleFactor;
class MouseSourceState : public Timer
MouseSourceState (MenuWindow& w, MouseInputSource s)
: window (w), source (s), lastScrollTime (Time::getMillisecondCounter())
startTimerHz (20);
void handleMouseEvent (const MouseEvent& e)
if (! window.windowIsStillValid())
startTimerHz (20);
handleMousePosition (e.getScreenPosition());
void timerCallback() override
// touch and pen devices on Windows send an offscreen mouse move after mouse up events
// but we don't want to forward these on as they will dismiss the menu
if ((source.isTouch() || source.isPen()) && ! isValidMousePosition())
if (window.windowIsStillValid())
handleMousePosition (source.getScreenPosition().roundToInt());
bool isOver() const
return window.reallyContains (window.getLocalPoint (nullptr, source.getScreenPosition()).roundToInt(), true);
MenuWindow& window;
MouseInputSource source;
Point<int> lastMousePos;
double scrollAcceleration = 0;
uint32 lastScrollTime, lastMouseMoveTime = 0;
bool isDown = false;
void handleMousePosition (Point<int> globalMousePos)
auto localMousePos = window.getLocalPoint (nullptr, globalMousePos);
auto timeNow = Time::getMillisecondCounter();
if (timeNow > window.timeEnteredCurrentChildComp + 100
&& window.reallyContains (localMousePos, true)
&& window.currentChild != nullptr
&& ! (window.disableMouseMoves || window.isSubMenuVisible()))
window.showSubMenuFor (window.currentChild);
highlightItemUnderMouse (globalMousePos, localMousePos, timeNow);
const bool overScrollArea = scrollIfNecessary (localMousePos, timeNow);
const bool isOverAny = window.isOverAnyMenu();
if (window.hideOnExit && window.hasBeenOver && ! isOverAny)
window.hide (nullptr, true);
checkButtonState (localMousePos, timeNow, isDown, overScrollArea, isOverAny);
void checkButtonState (Point<int> localMousePos, const uint32 timeNow,
const bool wasDown, const bool overScrollArea, const bool isOverAny)
isDown = window.hasBeenOver
&& (ModifierKeys::currentModifiers.isAnyMouseButtonDown()
|| ComponentPeer::getCurrentModifiersRealtime().isAnyMouseButtonDown());
if (! window.doesAnyJuceCompHaveFocus())
if (timeNow > window.lastFocusedTime + 10)
PopupMenuSettings::menuWasHiddenBecauseOfAppChange = true;
window.dismissMenu (nullptr);
// Note: This object may have been deleted by the previous call.
else if (wasDown && timeNow > window.windowCreationTime + 250
&& ! (isDown || overScrollArea))
if (window.reallyContains (localMousePos, true))
else if ((window.hasBeenOver || ! window.dismissOnMouseUp) && ! isOverAny)
window.dismissMenu (nullptr);
// Note: This object may have been deleted by the previous call.
window.lastFocusedTime = timeNow;
void highlightItemUnderMouse (Point<int> globalMousePos, Point<int> localMousePos, const uint32 timeNow)
if (globalMousePos != lastMousePos || timeNow > lastMouseMoveTime + 350)
const auto isMouseOver = window.reallyContains (localMousePos, true);
if (isMouseOver)
window.hasBeenOver = true;
if (lastMousePos.getDistanceFrom (globalMousePos) > 2)
lastMouseMoveTime = timeNow;
if (window.disableMouseMoves && isMouseOver)
window.disableMouseMoves = false;
if (window.disableMouseMoves || (window.activeSubMenu != nullptr && window.activeSubMenu->isOverChildren()))
const bool isMovingTowardsMenu = isMouseOver && globalMousePos != lastMousePos
&& isMovingTowardsSubmenu (globalMousePos);
lastMousePos = globalMousePos;
if (! isMovingTowardsMenu)
auto* c = window.getComponentAt (localMousePos);
if (c == &window)
c = nullptr;
auto* itemUnderMouse = dynamic_cast<ItemComponent*> (c);
if (itemUnderMouse == nullptr && c != nullptr)
itemUnderMouse = c->findParentComponentOfClass<ItemComponent>();
if (itemUnderMouse != window.currentChild
&& (isMouseOver || (window.activeSubMenu == nullptr) || ! window.activeSubMenu->isVisible()))
if (isMouseOver && (c != nullptr) && (window.activeSubMenu != nullptr))
window.activeSubMenu->hide (nullptr, true);
if (! isMouseOver)
if (! window.hasBeenOver)
itemUnderMouse = nullptr;
window.setCurrentlyHighlightedChild (itemUnderMouse);
bool isMovingTowardsSubmenu (Point<int> newGlobalPos) const
if (window.activeSubMenu == nullptr)
return false;
// try to intelligently guess whether the user is moving the mouse towards a currently-open
// submenu. To do this, look at whether the mouse stays inside a triangular region that
// extends from the last mouse pos to the submenu's rectangle..
auto itemScreenBounds = window.activeSubMenu->getScreenBounds();
auto subX = (float) itemScreenBounds.getX();
auto oldGlobalPos = lastMousePos;
if (itemScreenBounds.getX() > window.getX())
oldGlobalPos -= Point<int> (2, 0); // to enlarge the triangle a bit, in case the mouse only moves a couple of pixels
oldGlobalPos += Point<int> (2, 0);
subX += (float) itemScreenBounds.getWidth();
Path areaTowardsSubMenu;
areaTowardsSubMenu.addTriangle ((float) oldGlobalPos.x, (float) oldGlobalPos.y,
subX, (float) itemScreenBounds.getY(),
subX, (float) itemScreenBounds.getBottom());
return areaTowardsSubMenu.contains (newGlobalPos.toFloat());
bool scrollIfNecessary (Point<int> localMousePos, const uint32 timeNow)
if (window.canScroll()
&& isPositiveAndBelow (localMousePos.x, window.getWidth())
&& (isPositiveAndBelow (localMousePos.y, window.getHeight()) || source.isDragging()))
if (window.isTopScrollZoneActive() && localMousePos.y < PopupMenuSettings::scrollZone)
return scroll (timeNow, -1);
if (window.isBottomScrollZoneActive() && localMousePos.y > window.getHeight() - PopupMenuSettings::scrollZone)
return scroll (timeNow, 1);
scrollAcceleration = 1.0;
return false;
bool scroll (const uint32 timeNow, const int direction)
if (timeNow > lastScrollTime + 20)
scrollAcceleration = jmin (4.0, scrollAcceleration * 1.04);
int amount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < window.items.size() && amount == 0; ++i)
amount = ((int) scrollAcceleration) * window.items.getUnchecked (i)->getHeight();
window.alterChildYPos (amount * direction);
lastScrollTime = timeNow;
return true;
bool isValidMousePosition()
auto screenPos = source.getScreenPosition();
auto localPos = (window.activeSubMenu == nullptr) ? window.getLocalPoint (nullptr, screenPos)
: window.activeSubMenu->getLocalPoint (nullptr, screenPos);
if (localPos.x < 0 && localPos.y < 0)
return false;
return true;
struct NormalComponentWrapper : public PopupMenu::CustomComponent
NormalComponentWrapper (Component& comp, int w, int h, bool triggerMenuItemAutomaticallyWhenClicked)
: PopupMenu::CustomComponent (triggerMenuItemAutomaticallyWhenClicked),
width (w), height (h)
addAndMakeVisible (comp);
void getIdealSize (int& idealWidth, int& idealHeight) override
idealWidth = width;
idealHeight = height;
void resized() override
if (auto* child = getChildComponent (0))
child->setBounds (getLocalBounds());
const int width, height;
PopupMenu::PopupMenu (const PopupMenu& other)
: items (other.items),
lookAndFeel (other.lookAndFeel)
PopupMenu& PopupMenu::operator= (const PopupMenu& other)
if (this != &other)
items = other.items;
lookAndFeel = other.lookAndFeel;
return *this;
PopupMenu::PopupMenu (PopupMenu&& other) noexcept
: items (std::move (other.items)),
lookAndFeel (std::move (other.lookAndFeel))
PopupMenu& PopupMenu::operator= (PopupMenu&& other) noexcept
items = std::move (other.items);
lookAndFeel = other.lookAndFeel;
return *this;
PopupMenu::~PopupMenu() = default;
void PopupMenu::clear()
PopupMenu::Item::Item() = default;
PopupMenu::Item::Item (String t) : text (std::move (t)), itemID (-1) {}
PopupMenu::Item::Item (Item&&) = default;
PopupMenu::Item& PopupMenu::Item::operator= (Item&&) = default;
PopupMenu::Item::Item (const Item& other)
: text (other.text),
itemID (other.itemID),
action (other.action),
subMenu (createCopyIfNotNull (other.subMenu.get())),
image (other.image != nullptr ? other.image->createCopy() : nullptr),
customComponent (other.customComponent),
customCallback (other.customCallback),
commandManager (other.commandManager),
shortcutKeyDescription (other.shortcutKeyDescription),
colour (other.colour),
isEnabled (other.isEnabled),
isTicked (other.isTicked),
isSeparator (other.isSeparator),
isSectionHeader (other.isSectionHeader),
shouldBreakAfter (other.shouldBreakAfter)
PopupMenu::Item& PopupMenu::Item::operator= (const Item& other)
text = other.text;
itemID = other.itemID;
action = other.action;
subMenu.reset (createCopyIfNotNull (other.subMenu.get()));
image = other.image != nullptr ? other.image->createCopy() : std::unique_ptr<Drawable>();
customComponent = other.customComponent;
customCallback = other.customCallback;
commandManager = other.commandManager;
shortcutKeyDescription = other.shortcutKeyDescription;
colour = other.colour;
isEnabled = other.isEnabled;
isTicked = other.isTicked;
isSeparator = other.isSeparator;
isSectionHeader = other.isSectionHeader;
shouldBreakAfter = other.shouldBreakAfter;
return *this;
PopupMenu::Item& PopupMenu::Item::setTicked (bool shouldBeTicked) & noexcept
isTicked = shouldBeTicked;
return *this;
PopupMenu::Item& PopupMenu::Item::setEnabled (bool shouldBeEnabled) & noexcept
isEnabled = shouldBeEnabled;
return *this;
PopupMenu::Item& PopupMenu::Item::setAction (std::function<void()> newAction) & noexcept
action = std::move (newAction);
return *this;
PopupMenu::Item& PopupMenu::Item::setID (int newID) & noexcept
itemID = newID;
return *this;
PopupMenu::Item& PopupMenu::Item::setColour (Colour newColour) & noexcept
colour = newColour;
return *this;
PopupMenu::Item& PopupMenu::Item::setCustomComponent (ReferenceCountedObjectPtr<CustomComponent> comp) & noexcept
customComponent = comp;
return *this;
PopupMenu::Item& PopupMenu::Item::setImage (std::unique_ptr<Drawable> newImage) & noexcept
image = std::move (newImage);
return *this;
PopupMenu::Item&& PopupMenu::Item::setTicked (bool shouldBeTicked) && noexcept
isTicked = shouldBeTicked;
return std::move (*this);
PopupMenu::Item&& PopupMenu::Item::setEnabled (bool shouldBeEnabled) && noexcept
isEnabled = shouldBeEnabled;
return std::move (*this);
PopupMenu::Item&& PopupMenu::Item::setAction (std::function<void()> newAction) && noexcept
action = std::move (newAction);
return std::move (*this);
PopupMenu::Item&& PopupMenu::Item::setID (int newID) && noexcept
itemID = newID;
return std::move (*this);
PopupMenu::Item&& PopupMenu::Item::setColour (Colour newColour) && noexcept
colour = newColour;
return std::move (*this);
PopupMenu::Item&& PopupMenu::Item::setCustomComponent (ReferenceCountedObjectPtr<CustomComponent> comp) && noexcept
customComponent = comp;
return std::move (*this);
PopupMenu::Item&& PopupMenu::Item::setImage (std::unique_ptr<Drawable> newImage) && noexcept
image = std::move (newImage);
return std::move (*this);
void PopupMenu::addItem (Item newItem)
// An ID of 0 is used as a return value to indicate that the user
// didn't pick anything, so you shouldn't use it as the ID for an item..
jassert (newItem.itemID != 0
|| newItem.isSeparator || newItem.isSectionHeader
|| newItem.subMenu != nullptr);
items.add (std::move (newItem));
void PopupMenu::addItem (String itemText, std::function<void()> action)
addItem (std::move (itemText), true, false, std::move (action));
void PopupMenu::addItem (String itemText, bool isActive, bool isTicked, std::function<void()> action)
Item i (std::move (itemText));
i.action = std::move (action);
i.isEnabled = isActive;
i.isTicked = isTicked;
addItem (std::move (i));
void PopupMenu::addItem (int itemResultID, String itemText, bool isActive, bool isTicked)
Item i (std::move (itemText));
i.itemID = itemResultID;
i.isEnabled = isActive;
i.isTicked = isTicked;
addItem (std::move (i));
static std::unique_ptr<Drawable> createDrawableFromImage (const Image& im)
if (im.isValid())
auto d = new DrawableImage();
d->setImage (im);
return std::unique_ptr<Drawable> (d);
return {};
void PopupMenu::addItem (int itemResultID, String itemText, bool isActive, bool isTicked, const Image& iconToUse)
addItem (itemResultID, std::move (itemText), isActive, isTicked, createDrawableFromImage (iconToUse));
void PopupMenu::addItem (int itemResultID, String itemText, bool isActive,
bool isTicked, std::unique_ptr<Drawable> iconToUse)
Item i (std::move (itemText));
i.itemID = itemResultID;
i.isEnabled = isActive;
i.isTicked = isTicked;
i.image = std::move (iconToUse);
addItem (std::move (i));
void PopupMenu::addCommandItem (ApplicationCommandManager* commandManager,
const CommandID commandID,
String displayName,
std::unique_ptr<Drawable> iconToUse)
jassert (commandManager != nullptr && commandID != 0);
if (auto* registeredInfo = commandManager->getCommandForID (commandID))
ApplicationCommandInfo info (*registeredInfo);
auto* target = commandManager->getTargetForCommand (commandID, info);
Item i;
i.text = displayName.isNotEmpty() ? std::move (displayName) : info.shortName;
i.itemID = (int) commandID;
i.commandManager = commandManager;
i.isEnabled = target != nullptr && (info.flags & ApplicationCommandInfo::isDisabled) == 0;
i.isTicked = (info.flags & ApplicationCommandInfo::isTicked) != 0;
i.image = std::move (iconToUse);
addItem (std::move (i));
void PopupMenu::addColouredItem (int itemResultID, String itemText, Colour itemTextColour,
bool isActive, bool isTicked, std::unique_ptr<Drawable> iconToUse)
Item i (std::move (itemText));
i.itemID = itemResultID;
i.colour = itemTextColour;
i.isEnabled = isActive;
i.isTicked = isTicked;
i.image = std::move (iconToUse);
addItem (std::move (i));
void PopupMenu::addColouredItem (int itemResultID, String itemText, Colour itemTextColour,
bool isActive, bool isTicked, const Image& iconToUse)
Item i (std::move (itemText));
i.itemID = itemResultID;
i.colour = itemTextColour;
i.isEnabled = isActive;
i.isTicked = isTicked;
i.image = createDrawableFromImage (iconToUse);
addItem (std::move (i));
void PopupMenu::addCustomItem (int itemResultID,
std::unique_ptr<CustomComponent> cc,
std::unique_ptr<const PopupMenu> subMenu)
Item i;
i.itemID = itemResultID;
i.customComponent = cc.release();
i.subMenu.reset (createCopyIfNotNull (subMenu.get()));
addItem (std::move (i));
void PopupMenu::addCustomItem (int itemResultID,
Component& customComponent,
int idealWidth, int idealHeight,
bool triggerMenuItemAutomaticallyWhenClicked,
std::unique_ptr<const PopupMenu> subMenu)
auto comp = std::make_unique<HelperClasses::NormalComponentWrapper> (customComponent, idealWidth, idealHeight,
addCustomItem (itemResultID, std::move (comp), std::move (subMenu));
void PopupMenu::addSubMenu (String subMenuName, PopupMenu subMenu, bool isActive)
addSubMenu (std::move (subMenuName), std::move (subMenu), isActive, nullptr, false, 0);
void PopupMenu::addSubMenu (String subMenuName, PopupMenu subMenu, bool isActive,
const Image& iconToUse, bool isTicked, int itemResultID)
addSubMenu (std::move (subMenuName), std::move (subMenu), isActive,
createDrawableFromImage (iconToUse), isTicked, itemResultID);
void PopupMenu::addSubMenu (String subMenuName, PopupMenu subMenu, bool isActive,
std::unique_ptr<Drawable> iconToUse, bool isTicked, int itemResultID)
Item i (std::move (subMenuName));
i.itemID = itemResultID;
i.isEnabled = isActive && (itemResultID != 0 || subMenu.getNumItems() > 0);
i.subMenu.reset (new PopupMenu (std::move (subMenu)));
i.isTicked = isTicked;
i.image = std::move (iconToUse);
addItem (std::move (i));
void PopupMenu::addSeparator()
if (items.size() > 0 && ! items.getLast().isSeparator)
Item i;
i.isSeparator = true;
addItem (std::move (i));
void PopupMenu::addSectionHeader (String title)
Item i (std::move (title));
i.itemID = 0;
i.isSectionHeader = true;
addItem (std::move (i));
void PopupMenu::addColumnBreak()
if (! items.isEmpty())
std::prev (items.end())->shouldBreakAfter = true;
targetArea.setPosition (Desktop::getMousePosition());
template <typename Member, typename Item>
static PopupMenu::Options with (PopupMenu::Options options, Member&& member, Item&& item)
options.*member = std::forward<Item> (item);
return options;
PopupMenu::Options PopupMenu::Options::withTargetComponent (Component* comp) const
auto o = with (*this, &Options::targetComponent, comp);
if (comp != nullptr)
o.targetArea = comp->getScreenBounds();
return o;
PopupMenu::Options PopupMenu::Options::withTargetComponent (Component& comp) const
return withTargetComponent (&comp);
PopupMenu::Options PopupMenu::Options::withTargetScreenArea (Rectangle<int> area) const
return with (*this, &Options::targetArea, area);
PopupMenu::Options PopupMenu::Options::withMousePosition() const
return withTargetScreenArea (Rectangle<int>{}.withPosition (Desktop::getMousePosition()));
PopupMenu::Options PopupMenu::Options::withDeletionCheck (Component& comp) const
return with (with (*this, &Options::isWatchingForDeletion, true),
PopupMenu::Options PopupMenu::Options::withMinimumWidth (int w) const
return with (*this, &Options::minWidth, w);
PopupMenu::Options PopupMenu::Options::withMinimumNumColumns (int cols) const
return with (*this, &Options::minColumns, cols);
PopupMenu::Options PopupMenu::Options::withMaximumNumColumns (int cols) const
return with (*this, &Options::maxColumns, cols);
PopupMenu::Options PopupMenu::Options::withStandardItemHeight (int height) const
return with (*this, &Options::standardHeight, height);
PopupMenu::Options PopupMenu::Options::withItemThatMustBeVisible (int idOfItemToBeVisible) const
return with (*this, &Options::visibleItemID, idOfItemToBeVisible);
PopupMenu::Options PopupMenu::Options::withParentComponent (Component* parent) const
return with (*this, &Options::parentComponent, parent);
PopupMenu::Options PopupMenu::Options::withPreferredPopupDirection (PopupDirection direction) const
return with (*this, &Options::preferredPopupDirection, direction);
PopupMenu::Options PopupMenu::Options::withInitiallySelectedItem (int idOfItemToBeSelected) const
return with (*this, &Options::initiallySelectedItemId, idOfItemToBeSelected);
Component* PopupMenu::createWindow (const Options& options,
ApplicationCommandManager** managerOfChosenCommand) const
return items.isEmpty() ? nullptr
: new HelperClasses::MenuWindow (*this, nullptr, options,
! options.getTargetScreenArea().isEmpty(),
// This invokes any command manager commands and deletes the menu window when it is dismissed
struct PopupMenuCompletionCallback : public ModalComponentManager::Callback
PopupMenuCompletionCallback() = default;
void modalStateFinished (int result) override
if (managerOfChosenCommand != nullptr && result != 0)
ApplicationCommandTarget::InvocationInfo info (result);
info.invocationMethod = ApplicationCommandTarget::InvocationInfo::fromMenu;
managerOfChosenCommand->invoke (info, true);
// (this would be the place to fade out the component, if that's what's required)
if (PopupMenuSettings::menuWasHiddenBecauseOfAppChange)
auto* focusComponent = getComponentToPassFocusTo();
const auto focusedIsNotMinimised = [focusComponent]
if (focusComponent != nullptr)
if (auto* peer = focusComponent->getPeer())
return ! peer->isMinimised();
return false;
if (focusedIsNotMinimised)
if (auto* topLevel = focusComponent->getTopLevelComponent())
topLevel->toFront (true);
if (focusComponent->isShowing() && ! focusComponent->hasKeyboardFocus (true))
Component* getComponentToPassFocusTo() const
if (auto* current = Component::getCurrentlyFocusedComponent())
return current;
return prevFocused.get();
ApplicationCommandManager* managerOfChosenCommand = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<Component> component;
WeakReference<Component> prevFocused { Component::getCurrentlyFocusedComponent() };
JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (PopupMenuCompletionCallback)
int PopupMenu::showWithOptionalCallback (const Options& options,
ModalComponentManager::Callback* userCallback,
bool canBeModal)
std::unique_ptr<ModalComponentManager::Callback> userCallbackDeleter (userCallback);
std::unique_ptr<PopupMenuCompletionCallback> callback (new PopupMenuCompletionCallback());
if (auto* window = createWindow (options, &(callback->managerOfChosenCommand)))
callback->component.reset (window);
PopupMenuSettings::menuWasHiddenBecauseOfAppChange = false;
window->setVisible (true); // (must be called before enterModalState on Windows to avoid DropShadower confusion)
window->enterModalState (false, userCallbackDeleter.release());
ModalComponentManager::getInstance()->attachCallback (window, callback.release());
window->toFront (false); // need to do this after making it modal, or it could
// be stuck behind other comps that are already modal..
if (userCallback == nullptr && canBeModal)
return window->runModalLoop();
ignoreUnused (canBeModal);
jassert (! (userCallback == nullptr && canBeModal));
return 0;
int PopupMenu::showMenu (const Options& options)
return showWithOptionalCallback (options, nullptr, true);
void PopupMenu::showMenuAsync (const Options& options)
showWithOptionalCallback (options, nullptr, false);
void PopupMenu::showMenuAsync (const Options& options, ModalComponentManager::Callback* userCallback)
jassert (userCallback != nullptr);
showWithOptionalCallback (options, userCallback, false);
void PopupMenu::showMenuAsync (const Options& options, std::function<void (int)> userCallback)
showWithOptionalCallback (options, ModalCallbackFunction::create (userCallback), false);
int PopupMenu::show (int itemIDThatMustBeVisible, int minimumWidth,
int maximumNumColumns, int standardItemHeight,
ModalComponentManager::Callback* callback)
return showWithOptionalCallback (Options().withItemThatMustBeVisible (itemIDThatMustBeVisible)
.withMinimumWidth (minimumWidth)
.withMaximumNumColumns (maximumNumColumns)
.withStandardItemHeight (standardItemHeight),
callback, true);
int PopupMenu::showAt (Rectangle<int> screenAreaToAttachTo,
int itemIDThatMustBeVisible, int minimumWidth,
int maximumNumColumns, int standardItemHeight,
ModalComponentManager::Callback* callback)
return showWithOptionalCallback (Options().withTargetScreenArea (screenAreaToAttachTo)
.withItemThatMustBeVisible (itemIDThatMustBeVisible)
.withMinimumWidth (minimumWidth)
.withMaximumNumColumns (maximumNumColumns)
.withStandardItemHeight (standardItemHeight),
callback, true);
int PopupMenu::showAt (Component* componentToAttachTo,
int itemIDThatMustBeVisible, int minimumWidth,
int maximumNumColumns, int standardItemHeight,
ModalComponentManager::Callback* callback)
auto options = Options().withItemThatMustBeVisible (itemIDThatMustBeVisible)
.withMinimumWidth (minimumWidth)
.withMaximumNumColumns (maximumNumColumns)
.withStandardItemHeight (standardItemHeight);
if (componentToAttachTo != nullptr)
options = options.withTargetComponent (componentToAttachTo);
return showWithOptionalCallback (options, callback, true);
bool JUCE_CALLTYPE PopupMenu::dismissAllActiveMenus()
auto& windows = HelperClasses::MenuWindow::getActiveWindows();
auto numWindows = windows.size();
for (int i = numWindows; --i >= 0;)
if (auto* pmw = windows[i])
pmw->setLookAndFeel (nullptr);
pmw->dismissMenu (nullptr);
return numWindows > 0;
int PopupMenu::getNumItems() const noexcept
int num = 0;
for (auto& mi : items)
if (! mi.isSeparator)
return num;
bool PopupMenu::containsCommandItem (const int commandID) const
for (auto& mi : items)
if ((mi.itemID == commandID && mi.commandManager != nullptr)
|| (mi.subMenu != nullptr && mi.subMenu->containsCommandItem (commandID)))
return true;
return false;
bool PopupMenu::containsAnyActiveItems() const noexcept
for (auto& mi : items)
if (mi.subMenu != nullptr)
if (mi.subMenu->containsAnyActiveItems())
return true;
else if (mi.isEnabled)
return true;
return false;
void PopupMenu::setLookAndFeel (LookAndFeel* const newLookAndFeel)
lookAndFeel = newLookAndFeel;
void PopupMenu::setItem (CustomComponent& c, const Item* itemToUse)
c.item = itemToUse;
PopupMenu::CustomComponent::CustomComponent (bool autoTrigger)
: triggeredAutomatically (autoTrigger)
void PopupMenu::CustomComponent::setHighlighted (bool shouldBeHighlighted)
isHighlighted = shouldBeHighlighted;
void PopupMenu::CustomComponent::triggerMenuItem()
if (auto* mic = findParentComponentOfClass<HelperClasses::ItemComponent>())
if (auto* pmw = mic->findParentComponentOfClass<HelperClasses::MenuWindow>())
pmw->dismissMenu (&mic->item);
// something must have gone wrong with the component hierarchy if this happens..
// why isn't this component inside a menu? Not much point triggering the item if
// there's no menu.
PopupMenu::CustomCallback::CustomCallback() {}
PopupMenu::CustomCallback::~CustomCallback() {}
PopupMenu::MenuItemIterator::MenuItemIterator (const PopupMenu& m, bool recurse) : searchRecursively (recurse)
index.add (0);
menus.add (&m);
PopupMenu::MenuItemIterator::~MenuItemIterator() = default;
bool PopupMenu::MenuItemIterator::next()
if (index.size() == 0 || menus.getLast()->items.size() == 0)
return false;
currentItem = const_cast<PopupMenu::Item*> (&(menus.getLast()->items.getReference (index.getLast())));
if (searchRecursively && currentItem->subMenu != nullptr)
index.add (0);
menus.add (currentItem->subMenu.get());
index.setUnchecked (index.size() - 1, index.getLast() + 1);
while (index.size() > 0 && index.getLast() >= (int) menus.getLast()->items.size())
if (index.size() > 0)
index.setUnchecked (index.size() - 1, index.getLast() + 1);
return true;
PopupMenu::Item& PopupMenu::MenuItemIterator::getItem() const
jassert (currentItem != nullptr);
return *(currentItem);
void PopupMenu::LookAndFeelMethods::drawPopupMenuBackground (Graphics&, int, int) {}
void PopupMenu::LookAndFeelMethods::drawPopupMenuItem (Graphics&, const Rectangle<int>&,
bool, bool, bool,
bool, bool,
const String&,
const String&,
const Drawable*,
const Colour*) {}
void PopupMenu::LookAndFeelMethods::drawPopupMenuSectionHeader (Graphics&, const Rectangle<int>&,
const String&) {}
void PopupMenu::LookAndFeelMethods::drawPopupMenuUpDownArrow (Graphics&, int, int, bool) {}
void PopupMenu::LookAndFeelMethods::getIdealPopupMenuItemSize (const String&, bool, int, int&, int&) {}
int PopupMenu::LookAndFeelMethods::getPopupMenuBorderSize() { return 0; }
} // namespace juce